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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 283 KB, 540x960, ma fridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
596994 No.596994 [Reply] [Original]

Herro my fellow DIY/nosaurs, I bring to you... my DIY 1950's era Nuka-cola fridge from Fallout.

Part of the decorations for my Fallout themed 25th Birthday Party. Also currently getting a bulk amount of pipboys made for my friends.

>> No.596997
File: 538 KB, 1761x392, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, its a progress shot, but should be finished by the end of the week. here's a time line of what i've done so far

>> No.596998

I think you made a mistake where you wrote 25 instead if 15.

>> No.597002

i think you sir are the one mistaken...

>> No.597008

You should free raffle off a pip boy in this thread

>> No.597010 [DELETED] 

BTW what else will be themed u gonna make them drink radioactive toilet water

>> No.597014

no, I have a few cases of glass coke bottles I've bought that i've converted to nuka cola bottles with new stickers and stickers on caps. Me and my neighbor are building arduino assisted brotherhood of steel armour suits and have been sourcing old metal school lockers etc to decorate the shed with.

>> No.597032
File: 266 KB, 959x1290, Untitledfidge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks dope
I have this 63 year old fridge that was originally a wedding gift to my grandparents. Still runs perfectly. I'd like to do something similar with it, although I don't have paint/supplies to work with

>> No.597062

Looks great man.
Dont really have anything to contribute other than Im mad jelly of your craft skills.

>> No.597167

I'm 38 and love Fallout. What of it faggot?

>> No.597171

I'm nearly 50 and I love Fallout too.

>> No.597176

It's pretty cool but it seems slightly depressing that you're putting so many hours of work into your own birthday party. All of my birthday parties have been thrown for me.

>> No.597189
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1377602639570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i come too op?

>> No.597191

Is enjoying a thing the same as having a themed birthday party?

>> No.597200

Please don't do it man. I love the fallout series, and I love what OP did, but fuck man...ya gotta have respect for something that's been around that long and still performs like it did when it was first made.

captcha: byzaoJu cannot

>> No.597208

This. Hell, buy some peelable paint and do it on that, but don't do it directly to the fridge.

(peelable paint is what's usually used on the inside of spraybooths. Useful stuff, I've used it to paint flags on my car for sports events, or other such fun things)

>> No.597284
File: 1.96 MB, 2204x1913, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, that's the same brand as the one i'm working on. mine is a 50/51 model. if you were going to do this to a perfectly good fridge then I would highly recommend wrapping it completely in vinyl wrap, then painting over it. The reason I did this to 'this' fridge, is because it needs alot of work, much wire rot, a bit of rust and various dings, dents and scratches. all up (got the fridge off a mate for nothing) it's cost me $50 in enamel rattle cans and a few rolls of masking tape, (and as i work in a newsprint factory i get the free paper butts with about 100m left on the rolls.) I plan to get my fridgy mate to replace the seal and compressor with a 4 star energy rated one.

Many of my friends dont have the DIY knowledge to do the deco's at the party. I had a bioshock/steampunk 21st b'day and had to organise most of it. I enjoy doing all the work 'cos I know it's been done right and exactly how I want it. Cant expect my friends to for out $50+ for costumes and pay for decorations etc.

anon is right, personally i wouldn't do it to a perfectly good relic, but if you REALLY want to, refer to my 1st comment in this post.

See the amount of wire rot. my mate said there is gas in it and the compressor worked fine aqbout 3 years ago, but has been sitting for a while in the weather.

>> No.598108

Why not do it directly to the fridge? It's just paint, it's not going to destroy the motor/coils/radiator as long as you don't spray them.

>> No.598118

Protecting the original enamelled paint. Makes any restoration job in the future a lot easier man

>> No.598242
File: 16 KB, 300x300, datallthethings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.599206
File: 482 KB, 661x1176, fridge3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So over the weekend, my fridgy mate and I replaced all of the old fucked wiring, (the rubber coating had perished badly) re terminated all the wires and gave the relay box a good dousing with contact cleaner. the simple technology in these things is amazing! with everything running analog systems. a micro heater element (working similarly like a toaster) heats a metal strip (when overloaded) and cuts power. it's pretty neat.

I'll try to get more pics of the relay box.

exactly mate, you want to keep the original paintwork protected.

Supplies and paint only cost me $50, for about 10 spray cans, and a few reels of masking tape.

Here is a few other pics, of the inside after I'd spend over an hour cleaning out exploded cans on mother energy drink...

>> No.599217

Do want

>related story
A guy in my neighborhood posted a "curb alert" for some free "Half Life" crates that were used as party decorations on craigslist.
They looked super cool.
I drove over to find 1 cop car (E-Lights flashing) and 3 cars with their doors hanging open.
I got no half-life crates.
I have no idea what I would do with them if I did, they would probably just be laying around looking for a guy with a crowbar.

>> No.599229

ohshit Do you have any pictures of the T-51Bs?

>> No.599256

Don't listen to them anon. Go ahead and do it. In fact, take a sledge hammer to it first so it looks more beaten from the years of use. Old appliances aren't worth anything...you have any idea how expensive they are to run? Nobody wants that. Post pics.

>> No.599259


holy shitmoley

that looks incredible! Congrats mate. I'm a huge fan of the Fallout series, and I fucking love it when people bring that awesome art style into the real world. really bloody impressed, also happy birthday when it is!

>> No.599285

Very nice.

Psychological projection can be an absolute bitch, huh?

>> No.599287

You can always replace the internal components with modern efficient ones and even install better insulation in it.

>> No.599288

I'll take a sledgehammer to you, faggot. These things are incredibly efficient and have a great look to them. You seriously think something made when electricity was the most expensive bill in a household, would be an energy consuming monster? They had much smaller freezers than modern fridge combos, and the thing was thickly insulated...like, double what modern fridges have. Appliances back in the day were built to be serviced by the consumer if anything went wrong. This means higher tolerances, easier accessibility, and longer lifespans.

>> No.599320
File: 266 KB, 441x784, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dickheads need to understand the value in old relics... anon, kill yourself.

on a more positive note. the stencilling is pretty much all done.

>> No.599350

>You seriously think something made when electricity was the most expensive bill in a household, would be an energy consuming monster?
Yes. Oh god yes.

>> No.599353
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>> No.599367

Hey OP, Do you go to Wasteland Weekend?

>> No.599389

>You seriously think something made when electricity was the most expensive bill in a household, would be an energy consuming monster?
Even if they weren't you're doing a good job making it sound like they are

>> No.599565

I've currently been working on getting pipboys made up for friends also. here's a pic of my prototype 3D printed pipboy that I'm modifying to fit a digital photo frame in. the reason I haven't gone full blown working menus etc is i need to keep costs down. and these can be staticly displayed with a slideshow running when not worn.

keep in mind this is a WIP shot.


never heard of it anon. Ausfag here

>> No.599569
File: 471 KB, 1176x661, pip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic didn't attach.

>> No.599590



>> No.599731

i dont know dick about those rasberri pis and adriunos but would it be possible to run fallout 1 or 2 on one? that be dope and have it in a pip boy like you have

>> No.599738


yes, but you might have to do some virtualizing.

>> No.600839

So after dicking around with the prototype trying to get the screen to fit properly, the tracks on the connecting foil strap stopped working because of stress fractures of moving it too much. All part of the design process. at least I have a dummy setup now :-/ domed lens has been trimmed and fitted and I will be making crystal resin casts of the lens to give the impression more like that of an old CRT monitor.