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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 19 KB, 400x300, H_1211_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
589778 No.589778 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make a bed with storage underneath (enough to walk under)

I have an unlimited amount of pic related due to my business.

Any advice at how to make sure the structural integrity is maintained? How do i attach them?

I have a budget of roughly $500.00 for any excess material that is needed.

>> No.589782

>I have a budget of roughly $500.00
Then forget the plastic things and buy lumber.

Are you actually saying you want to elevate your bed six feet in the air so you can walk around under it? Then definitely buy lumber.

>> No.589783
File: 7 KB, 241x209, bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was thinking of something like the adult version of pic related.

>> No.589795
File: 116 KB, 1000x2000, tromz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

save yourself $400 and get an Ikea tromso loft bedframe

pic related. I got mine +matress off craigslist for $100. it has a desk and a shelf under the bed.
rock solid.

>> No.589796
File: 73 KB, 500x398, 1390949630705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this...

>> No.589797

it looks a bit wobbly

And i want it to be closed off, the frame is a good start tho

>> No.589806
File: 58 KB, 745x559, Hellerman_Premium031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if it's your business you'll know how much weight they can take.

I'd probably secure them with heavy duty plastic ties. How many to use is up to you, as long as you're consistent. Spend that 400$ on a decent mattress.

>> No.590088

Never quite grew up, did you?

>it looks a bit wobbly

>> No.590106

get some 4x4s and thread them through the channels to make the flat part you sleep on. build the frame from wood.

>> No.590124

Have you thought of going from the ceiling down yet? with the right tools/material/skills you could create a nice looking hanging bed. just an idea.

>> No.590138


Are you in the US? I'd love to get some of those pallets off of you....

>> No.590151

I love how OP is asking for advice on using those plastic pallets and most of the responders insist on pushing their own agenda, i.e. use wood.

Why in hell would we want to steer OP away from using something that's 1) free and 2) likely stronger than the majority of wood you could buy from the lumber yard?

Those plastic pallets are strong as hell, and MORE stable than any wood you care to name. Only exception I can think of are LVLs, which nobody in their right mind would be recommending for this use.

So anyway OP, I would look into using screws or bolts of some kind, so that if you ever need to disassemble you won't have to break the thing apart (as you would if you glued and screwed).

If the total costs of the fixings tops 100 bucks I'd be surprised.

If necessary some or all of the rest of your budget could go towards a decently quality drill, plus driver if you end up using screws, a set of quality spanners if going with bolts.

>> No.590152

Good post. The answer is: "use screws".

>> No.590169

Maybe buy some long steel bars and slide them through those holes so that the pallets can't slide apart?

>> No.590233

just finished this. took too damn long, go on craigslist.

>> No.590234
File: 671 KB, 3264x1840, IMG_20140127_215640_888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot img

>> No.590262

>just finished this. took too damn long
Weekend project, don't know what you mean bro ^__^

>> No.590284
File: 472 KB, 1500x2000, DSCN0853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some good wood with screws and or nails will do the trick. Just make sure you use beefy enough stuff with bracing to prevent wobbling/collapse. I will post some pics of what I made and they should give you an idea. Yes my walls are covered in duct tape and mylar and I am insane. 1/11

>> No.590285
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wood frame 2/11

>> No.590287
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wood frame 3/11

>> No.590288
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wood frame 4/11

>> No.590290
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wood frame 5/11

>> No.590292
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wood frame 6/11

>> No.590293
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wood frame 7/11

>> No.590296
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wood frame 8/11

>> No.590297
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wood frame 9/11 "but will not collapse due to thermal expansion"

>> No.590299
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wood frame 10/11

>> No.590302
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11/11. No real plans, I just improvised and made it up as I went along. It's about 5 feet tall and 4 inches wider and longer than a standard queen sized mattress. pics 2 and 3 probably show the most detail structurally. I used old rotting barn wood and merely sanded them all up. The railing at the top was a frame to an old futon that died a decade ago nailed to the sides to prevent rolling off in sleep. The ladder was part of an old broken aluminum work ladder. Total cost to me was 0$ and a days work. Though you can probably buy the materials new for $100 to $200 tops.

>> No.590312


>> No.590327

>>590312 Not at all related. Not nearly as sloppy and crazy as that.

>> No.590352

never thought of that, thanks

>> No.590355

Edmonton, have them delivered here loaded with product on the daily.

>> No.590401

well, i want to be able to take it apart and move it eventually

>> No.590426
File: 318 KB, 359x424, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the walls and ceiling covered in that shiny material?

>> No.590430

it's insulation

>> No.590434

Oh okay, kind of reminded me of a crazy person's house where they cover it in tin foil. Does it work very well?

>> No.590438

Google "insulation material".

>> No.590448

yes. its standard in practically all houses. usually hidden inside the walls but you'll find it one pretty much any external wall.

>> No.590465

Is that plywood under the mattress? What, pallet bed too uncomfortable for you there hipster?

>> No.590467


We can tell


How many times have you cut yourself on that sawed off ladder top?

>> No.590469

Yeah it was mostly the not being inside the wall bit that threw me off, and I've mostly just seen the fluffy fiberglass type so I wasn't sure if that was insulation or something else.

>> No.590485

Instead of wrapping the whole house in tinfoil, many people find it easier and safer to just wrap the tinfoil around their head.

>> No.590508

>ITT People that don't know the difference between mylar and other petroleum based products "plastics" and metallic foils. And spoiled iPhone liberal yuppie kiddies that expect diy to look perfect at zero cost. You want "perfect looking" go spend $500 at ikea. Mylar is the optimum reflector of infrared radiation "light and heat" and is even better when r11 lines the other side. I have saved more money in one month with my designs and builds than many of you butthurt kiddies make in a year. and no the ladder does not cut as it has been filed smooth and covered since then. DIY is about experimenting and making things in the moment and improving on them over time. Not about buying some $5000 plan off the internet and paying a contractor $50,000 to build it. So just get a hammer, a screwdriver, some nails and a few other basic tools and use your imagination and not give a damn what fedora wearing california kids think.

>> No.590515

are you suggesting that you should not throw money at a design expert to audit your design before throwing down a couple of 10kilobucks on materials to build a house? especially when a house needs building approval and the structure needs council certification at every stage of development? you've obviously think your epic mechano skills count for something.

>> No.590522

I had a lofted bed when I was a kid and loved it. Decided to get a super cheap one on Craigslist and I regretted it. Got a much better and more expensive one and I regretted it even more. They save a ton of room, but having sex in them is just weird. No matter what I would do it always felt like it was wobbling too much. And God forbid you try to bring home a girl who's afraid of hieghts.

>> No.590534

took a while to prime mostly. pallets just sucked the stuff in...it was a 1 dollar mistint though.

>> No.590697

Bolts then. If it's screwed together you can actually disassemble, it's just a lot easier to do with bolts and nuts.

P.S. You might want to do a couple of tests, see if you need large washers to spread the load when they bolts are tightened, to help prevent cracking.

>> No.590731

Are you saying is that screwing two twigs together should require same level of professional inspection and governmental approval and paperwork as building whole house?
you seriosly can't see difference between building furniture and WHOLE HOUSE?

>> No.590818

You're basically insulting people who do things properly using a tape measure and a level.
I wasn't even gonna post in this thread, but thats the shittiest bedframe I've seen in my life.
The mylar job is bad too.
You should feel bad.

>> No.590876

Yea op, I was planning on making something like this too, out of some old hurricane boards, and my old bedpost. and maybe insulate it slightly.

>> No.590933

i thought possible grow-op

>> No.590937

well.. i'll post pics once complete, i have some wood gathered just in case i need it.. going to Home Depot for screws/zap straps.

>> No.590942

Yeah i started it last night, working on it now, the bed's going under it though. how tall should it be?

>> No.591036

gotta be tall enough for you to sit up comfortably while having at least 6 inches of leeway...

otherwise you'll feel cramped.

>> No.591060

If that picture is representative, the pallets have large hollow holes that run both horizontally and vertically, no?

So just stack like 20 of those on top of each other, and build a surrounding wall, leaving a gap of say two stacks. Drive rebar vertically through each stack, so now you have a roofless room with one exit.

Now just drive the rebar horizontally through those holes and give it a roof, with multiple layers. Add bedding on top.

Make stairs of pallets. Tada!

>> No.591560

not a bad idea actually, sounds pretty sturdy

>> No.591626

fuck off faggot

>> No.591644

I've been coming back to these to laugh at you a couple times a day.

>> No.591739

never have i seen such megalomaniacal rantings from a guy that butt-joined a few 2x4s. proper joinery and finishing would have cost you just as much. your shoddy workmanship has nothing to do with everyone else being "iphone liberal yuppie kiddes". it has everything to do with you not knowing what you're doing.

>> No.591746


>ITT: People who don't /diy/

Welcome to /diy/

>> No.591748

its a attic that's the insulation

>> No.591871

I /diy/, I just do it right.
It doesn't cost more to put in some effort and actually learn how to do things properly.

>> No.592046
File: 9 KB, 400x222, knockoffwoodstrattonbed9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much storage do you want?

If you want something simple that still looks "adult" so its not some giant loft thing, build this. Pretty simple, pretty cheap. Just single layer of those "cube storage" boxes, then a frame of 2x4s with plywood over the top. Then you put your stuff in those containers for cube storage under the bed...you can even match the colors to your bedding colors.

>> No.592049
File: 66 KB, 640x427, cubestoragebed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a pretty good example of what it can look like.

>> No.592061

make a glorious metal construction, much cheaper and superior in every way.
you do need to be good with welding thou

>> No.592090


He is a Lawyer.

>> No.592117

Exactly what I thought

>> No.592964

hmmm, not a bad idea...

>> No.592965

that looks easy actually

>> No.594341
File: 25 KB, 815x619, pallet bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I've gone above and beyond to make you a diagram of how it should be done. completely foolproof, if you ask me.

>> No.594363

Is that what you tell the girls when the roofies wear off?

>> No.594364
File: 43 KB, 460x259, YFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's to keep the oxygen in when the atmosphere gets blown away by a solar flare.
>yfw space boy was right

>> No.594365

>thinking what you did is in the spirit of /diy/
Sure, you did it yourself, but by your logic I could throw logs in a pile and throw pillows on it and call it my /diy/ bed because I didn't pay someone else to do it.
You didn't put any real effort into your design, you didn't incorporate any sort of creative flourish. You could have at least painted the lumber silver or grey and made fake control panels so your room looked like one of the Apollo missions or some shit.

>> No.594375

thats almost as bad as the idea in step brothers was

>> No.594611

There's literally no way this could go wrong.

>> No.594631

how big are the pallet things you are using OP?

>> No.594637

This is the true spirit of diy, too bad this is /diy/

>> No.594638

You are a faggot, but you might have a point... You definitely could throw twigs and pillows on the ground for an alt. bed style

>> No.594639

With this plan, All you'll need are some poontunes, and the ladies will be flocking to your badass 6 foot raised bed.

>> No.595014
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>> No.595070
File: 206 KB, 1000x450, rogtyrone_header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm gonna pay Tyrone or Rog to read your butt blasted greentext.
Dude, not everyone is perfect. But you made several glaring mistakes with your bedframe. Instead of whining learn what you did wrong so net time you can improve. And pick up a book on carpentry before attempting something like this again.

>> No.596839

revive from page 10 because better than 3/4 of the shit on page 1