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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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665478 No.665478[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

God fucking damn it, I'm repainting the interior of my car because this fucking shitty bitch is peeling.

after cleaning the area and painting it it looks like shit.... if I sand it it will look to smooth so what do I do?? should have removed all of the old paint.. thats to late now I barely have any paint left

Please help I'm dying here

>> No.665479
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that's how it looks now

>> No.665481
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I only had 150ml of the original color and now after like 3 layers I'm running low

I don't know what to do please someone with paint expertise help

>> No.665484
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motherfucking MERCEDES


>> No.665485
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>mfw I see how slow this baord is this time of the day

>> No.665493

Unless your paint in the pot is drying up right now, you shouldn't be al impatient. Even then, go be impatient somewhere else. /diy/ gets replies in a timeframe of hours.

Also, if your pot his drying up on you, that would mean you didn't close the damn container yet.

>> No.665499 [DELETED] 
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You sound like someone with a lot of friends, also fuck you and your shitty board, I used up all the paint I had anyways, so fuck this, bitch.

>> No.665500
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aww. its ok. we understand your frustration. too bad you had to go all psycho. or maybe somoene could have helped you. but you chose to freak out. nobody is going to take you seriously now. also.. sucks to be you. enjoy your fucked up interior paint job

>> No.665516


You are trying to paint the semi-hard plastic interior of your car? Not metal, not even plastic, its more of a foam/rubber console. It wont take paint, not for long at least. At least not any spray or automotive paint.

Let me mansplain it to you real quick. The console is not nearly rigid enough. Its a super dense rubber or foam construct, not metal and rigid enough plastic. The interior of the car goes through a hellova temp change durring the day, several dozen if not a hundred degrees in a 24 hour period. That console grows and contracts a few millimeters every day. MOST paint will not have a chance in hell of sticking to it or at least staying on it for very long, no matter what you do to the surface area. Sand it, prime it, fucking clear coat it 6 inches deep. Wont matter. The whole thing will still expand and contract every day and wiggle the paint loose.

I imagine if you covered it in a plastidip shell (which would look like ass) it would relatively stay on there for a year or two, more hanging on the surface than really coating it.

If it were metal or very rigid plastic you could paint it, hell you could powder a metal console and it will outlast the car. But what you have wont work, no matter what. Or how angry you get. Find a replacement console in a color you like and install it. Or fab one out of a materiel that can hold paint in rapidly changing extreme temperatures.

Or give up.

>> No.665517

lolz. Enjoy your peeling paint.

>> No.665519

Problem may be if anyone used a silicone based protector on it, even plastic parts spray paint will not stick.

>> No.665520
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>> No.665523

thanks for explaining but It IS made out of textured ABS plastic, and the paint on it was some kind of a rubberized one and it started peeling, after I cleaned up and removed some paint where I felt it was coming loose (you see it in the first picture) I gave it 3-6 coats of special replacement paint but I only had 150ml/5ounces and it's all gone. problem is there is a visible line where the older paint is raised because its uneven.

check out the pictures again that's where I fucked up, I should have removed all of the paint and I guess I cant save it anymore

also this little 5 ounces spray-can costs 40$ so I ain't gonna buy another one because its already fucked

>> No.665525
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>> No.665532

>going into a board you clearly know nothing about and demanding assistance

yea, you're the kind of person I'd expect to have an ugly-ass car like that.

just drive it off a cliff