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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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70331 No.70331 [Reply] [Original]

I live in a 2 bedroom house with 4 people. I pay hella cheap rent, but the downside is that I sleep on the pull out futon in the living room. I want to make some kind of privacy partition that's about 7 feet tall and about 10 feet long. I need it to be easily movable and not require too many tools to make.

I was thinking of making 2 7 foot wooden poles and putting a small stand at the bottom for stability, and getting some kind of thick cloth and industrial stapling them to the poles on each side. This way I can store them easily just by rolling them up and putting them near the wall, and unrolling them when needed.

Imagine like a wall scroll, but horizontal. any ideas for improvement on this? I was considering going to a fabric store for the cloth, but I don't want happy santa or phaggy flowers as my print so any creative ideas for that?

>> No.70354

Painters drop cloths

>> No.70388
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Op think easily, but a shower curtain rod that extends with the wall stoppers or buy some thick pvc pipe with brackets you can bolt/nail into the wall and either put a drop cloth (>>70354) or fabric (>>70331) or just buy a couple shower curtains with the hooks that way you can open and close the curtain and it doesnt look like shit.

come on /diy/ck heads!

>> No.70394

metal electrical conduit is really cheap and sturdy, and comes galvanized which looks ok. it can be bent very easily as well and they make all kinds of little adapters and hangers for it so you can get creative with it.

>> No.70806


This is actually probably your easiest option. I did this in my dorm room, and it actually worked really well, for privacy, sound dampening, and keeping heat in on cold days.

It's also easier than a partition, because you simply slide them to one side and tie them back.

I used the curtain wire, and doubled them up [two next to each other] so I could put up heavier curtains in the winter, and two separate layers of curtains in the summer [one solid, one sheer]. Just make sure you leave space at the top [don't have the wires so far up the wall that there isn't about a foot of space between the curtain and the ceiling], or else the air won't flow properly.

To tie them back, put one of those stainless steel looking Command hooks on the wall, and attach some silk rope with a knot. Then just gather the curtains and tie the rope around them when you need to move them out of the way.

>> No.70818

I actually made something like this once, was in your very same situation. Do you want something nice, or do you want something quick? Quick you can nail together some sheets of plywood and mount them between a few 2 by 4s with a base shaped like a flat T holding the center up, then using a heavy weight of some sort( I used cinder blocks) to hold it down without being rickety. Another, simpler and more elegant way to do it, is to use shower curtains and make a bedroom style frame with several of the poles using a dremel and some wooden dowels. Then you buy the nice heavy shower cloth shower curtains and hang them around the frame. It'll cost you around a hundred-hundred fifty though.