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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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716769 No.716769 [Reply] [Original]

hi I have a problem i was scratching away the colour of a metal tube of a bicycle using a towel to protect me from the dust
now i have finished but all the dust get throught the towel and now i have all the inside of my nose blue
can u help me with some advice to remove it?

>inb4 cotton sticks

>> No.716781

blow your nose

>> No.716924

Your body is good at nose cleaning

>> No.717674

Better yet, swallow musous and later cough up blue phlegm.

>> No.717690
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>> No.717697

neti pots don't kill people, people with neti pots kill people

"they can take mah neti pot when they pry it from my cold, dead nostril" - some fat 'murikan

>> No.717709

>moderate allergies, but common medications don't work except for powerful decongestants.
>ask doctor hoping for allergy test and good medication
>use a neti pot
>does absolutely fucking nothing

Fuck you doc bitch

>> No.717711


Amoebas in the brain and irreversible coma, seems a good deal for cleaning your nostrils.