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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 351 KB, 1028x580, diy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
678057 No.678057 [Reply] [Original]

My friend and I started building that treehouse that I posted on here about a couple of weeks ago, we've worked on it 4 times (5 hour days)
and it took us fucking ages to get the supports and logs up to put the wooden planks on, but here are some pics!

We've just gotta finish off the floor now, then a roof and walls will quickly be added.

>> No.678060
File: 695 KB, 896x510, diy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more pictures coming up, just so you can get an idea of what we've done.

The logs we used were still alive, we chopped them down ourselves with an axe, it took forever.
They've very strong.

>> No.678061
File: 452 KB, 1296x728, diy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image quality is low because my internet is shit and it keeps fucking up whenever I try to upload anything above a megabyte in size.

>> No.678062
File: 293 KB, 720x920, diy4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.678064

...that doesn't look very strong

>> No.678068

I have jumped up and down on it and it and it flexes but it's not unstable, it's pretty damn strong.

>> No.678069
File: 367 KB, 1284x712, diy5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the last of the pictures.

>> No.678085 [DELETED] 

That guy looks like a massive fag

>> No.678104

Why not use 2x4s as supports like a sane person.

Did you two even look up anything on how to build treehouses?

>> No.678113

Nope not a single thing.
We're just making it up as we go along, we haven't spent more than 10 bucks on the whole project.

>> No.678121

I really like it. I would maybe still have some concernes regarding stability but I like the idea.

I hate when people build a treehouse that just looks like a house ona pole with some leaves awkwardly sticking out of it.

A treehouse shoulb be in tune with the tree it's built on!

Still, add some more supports.

>> No.678122

>>I have jumped up and down on it and it flexes
It's going to break.
Those branches look weaker than 2x2s, and you're not even using enough of them.

>> No.678137

It's already survived the biggest storm we've had this year, which was a pretty big one, too.

>> No.678157

Oh, well shit. If it can stand up to a little rain once, it'll surely be stable for years to come.

>> No.678159

Consider that it may be 'strong' right now, but as it progresses and your 'foundation' dries off it'll snap like the twig it is.

Good luck on your project OP, I live in a bloody forest but I've never experienced the joy that is an actual tree house.

I built tents and shit, but never anything off the ground.

>> No.678160


I would have used stronger logs, at least you should let most of the weight of the walls and roof to sit on the trees and not on the floof by adding new supports. It looks fun and bouncy now but when as the wood dries the possibilities of it cracking down with all the house will rise.

I would have bet for very thick wood or even metal beams, just look at the separation between tree and tree, and those logs, they cant have more that 5 inches in diameter.

>> No.678178

Why didn't you use plywood sheets?

>> No.678609

Any progress updates?

>> No.679528

Who thinks OP is lying dead in the forest with his tree house on top of him? Would explain the lack of update....

>> No.679546
File: 97 KB, 640x480, 1383508730533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit is going to break. I can almost guarantee it.

>> No.679551

In this thread - a bunch of jelly.

Good work OP. How high up did you make it? Would it be possible to replace some of the beams if the get to dry/fragile?

>> No.679761


Are you really ded?

>> No.679772

apology for poor english
when were you when OP dies?
i was at home sleep when norm ring
“OP is kill”

>> No.679777


>> No.679791

This is OP's father. OP is dead. He did nothing wrong.

>> No.679797

Once those branches die out, they're gonna be trouble. It looks great aesthetically, but you won't be looking at it in a hospital bed.

At least get som e

>> No.679804

With logs that small in diameter you need a lot more of them. Double the amount of those size logs for under the floor.

>> No.679806

OP is too stoned in his secret base to update

>> No.679861
File: 1.76 MB, 400x206, 1407626854255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why all the negativity? If OP only spent $10 so far and didn't worry about looking anything up, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming he's expecting this shit might happen.
Constructive criticism is great for learning but nothing teaches you a lesson like falling on your ass through a pile of dried and broken sticks into (what would by then probably resemble) a Vietnamese bamboo death trap.
And next time, you'd better believe his treehouse will be reinforced to the shit.

>> No.679865

>Implying the now paraplegic OP can build another treehouse

>> No.680018

>implying it's not still a treehouse if it has ramp access

Statistically speaking, he and his friend shouldn't /both/ suffer crippling injuries during the same fall, there'll be someone there to build it.

>> No.680089

Wait till the wood dries out, then it'll snap like a twig.

>> No.680123

>implying it's not still a treehouse if it has ramp access

Its a tree house, not a cripple house.

>> No.680236

Still no word from OP.

I'm getting worried.

>> No.680238


Great advice. Get some ecstasy, so when you'll die at least you'll be happy about it.

>> No.680240

> welcome to /diy/

>> No.680241


/k/ here, nice treefort.

>> No.680265
File: 181 KB, 960x640, Meanwhile at OP's treehouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.680566

> it's a treehouse, not a cripple house

Words from childhood memories that haunt every paraplegic

>> No.680574

Neat, it's kind of like the hemloft.

>> No.680625

Strong when still full of water. They're going to dry out. Try not to become a human kebab.

>> No.680688

OP, you better fucking report back from the hospital.

>> No.680691 [DELETED] 


Wednesday last week was on the 6th, right?

>> No.680809

You need way more supports, I think some long wooden beams as a base

>> No.680810

you should have let them dry first. They are going to warp a lot as the water dries out of them

>> No.680815

those beams need more depth. A lot more

>> No.680986

I think its time we call it. OP is kill.

>> No.681416

> get call from olev
> OP is kill
> no
>where were u when op was kill

>> No.681465

go back to Israel shlomo.

>> No.681546

>we haven't spent more than 10 bucks on the whole project.

It's not about spending money, it's about taking the time to do your homework and make something safely.

Dude, it "weathered the storm" with no weight on it. Literally a plastic bag could have weathered that storm.

Are correct. The wooden is going to shrink, split and weaken considerably as time goes on. It might not break the first time you jump on it, but I guarantee you will feel some flex, and that flex will become a snap.

>> No.681701

It looks like you made a square with big beams, and filled it with little ones. These probably hold the walls. But I agree with other posters here that the floor may use an extra big beam in the middle of the floor...

Nice project ;-)

>> No.682653
File: 298 KB, 886x822, th1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, shit I thought this thread was dead, I couldn't find it and I started a new one.
I'll just post here instead.

This is how it's looking now, we had a week of bad storms and rain, it didn't get damaged at all, but fuck working in the rain.

This is the new thread btw ^

>> No.682658
File: 549 KB, 1252x800, underandside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another pic of the underside of it all.
and we're not dead, everything is going well. :^)

>> No.682854

Tree house odds:

Someone has gone #2 in a bucket up there 1:2

Someone has NOT masturbated up there 600:1

There will be crime scene photos of this soon 25:1

The word "crudely constructed" will be used by a public official to describe this 100:1

double or nothing that they also use the term "loner" in the same broadcast as above.

An injury that would not be covered by any type of insurance will occur 2:1

OP will have two threads on the homeless tree camp on the front page 1:1

>> No.683497

OP here
my friend felt from the tree, he is now paraplegipsy king
me i only got some blue da ba dee

>> No.683514

Nice job! i wish i could do my own treehouse.....