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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 65 KB, 1387x760, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
721757 No.721757 [Reply] [Original]

i want to show you my last project: Scrotum Warmer. If you warm the testicles every day at 42 degrees for about 40 minutes, you become sterile. A new easy contraceptive.

>> No.721764
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This is the mold.

>> No.721765

Slow roasting your nuts every day... What could go wrong?

>> No.721766
File: 595 KB, 2000x1405, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kevlar lamination

>> No.721767

why make it from kevlar

is someone gonna try and shoot you in the balls while you're doing this?

>> No.721768

Carbon fiber lamination.

only aesthetic

There are no evidences about irreversible damage.

>> No.721770
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>> No.721774

Could you make a photo with a ruler, or anything else so I can visualize the scale.

>> No.721776

Its a sphere of about 80 mm in diameter.

>> No.721780

is this some sort of pre-embryonic holocaust you evil genius

>> No.721781

>no evidences about irreversible damage

except sterility

>> No.721783

No, reversible after few months.

>> No.721803

Any progress on this thing?

>> No.721809

How does the mistress attach the lock?

>> No.721810


I assume you mean 42 degrees C, which is 108 degrees F.

Where the hell do you think people are going to find the time to sit down for 40 minutes a day with a scrotum warmer?

Last comment- those magnets look like an invitation to pinching your nutsack. I hope you're putting some foam or something at the interface.

>> No.721813

>wanting to get castrated
>wanting to damage your nuts and lowering your testosterone

You fucking faggot.

>> No.721815

oh god, are you that same crazy fucker that made the piss hypnosis device?

>> No.721816

Are you that same crazy fucker that made cologne out of concentrated ball sweat?

>> No.721819

Fucking straight people are insane with their ideas on how to stop balls from making sperm.

>> No.721845
File: 4 KB, 164x185, 1971_crockpot.thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did. About 10 years ago. Only I did it by dipping my balls in a crock pot that I bolted to the underside of a plastic chair that I made a hole in. 30 days of soaking, 6 months of bareback sexytime. After which the gf became pragneant. Not good.

>> No.721848

You obviously need to install a digital thermometer

>> No.721910

I think he's making a joke

>> No.721912 [DELETED] 

I'm into this. Pic is my nut warmer. It runs a little under 40 degrees, but it's worked for 5 years of bareback fucking, combined with withdrawal without any incidents.

>> No.721913

the pill is cheaper

>> No.721914
File: 91 KB, 800x600, nutwarmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm into this. Pic is my nut warmer. It runs a little under 40 degrees, but it's worked for 5 years of bareback fucking, combined with withdrawal without any incidents.

>> No.721941

Are you that same crazy person who wanted to order 1/3rd of a ton of crab meat for a project?

>> No.721942

epic new meme

>> No.721980

Are you that same crazy fucker that made that coat out of hobo teeth?

>> No.721990

I didn't know that purposefully inducing sterility was a use for jacuzzis

>> No.721992

why in fucks name are you using composites?
>>only aesthetics
Just because it looks cool? You think a big black ball hanging off your scrotum looks cool? And even then why would you choose CARBON FUCKING FIBER which is fucking rough and can give you carbon fiber splinters IN YOUR DICK. No way in fuck am I sticking my balls in that

And let's not forget that in order to achieve this type of contraception you have to DO THIS FOR MONTH.

Strong neodymium magnets are another thing that SHOULD NOT GO NEAR YOUR BALLS. Because they can pinch.

>>There are no evidences about irreversible damage.
There are also no long term studies either.

>> No.722056

yes, 42° C.
you can wear it while you're watching a movie, or working at PC.

i'm anonormale, yes.

isnt necessary, the resistance is calibrated to 42° C

>CARBON FUCKING FIBER which is fucking rough and can give you carbon fiber splinters IN YOUR DICK

no, i'll smooth the edges. also the fibers are covered with the resin.

>> No.722063

For what purpose?

>> No.722064

sterelity, and its cool to wear.

>> No.722067
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Oh fuck OP, you made my day

>> No.722084

What are you using to heat this thing? Is it battery powered? Best not be using li-ions.

>> No.722217
File: 54 KB, 600x399, p4_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you using to heat this thing?
heating pads like pic related

powered by a normal power supply 9V DC

>> No.722219
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before the milling

>> No.722220
File: 954 KB, 2000x1302, _MG_1454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scrotum warmer in a raw state

>> No.722243

Use lithium-ions for occasional extra nut roasting.

>A new easy contraceptive
It has been known for decades that heating the balls reduces fertility. Why is this warmer thingy new? How reliable it is?

>> No.722249

>Why is this warmer thingy new?

there aren't heating devices designed for the scrotum. you can do a hot bath, but this is more comfortable and elegant.

>> No.722643
File: 1.09 MB, 2000x1333, _MG_1504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've put the connectors and...

>> No.722645
File: 1.14 MB, 2000x1391, _MG_1503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...the heating pads

>> No.722646

The heat is unnecessary, because nobody that wears this is getting any sex.

>> No.722649

Ya burnt.

>> No.722651
File: 17 KB, 413x395, 641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> bnc connectors

This went from funny-ish to hilarious
I'm dying here

>> No.722654

the bnc connectors are so cool, true?

>> No.722655

couldn't hurt having bulletproof balls

I know they say all things in moderation, but there aren't any plausible excuses for situations where overkill would mean more positive results.

>> No.722658

Hey OP, how does it feel knowing you've made this out a Toys 'R' Us Pokéball?

>> No.722734

Im sorry, but the absurdity of this line, in fact the whole concept in question here, is just... I dont even know what it is, but this is the best thing Iv seen all week. But this one line sums it up

>> there aren't heating devices designed for the scrotum.

Thank you OP for assuring me that everything has not yet been invented.

>> No.722737

heating devices?

motorcycle handgrip warmers. You can get 70deg C rated ones for $5 a pair.

12V at about 2A

>> No.722738

How the fuck dose this go on?

>> No.722741
File: 242 KB, 850x598, Clarison-Digital-BNC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please tell be you'll be using an audio amplifier for powering the balls.
> 2014
> Not mass murdering your sperm at the sound of hush little baby

> 2016
> people on /g/ arguing what cables are best
> " Ah yes these Audience cables did make the warmth to my balls full and lush."
> " Dont buy monster cables !! The power was too harsh and strident, now my balls are crisp and bloated."

I can't wait to see pictures of the device with massive rg58 in use OP.

>> No.722753

what'd you use to mill them out?

>> No.722763

A cnc machine.

>> No.722805

I'll buy one. $45 USD sound fair?

>> No.722810

Take one half of the cup, with the semi-circle cutout facing away from you.

Lower balls into cup.

Place top half of cup onto the bottom half, letting your weiner go through the hole made by the 2 semi-circle cutouts.

>> No.722811

Op, you wonderful bastard.

>> No.722918

Could you not make custom forming kits to accommodate us with larger balls?

>There could be money in this...

>> No.722949

So wait, you're roasting your cock too?

>> No.722959

> letting your weiner go through the hole

Is this an excerpt from the manual? Oh... my sides... can't breathe...

>> No.722960

w-what the fuck did I just stumble upon

is this normal for this board

>> No.722967

rarely, yes....
Else I only remember the pisshypnotist and the imitation crab meat...

>> No.722978

Why are you even here?

>> No.723001

You mean this?

>> No.723157

Show us you wearing it.

>> No.723159

Sure. I'll make a promotional video and obv a video tutorial.

>> No.723174

>piss hypnosis device
the fuck was that ? pls explain.

>> No.723224

oh you don't wanaa know that ....

>> No.723225

We wanna know.

>> No.723238

Fuck yes we want to know

>> No.723257

no you don't wanna know

don't listen to the people telling you that you need a temperature regulator for this OP

>> No.723285

I read scrotum war-hammer for some reason.

>> No.723289

Google "Abnormale." That's who OP claims to be.

>> No.723348

Nada. You're gonna have to tell us.

>> No.723355

>hypnosis machine urine
>first 2 results

>> No.723371

Sounds like something he'd do

>> No.723378

Now, I might be a little oblivious to the comforts of putting a solid ball on your balls due to my personal lack of a Y chromosome, but this seems really impractical. How do you sit down comfortably with a kevlar ball between your legs, tugging on your nuts? Why on earth is this not made of fabric or other pliable material that is comfortable for the groin? If I had a nutsack I think I'd rather put it in a fluffy lined ball cozy than in a solid plastic ball.

>> No.723413

how wide is the hole? Keep in mind that the male member is a highly volatile structure when it comes to surounding it with a rigid device. If the shaft were to expand suddenly and/or without warning, the user may not have time to remove the heating device before things get uncomfortably tight...

Also, have you considered sweat control?

>> No.723414

this is gold
please keep troubleshooting, this is too good

>> No.723425

actually it is "anonormale"
Thank me later

>> No.723451


We like it the hard way bby ;^)

>> No.723569

thanks, 4chan...
how much does it cost?

>> No.723593

Why not instead have an aerial in the nut warmer and drive it from a 915MHz generator?

>> No.723692
File: 72 KB, 500x464, 1412532235750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.723718
File: 753 KB, 2000x1309, _MG_1506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glued the lather inside the balls... The borders are not finished. Now i need to refine the details.

>Also, have you considered sweat control?
No, but you can clean the leather easy

>how much does it cost?
probably 100$ or 100€

>> No.723726

You should make it look like a pokéball.

>> No.723728

You should make the top half red and the bottom half white.

>> No.723735

Go Scrotal!

>> No.723737

>imitation crab meat...
oh shit man, what happened to that guy?
what did he do in the end?

>> No.723739

oh god wtf did I just watch?

>> No.723772

Why not fill the ball with microwave absorbing foam and use a magnetron in the room for that liberating wireless sperm genocide experience?

>> No.723777

Nice idea, maybe for the version 2.

>> No.723795

Balls are pretty good microwave absorbers anyway. I'm telling you - a 915MHz gen and an aerial or coil. You could use Curie point feedback for temperature control. Something like MnAs should be good. Maybe even swappable cartridges with different materials for adjustable temperatures.

>> No.723806

>endangering your testicles
You women lovers do such bizarre things.

>> No.723834



>> No.723837
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>> No.723839

Are you sure? With stuff like this you've got to be 100%.

>> No.723984

With stuff like this you've got to be 0% pussy ass bitch

>> No.724080

Roasting Chestnuts! that thing looks like a godamn Kinder Surprise Egg!

>> No.724160

i see thatt you are italian based OP (if you are who you claim to be)
can i offer you a beer?

>> No.724254

Just chop your dick off you beta cunt.

>> No.724257

Because you've never had one.

>> No.724560

>making luxury ball breakers
You'll take the S&M world by storm, OP.

>> No.724581

The government should be giving you money or something. Or Bill Gates.

>> No.724587

oh, he's just an edgy faggot. what a disappointment.

>> No.724591
File: 6 KB, 250x195, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making testicle warmers to induce sterility
>using digital drafting
>using cnc machinery
>carbon fiber
>electric heating pads

>> No.724679

I think the OP is claiming that it doesn't induce permanent sterility, just temporary contraception.

It's a difficult concept to convey because sterility as a word by definition has a connotation of permanence.

See >>721768

I mean, it sounds plausible because the reason testes are outside of the body rather than inside is because the optimal temperature for sperm cell production is a bit lower than body temperature.

If heating your balls to 42 celcius for 40 minutes over a long period of time halts sperm production and induces reversible infertility with no permanent damage, I do not know.

I am going to lean on "no" as the answer.

But perhaps a bitter cynical anon that has no desire to ever have children and was planning to get a vasectomy anyway could test this for us, it would be interesting if the claim turns out to be true

Just immagine the next reverse trolling:
*having one night stand, furiously copulating, near point of climax*
"Oh baby yeah cum right in me, oh yeah"
"Umf w-wait, no, you're going to get pregnant!"
"I thought you said you were on the nut-warmer!"
"I LIEEEEEDDDDD!!! *hrhrmngngnglfffftfll*"

>> No.724690

All that's missing is it being controlled by an ASIC and a 24/7 status live feed.

>> No.724693
File: 17 KB, 300x390, 3004207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I thought you said you were on the nut-warmer!"
>"I LIEEEEEDDDDD!!! *hrhrmngngnglfffftfll*"

>> No.724694

Op, could you tell me why you used BNC connectors out of everything else ?
I wouldn't be peaceful knowing the cables terminations are more tear resistant than my own nutsacks.
I'd go for something alla Magsafe or any non locking stuff for that matter.
This is asking for horrible accidents.

>> No.724839

Watch out. Eventually It is going to go full Final Destination on you.

>> No.724868

I guess the +$50 premium model uses rechargeable batteries?

>> No.725210
File: 344 KB, 1200x922, _MG_1517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before painting

>> No.725218

OP, I have the next stage of this project ready for you: tattoo the heater circuit onto the balls using EES. No need to remember to bring your ball cups when you stay the night at a lady's house. You just need to bring the power cord that plugs into your ass.

>> No.725220
File: 97 KB, 450x338, skin-circuit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.725223
File: 116 KB, 500x256, IMG_0267_x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me know if you want me to contact the guy that researches this stuff. I work in and take classes a few buildings over from his lab.

>> No.725226

what about the resistence of this thing?

>> No.725230

No idea. It's a biological sensor of some sort, not a heater. I would imagine that a simple resistive circuit would be much easier to make than sensors, though.

>> No.725371
File: 2.91 MB, 267x212, 1407727439225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread
Thanks OP

>> No.725467


> lather
> leather

I was wondering what the "lather "was for in your original diagram... thatnks for clearing that up. Then again, lather might be more comfy.

>> No.725471

>I think the OP is claiming that it doesn't induce permanent sterility, just temporary contraception.

I wonder if it is not just deforming the sperm. In which case you might just get a mutant surprise.

>> No.725484

congratulations. You've discovered how xmen was made

>> No.725486

I don't get it. If you want to shoot blanks, man up and get a fucking vasectomy. Slow-cooking your balls in such a contraption is stupid.

OP has some nice SolidWorks skills tho, I give him that.

>> No.725510

Yeah good fucking luck if your under 30 or don't have kids yet

>> No.725511

Original post says this warming method will also make sterile. What's the big difference?

>> No.725513
File: 52 KB, 418x480, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.725517

Don't stop! I'm interested!

>> No.725529

>What's the big difference?
Cancer risk increases when your balls are improperly stored.

>> No.725532
File: 3 KB, 108x125, 1415651861212s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.725544

Nut roasting is supposed to cause only temporary infertility. English isn't OP's native language.

>> No.725579

You know a vasectomy only cost me 450 USD...

>> No.725582

Probably, but its not confortable and elegant like these scrotum warmers.

>> No.725602

doctors are afraid to do them in australia due to liability :( what if you come back after ten years and decide to sue when you specifically requested to have your nuts deactivated. actually it's getting closer and closer to mao era medicine every day now here.

>> No.725610

A cockpot...

>> No.725727

So something from the MIL-C-5015 line maybe?

>> No.725728
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>> No.725729

That's fucking shiny.

>> No.725730
File: 296 KB, 1200x800, _MG_1523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.725732

What's it coated in?

>> No.725734

bi-component epoxy varnish.

>> No.725737

Varnished kevlar balls with BNC connectors.
You're a madman.

>> No.725900

This is awesome, where can I put my name down to buy one?

>> No.725929

Hey OP you have buyers already. Work fast on that thing will ya.

>> No.725937

Anon, you have more balls then me. I would not touch that device with a ten foot pole.

>> No.725944

Fuck yeah I'm keen.

Better than getting the snip.

>> No.725956

At least there are some non-breeder cis scum.

Good for them, not polluting the world with their filthy crotchfruit.

>> No.725959

Why not just go for an MRI with a metal wire "accidentally" attached around your balls?

>> No.725971

because that would hurt, and an MRI is expensive.

>> No.725974

Oh shit, I forgot that not everyone lives in Canada for a second.

Seriously. I'm not even saying that with smugness. It didn't even cross my mind for some reason. Obviously I need to make like a tumblrette and check my privilege.

>> No.726019

Even if you have free heathcare, I doubt you can walk into an MRI clinic and just get one because you want to rip your balls off with the magnet.

>> No.726043

You could probably get referred for one from some walk-in clinic if you convinced them you had a real reason to. Healthcare is actually pretty sweet here, for the most part.

I'm a generally healthy guy, and sort-of aside from regular dental and dispensing of the odd medication from a pharmacy (covered by school's insurance anyway), I've not directly paid for any healthcare in my life.

Everything from some bigger cuts to getting metal shards out of my cornea (going from a walk-in clinic to an optometrist to opthalmology at a major hospital) happened within hours and for free, with timely follow-ups.

>> No.726045


Oh, also, my university was giving out free MRIs for some low-level courses for fun. I know it doesn't really count, but it would have been remarkably easy to abuse, if someone was so inclined to.

>> No.726154

will my righty fit in there if he's 83mm?

>> No.726155


>> No.726254
File: 237 KB, 1200x769, _MG_1524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here the cables... blue for the kevlar version and black/white for the carbon version.

>> No.726263

Those fucking BNC connectors.

>> No.726271

>Anon, you have more balls then me
That's because he is making them

>> No.726274

Lol. I like them...

>> No.726284

Jesus Christ, OP - what is wrong with you? Cables with 75 ohm connectors for 50 ohm sockets? Grats for Neutrik, though.

>> No.726322

Maybe a thermoconductive gel to distribute heat without burning your balls. Like vaseline or something.

Clever idea, OP, and a solid prototype. I hope it works out for you.

>> No.726325

Let me tell you about vaseline. I used to keep a jar of it next to my computer's vent. Liquid vaseline is the best lube ever.

>> No.726327 [DELETED] 

> Those fucking neutrik connectors
I see you spare no expense OP.

> inb4 matched thyristor preregulated cc powersupply

>> No.726329
File: 12 KB, 241x230, 2d0a49d4375c8a5765c03a485cf32f6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Those fucking neutrik connectors
I see you spare no expense OP.

> inb4 matched thyristor preregulated cc powersupply

>> No.726369

Sounds like you've never used proper lube.

>> No.726370

I have, but nothing compares.

>> No.726378

Instant nope

>> No.726389


>> No.726402

If you watch carefully there are two streams of urine coming from one penis powering the hypnosis device, this guy has some pretty funky genital piercings and/or modifications.

>> No.726405

Is there a reason you have 2 different colored ones? or just because.

>> No.726510

Looks classier than painting an L on one and R on the other maybe?

>> No.726518

It needs to fit a pair of testicles. Unless you're a female virgin, you probably should know the approximate size of a pair of balls, and should be able to figure out how big the cups are

>> No.726519

Like OP's balls?

>> No.726533
File: 178 KB, 1200x601, _MG_1531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.726534

OP is the hero that DIY deserves.

>> No.726537

Looks nice.

>> No.726561

Does it make a horribly ominous "CLICK" when you close it when empty?

>> No.726565

Yes, but the magnets aren't too strong. So dont worry about your scrotum. I tried it.

>> No.726571

I can't believe people still aren't getting how these fit on.

>> No.726572

I want to own some of these just to have them. I don't even want to sterilize my sperm. I just want them to keep on the self.

>> No.726574

>I tried it.

Quality control is a top priority at the testicle warmer factory. Every pair is personally tested and certified pinch-free by one of our eight highly-trained technicians.

>> No.726580

I'm looking for a source for small flexible heaters with temperature control. Can you provide me with a link to some? All I've been able to find so far are poorly written pages that want me to call China.

>> No.726582

>from the user's manual

>> No.726600
File: 43 KB, 560x374, LCB[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, use peltier modules so you can make either ball warmers or ball coolers

>> No.726601

>Ball coolers

>> No.726603

for when they're sore

>> No.726685

Can we get a pic of you wearing them? You know, for science and shit.

>> No.726693

for sure. I'll do some photos and a video soon.
you will find them on my blog...probably i cant post NSFW material here.

>> No.726695

Link it here at the very least.

>> No.726726

What school?

>> No.726776
File: 301 KB, 483x344, nuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannot wait until link is posted...anticipation.

>> No.726850

Come on OP, give us some more glamor shots of your testicle toasters.

>> No.726869
File: 18 KB, 341x313, 1409501625990(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this entire thread

>> No.726870

Kickstarter link?

>> No.726872
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>> No.726884
File: 2.67 MB, 441x300, mybloodysidesm8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My Sides
>Implying they are still here.....

>> No.726895


>> No.726896

>no pictures of device in action
They don't even fit do they?

>> No.726907

>the resistance is calibrated to 42° C
Shit happens. I don't want to put my balls on a piece of heated metal with no feedback loop.

>> No.726912


>> No.726916

post pics of it on

>> No.726927

I think that, in the cold, harsh, boring reality we live, all you get is just a retarded kid. Which sometimes is an apt definition of some x-men, but we digress.

>> No.726964
File: 54 KB, 800x442, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please wait a week for the definitive photoset.

This is the NSFW photo: http://imgur.com/yBzkUwy

>> No.726972

You are my hero.

You live in Italy, right?
Where abouts?
Lombardia makerfag here, would love to meet up with someone else.

>> No.726984

Friuli here. You can contact me on skype: tunkuruchu

>> No.726985

I'm not sure what I expected

>> No.726986


>> No.726988


It's bigger than I expected.

The ball, I mean, not your penis.

You have a cute penis.

>> No.726989


This is it.

This is what the Internet was created for.

>> No.726990

I will never get over those fucking BNC connectors.

>> No.727019

Did you shave them just for us?

>> No.727025

What the absolute fuck
This was on the front page and I decided to check it out (normally never go on /diy/)
My sides have ceased to exist in this dimension, perhaps I will rejoin them in another life

>> No.727026

I know right? THis is so epic :D

>> No.727034

Le lol cd

>> No.727037

so you're taking orders right? RIGHT???

>> No.727039
File: 67 KB, 398x500, approved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a /b/tard, i came here and i just saw this thread... Congratulations OP, you are one of us!!

>> No.727123
File: 169 KB, 210x302, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Needing /b/'s approval


>> No.727124

Please die and stay dead

>> No.727133

Actually it's not uncommon for men to have two urethral openings. Generally, only one is "functional" but sometimes piss just goes out the other opening instead.

>> No.727147

Well that clears up some confusion on my end. I thought this was going to go around the scrotum.

>> No.727154

This little cissie is doing some good feminist work.

Your shiny little toy can get fucktarded breeders to stop themselves! Feminist sites and ethical sex shops could sell them and send a cut of the profits to aid social progress!

Keep it up! I don't want to see another dirty crotch-goblin as long as I live, and you're one step closer to perfection.

>> No.727157
File: 12 KB, 274x383, 1385167275757.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if this is serious or not.

>> No.727173

no, I think you're more confused now. It's definitely going around the scrotum in that pic.

>> No.727175

Is this the new crab meat?

>> No.727176

No, in the pic it's a ball his scrotum is sitting on.

>> No.727180

If his scrotum was sitting on it, then he would have no balls, rendering the whole endeavor moot.

>> No.727181

He didn't take that pic as a photo-op for his penis

>> No.727193 [DELETED] 


>> No.727194


>> No.727215
File: 58 KB, 400x400, OMFG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say this much, dude, you've got balls.
Probably, not for much longer, tho.

Locking connectors on this job <shiver> I'll never see a BNC in the same way again.
Someone'll hook you up a 10BASE2 card after you fall asleep, that'll teach you.

>> No.727220
File: 1.47 MB, 320x240, touche1349048839006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.727224

My favorite part of this is how OP really knows how to take a good photo - They're all in focus and well lit and everything.
I can actually tell what I'm looking at, it's great.

>> No.727226

it ain't no potato that's for sure

>> No.727233

That is absolutely awesome, great concept and everything !
I heard of it a few years before, but I never thought somebody will actually do it.
And I never thought I'll see it here, but strangely I'm not surprised ...

May someone archived this thread for the glory of science ?

>> No.727236

And you said something about a blog !
Please send the link !

>> No.727239

look at that build quality, he knows his way around things fo sure

>> No.727244

normally I only browse /g/ but decided to check this out... 10/10, seriously would buy, the gf can't fund a pill that works for her and condoms suck and break, so this would be very useful in my circumstances, but the connectors are a little scary.

>> No.727252
File: 540 KB, 400x300, 1347288000050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.727278

Don't be afraid. Your balls will rip before the connectors.

>> No.727387

Seriously anon I want one
I'll probably never use it but that build quality is top, and it looks sweet

>> No.727394

Archive NOW!

>> No.727400

All you people asking for this thread to be archived need to learn yourselves some internets


>> No.727427
File: 227 KB, 928x2024, rf_burns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll never see a BNC in the same way again.

>> No.727432

>Feminist sites and ethical sex shops could sell them and send a cut of the profits to aid social progress!
you know it's well known that feminists oppose male birth control pills right?

>> No.727435

i've actually met a few feminists who are all about dudes getting equal pay for child support and dudes having access to birth control and condoms and shit.

i told them it's too much fun to rip on feminazis and call them feminists though.

>> No.727443

there is no "feminazi" movement
I was referring to members of the movement, not people who simply identify themselves of having a feminist perspective.

>> No.727445

Birth control? Ha. No.

It's well-known that testosterone is the root of all violent behaviour in our society. With a bit of tweaking, this would make a perfect permanent castration device. Just think of frying up all those little breeder balls! Aww, who took your precious little seeds away? hahaha...

And the cissies would be paying to do it to themselves! It's just brilliant.

>> No.727454
File: 371 KB, 500x280, SPL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> HeLegitimatelyThinksThisIsBait.jpg


>> No.727461

It's a weird middle ground between being too new to know about 4chanarchive and keeping up enough to know about Asagi.

>> No.727462

Nobody who goes on 4chan has ever talked like this.
Upgrade your bait.

>> No.727465

>The sooner men have their own version of whore pills the better off we'll all be
Unless you can find a more feminist source than fucking Jezebel.

>> No.727466

Goddamnit! The first time I come to this board and this is the first thread I see.

>> No.727473

UIUC. Those pictures are from John Rodger's research group.

>> No.727476

you clearly are uneducated in your bait attempt
women have testosterone

If you're gonna try to rile people up, you gotta use pseudo science and "facts" in the form of surveys and other opinion based data.

>> No.727488


Anon you are insane

>> No.727489

Women have far less testosterone than men, you dumbass. I only use real science, what the hell is a bait?

You guys sure seem upset, though! Have fun boiling your balls!

>> No.727491

>linking to anything owned by gawker

>> No.727551

he is the anon known as anonormale
furst tumblr result

>> No.727554

At the risk of taking the trollbait, men want more options for contraception than a cheap, thin piece of rubber or a surgery that may or may not be reversible. This anon has managed to work out an unorthodox new option. If it actually works, more power to him. It should be rather easy to test, too - just use the device for a while and get a fertility test done. It'll tell you if your swimmers are still swimming.

All that being said, if ever you decide to bring this to production, for the love of god, please go with a breakaway connection as has been suggested repeatedly.

>> No.727561

b-but hes got a breakaway connection..
albeit, an extremely painful one, admittedly..

/this fucking thread.

KIDS, please do not try this at home, especially if you are the easily-disrtacted type. Anon here is not your testicles friend. He issss a bad, bad man indeed.

>> No.727577

I'm fucking dying imagining this. You made my night anon, good work. By the way, good luck with this. I myself am just going to look into storing sperm and getting a vasectomy, but the general idea of the guy taking charge I can definitely approve and support.

>> No.727664

How about have it battery powered, and have the power supply go in your ass? Then you never have to worry about getting up and leaving it plugged in.

>> No.727814


>> No.727865

toasting in epic bread

>> No.727889
File: 1.17 MB, 161x200, 1355242387425.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is simultaneously the greatest and stupidest thing I've seen in a long time

>> No.727935

OP should start a fucking kickstarter and begin mass producing these. I would seriously buy one for 50 bucks even if it didn't really work that well.

>> No.727936

too bad they're more like $100

>> No.727941


Not with the early bird special brah.

captcha: box scaldr

>> No.727964

OP, could I ask you a question?

A great deal of your art/science has been dedicated to theme of procreation; what lead you to work on something so seemingly contrary in nature?

>> No.727966


>> No.727968


you do know about Vasalgel right?

>> No.727976


>> No.728020

You should market this to hikers and outdoorsment

It gets pretty fucking cold at night

>> No.728091

That's one way to keep from freezing your balls off.

>> No.728094


>> No.728139

i think because condoms cost too much

>> No.728141

may as well just use a fleshlight.

>> No.728150

Well, now I know what his penis looks like. Wasn't expecting that, though in hindsight I should have been.

>> No.728158

This is not the same penis as on the tumblr. What gives, OP?

>> No.728169

it's the same, dont worry.

i don't know... during the day i've some ideas. there isn't a real meaning.

>> No.728171

Why is this thread still up holy fuck /diy/

>> No.728196

Because it's the best thread I've seen in weeks.

>> No.728202

You have no idea how badly I want this to be patented and become a mainstream, FDA approved, even man has one thing.

>> No.728203


>> No.728204

In lieu of Scrotum Warmer why doesn't OP become an eunuch. In India, if one desires to become an eunuch testicles are removed [not sure how...probably whacked off], the bloody balls thrown at nearest domicile's door due to profuse bleeding, and residents of said home expected to nurse newly initiated eunuch back to health.

>> No.728209
File: 355 KB, 470x483, 1409840319608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orb-induced sterility

>> No.728221

The first step would be to show that it actually works and does not cause permanent damage.
OP could get legal protection for the shape and design, but patenting the method isn't possible.

Why don't you get your own nuts chopped instead.

>> No.728239
File: 206 KB, 1200x427, _MG_1548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not finished.
there are the rubber bands for an easy wearing.

>> No.728242

Might as well punch yourself in the balls.

>> No.728250

Never had any to start with.

>> No.728306

42°F is pretty cold, m8

>> No.728307

42 c

>> No.728310

pretty sure if you're blue ballin, you don't need this

>> No.728316

Never go full retard

>b-but I was just pre...

Yeah, get lost

>> No.728318

You seem fat.

>> No.728388

Patent it before the jealous naysayers steal it from you, OP.

>> No.728403

Cause I want my balls to go into the negatives

>> No.728414

OP, what do you do for work? I am legitimately interested in the manufacturing aspects of this, your use of molds and laminates.

>> No.728422

OP can I invest in this early
give me like 5 stock points or whatever in this venture

>> No.728610
File: 197 KB, 963x788, e83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.728611

Wait. How mamy days do you need to do this and how effective is it and how long does it last? Vasogel wont be in the us until 2017 so this has hope

>> No.728617

I'm laughing myself to death here. What the fuck OP?
Is thid real life?
Thank you OP.

>> No.728619

will you still leave forensically identifiable semen?

>> No.728673

this reminds me of a transgirl in some other chan that took regular hot baths to reduce testosterone. maybe OP should do a kickstarter.

>> No.728704

Hell, Id invest.

>> No.728763
File: 27 KB, 558x618, 1415026682117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit, this is brilliant, OP inform us when the project is ready
Hope someone screencapped this

>> No.728778

Has anyone screenshotted this thread?

I want to keep to future keks

>> No.728781
File: 2.45 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubber bands finished.

Now im ready for the video and the photos. Thanks for the support and see you later.

>> No.729000

You're telling me it's not rare to have a double barrelled dick?

>> No.729012

After seeing the video of this guy's "uterine box" this went from funny to scary really fast

>> No.729013

His tumblr is traumatising

>> No.729017


Not going to link to all the other remarks about the double piss steam, but he mentioned in the original thread that he applied glue to the tip of his dick to adjust his spray for effect.

Now you know.

>> No.729183

>reliable news source

pick none.

>> No.729202



>> No.729603

Did that dude ever report back?

>> No.729604

the joke
your head

>> No.729606

>implying the bitch takes it when she should

>> No.729608

>> Not mass murdering your sperm at the sound of hush little baby

rest of the post i still lol'd

>> No.729740
File: 74 KB, 780x629, 1326031420632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just use a slightly overheating laptop every day?

>> No.729759

When I was young the threads needed voting to be archived.

>> No.730499

oh shit, i forgot all about that

>> No.730623


>> No.730789

Holy shit, that blog could keep all of tumblr triggered for the next few millenia

It's great!