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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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648675 No.648675[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /diy/

First off all I would like to apologize to you if it's not the kind of thread you're used to ; please let it slide if it's not board related, even if I think it is.

Here's my projet, not a material one : I would like to enlighten myself, to grow a better mind, to get a better level of consciousness.

I'm not really into religion or anything related, I read a lot of philosophy or political books, but I'm also not into esotericism or anything related.

So, How do I become more enlightened ?
Any methods are welcome.

>> No.648678

Post this on
>>>/x/ or
They will probably help you. Polite sage.

>> No.648787

Seconding /lit/, but more importantly:

What the fuck is a "better" level of consciousness to you? I would start by answering that question in a more concrete way. You're on /diy/, grow a pair and do some of the thinking on your own.

>> No.649213

Make something.

Make it again.

Make it again.

Make it again, better.

Make it again.

Make it again.

Make it again.

Make it again.

Doesn't matter what.

Make it again.

Make it again.

Make it again.

Make it better.

Make it again.

Make it again.

Pretty soon, you'll find you've not just been making something, but remaking yourself.

>> No.649222

Very much about using your sin to spite yourself. You want to do something bad for you? No, fuck that, I'm better than that. I won't let my base animal drives get that candy bar. I am a goddamn human being, I am not an animal.
My top reading list to help me get over shit was:
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Lila (sequel to Zen)
Stefan Molyneux on youtubes.
Old Testament prophets, but at like a seminary level. They were some radical mother fuckers and had some good ideas about how to organize a society, that no one ever followed for long.

>> No.649228

personal favorite is http://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/Sequences
the sequences are good
pic unrelated

>> No.649279

Silence your inner talk to complete silence....step one

>> No.649291
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Once a year whether we need it or not, OP?

>> No.649389

Try these boards:


>> No.649497

>I would like to enlighten myself
>to grow a better mind
Better how?
>better level of consciousness
This is some /x/ tier material right here.

It sounds as if you don't actually have a goal...
Do what this anon says: >>649213