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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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551394 No.551394 [Reply] [Original]

So I'd finally like my mount my plasma. Being really lazy I went to Best Buy and asked how much to hang, hide wires and run what they called PowerBridge. They told me $400 and I laughed. How idiot proof is setting up a Power Bridge and how does it work?

Part II: How can I find/make floating shelves that would hold upc omponents?

>> No.551415

power bridge seems pretty fucking stupid, if you are putting a hole in your wall make it a standard outlet instead of a gimpy extension lead type thing.
a bit of conduit and two open faceplates for signal cables

if your wall is hollow plasterboard then its a piece of piss if you can find the studs.
if your wall is brick then its tough going, but very simple still.

floating shelves can be made pretty strong. making your own is a stretch

>> No.551493
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This powerbridge thing is the gayest thing I have ever seen. How are a bunch of redundant wiring connections are supposed to be safer to have in the wall than a single unbroken cord?

My television is on an interior wall with no insulation, so I used a pair of these pocket things and just ran the wires through and into a power strip under the component shelf. 1 power and 2 HDMI go in and one optical goes out. Simple as that.


The powerbridge seems to be a "DIY" solution for idiots. If you're really that worried about the cable running through the wall being correctly rated and to code to run your 200w television, wire up a $2 outlet correctly like a big boy and put it next to one of these pockets. Spending $50 on what is essentially a wall pocket and a glorified extension cord seems retarded.

It's no more idiot-proof than running an outlet, in my opinion.

>> No.551498

Ikea is your friend.

>> No.551766
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powerbridge is an awfully big hole for just a few cables. just make a hole the size of a regular electrical box and run an extension cord down to a second one. you could install proper electrical outlets and faceplates, etc. but if its all hidden its sort of unnecessary.

if you dont mind the hole or it being permanent then go for it but i say the easiest way is to snake some conduit in there or drop a pipe in from the attic.

if you cant find studs this would work

lastly, if brick or cement, fuck it and run the wires visibly. hide them some other way lol