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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 199 KB, 600x523, oai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71769 No.71769 [Reply] [Original]

What is an item that:

1.) ...is small enough to be carried around, and has a legitimate use beyond decoration.

2.) ...is made of semi-permanent, natural materials, and will therefor still exist thousands of years from now.

3.) ...can be custom made, not simply mass-produced.

Despite how it seems, there really is a point to this. My closest friend, whom I've know since we were babies, will graduate medical school eventually. I'd like to make one of the world's greatest gifts for him.

>> No.71774

>2.) ...is made of semi-permanent, natural materials, and will therefor still exist thousands of years from now.
Please note, examples of these materials include: hard rocks and minerals, silver, gold, and possibly glass and bronze

But these are NOT included: copper and steel (because they tarnish / rust), and plastics (artificial / too man-made).

I hope that helps.

>> No.71773


>> No.71776

Ah, that's one of the one's I thought of. Keychain, wallet, belt, and maybe knife.

But someone pointed out to me that wallets and keychains get lost, get replaced, break, and so forth.

>> No.71777

I'd go for a small fixed blade knife.

>> No.71783

I'd say knife too, but some people wouldnt be comfortable carrying a knife. If you are set on functional things you use every day and carry with you, there arent a whole lot of options.

>> No.71784
File: 47 KB, 600x449, green_fiber_optic_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes... indeed. I was considering a specially-knapped glass or stone knife or something.

Maybe with the blade made out of meteoric glass. Yes, that would be fine indeed.

>> No.71785

I'd make a fixed blade knife out of bone. I gave one to my father and one to a girl for Christmas a few years back.

If you can nap flint, you could make a stone knife.

Hmm... You could make a magnifying glass... You'd likely have to buy the lens, but you could make the frame from bronze, horn, bone, or such things.

Are you allowing ceramic? I've made a few very nice pipes out of natural clays.

>> No.71789
File: 124 KB, 774x1032, s_p_i_d_e_r_by_danielapierce-d42bmt0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obsidian knife-pendant?

>> No.71790
File: 108 KB, 1024x768, meerschaum_pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, pipe. That's a good idea. They have meerschaum, which, I'm told, is... something that people make pipes out of. I don't actually think he smokes though, but if he starts it's an idea.

>> No.71796

Oh, that's a good idea. Although couldn't it potentially cut you as you were walking around?

And the glass part could be made of rock crystal! Yes... and it would be mined from some sort of... ancient sacred site or something...

Bear with me here, it's got to be something fucking... mythical in it's scale. It's gotta have some kind of story behind it. Like part of it it from a meteor or from the tomb of an ancient Scythian king or the materials came from a special location or... something. I'm working on it

>> No.71807

>Bear with me here, it's got to be something fucking... mythical in it's scale. It's gotta have some kind of story behind it. Like part of it it from a meteor or from the tomb of an ancient Scythian king or the materials came from a special location or... something. I'm working on it

you know your friend is just going to throw it in a fucking drawer and never use it, and only dust it off whenever he knows he'll be meeting you, right?

>> No.71815
File: 19 KB, 200x163, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>medical school
Knit him a stethoscope cozy.

>> No.71817

One problem is that anything like a knife will get worn out through use. I'd think a musical instrument like a flute would last longer. Maybe some like Rosetta Disk, if you think microscopic writings meant to help ensure the preservation of language is useful.

>> No.71838

Rosetta disk of instructions of how to operate a microscope

>> No.71849

That's where you're wrong. We're sort of engaged in a gift-giving competition. Very important stuff.

Hmm. That's interesting. I'll look up whatever that is.

>> No.71878

Someone explain how to do this to me.

>> No.71900

Well that guy's a professional, but there should be instructions online for "knapping". it's mainly for stone, but it should work for natural and man-made glass too (since both have what's called a "conchoidal fracture")

>> No.71917

I have a 60 year old kabar.

A good knife does not wear out easily.

>> No.71925

A smoking pipe made from bone

>> No.71927

Why would he need instructions for how to operate a microscope? He's a med student, not a seventh grader.

>> No.71932


As soon as I get a new drill press, this is my next project.

>> No.71940
File: 58 KB, 500x316, YakBonePipe500x316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does bone last a lone time? It doesn't deteriorate or anything does it?

>> No.71946
File: 40 KB, 180x275, amethyst_wine_glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh! Oh! You don't carry it around with you, but what about a cup? You drink from cups every day. Although that does increase the chances of it breaking...

>> No.71958

I own that pipe. That mouth piece and end cap are plastic. I was very disappointed when I discovered that.

Well, that and when I figured out it wasn't a tobacco pipe.

>> No.71961

That is disappointing. I'd be pissed. It undermines the entire idea of getting a yak bone pipe.

>> No.72042
File: 13 KB, 266x200, 1319938937458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Make a human bone pipe.

>> No.72067

Mmm... yes. From the reliquary of some famous king or something.

>> No.72084
File: 60 KB, 450x356, leatherman_charge_tti.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it fits two of three and is more useful than about 90% of everything else in the universe

>> No.72086

>graduating medical school

Moneybags should be buying YOU something

>> No.72088

buy him a handgun

>> No.72108
File: 50 KB, 1069x773, reflex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP,

I'm about to graduate Med School also.

Carrying around a knife in a hospital 24/7, bad idea. If he's a dr he's probably unlikely to be smoking at any time soon,

Its nerdy i know I reckon a custom reflex hammer that fits on a keychain with inbuilt sensation testing kit would be absolutely fucking boss.

did some prelim plans in MS paint.

>> No.72135
File: 319 KB, 2592x1944, BdRXM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pen.

1.) ...it's a god damned pen.

2.) ...you could, with a lot of care, probably make it out of just about anything. Hollow plastic pens from years back are still around and working great, so I wouldn't worry too much about the durability of them, especially if you used a solid piece of acrylic. You can always refinish it if you disassemble it or don't include a clip. You could also use something from metalpenblanks.com if you want metal that's easy to use(Use it on a wood lathe, no CNC needed). Or, CNC. Or if you feel really fancy, get a piece of granite. I have no idea how the hell you'd drill and sand it, but that would be freaking awesome. Make it a fountain pen so you can refill it. The nibs are made of either stainless steel, or 14k/18k gold. Over the many many years, it will barely wear. There are folks who professionally fix nibs.

3.) ...Pennstateind.com. A lot of people do it, handmade pens turn out very nice and are easy to do. I had no god damned clue how to use a lathe before I first tried making a pen, and these are attempts 2 through 4.

>> No.72175
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Why did I not think of this before? Not Op, but a vet school student here, this would be amazing for lambing - stethoscope's are freezing if they end up accidently under your top in the middle of the night!

>> No.72204

Shit yes, that's a good one. Throw on an inkless nib on there, last forever.

>> No.72552

Sorry everyone, I was busy today.

I have a small leatherman, and it is indeed very useful, but... not really symbolic or long-lasting or whatever somehow.

See above. Unless it was a bronze / brass gun. Which seems grossly impractical.

Huh. That is interesting. I will look into that. I'm seeing him on Thanksgiving so I can see just what kind of medicine he's leaning towards. It looks like he might be going towards the eh... whatsit? Like... testing or whatever side of things.

>> No.72555

FUCK why didn't I think of this? It's customary to give pens as gifts for graduation. And it's useful, and his dad even sort of collects some. Damn that's smart... also ( >>72204 ) I'll look into this inkless nib thing. I've never heard of that. I could also alternately design some sort of thing that writes with eh... silverpoint or genuine lead (although that might be dangerous, and both might be hard to obtain...).

>> No.72558
File: 1.06 MB, 256x293, u6hDT.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A watch

>> No.72563

diamond ring

sounds like someone is going to propose

>> No.72570

Not funny! This is a manly bond of camaraderie like that of Achilles and Patroclus, Alexander and Hephaestion, Orestes and Pylades, Gilgamesh and Enkidu, Castor and Polydeuces, Harmodius and Aristogeiton, and so forth

>> No.72578

At the very least Achilles and Alexander were faggots. probably the rest of them too.

>> No.72589

Batman and Robin.

>> No.72594

Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas

>> No.72595


it was the only thing i could think of that fit the criteria.

>> No.72597


No ancient historian corroborates this. At the most, Alexander only cavorted with a young Persian eunuch boy. Which just like liking traps - not gay.

>> No.72599


just cause historians dont say it happened doesnt mean it never did.

>> No.72601


>> No.72602

You just keep telling yourself that

>> No.72603

Here's an interesting tidbit: it is well known that when he was young, Alexander's own father was eromenos to Pelopidas, who taught him the art of war. Later in life, his own love life would result in his assassination by a former male lover of his.

...but I digress.

Inkless nibs seem to wear out over time. Any ideas? Are there more permanent versions?

>> No.72606

Built that faggot lover of yours a house. He'll use it everyday, and if you use the right materials and techniques it will last for thousands of years.

>> No.72716
File: 40 KB, 500x333, metal-pen-lead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be close to deciding! This inkless pen looks especially awesome, considering that he's left-handed.

Although I don't know how well the composite metal nib will fair over the years. They assure buyers that it will at least last a lifetime.

Anyways, if I can find an inkless pen with a good nib, then maybe I can disassemble it, and create an intricate stone body for the pen with inlaid designs to house the nib.

>> No.73126

Having owned that exact pen, I can attest to it's shittyness. It will indeed last a lifetime. I attribute this to the fact that you'll hate it and leave it in a drawer somewhere. It barely writes on smoother papers, and despite what they say, wears down quickly. A well cared for fountain or rollerball will definitely outlive it.

>> No.73140

This is such a pointless thread that I am just going to have to say a well fired clay dildo meets all your criteria.

>> No.73153

Find the stuff they make it out off, get a 4 inch or so rod of it.
Or maybe put the nib on the cap of a fountain pen. If he doesn't want the hassle of ink, he's got the inkless. If the inkless wont write on it, he's got ink.

Then again, if it writes like ass...

>> No.73154

a zippo type lighter?

>> No.73156

Rhino horn war-horn, from a baby rhino. Use for rallying fleeing troops. Dipped in gold for longevity.

>> No.73157
File: 16 KB, 183x275, gfdsbfds..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like hither

>> No.73159

Sooo much want!

If i find the time i have to make something like this (just probably much much much much more crude…

finally some use for my various pieces of flint and obsidian!

>> No.73245

anything made of metal

perhaps a nice small fANCY knife?

>> No.73310

Well fuck me. That's annoying.

Reasonably good. Will consider.

>> No.73314

Didn't like, everyone "cavort" in ancient Greece?
That shit was all the rage.

>> No.73316

Go find a beehive and steal the queen.
Make can of honey.

>> No.73322

That's a... matter of scholarly debate. It depends on the exact area of Greece.

>> No.73325

Why does this thread remind me of my old room mates Jordan and Chris?

Anyways, my vote is for a watch... or pen. Pen seems like a good idea.

>> No.73348
File: 36 KB, 576x164, HannyashinkyoUncappedjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes... I'm still leaning heavily towards this. My research indicates that Nobuyoshi Nagahara, "The God of Fountain Pens" is considered one of the best. Maybe I could get a custom nib from him make a stone body myself. However I think the nibs include plastic ribbing, which I dislike... is this true?

Wait... do fountain pens smudge if you're left handed?

>> No.74052

You're thinking of the ebonite feed.
It's the hard black part the nib is attached to.
And yes, they CAN smudge, depending on the ink. Some dry very quickly, some don't. That would be a matter of testing a few different ones out to try it.
Goulet Pens offers a ton of samplers for different inks. Try a few different brands. Noodlers offers a bunch of different lines, so try a few, they vary quite a bit. If you want a cheap pen to try em in, use a Platinum Preppy. Then, who cares if they stain!
You can fill it with a converter, or get it converted to an eyedropper fill and pour the ink in or use a syringe.

>> No.74095

Left-hander here, fountain pens are a nightmare to write with if you're left-handed. Its possible to learn how to use one without smudging, but its basically like re-learning how to write.

>> No.74293

OP, if you want your friend to take you up the bum just tell him so.