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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 65 KB, 600x468, 1385211043069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
582718 No.582718 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have one of these threads.

Love /diy/ projects.

>> No.582719
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>> No.582720
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>> No.582724
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>> No.582732
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>> No.582752


I have a few of a commercial version of these designed to go on pegboard.

Actually a really legit way of storing small stuff (screws/nails in particular).

>> No.582753
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Best /diy/ idea ever.

>> No.582755
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>> No.582759
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>> No.582761
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>> No.582762
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>> No.582763

>goat cheese
confirmed for hippie.

>> No.582764
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>> No.582765

>Champagne and bottled water

More like rich twats.

>> No.582766
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>> No.582768
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>> No.582778
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Why would you put casters on that. They would snap off over time if you really sat on that.

>> No.582789

> turn your cat into wall art

th thanks /diy/ . . .

>> No.582797

This, hippies wouldn't waste all that plastic.

>> No.582798

wait, how long is that raw bacon staying in there?

>> No.582800

>insert fat joke

You can install heavy duty casters for individuals who think they will need them.

>> No.582801

Why would you even buy a commercial version of this. I remember this in an episode of This Old House when I was a kid.

>> No.582803

If it were properly smoked-preserved bacon it wouldn't matter, but if it is that crap in the plastic packages with juices then it would really matter.

>> No.582957
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>> No.582958
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>> No.582966


I didn't. I got it from someone else.

Although I can't really think of a trivially easy way to make them work with pegboard, anyway.

>> No.583063

Fascinating! What a brilliant idea.

>> No.583083

lol why didn't they route the cable through the pipe? pfffft

>> No.583129

It be a desk lamp so the balance would be wonky and more work.

>> No.583146


>> No.583160

Thats smart as fuck, Writing things down as you need then, and then taking a photo.
Shame I can't hand write.

>> No.583167

If you have kids that list will never last.

>> No.583621

Looked better unpainted, doesn't hold many shoes either.

>> No.583623

Thats not a good idea at all, impractical and unhygenic in so many ways. Looks super cool though.

>> No.583733

Explain? Is it because the bacon is staying there for like 8 hours? The heat kills the bacteria, so I don't see anything wrong with it.

>> No.583748

After certain foods have been in the temperature danger zone for more than 4 hours, they're considered unsafe for human consumption.

>> No.583788


so... you write your shit down on the fridge then bring your fridge to the store?

>> No.583998
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>> No.583999
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>> No.584000
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>> No.584004
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>> No.584005
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>> No.584007
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Also know as the "Ron Swanson Don't Leave Home Withhout It Kit"

>> No.584021

its for your feet you retard

>> No.584163

It is to sit on while changing shoes. Hence the shoe storage space. It isn't an ottoman.


>> No.585013

These are terrible. Please stop sharing them.

>> No.585043
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>> No.585045
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>> No.585150


I store my shit like that, learned it from my grandpa who also did that. Old trick and works like a charm.

>> No.585309


awesome portals

>> No.585328

Please tell me it turns off when you turn the knob

>> No.585334

Welp, I know what I'm doing at work tomorrow. We have plumbing shit dating back to the 30s, then I'll hit the electricians area. Thanks!

>> No.585353

Fuck you, I wanted to read that bottom book!

>> No.586523
File: 86 KB, 515x589, ROAR (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of shit. Is why I'm here. LOVE these threads.

For the love of god MOAR.

>> No.586525
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Also, contribootin.

>> No.586531
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>> No.586655

I did that with a cassette, it makes a better weed pouch than a wallet

>> No.586657

That looks horrible. Why not just get some 4/4 and some plywood and make a real nice looking bed?

>> No.586668

"Upcycling" is fashionable at the moment.

>> No.586682


Sit on it and ruin your ass for 3 months.

>> No.586690

Looks like it's a purse wallet.
No ass damage.

>> No.586807

it's not just the bacteria, it's the bacterial wastes which are poisonous. when they're allowed to grow exponentially in your food they spoil it with wastes. heat doesn't do shit for the wastes.

>> No.586876

skinned my cat but im not really sure how to get the pelt to look nice on the wall

pls help guys

>> No.586891

Why make the bulb so fucking close to the surface?

>> No.586904

That hatchet cutout looks like a dick

>> No.586930

"upcycling" is one of the 3 R's. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

>> No.586933

That's a muscle flexing.

>> No.586984


i hope it didn't gain sentience and escape to plan its revenge against the world...

>> No.587075

not to mention the amount of smell it would give off, pork should be kept at below 5 degrees celcius.

Not a bad concept but if it can't safely preserve the life of the meat then it's pretty much useless

>> No.587139

its on the right peeking out from behind the wall

>> No.587773
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>> No.587787

god, I fucking hate pallets

enough with the shitty pallet wood

>> No.587824
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>> No.587827
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that strikes me as having a really crappy stereo image

>> No.587828
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>> No.587838

There's a much better version of this where you glue the pages together and insert a bracket so they will hang on the wall without visible fastening....

>> No.587842
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>> No.587846
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>> No.587848

oh man we should make a fedora version of this and then hold a 4chan contest to win it!

>> No.587849
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>bitches loves coathangers

>> No.587852

man that's creepy looking

>> No.587912
File: 72 KB, 500x426, 1327554040280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just what the fuck

>> No.587923

No way in hell I'm gonna bother putting my shoes away in that every time I take them off.

>> No.587924


I always new they cloned dinosaurs, killed them and used their bones to make "wooden" coat hangers. The pieces are all falling into place.

>> No.587932
File: 81 KB, 468x336, diy-home-wall-shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you disgust and frustrate me

>> No.587953

Now that's a lot more convenient. Plus it doesn't look like shit.

>> No.587978

I beg to differ. just make a shoe pile.

>> No.587984

thats not diy thaats being a hobo

>> No.588010

This looks like it would hurt

>> No.588118

*tips fedora*