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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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598380 No.598380[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Stop cleaning toilet for 2 years.

Alright guys, anyone has any idea how to clean it up?

>> No.598382

spray the entire thing in caustic soda solution
to start with

>> No.598387
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blast it with piss

>> No.598389

soak with coke cola

>> No.598393

Acetone, hydrochloric acid. Using those two in sequence will clean almost anything off a glass or ceramic surface. Hope you have a fan for the fumes, though. Look for muratic acid at the hardware store. Same thing. When you're done with the acid (BEFORE YOU FLUSH), dump a bunch of baking soda in there until it stops fizzing (protip: you'll need a shit-ton).

I doubt there's much organic matrix in there. Probably could just do the acid thing and be done.

>> No.598396


No...just replace the toilet like I did...

I sorta did the same as you OP...didn't clean...cheaper and easier to just pull the crapper up and throw it out...drop a new clean one on...yer good to go...

Hope this helps...

>> No.598410

this makes mustard gas

>> No.598412

Muratic acid is the way to go

>> No.598413

had same problem. zep acidic toilet bowl cleaner on the cleaning aisle at home depot let it sit in water for few mins and use a non scratch scrub pad or else you might take off the finish. easy to do will be clean.

>> No.598416

you don't pour them in at the same time retard

>> No.598439

I second the muratic acid you disgusting bastard.

>> No.598440

buy a 2l bottle of coke. Pour into toilet. Let sit for about an hour. Flush.

>> No.598527

Was also going to suggest coke

>> No.598541


It doesn't look that bad. I have a friend whose toilet bowl is pretty much 100% yellow

>> No.598542

>>Stop cleaning toilet for 2 years.
>Alright guys, anyone has any idea how to clean it up?
coke don't do shit, it is nowhere near as strong as calcium remover,,,,, calcium remover will burn your skin if left on for too long.

step 1: get a wet/dry vac and vacuum out the standing water in the bowl, and let it dry. The drying is important because the calcium remover won't work if you mix it with water.

step 2: fill the bowl up to the normal water level with 100% calcium remover and let it sit for an hour or two. Yes, that much calcium remover will cost some money, but it will work with one application and very little labor involved.

"but,,,, but,,,, I have no wet-dry vacuum?"
Then I have no sympathy for you, for in terms of being a homeowner you are quite literally a filthy casual.

>> No.598546

ever heard of citric acid

>> No.598551

would citric acid work?

My toilet bowl is fucked too, and i just happen to have 1kg of citric powder.

>> No.598552

use CLR

>> No.598557

lye first to remove shit, then some kinda acid to remove sediment
both as hot as you can handle
shouldnt take longer than an hour, protected surfaces like that are easy as fuck to clean

>> No.598558

citric acid is a great calc remover, just make sure to saturate your solution and make it hot

>> No.598563
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CLR or ZAP either one should work.
for me the ZAP works a bit better/faster on calcium build-up.

>> No.598611

>ever heard of citric acid
yea ive heard of it
but calcium remover is a standard bathroom cleaner, the local grocery stores all sell it... and I don't know if any of them sell citric acid

also I though CLR was mainly for rust stains

>> No.598612

buy citric acid in bulk and you will never need to buy any of those overpriced grocery store cleaning products

>> No.598675

I bought a complete new toilet for under $100. It's an easy install.

>> No.598680

Mine has hard water mineral build up from not cleaning, I spent about $250 on cleaning products over the period of a few weeks til I gave up.

Now I just put Really dark toilet blue in the systern and you can't see the stains (that are all under the water line)

>> No.598683
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>Stop cleaning toilet for 9 years.

>> No.598685
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>> No.598687



>> No.598693

What the actual fuck is wrong with you people telling him to just buy a new shitter?



>2 hours and 15$ worth of CLR or Citric Acid

50$ an hour is a good wage, and most of it is you sitting around for the shit to come loose then scrub the motherfucker afterward you sad gay nerd virgin.

>> No.598694

concentrated suphuric acid will clean it in about 1 hour

>> No.598762

The moment I get my own place, I'm going to modify my toilet to be waterproof so I can spray it down with a hose and clean it properly on the outside.
I fucking hate disgusting toilets and I'd rather shit outside in the bushes then on a dirty one.

>> No.598796
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mixing that with shit creates mustard gas

>fill bowl with plecostomus
>blast them with piss

>> No.598831

Concentrated sulphuric acid will clean it in about 10 minutes.

>> No.598881

Put an inflatable rubber bulb into the toilet and inflate it so that it blocks liquids from flushing the toilet. Then fill the toilet with toilet bowl cleaner and water (2 parts water, 1 part cleaner and or bleach if the labels say you can mix them) all the way up to past the stains. Close the lid and come back 24 hours later. Start scrubbing. You can use a pot scratcher if you need to, but normally there won't be a problem. Remove the inflatable rubber bulb and flush the toilet.

>> No.598995

long rubber glove and wet and dry for that real stubborn shit.

>> No.598996

Concentrated sulfuric acid would be a total overkill and quite hazardous thing to do as well. Besides, sulfuric acid turn lime to gypsum, which isn't exactly good.
Hydrochloric acid is easier to handle and the reaction products are water soluble.

>> No.598999

Pressure washer.

>> No.599021

Clean it like a cat by licking it

>> No.599047

>>Stop cleaning toilet for 2 years.
>Alright guys, anyone has any idea how to clean it up?

the /b/tard in me wants to ask why?

>> No.599178
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>> No.599179

Like, how does somebody not get a bacterial infection from this? Or some sort of debilitating disease? I had a couple bouts with MRSA simply because I was working on a grounds crew, hands got dirty, and I scratched a god damned pimple, yet people somehow survive a toilet like this. Boggles my mind.

>> No.599351

Pressure washing might be a bit extreme, try obvious approach first, bleach or foaming scrub free cleaner. Also purple power is a miracle

>> No.599352

Use a fine grit sandpaper to sand it down until the ring is gone. Make sure there's water in the bowl so you're basically wet sanding it. Don't go too deep or you'll expose the ceramic.

>> No.599360

eventually it will get so dirty that it will clean itself.
im not even joking.

>> No.599518
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Yes new infectious bacteria spontaneously generate from nothing. Had you lived in 1815 this sort of mistake could be tolerated but your a couple hundred years behind the times.

There is only one person using that shit pile as no other person on earth would venture near it. Only bacteria adept at living outside of a human will thrive there and only one person will deposit bacteria. Evolution will lead to these bacteria being less infectious not more so.

Now you go to some place like india where there are multiple sources and multiple potential hosts and you can get some tremendously scary shit.

>> No.599523

back up fellows...I got this...
Pumice Stone ftw

>> No.599542


This. People that live and work alone rarely get sick unless they are injured. When I was in the Army I was sick at least once a month (though half that could have been the food) because of living with 2 thousand other dirty little shits. When I got out and was going to college (which you all payed for, thank you GI Bill) it went down to once every 3-4 months. Same deal when I got a job the first few years. I've been telecommuting for 5 years and I've been sick about as many times.

Since I left the Army I haven't so much as gotten the flu, just piddly little shit like colds and sore throats. When I was in the Army I was hospitalized 4 times with the flu. This was due to the risk of spreading the infection, not that I was that sick. Bird flu was rustling everyones jimmies back then. Treatment consisted of me wearing a mask 24/7 and getting a saline IV drip it keep me hydrated. Food was better though.

>> No.600164

I second this. I go some time between cleaning and these pumice stones work like a charm.

>> No.600409

>Then I have no sympathy for you, for in terms of being a homeowner you are quite literally a filthy casual.

>> No.600413

It actually doesn't look that bad for 2 years. Have you tried regular old toilet cleaner?

>> No.600445

I'm thinking the same. Mine looks worse than that and its only been 6 mos.

OP go get bleach toilet cleaner and a scrub brush.

>> No.600511

I use toilet brush to push the water out, soak up the remaining water with toilet paper and then steam it, dry it up again and then soak toilet paper with bleach and stick to the sides where the limescale builds up

>> No.600995


>> No.601022

Have I good news for you.

Boil large amount of water.

Add powdered detergent.

Pour into tub / bowl. Wait. Flush. Sparkles.

>> No.601338

I actually did this years ago; got the idea from the gym locker room at my high school which was all tile. Other than tiling everything (lower half of walls, entire floor), install a floor drain and you're good to go.

>> No.602518

On the topic of toilets, I have a problem.
When I flush my toilet, it overflows immediately, and then drains very slowly for the remainder (whatever didn't overflow)
I've snaked it, used shopvac to suck out any objects, used hot water/dish soap, cleaned my plumbing vent, and none of those have helped.
What should I be trying next?

>> No.602520

A piece of pumice will remove anything from porcelain.

>> No.602568

Mixture of vinegar and sodium bicarbonate.

>> No.602586

damn, we really needed hectors cooks

>> No.602591

>Not just getting a hose and sucking out the water orally
The only casual here is you, my friend.

>> No.602594

turn off water supply to toilet, hold down flush until cistern is empty, use a plunger to push water out of bowl. use a cream cleaner let soak then with wet and dry sanding paper go at it

>> No.602679

Fill the bowl up with coca cola over night and flush in the morning. Tried and tested

>> No.603665

this is your answer. you can find it at the hardware store. ventilate the room and don't breathe the vapor.

>> No.603666

this is what i use when the bowl and throat are too rough for flushing. cleans it right up.

>> No.603881

Hi op.

Get a toilet-brush - splash the water out of it (to the inside of the toilet). Buy a couple liters of vinegar - cover everything with it. Leave overnight.

Step 2: Buy domestos http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestos or similar cleaning product.

It is important that it's white or clear. Leave the fucker on hard to reach areas then clean that off with a combination of water and brushing.

Step 3 - for the areas you're going to sit on use domestos (or similar) and a hard sponge. This is 4chan so I'll stress this - throw the sponge out after doing this.

Repeat each step as necessary. Good luck

>> No.603969

Something abrasive presumably

>> No.604232

not trying to hijack OP's thread but I keep my toilet relatively clean except one night I drunkenly missed the bowl altogether and long story short the calk-like material that connects the toilet to the floor has gone from white to peach from uric acid. Any ideas?

>> No.605098
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and you wonder why you're a virgin

>> No.605538

Muriatic acid. Home Depot. Wear gloves and safety glasses. Try not to drink it thinking it's delicious soda.

>> No.606648

flush it. let it fill. turn off water supply. flush again to empty bowl.

use bleach, sponge, and soap to get most of the loose dirt out. turn water back on, let it fill, turn it off, and flush again.

now use pumice stone, aka mr. pumie, to get the stuck on stains off.

enjoy your clean toilet.

>> No.606649

this is a smart man. i do this, too; rationalizing the time spent to do something myself in terms of the money i saved equating to "income."

so long as my time isnt better spent working, i do it myself. right on man.

>> No.606716
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This. It will take less than a minute of scrubbing. Shit's like magic yo.

>> No.606745

Get a economy sized jug of vinegar, soak tissue/toilet paper/kitchen towels with it, slap it loosely on the nasty spots, pour the rest of the vinegar in the cistern.

Watch a movie or go shopping for a few hours, come back, now you can flush and easily scrub it clean in 2-5 minutes with a regular toilet brush.

>> No.606755

in OPs pic there is two issues: above the waterline there is some mildew, and below the waterline there appears to be lime deposits.

the mildew just scrubs right off with toilet cleaner soap and a toilet brush,,,, it is easy to clean. it is caused by lack of cleaning, and also leaving the toilet lid down.

the lime stains you need lime remover to get rid of, and it has nothing to do with being dirty or not cleaning the toilet. it is caused by how much lime is in the local water supply.

>> No.606806

Flush toilet. Wait until bowl fills an water stops in tank. Pour in 1 cup of Clorox bleach full strength. Let sit for 3-4 hours with lid closed. Keep door closed also if you can fumes may be strong. 3-4 hours later get handle brush, scrub dark stains off flush toilet two times. Clean as new!

>> No.607272
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>have waterproof bathroom
>toilet covered in shit stains
>try to blast it clean with high pressure hose
>splashes dirty toilet water everywhere

>> No.607308

>sick every 3-4 months
You are a smoker, aren't you?

>> No.607344

I'm a landlord and I get left with some properties in absolutely disgusting states. After trying many different methods I can safely say that removing as much water from the bowl as possible and applying liberal amounts of spirits of salts, leaving it and then scrubbing does absolute wonders. You can make a bowl look brand new.