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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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61673 No.61673 [Reply] [Original]

I /diy/

My BOB consists of
>100 ft 550 paracord
>ka Bar
>AR 15 chambered in 5.56
>1000 rounds for AR
>matches, firestarters, magnesuim strip, zippo
>spare carton of cigs
> flash light
>Commo for my group and I
>2 sets of multi cam
>2 weeks of dehydrated food
>5 gallon water bladder (unfilled)
>iodine tablets
>gas mask and 2 filters
> a bit of gold and $1000 cash
>book and 2 packs of cards
>first aide kit (I'm a paramedic)
>razor blade
>fishing line
>zip ties
> plasic baggies
> coat (live in the north)
>extra set of boots
>10 pairs of socks and underwear
>personal hygiene products
>instant coffee
>pack of coffee filters
> 16 guage wire about 50 feet
>baby wipes
>cotton balls
>tent (small 2 person)
>sleeping bag
>3 sets of normal clothing
>chap stick
> Vaseline
and a whole lot of other stuff I can't think of of the top of my head.

It's all put into a Large Alice ruck sack with frame.

>> No.61674

OP here

I want to know what you would put into your Oh Shit bag

>> No.61679

Toilet paper and a spare change of undies.

>> No.61682


>> No.61692


I guess I'd need to find a purpose for it first. Floods, tornadoes or earthquakes aren't a problem here.

>> No.61695

>100 ft 550 paracord
>ka Bar
>AR 15 chambered in 5.56
Oh boy, here we go. Another tacti-cool faggot.
>spare carton of cigs
Kick the habit. Unless you're expecting to be thrown in prison. Then those might come in handy.
Oh great. An armed wanna-be marine with a bondage fetish.
>baby wipes
Pussy. Use your hand or a leaf like a real man.
> Vaseline
Ok, this combined with the handcuffs and assault rifle? Confirmed for gunpoint rapist.

>> No.61697

I think op's bag has way to much unnecessary shit. Good like trying to escape anyone while carrying all of that. If i had wanted something like this i'd have a long coat with a decent fixed blade knife, a torch, $500, a lighter and some fishing line and hooks all in the pockets of the coat.

>> No.61700

> Vaseline
has many uses from lubricating rifle to starting fires
>baby wipes
used for hygiene
You never know
>AR 15
Say someone invaded the United States you wouldn't want to be caught unarmed by the enemy, not to mention when there's a disaster there's a lot of looting and crime. Do you want to be caught unarmed?
>spare carton of cigs
not only for my own use but can be very valuable when it comes to bartering

>> No.61702
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This thread excites me.

What I have:

2 person tent
down sleeping bag
lots of bandages and other basic medical supplies
snake bite kit
crank emergency radio/cell phone charger (very small and light weight)
folding shovel/saw
some knives
mess kit & multi-utensil
some hygiene products
water proof matches
several things to start fire

Im sure there are some items missing, feeling lazy right now.

Surprisingly my bag is lightweight, granted I have some more stuff to add but I can run with it and the tent doesnt make it off balance like I thought it would. I have some food set aside I need to put into my bag and need to focus on water. I am also considering getting a solar roll up mat that I could recharge batteries with. Another item I to need is a good weapon, for a while I was thinking about a gun but I've been watching a lot of walking dead recently and it really showed me some really good advantages of owning a crossbow over a gun. My bag isn't designed for zombies, just a survival but its still fun to prepare for it. Picture related its my bag.

>> No.61704

>AR 15
>Say someone invaded the United States you wouldn't want to be caught unarmed by the enemy, not to mention when there's a disaster there's a lot of looting and crime. Do you want to be caught unarmed?

Not gonna happen and even if it did why would they be after you? Having the gun pretty much guarantee's your death if they find you. Also shooting your own countrymen for looting is insane.

>> No.61706

Never said I'd shoot my own countrymen, more for intimidation purposes. and if someone did invade for any reason, if I hadn't enlisted I'd go off and fight with the rest of the citizens. The great thing about the united states is that there's a rifle behind every blade of grass.

>> No.61708

Pretty good. I like it. And they're fun as hell to put together.

>> No.61713

mine is
fishing line
and 9mm

>> No.61715


thats more like it

>> No.61716

Wow, you don't need all that shit. Cut back on clothing for starters. Also, put your magnesium strip on a necklace, and some cash in a close strapped bag - this stuff should be on your body. I assume you can attach your knife to your belt.

Take this to /k/ and maybe they will take pity on you and help you out.

>> No.61717

the reason for the clothes is if i have to bug out im dissapearing for 3-5 years

>> No.61718


>> No.61720

because the only reason id bug out is if shtf so bad that its a bad idea to come back

>> No.61723

need billies for boiling water an food

>> No.61886


How did you manage two weeks of food?

>> No.61913

>ar15 chambered in 5.56

>> No.61931

needs a .50AE desert eagle for a sidearm

>> No.61993

I hate to say this, but gb2/k/

>> No.62018

>and a whole lot of other stuff I can't think of of the top of my head.

You should know what's in your bag, where it is, and the item's condition ALWAYS. memorize it.
It will always help you to know these things.

>> No.62022

>Say someone invaded the United States you wouldn't want to be caught unarmed by the enemy, not to mention when there's a disaster there's a lot of looting and crime. Do you want to be caught unarmed?

fear-ridden ameridumb detected
how many locks do you have in your door?

captcha: sigh dicmpo

>> No.62026

A lot of people neglect to add writing material, like a pencil + paper or some sticks of chalk. You have no idea how handy that shit would get, especially when you have to note something vitally important down.

It would also help for keeping inventory when you have a gigantic store of items like OP

>> No.62036

So....you're seriously going to try to hump all that shit around a nuclear wasteland for days on end?

For one, 1000 rounds, are you fucking insane? For a semi-auto AR? I'd carry more like 50-80 rounds. Seriously, you honestly think you would last long enough in a firefight to use 1000 rounds? More than likely you would just use maybe 2 or 3 rounds a day to shoot at squirrels, and then when you cant hit them because you never really practiced, you'll just off yourself.

When i was in the military i we had select fire weapons, and even then if i had 200 rounds on me i'd be going in real heavy.

>> No.62042

This is just a first draft, so the details would be open for discussion among the council, assuming they like the idea.

>375 with 250 rounds of ammunition
>Compound bow with 50 arrows
>A pair of durable sandals
>A set of warm clothing wrapped in plastic for waterproofing
>5 spools of high strength fishing line
>Plenty of fishing hooks
>Hunting knife
>Swiss army knife
>Canteen(Aluminium, not plastic)
>Water purification tablets

Pretty lightweight and versatile.

I went with a 375 because carrying around an assault rifle during *any* apocalypse scenario(invasion, natural disaster, whatever) will draw attention that you don't want. A 375 with a smaller amount of ammunition will be easier to carry and conceal, and revolvers require less maintenance and are more reliable than something like a 9mm.

Bow and Arrow for hunting. It's silent, and the arrows can be retrieved after the kill making ammo less of an issue for long term survival.

Sandals because you WILL run out of socks, no matter how many pairs you bring. No underwear because you can always go commando.

The rest is pretty self-explanatory.

>> No.62043

OP how do you carry that BoB?
>1000 rounds 5.56
27 lbs (give or take, depending on if it's 55 or 62 grain)
>5 gallons of water
8lbs per gallon = 40lbs
>tent (small 2 person)
Even ultra-light back packing tents are > 3lbs for a rugged one with enough space to sit up comfortably, you are looking at closer to 5 lbs. I'll split the difference and call it 4.
>Sleeping bag
Down or synthetic? what temperature rating? I'm guessing 3lbs here too.

So your ammo (not the rifle), water, and shelter alone are:
26 + 40 + 4 + 3 = 73 lbs. How the fuck are you going ot carry that anywhere? I hope you don't have to quickly bug out, be cause your are going to be stopping every 5 mins to rest.

There is also the issue of space. 5 gallons of water alone are super bulky, 1k 5.56 is bulky. Parkas are bulke. 10 pairs of under clothes are bulky. Is your BoB packed in a jeep or something? Doesn't that miss the point?

Enlighten me OP.

>> No.62048


Just for luxury, I'd squeeze an ounce of weed, a couple lighters, and a pipe in there, too.

>> No.62060

250 rounds of .375 is still 10lbs Better than the OP but... why do you need 250 rounds of big-game hunting ammo? Are you expecting an elk apocalypse? A Win 700 chambered in anything isn't exactly easy to conceal.

Why not use a .38 or .357 pistol instead?

>> No.62068


I assumed that it was obvious I was referring to a pistol. Maybe I should have been more specific, guess that's my bad.

>> No.62072

.375 is not chambered for pistols. It is a big-game hunting round.

I thought it was a typo at first, but you repeated .375 several times.

Your kit is massively over built. A BoB should cover your basic needs for 30 days at the most. A gun and a bow (with ammo for both) is both needlessly bulky and needlessly heavy.

>> No.62076
File: 131 KB, 400x300, survival-shot-gun-kit-contents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figure this is relevant for this thread:

>> No.62080


That actually is a typo, I didn't notice it until you pointed it out. Dyslexia can be a bitch sometimes. -_-

>> No.62081

a BOB should consist of
>100 ft braided rope
>ka Bar
>lineman's pilers
>cheap marlin 22lr squirell gun
>2 bricks 22lr
>matches, firestarters
>two way radios
>5 one gallon water bladders (unfilled)
>iodine tablets/ water filtration device
>useful book and 2 packs of cards
>first aid kit
>razor blade
>small ultralight fish pole
>zip ties lots of them (minimum 6 inchers)
>ziploc bags / garbage bags
>10 pairs of socks
>personal hygiene products
>16 guage wire about 50 feet
>sanitary wipes
>tarps 10x10 and 6x9