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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 195 KB, 1024x682, 1385961636144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
561527 No.561527 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /diy/
Looking for a cheep place to get paracord from.
Craft store's selling 15 feet for 2.50. Please try to beat that.

I'm terrable at this type of thing.

>> No.561529

thousand feet of black for $38 so...3.8 cents per foot

the colored stuff they sell is a little more, but the price ratio is reasonably close...

>> No.561532

Shit nigga

>> No.561535
File: 63 KB, 720x540, 27828_1368399408510_1187454276_31171972_380718_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in an attempt to add things to the thread does anyone have any tutorial images for making stuff with paracord?

how about interesting things you've done with it?

I made pic related because I was bored one day during a power outage...

>> No.561538
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no problem dude...

>> No.561541
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>> No.561542


I made a belt out of green military paracord using a double cobra knot. Awesome belt but will probably never do that again. Took a good 18 hours of work to finish it. Its pretty comfortable though.

>> No.561547

I made a waterbottle holding lanyard.
No pics because no camera, but it's a noose knot.

Instructables is awesome for that type of stuff, btw.

>> No.561551
File: 69 KB, 284x640, #6 Braiding the 12 strand overlay..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw something like that on a forum someplace once in black and green pretty cool stuff...

as for taking time, well I braided a couple of bullwhips the other week for gits and shiggles a 12.5 foot one and a little 6 footer...

(pic is not mine, I could WISH to be that good though...)

I'll go see then...I need a new hammock...

>> No.562059

Bump for OP.
I have a big "Dog" whom needs a collar. Anyone got instructions? His neck's 22 inches.
It's totaly not for a S+M thing, which would be against the board's rules.

>> No.562068
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>> No.562091
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>> No.562092
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>> No.562093
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>> No.562094
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>> No.562095
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>> No.562096
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>> No.562099
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>> No.562104

Thanks, man. Got any other designs?

>> No.562106
File: 24 KB, 320x240, 1386035131491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can layer a second pass over that one for a thicker collar or add in a parallel pass for breadth.

the trick would be knowing for certain to weave in the rings for the lead and the dog tags

I got a double weave one here...it has 2 possible starting configurations...

one here.

>> No.562107


Funny, I have a ridgeback that needs a collar, but I need to make some restraints for shearing alpacas (look it up).

I'd use a double cobra for anything that will hold a lot of weight, a cobra over a cobra for a collar for something which will be used but not with any force. Single cobra for show.

>> No.562108
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the other start here

>> No.562110

ebay is a pretty good place, assuming you only need a few hundred feet. Not sure what paracordking charges for shipping, but i bet if they do ship outside of america, it would cost more than what the ebay sellers charge for shipping PLUS the actual cord.

The big...nay, fucking MASSIVE CAVEAT on the ebay sellers is 99% come from china... So even if it is the standard '7 inner strand nylon cable rated at 550lbs of strength', you have to take it with a grain of salt. All i have ordered have had 7 inner strings, but i have never tested the tensile strength and would be amazed if it actually was 550lbs.

For arts-and-crafts though, its totally sufficient. And I doubt it would be *significantly* lower than the american stuff. I would assume the crappiest, cheapest ones are still over 350lbs.

>> No.562111
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then you use much stronger hardware than this plastic

>> No.562112
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>> No.562113
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>> No.562114

About how long would be needed for a ~22 in collar?

>> No.562115
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no telling, I lost the source document or I'd be posting instructions too...

but I imagine you can test the length/length ratio with a control length

>> No.562116
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>> No.562117


For certain. I'll likely get some chain hardware for it, or make my own. Could even just weave in some Ds into it and secure with carabiners.


For a single weave it's around a foot per inch if you do it tightish. I would budget more to be safe. If it doesn't work, then you just unpick and redo.

>> No.562119
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>> No.562120
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>> No.562121
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>> No.562123
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>> No.562125
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>> No.562126
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>> No.562129
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>> No.562131
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>> No.562133
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ah here's one I have the text for...

a sling.
Begin with a length of (ungutted) paracord. I am sorry I don't have an exact length to tell you, since I didn't keep track, but it ought to be about 8-9 feet to be on the safe side. (You can always cut it down when you are finishing it.)
Fold the cord like this. You will be creating five lengths that are doubled next to each other.
This project is done with full symmetry through the center point, so do the exact same thing to both sides. (You can do this one side at a time, of course, but keep track of the strands.) Take the bight that lies next to each working end, and lay it on top of the bight next to it.

>> No.562134
File: 799 KB, 1296x972, 1386036956268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Lasso" around the two bights with the working end. (Make your work look exactly like you see here.)

>> No.562137
File: 1.38 MB, 4128x2322, 1386037129428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a bunch of firesteels that are only about 1/4" diameter and 2" long. They were only like 0.26 each, so I bought 30 of em or something to make the shipping fee's worthwhile.

I put a shitload of em all over my camping gear in various zipper pulls, on my knife and sheath, etc. I just did a simple wrap though, because I wanted it to be easy to undo if I ever needed to actually use the cord for something. I also practiced with a few of em and it's surprisingly easy to make a fire with.

>> No.562135
File: 695 KB, 1296x972, 1386037088999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuck the working end (they are short in this example but will be about 4 feet long on a live specimen) over itself and then down through both of the bights.

>> No.562138
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Here is what it will look like with both sides of the pouch done.
IMPORTANT: Take careful note of that strand that is running diagonally from low-left to high-right. That is your middle-most single strand. When you flip the pouch over to begin weaving the next step, make sure it is the center strand! From there it should be easy to see which are the outer-most and second-outer-most strands.

>> No.562141
File: 754 KB, 1296x972, 1386037225176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FLIP THE PIECE OVER. A moment ago, you were looking at the back of the pouch. You will now be looking at the front of the pouch. You can tell one from the other because when looking into the pouch, you will see the working ends coming out of the bights "toward" you.

This section should be about 4.0" - 4.5" long. You will need to make the corresponding lengths of the strands in the pouch approximately equal in length, but you should be finding that the center-most three will "pouch down" to make a sort of cupping. Play with it. But at this point when I make one, the pouch already seems to "know" which side is the cup.
Tighten up the "lassos" that wrap the bights.

>> No.562143
File: 789 KB, 1296x972, 1386037313947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now it is time to start weaving a second strand in. Wasn't I nice to use a highly contrasting cord color? Grin
You might as well just start from the left side and poke a short length (about 4") through as you see here (exactly as you see here) so that sticking out to the right is the part that will be the end (as you will see in the next picture). The left side is your working end which will be woven across the pouch.

>> No.562144
File: 784 KB, 1296x972, 1386037382102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you can see the right-to-left-to-right weave of the crossing (orange) strand. Continue weaving O-U-O-U-O-U... all the way to the other side of the pouch.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is not necessary, nor will it likely even be possible, to make these strands snug up against each other and look like the arrangement in a Ladder Rack Knot. As long as the overall shape of this pouch is more or less almond-shaped, it will be fine. Do try to keep it even, of course, but small gaps are not only not undesirable, they are more-or-less unavoidable.

>> No.562145
File: 749 KB, 1296x972, 1386037449795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the pouch when the weaving has been completed and tightened-up and evened-up. Yes, you will have to do a little "working" of the orange cord. Use your fingers to push or pull the horizontal strands along their green warp strands if they seem to be bunched toward one end or the other. Fit as many crosswise orange strands as you can, to minimize gaps in the pouch. It may help to have a titanium "icepick" marlinspike from LCranston, like I do. Lips Sealed

>> No.562147
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Flip the work over and look at the back side of the pouch. Single out the specific strand that I have picked up with the titanium spike in the picture. Tuck the short end of the orange cord under that strand, and the one beyond it. That should be good enough to keep it plenty secure, although you can always go for a third strand. (Remember, you will do this for each symmetrical end of the pouch, and it will look exactly the same as the first side or you did something wrong.)

>> No.562148
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Clip the end and melt it according to your preference for finishing paracord ends. Tie your preferred loop in one end of the green cord, and a stopper knot at the other end, and you have yourself a sling!
For ammunition, go to Walmart and check in the home decor area for "decorator accents" and such. I bought a bag of glass droplets that are close to an inch in diameter. They are shaped like bon-bons, or Cella's cherry candies, and nestle perfectly into the pouch. Yes, I would prefer polished steel balls for their additional mass, but they are not cheap!

>> No.562149
File: 662 KB, 1296x972, 1386037651848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have been posting some of the instructions out of order....

>> No.562189

I know it is expensive and I wouldn't use it for arts and crafts but 11 strand 750lb cord is the shit. I just picked up 200 feet for $25 off of amazon. It doesn't flaten out which is the good thing about it.

>> No.562193
File: 149 KB, 1240x639, 1386044734283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does lay flat if you take the strands out...makes projects like pic related a great deal easier, and it allows for good decorative covers for things...

>> No.562195

Yes for arts and crafts I'm sure the cheapest shit you can find will be OK but to wrap a knife handle/make paracord emergency braclet I want something strong that won't flatten out. Paracord is neat.

>> No.562198
File: 63 KB, 640x480, 1386045353533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paracord is neat.
no arguments.

just saying that you can get it to lay flat where it's part of the plan/project.

>> No.562203

Yeah I still have a lot to learn. I havn't done many projects except for making a grip/lanyard for my becker bk9 (why they make a slippery handle with no bladeguard and a super sharp 9" blade is beyond me) whic turned out well, albeit a bit boring with the black coating/black handles/black paracord. I already made a bracelet like in OP's pic but I might make a belt. Thanks for the sling guide, I have a big cooler with handles which I will attach the sling to.

>> No.562204
File: 117 KB, 640x572, 1386046297519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know how to do pic related? or have a guide for it?

...thats a sling for throwing stones...but I can see it working as a shoulder sling in you make the pocket bigger...

I need to test this now...

>> No.562205


>> No.562212

Oh. I feel like a dumbass now. At least I can carry my cooler comfortably and It can be turned into a weapon at any time.
>be innabackyard, with cooler
>see rabbit
>kill it with sling
>skin it and take tha delicious leg meat
>put in cooler
>eat later
>repeat with squirrels or whatever wanders into my backyard
haha I could also pelt tresspassers with it too
>stink bomb ammo

>> No.562243

>local store only has 16 fit bundles of paracord
atleast it's real 550.
Project ideas?

>> No.562304

/r/ing jig diagrams.
Would getting some long bolts, a nut, and drilling holes in PVC pipe be an allright jig? I do not have acess to a saw, But I've got a drill press at the moment.

>> No.562335
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Tree tent maybe?

>> No.562500

Just ordered 100 feet of holly jolly from paracord.com
Goin' to make shitloads of monkey fists.

>> No.563439
File: 128 KB, 640x624, half hitched paracord water bottle sleeve 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.563859

Also, does anyone think that getting a straw (Like, 7/11 slurpie, Quite thick), Drilling a hole in a pill bottle, and expoxying the straw on top would make a nice little paracord dispenser?

>> No.563864
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No. Get a rated climbing carabiner and some pvc piping. Cut the pvc piping long ways and fit it to your carabiner so that you can use it as a spool. Or throw your money here:

>> No.563867

Thanks for the idea. I've just decided to use lengths of large diameter pvc pipe over small ones. I'll have a nice, organised bar of paracord.

>> No.563872

There ya go. With that kind of setup you could spool all kinds of ropes and cords - even straps, cable, and thin chains.

>> No.565096

>craft stores have real paracord
>it's only in 15 foot lengths
>go to lowes
>see paracord
>it's only 100 lbs test
>same price as craft store, for 50 ft.
Bought one of each color.
I've got soda stream bottles. Anyone got some cozies for them?

>> No.565121
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>> No.565194

Do up the firesteels with cotton cordage instead of paracord. That way you have a built-in supply of tinder as well as a length of cordage