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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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752070 No.752070 [Reply] [Original]

Well guys it's all done
ages ago we made a thread about our sick treehouse and you all said it would fall down.
Well it's still there.
video related.


>> No.752078

>drop lighter
>treehouse burns down

>> No.752086

You know if you kinda look closely frame-by-frame it, you can almost see a dude smokin a bong in the background

>> No.752103

follow your dreams, i like it

>> No.752217

I've got an ounce, invite me over you dodgey dickheads.

>> No.752237

fuck that pure tasmanian air.

>> No.752264 [DELETED] 

equally dodgy vaporizer when

>> No.752267

Now build up yourselves a space rocket.

>> No.752268

>drop lighter
>forest burns down

whats your point besides projecting your incompetence on other people?

>> No.752276

fuck, you're all bogan cunts

>> No.752278

Well I'm pretty sure if I drop the lighter it will go out?
>Having common sense

>> No.752283

>He doesn't own a Zippo.
What a poorfag.

>> No.752285

it's that way >>>>>>>

>> No.752292

i wish there was some way i could report you faggots for building on public land, littering, and drug use. you are truly faggots.

>> No.752294

You smoke weed, we get it

>> No.752310

Not a bad treehouse. Its humorously well built.
And I honestly had a good laugh watching the video

>> No.752330


>> No.752334

Your tree house is a half assed piece of shit and you make stoners look bad. I have build better shit when I was 12 with just a hatchet and pocket knife.

>> No.752336

Good for you for finishing a project against all the odds.
But that video just made me cringe.

>> No.752369

That is exactly how everyone expects a stoner to do things. Good god! I enjoy smoking out every now and then but I don't make fucking videos about it. And while I commend you for actually building something I have to say I've seen refugees build better stuff with nothing but rocks and sticks.

>> No.752397

>seriously replying to a shitpost

>> No.752405
File: 20 KB, 300x360, Richard+Stallman+(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your mums know you go to the forest to smoke pot?
>Sharing bong

I'll be checking Australian news looking for something like "teenagers crushed and impaled after threehouse collapsed" or "teenages killed by fire, bong embers are believed to be the cause"

>> No.752412
File: 90 KB, 993x746, 1417964471293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not sure if just stupid or a very passionate troll
>80%bong 20%three house
>That fake smoke at the end
>plastic sheets all over

At least you both can have gay sex without your parents knowing.

>> No.752416

You need more rafters, or your "roof" tarp is going to collect water and sag.

Otherwise? Looks neat.

Seen far far worse with people actually living in them.

>> No.752431

How dense are you people that you can't understand the video is meant to be funny?

>> No.752524

I think it was made cringey on purpose.. lol

>> No.752630

Fuck, Aussies really are the scum of 4chan. Scum of the earth, really.

>> No.752632

haha I bet you're an americunt

>> No.752706

>everybody except me is stupid
>it was MEANT to be retarded
Okay you win, good show, awaiting future videos

>> No.752707
File: 60 KB, 470x685, 13580121849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet you'll happily waste your own time whinging about is. Who's the idiot here?

>> No.752711 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 600x800, 1401357123622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only you are crying
>only you are retarded
>can't into sarcasm

>> No.752712


>> No.752714
File: 3.18 MB, 3264x2448, CAM00618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my treehouse

>> No.752715


>> No.752719
File: 2.95 MB, 2448x3264, CAM00641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.752727


At least you made solid walls and a roof, much better than the bongers.

>> No.752731

Is that where you live?

>> No.752737

wow can your treehouse open it's walls?
No well thats fucking gay

bong treehouse 1 17 yearold faggots treehouse 0

>> No.752740

When you're doing drugs everything must look better.

>> No.752742

>being literally 12

>> No.752750

> growing so old and jaded that you cannot have fun, or appreciate others having fun.

You poor thing.

>> No.752758

But it's so perfect the way it is.

The only modifications I'd make is the addition of one of those mosquito pole things.

There is heaps of room inside, it's shady and cool inside (it gets hot outside) the walls can open and it's really close to town, but it's secluded and chill.

>> No.752793

i like it except that one board left of the door thats longer than the rest, other than that 8/10, would be a 10 but its kinda small. also, is that a home made machete from a pair o garden shears?

>> No.752966

lol this

>> No.753022

As in bongland... Definitely not meaning Australia.

>> No.753092

>someone comes along with a hacksaw and saws that central pipe while you straya cunts are innatreehouse

>> No.753521

not even a hacksaw just hit it with a sledge

>> No.753582

You should let shawn move in
instead of bein a fuckin douchebag to him.

>> No.753658

little old for fort building are you not

>> No.753661

>hitting a bong with a zippo
>or any butane
Absolutely disgusting. Get a magnifying glass if you're going to be smoking during the day.

>> No.753662


Enjoy your billies youse sisterfucking pooftah cunts

>> No.753687

> I've seen refugees build better stuff with nothing but rocks and sticks

lol'd and true

>> No.753688

Rustic sex doll?

>> No.753762

Pretty sweet. Wish I had a pack of stoner friends to build a treehouse with.

>> No.754989


>> No.755148

I wish I had a tree to build a house in with my stoner friends.

>> No.755167

Wish I had house to put in my friend's tree.

>> No.755345
File: 486 KB, 1632x1224, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea how to build a tree house. guess id read up on it but if youd send me into a forest and told me to build a tree house with the help of some kind of saw, wood and some nails, i woldnt know how to start