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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 13 KB, 491x382, Passive Solar Thermosiphon Water Heater 04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57291 No.57291 [Reply] [Original]

Solar thread.

Post all things DIY solar. Bonus points for being passive solar.

Here's a passive solar thermosiphon water heater I designed, some years ago, for areas where water freezes in the winter.

>> No.57483
File: 23 KB, 240x320, 100_5243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solar DIY Space Heating Projects


Large Solar Space Heating Collector Built On Shipping Container


>> No.57509

I have a well for my water at my home. any ideas about a solar backup system to drive the well pump?

>> No.57519

Deep cycle battery(ies) hooked to a small solar cell. It'll keep it topped off until you need it when the power is out. I'd have a manual switch for the pump so when the power it out you flip it on and use it only when you need the water right then. You'll need other stuff to regulate the power input/output. you could have it set up to turn on when the electric is off then turn back off when the electric is on again.

>> No.57542

Diy solar cell phone charger? Baseball card binder sleeve holds cells from garden lights linked to board for usb connect? Plans for this?

>> No.57550

God, I have like 10 of those solar yard lights because pets and deer keep breaking their housings.

I need this too!

>> No.58011

bump for this please!

>> No.58238


>> No.58254


The most solar thing we have is 10 or so on our roof, running to transformer/inverter (cannot remember for life of me) and whatnot. Don't know exactly what he built it with. But it powers my yards lights at night by charging a small battery grid during the day.

We have 10-20 lights around our block, and the solar works a charm

>> No.58256


Wait, ignore that. We have 5 on the roof but plan for another 5 more (want more lights). My bad.

The only problem, is that after a few years, they become less efficient, and are damn expensive to replace.

>> No.58758

passive solar > active solar

This is why I'll never buy large PV solar arrays. I've figured it up and the cost of an array to power my needs would take 25 years for it to pay for itself barring no repairs at all. This is because I use very little power and the costs are very low.

So, I design cheap passive solar stuff like in the OP pic.

>> No.58862
File: 103 KB, 492x369, FRIDGE COIL .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bompin for love of the sun

I want to build a solar water-heater for my RV - ideally either using black PVC pipes running back and forth across the top, or even using an encased refrigerator coils painted black and boxed up nicely

>> No.58864

Docs on passive solar techniques etc, go SA!


>> No.58930


>> No.58938

for extra pro heat exchangers get your greasy fingers on some old radiators. Paint the one getting heated by the son, black.

>> No.60102

Those don't work for thermosiphon water heaters. As far as I know, you need a pump. The OP pic shows a thermosiphon flow that does not require a pump.

>> No.60157

I built a pumped one from a DIY kit, and it worked really well. I turned off the backup heater during the summer, and got 100% of my hot water from solar.

Important Safety Tip: Depending on where you live, the water in the tank can get -really- hot. I live in the desert southwest, and the tank temperature exceeded 170 F on a hot day. This kind of water temperature is a scalding accident looking for a place to happen. I had to install a tempering valve at the tank output, to limit the maximum hot water temperature into the house.

>> No.60538

Very Nice.

>> No.60752
File: 65 KB, 1024x768, 2011-11-09_11-29-01_529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, this thread came at the perfect time
looking to make cell phone charger
i understand stepping up volts via series
not so much on mAh
amps and yet amp hours, how read?

pic related

>> No.60755

I remember when i was a kid there was this boy scout camp i had to stay at all the time, and they always bragged about how all their water was heated with solar panels. I swear to shit that was the coldest water i've ever felt in my life.

>> No.60756

btw this is from one of those outdoor lights mentioned earlier
50 cents each!

>> No.61028

I have a bag of these.

>> No.61029

Bad design.

>> No.61850

I'm really surprised there aren't more people on /diy/ that are into small PCB design and such.

>> No.61859


What? IMO we have electronics threads quite often.