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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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70416 No.70416 [Reply] [Original]

hello fellow annons, after months of hard work here is what i came up with. any ideas for possible improvement on the existing (patented) design are appreciated.

PS: where can i find sounds of hawt women moaning, since that will add more PRECIOUS REALISM.

don't remind me how low this is, we all knew it would come down to this lol. :F

>> No.70418

you are a sick and twisted being.

>> No.70424

i was asking for design ideas, not stating the obvious, sir.

you wasted precious bandwidht and time of this wonderful community. crawl back to your cave troll.

>> No.70426

not bad op. I wish i lived in the future where cloning is a diy hobby, and maturation chambers actually existed. I'd clone my own sexual partners from any dna I'd wish... eh well.

>> No.70427

that is a dream we all loners share bro.

>> No.70431

very selfish bump

>> No.70433

Sounds: search for porn with masturbating girls, convert it to mp3, done.
Another ideea would be to cover that "body" with some light brown, sand-colored leatherette. Heat that stuff up with a hair dryer (or sth. hotter, but no open fire), then this stuff should lose its structure and get more smooth.

>> No.70434

just strip the audio out of solo vids man

you constructed all that but yet are stuck at this point?

>> No.70435

thought about porn but then there is some other prick making his manly noises. maybe lesbian/solo porn should work tho, so gonna give it a try.

interesting idea with the leather. the only problem i can think of is that i gotta use plenty of water + slight amount of water based lube to keep the thing real. so dunno what that might do to the leather. but gonna give it a shot, what do i gotta lose...

just looking for ideas i haven't thought of friendly anon. :)

>> No.70436

just check out vocaroo threads on /soc/
but try to forget that all the chicks doing the recordings are actually 200lbs+

>> No.70447

Don't use real leather, because that stuff is expensive as shit in such amounts that you need and will not lose its structure. Leatherette is basically plastic so water or lube is no harm for it.

And I guess the blanket is a bit too soft for imitating human flesh, filling it with jeans could be better, more stiffly and not so soft.

>> No.70462

looks like a cyberpunk Sauron tower

>> No.70467

This seems like too much work man.

Just get a girl, it's 100x better than this.

And 200x easier.

>> No.70477

OP is training for the real deal before committing to it

Any good pilot flies the F18 sim before crashing the real F18

>> No.70490

Jesus christ, this is really pitiful and sad. And a little scary.

>> No.70512

OP reporting.

This seems like too much work man.
Just get a girl, it's 100x better than this.
And 200x easier.
No time/patience + bitchinghurtsmyears.jpg

>Jesus christ, this is really pitiful and sad. And a little scary.
come on, we are all chams here. you can have a ride with it for 5 bucks. but i gotta warn you, if you leave your business inside, you will lose smt precious.

>> No.70548

I wonder if jimmy rigging an electrical blanket around/inside the toy would work.

>> No.70552

I thought that was the eye of C'thulhu in the thumbnail.

>> No.70555

If I may add to the part about the jeans, I suggest wrapping the jeans in a foam of some kind. Not the kind you upholster in, but a more gel-feeling foam. They have thin layers of memory foam that could imitate the resistance and softness of skin, with the layers of jeans imitating the bony structure of the human physique. Also memory foam warms up pretty quickly with one's body heat.

>> No.70559

Do all of these together, OP.

>> No.70570


>where can i find sounds of hawt women moaning, since that will add more PRECIOUS REALISM.

go to /r9k/, /soc/, or /b/ and beg for bitches to get on vocroo

>don't remind me how low this is, we all knew it would come down to this

yes,yes we did

>> No.70581

OP is a forever alone neckbeard.

>> No.70584 [DELETED] 

Why is 2000 still a number used to convey modernity and/or being "the ultimate", "cool" gadget?

>> No.70585

Why is 2000 still a number used to convey modernity and/or being "the ultimate", "cool" gadget?

Shouldn't we start using ... idk, 3000 or something?

>> No.70591

has to do with linguistics and tone and all that jazz. say "TWO" with lots of emphasis. Now try to say "THREE" the exact same way. See how soft the beginning is, due to the soft "th"? It doesn't carry the same power. That's why calling some newfangled thingamajig "the X-whatever 2000" and "the X-whatever 9000" is so popular, because of the strong emphasis on the number that comes with it.

>> No.70963

Good morning from OPland.

>I wonder if jimmy rigging an electrical blanket around/inside the toy would work.
Yes please! whoever that jimmy is... I've heard of the electric blanket idea, it is pretty good, since the thing cools down quite fast when it's moist. I was also thinking of adding some vibrobullets inside the toy.

>If I may add to the part about the jeans, I suggest wrapping the jeans in a foam of some kind. Not the kind you upholster in, but a more gel-feeling foam. They have thin layers of memory foam that could imitate the resistance and softness of skin, with the layers of jeans imitating the bony structure of the human physique. Also memory foam warms up pretty quickly with one's body heat.
Memory foam?! I thought that was scifi. So I'd be interested where I'm gonna get that. :F

>go to /r9k/, /soc/, or /b/ and beg for bitches to get on vocroo

>yes,yes we did
Glad someone understands. sadfrog.jpg

>Why is 2000 still a number used to convey modernity and/or being "the ultimate", "cool" gadget?
Because i live in the past. Dealwithit.jpg

>> No.71217

bump for OP's creativity

>> No.71237
File: 51 KB, 572x380, 1259532516569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find customizable keyboard synthesizer program. Drop sound bites on individual keys on a key board. Read up on diy keyboard to joystick projects. Put buttons around shaft and at back of sleeve (or try a flexible keyboard). Now you have reactive sound feedback. Look for "adult sound boards" for premade clips or download a videogame (fallout 3 for example) sex mod for the sounds.
This idea comes free from the open source sexbot foundation

>> No.71271

>Find customizable keyboard synthesizer program. >Drop sound bites on individual keys on a key board. >Read up on diy keyboard to joystick projects. Put >buttons around shaft and at back of sleeve (or try a >flexible keyboard). Now you have reactive sound >feedback. Look for "adult sound boards" for premade >clips or download a videogame (fallout 3 for example) >sex mod for the sounds.
>This idea comes free from the open source sexbot >foundation

Finally Fallout 3 is good for something.

>> No.71274

This is starting to sound better than a woman. You may just ruin it for yourself, OP.

>> No.71284

Saw a plan once that included a air pressure based switch in the back.

>> No.71483

By far the greatest thread I've ever seen. Thank you, OP. Wish I could help out but I've no ideas.

>> No.71498

>Not checking Beautiful Agony videos

>> No.71501

You sad sad little man.
You're so beta it hurts.

>> No.71510

OP is on a mission. To end female dominance and cockblocking once&4all!

This project has massive potential, and is relevant to my interests.

>> No.71519

OP, i think you could use some ballistics gel in your project

have fun, and tell us how'd it go :)

>> No.71536

this allows possibilities for tittyfucking. I suggest something that is thicker than water, but can't decompose. Perhaps a gel of some kind. Gel type lubes, put into a thicker plastic bag that can be sealed, then wedged between the leatherette and memory foam suggested here >>70555

>> No.71539

That's a bad idea. Ballistics gelatin smells horrible.

>> No.71543

>Ballistics gelatin smells horrible
So does OP no doubt.

>> No.71556
File: 243 KB, 512x384, 1293574826438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op after you blow your load you with think what the fuck you have done and will be ashamed and that will be a lot of work to clean up. just rub one out real quick before you go to far.