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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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65514 No.65514 [Reply] [Original]

Well, im making the Fuzz Face pedal. Guitar effects. But I have a question.
Im using BC108 transistors, so it is NPN, my question is, where do I put the negative pole of the battery and where the positive?

Thank you very much, guys. I will put the schem on the next post.

Picture is the work I have made til now.

>> No.65519
File: 5 KB, 336x240, to-92.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just asked an electronics question almost at the same time as you.

Does this help?

>> No.65523
File: 5 KB, 353x271, fuzzfacenpnschematic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65527

Yeah dude, look at diagram on >>65519 , then look up your transistor to find the pinout, then most importantly
I hate it when people don't label them

>> No.65530

I understand this, my teacher explained it this Friday at university, but it doesnt solve my doubt. I know that if I want to use pnp transistors i have to chenge the polarity of the transistors and also the battery polarity, but I dont know where to plug the battery :S

Thank you anyway.

>> No.65534

Now you say, I think I did it wrong, shit.
I have just joined the circuit with Sn.

>> No.65535

oh, you want to change it to a pnp?
I have no idea how to do that, sorry

>> No.65537

>paying for someone to teach him electronics

>> No.65548

Did you buy all those parts at radioshack?
You can get a way better deal online, you know. Fuck paying four dollars for a potentiometer.

>> No.65557

Im not paying, in fact education is free in my country.
I am not studying electronics, Im at Computer Engineering, but one of my subjects is "circuits".

You failled. And tell me, who are you, what are you studying, what do you know bout electronics?
Surprise me.

>> No.65562

I bought it at a physical shop, yep.
I payed 9€.
I wanted also another button, you know that kind of button is used on pedals, it costed 10€, so i said no.

>> No.65572

I do electronics as a hobby, and I've learned everything I know about it from the internet. If you like the computer aspects of it, you should look into digital logic, it's basically the foundation of the hardware side of computers.
I'm not studying anything because I'm murrcan and our schools are a waste of time and money and they don't really get you a job afterward unless it's one of a select few professions.

>> No.65577

Can't he like digital AND analog?

I like them both.

>> No.65581

He said he's in a computer class, so I thought he might enjoy that side of it.
But he's building an analog pedal you're right, he probably likes both.

>> No.65588

I also work with Logical Gates, but unfortunately, here, if you haven't got a paper you don't exist. I know there are probably people who knows more than an engeenier, in fact there are teens who learnt by themselves and achieved breaking in the most secured places, but without a career you are fucked. :(

I like this kind of stuff, and thats why I'm trying to get involved in small projects like this one.
Does anyone know where to plug the battery? The negative and positive pole? Thank you!

>> No.65592

I like both, and as a musician, I like anything related with the sound. :)

>> No.65594

Yeah, same here. I've got nothing against digital except distortion

>> No.65747

Bump for an answer.

>> No.66011


>> No.66016

so the only difference between a pnp and npn is just that the polarities of the collector and emitter are swappped? is that how I should understand it?

>> No.66033

The schematic clearly labels the posotive pin as going to the collector and the emitter getting the negative or ground.

You'd have to reverse the polarity for a PNP, but these are early days for you yet!

>> No.67561

Hey, I wanna make a guitar pedal too.
How much would it cost for raw parts?

>> No.67581

looks like bout fi dollah, more if you want to mount it nice on some stripboard, which is actually really expensive.

>> No.67597

Can you pick up equipment at a Radioshack?
Or do they suck and buying it online would be best?

>> No.67613

I have heard of people getting good stuff at radioshacks but I've never actually seen anything there that wasn't overpriced or outdated. Try digikey and mouser and maybe some others. You can usually swap parts for cheaper ones if the specs are the same.

>> No.67634 [DELETED] 

My Nigga!

I just built my first amp today. The Ruby design from runoffgroove.
I need to build a cabinet yet, but that part's easy.

I may try building a pedal next.

Next time, you could probably squeeze it closer together on a quarter of that board. ;)
Good job!