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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 13 KB, 283x288, duct-tape-3m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6726 No.6726 [Reply] [Original]

There is no problem that cannot be solved in some creative way with duct tape. Prove me wrong.

>> No.6748

World Hunger.

>> No.6754

>tape over mouth
>cant hear cries of hunger

>> No.6755

well that was fast

>> No.6764


Tape food together, ship overseas


>> No.6768

Acne on my face.

>> No.6769

Erectile dysfunction

>> No.6771

Shitty threads

>> No.6772

My virginity.

>> No.6777

Ever heard of wax shaving? Same principle

Tape it to a stick when it's hard

>> No.6783

Tie up woman with tape.
Surprise sex!

>> No.6784

make a tournequet out of duct tape...do I really need to go on?
rape becomes so much easier when they can't move around and scream for help.

>> No.6787


>get tape
>cover mouth

>> No.6788

>Tape plastic cover together
>Prop up over dug hole in the ground somewhere really hot
>Put bucket in hole
>Cover collects water from evaporation

You now have a little water to try and grow food

>> No.6791


>> No.6796


Construct a life sized doll using tape

>> No.6802

I have two objects that, upon any form of physical contact (even if another form of solid matter is between them), will cause an explosion so cataclysmic that the world will cease to be.

>> No.6816

Tape them all together and run them off a cliff.

>> No.6820


tape up, dump 1 in the atlantic. dump second in pacific

>> No.6821

the lhc frys a circuit board

>> No.6823

America´s debt=

>> No.6824

Separate them, tape over your mouth for being such a huge faggot.

>> No.6825


Tape your eyes

no more shitty thread

>> No.6833


Giant government stimulus to build homes but on a small budget

Therefore, build homes and infrastructure with tape

>> No.6834

>three or four wraps around wrists and ankles
>throw in nearest body of water

Unlike witches, jews dont float.

>> No.6837

my doorlock that won't properly work

>> No.6846

I need to make two objects stick to each other

>> No.6848
File: 31 KB, 310x310, 3225.rgreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing in life which cannot be solved with duct tape. If you can't find a solution, it just means you are not man enough.

>> No.6849


Taping it will take too long and it'll burn.

>> No.6854

Take the door shut, go in through the window.

>> No.6857


Before leaving for the day, tape up door


... shit i dunno man

>> No.6867


>Make duct tape blanket
>Cover fire

>> No.6873

I need to rob a bank, the safe is covered in maple syrup.

>> No.6874

god i love that show. thank pbs for the years and years of reruns

>> No.6881


>> No.6885

duct tape lasoo

>> No.6887

Goddamnit, you're a fucking genius.

>> No.6891


Take hostages, duct tape hands/feet/eyes/mouth

>> No.6892

There's no fuel in my car, how can duct tape help me?

>> No.6893

Hell. Yes.

>> No.6894

I like using hockey tape. I've used it to fix my toilet seat, the chain inside the toilet tank, the bottom of my sandals and lots of other stuff.

>> No.6899
File: 13 KB, 271x269, DO IT FAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can actually purify the air in your home by attaching strips of duct tape to fan blades, then just letting the fan run.

Once the strips of tape are covered in dust, hair, allergies, and all that crap, remove them and replace with new ones.

Yay! Now you don't have to buy expensive ass air filters or purifiers!

>> No.6901

>Duct Tape
>Not Gorilla Tape

>> No.6908

Fold duct tape into tube shape, siphon oil from other cars.

>> No.6911

Duct tape your car to a horse.

>> No.6924

>duct tape
All problems solved.

>> No.6925

But you can't get high on duct tape. Game over OP.

>> No.6933

>Cthulhu awakens
>send in the duct tape
>duct tape Cthulhu to the bottom of the ocean

Damn. Global warming?

>> No.6939


holy fuck

>> No.6962

>strip sticky stuff off of it
>sniff that shit

>> No.6975

Can't cook my meal with it.

>> No.6977

duck tape the hole in the ozone layer
duct tape climate change deniers to an anchor, throw in the ocean
duct tape people to bicycles so they learn to ride

>> No.6980

Make a ducktape tube, siphon gas from another car. yw

>> No.6984

Make a bong out of duct tape.

>> No.6990

What about my disc drive that won't read discs anymore?

>> No.6993

In my car, the fly-wheel is missing a tooth.

How do you propose I fix this problem with duct tape?

>> No.6998

>Get meat
>Tape one side
>Drop onto pan and cook till ready
>Take off, peel tape and flip over
>Put new tape on cooked side and place back onto pan

>> No.7001
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it saved apollo 13
along with a sock

>> No.7004
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hellermann ties master race reporting in

>> No.7008

rob an electronics store with duct tape for a new one

>> No.7013


Duct tape will be a useful tool in preventing the computer store owner from identifying any of the violent robbers.

>> No.7021


Use duct tape to hold the clutch pedal in, so you can get out and push for a clutch start.

>> No.7022

How can you make fire with duct tape?

>> No.7027

duct tape flesh light

>> No.7034

all hail the zip strip

good enough for military jets good enough for me

>> No.7045

duct tape your hands so that they don't get blisters while you rub sticks together

>> No.7046
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my failed relationship with my wife


>> No.7047

Doesn't the sticky stuff burn, or am I mistaken?

If I'm wrong, use it to contain the fire.

>> No.7059

Duct tape her mouth shut, as well as her wrists and ankles.
Fuck her a lot.
Relationship saved.

>> No.7060

Schrödinger's cat.

>> No.7072

cover the vial of poison with duct tape so it can't leak out and kill the cat

>> No.7082


>> No.7084

There is a big bundle of sticky duct tape stuck to your roll of duct tape, making it impossible to get it.

>> No.7107

Can't make a telescope out of it and view the sun,

>> No.7109

A radiation leak.

>> No.7110

The Nuclear Reaction stops in the sun, how do we start it again with duct tape?

>> No.7117

You mean popping the clutch? I park on a hill, so I don't need to do this.

I was thinking more along the lines of somehow sculpting a false tooth and taping it to the gear with duct tape. =/

Too bad that won't work at all.

>> No.7118

Use the duck tape stuck to the duck tape instead of the duck tape to duck tape whatever you want to duck tape.

>> No.7119

Can't stop a dropping nuke from the sky.

>> No.7128

I prefer electrical tape. It's much more versatile.

>> No.7131

can't fap anymore after tripple fap, how to with duct tape?

>> No.7133

The rapture.

>> No.7137

Duct tape a net.

>> No.7141

tape yourself to the ground

>> No.7151

Duct tape is the 5th elemental force, and thus might be able to stop god.

>> No.7155

are you retarded?

make a new foreskin with duct tape

duct tape yourself to a christian

>> No.7158

Can't stop the war between Israel and Palestine.

>> No.7163
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>> No.7166

Wall of duct tape.

>> No.7169

Duct taped shuttle containing helium, hydrogen and a fusion bomb derived from duct tape isotopes.

>> No.7172

Duct tape wall around Jerusalem, no one gets it.

>> No.7175

not enough money to buy duct tape, how solve that with duct tape

>> No.7177


>> No.7182

Trolled like a bitch.

>> No.7194

Can't use duct tape to make more duct tapes.

>> No.7199

Duct tape mobius strip

>> No.7205

If you has duct tape, how has you need duct tape? Makes no sense. Og have headache now.

>> No.7209


>> No.7211

Cut the duct tape in half. You get an original duct tape and a second duct tape.

>> No.7221

Can't picklock a door with it.

>> No.7230

Perform first aid with it

>> No.7235

Silence is golden.
Duct tape is silver.

>> No.7237

>Duct tape the door to a car.
>Drive car.
>Door opens.

>> No.7243
File: 84 KB, 750x600, Divided_by_zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duct tape is shaped like a 0 - there are consequences for dividing it. DIRE consequences.

>> No.7245

That's breaking, not picklocking.

>> No.7247
File: 217 KB, 1600x1200, 1302848353873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how make compooter from duct tape

>> No.7251

Tape the wound shut. Alternatively. slap a doctor's dick with a sticky piece and threaten to rip it hard.

>> No.7257

Unhinge the mechanism and THEN re-attach doorknob.

>> No.7258

want to get back home after one month travelling but boss wont let me, how to duct tape?

>> No.7269

Fly a plane with it.

>> No.7273

Duct tape sword, use it to distract your boss while you shoot him in the gullet.

>> No.7281
File: 8 KB, 181x179, airplane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Build this guy out of duct tape.

>> No.7282

Do something similar to those Tinker Toys calculators.

>> No.7284

Use it as a xbox-360 controller

>> No.7285
File: 41 KB, 431x483, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mythbusters S09E16.

>> No.7287

Attach two "ropes" made of duct tape to both sides of the steering wheel or whatever it's called.

Use a duct tape stick to push buttons.

>> No.7294

Transporting molten steel?

>> No.7298

AirPlane Regulation duct tape can withstand such temperatures.

>> No.7311

Here's a problem: Stop a Nuclear bomb from going off using duct tape. BUT THE NUCLEAR BOMB HAS DANGER CLOSE PRO U MAD BRAH?

>> No.7322

I can't find my remote controller with it.

>> No.7336

Create a duct tape leash for your remote so you don't lose it in the future.

>> No.7337

Tape cellphone to controller beforehand
When lost, call cellphone
Locate controller by ringing

>> No.7338


problem still not solved

>> No.7340
File: 153 KB, 460x486, 2900699364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make reins out of duct tape, attach reins to essential flying instruments, ride on top

pic related

>> No.7364


>> No.7376


op failed to answer l0l owned

>> No.7386


>> No.7440

Make a Flak Jacket and Level A hazmat suit out of duct tape.

>> No.7457

Duct tape your furniture and possessions to your roof. Start cleaning up what's left on your floor until you find your remote.

>> No.7461


LOLOL u think a suit will protect u against a nuclear bomb? DId i not mention it had danger close pr0 l0l

face it op. u lost. it was gud wile it lasted hehe

>> No.7517
File: 17 KB, 277x366, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If woman don't find you handsome. They sure might find you handy.

>> No.7530
File: 9 KB, 436x337, ok i got this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7551
File: 213 KB, 445x465, 1302847258829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>make duct tape shovel
>make duct tape planks
>make duct tape 4x4's
>dig 10ft hole
>build 6ft fort
>cover with dirt
>nuke has esploded
>nigga you ded already

>> No.7682

A continent sized meteor is heading straight for Earth.

>> No.7699


not a problem
duct tape eyes, you're dead anyways

>> No.7899

You make some faggot ass threads cirno.

>> No.8275


>> No.8361
File: 9 KB, 260x194, 1312626567257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is the only person in this thread who knows what they are talking about. Duct tape is only one half of the final solution.

Duct tape if it moves an it's not supposed to.
WD-40 if it doesn't move and it is supposed to.

pic related, /diy/cat

>> No.8363

ok lets say im the last man on earth, except im a vampire, no other living thing on earth. i cant put duct tape over my eyes cuz hell, shit aint working, i aint dead anyway cuz im a vampire. how will duct tape help me ?

>> No.8397

Duct Tape together your new AI buddies.

And you can make tape-based traps for animals.

>> No.8495

>my form doing fist pushups for the first time is bad
>duct tape my thumb down

>> No.8564

Get shot?

Duct tape wound

>> No.8607


Yeah, I've been there and to tell the truth blood kinda ruins the adhesive rather fast...still better than WD-40 i'd bet.

>> No.8632
File: 32 KB, 581x336, 1314918817060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that is imposible to find a problem that cannot be solved in some creative way with duct tape

can you solve this?

>> No.8644


>> No.8673
File: 64 KB, 457x759, 1308503176248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, i think thies tread is over

>> No.8691

planet sized wall of duct tape

>> No.8701

Dont use the duck tape as a bandage. Use it as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding.

>> No.8731

Write on a wall with duck tape: "Creativeness is relative."

>> No.8751
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>> No.8801
File: 14 KB, 222x219, erikatrollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP knows what he's talking about!

>> No.8817

OP is a dumb Ice fairy

>> No.9504
File: 9 KB, 316x238, DRImage2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread needs more duct rape