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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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522678 No.522678[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for general advice about making a long-term hangout somewhere it wouldn't be demolished nor vandalized. We had a deal with an old man about using his abandoned house for meetups, but he died and the house is now goverment property. While we could still keep visiting there, any long-term investments like stereos and booze stashes wouldn't be safe because we have no more right for it than any other urban explorer.

One idea would be to find a more habitet-looking house, put up a fake mailbox, mow the lawn and generally make it look like someone is living there. This still wouldn't be safe if the owner turned up from somewhere, and may even draw in more attention from goverment or neighbors.

>> No.522680

In short: digging it is a BAD idea
Best idea I've come up is to pretend to be gov workers and wall off like an inside part of a bridge nobody ever goes to and make a secret exit in case of SURPRISE COP VISIT

>> No.522686

>I'm looking for general advice about making a long-term hangout somewhere it wouldn't be demolished nor vandalized.

Buy a house or some land and build a house.

>> No.522693

Van with a bed inside it?

>> No.522694

Shed on top of a big hole?

>> No.522698

Cheap van and long term arrangement at a parking lot?

>> No.522704

Why is digging it a bad idea as long as you make sure to have enough support, ventilation, and drainage?

On second thought, that would be a giant pain in the ass and prohibitively expensive to do right..

A cheap camper-trailer out in the woods with some solar panels and a battery bank would work pretty well as long as you made sure to get one with a solid metal bottom, plug up all the holes on the outside with steel wool, and made sure the roof/walls/seams remained sealed up. Those things aren't too bad as long as you keep the mice/rats out and do the required maintenance to make sure it doesn't leak.

Or, you know.. stop being underage b& and buy a few acres outside of town and put up a little metal building complete with power & water.

>> No.522706
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>> No.522708

>4 layers of 1" thick rhino liner
>2 layers of 4" thick spray on foam

Jesus fuck that's going to be expensive.

>> No.522712

Whats rhino liner, some sort of epoxy paint?

>> No.522714

1. Become an adult
2. Obtain house/apartment
3. Hang out there

It's simple really.

>> No.522719

It's an extremely durable, spray-on rubberized coating mainly used for lining the bed of a pickup truck. The stuff is tough as shit and will stand up to all sorts of abuse but a 1/8" thick application on a pickup truck bed will run you around $300-$400. This infographic is showing a 4" thick (4x1" layers) application over a MUCH larger area. It would cost tens of thousands of dollars just for the rhino liner. The closed cell spray on foam insulation is also gonna cost you a LOT of money.

It would make a pretty good structure that would be well insulated, water tight, and last a long time but this isn't something that could be done on a shoestring budget.

>> No.522747

>It would make a pretty good structure that would be well insulated, water tight, and last a long time but this isn't something that could be done on a shoestring budget.

It isn't intended to be.

>> No.522755

My point was that it has no relevance to this thread where OP obviously has little/no money and just wants a place to hang out with his other high school friends, smoke pot, and drink cheap liquor without his parents finding out.

>> No.522760

I was thinking of making a cinderblock house with a total of three stories (2 above ground 1 below), now this width and length of the house was going to be very small, probably around something like 20 feet long and wide. My question is, if I wanted to build a house with these requirements (This is without the solar, well, and other off the grid concepts I had planned) what would this cost? My family are savvy when it comes to construction and I could probably get them to help build, I just need a quote on how much equipment and supplies would cost when all said and done.

>> No.522771

Equipment needed will be minimal and fairly cheap: Concrete & masonry tools (trowels, floats, joint strikers, brick set, pig-tail twister, etc.), concrete/masonry mixer (either an actual drum mixer or a wheelbarrow + garden hoe), scaffolding, jitterbug, etc. Should easily be under $1000 for the concrete & masonry tools. Without knowing much else about your 'house' -- running water and if so # of bathrooms? central heat/ac? nat gas / propane or all electric? will you run electrical yourself or have an electrician do it? floor layout to determine amount of lumber needed? windows? -- I can't really say how much this is going to cost.

If you don't konw enough about building or the materials needed to be able to figure up the cost yourself then you probably don't know enough to be building this house.

>> No.522773

I don't care. I wasn't even saying anything at all about that. I just said "It isn't intended to be." in reply to "this isn't something that could be done on a shoestring budget."

I didn't post the image, gripe at that person instead. I posted, >>522686 because it is the only legal viable long term solution the OP is looking for.

>> No.522788

The only way to protect your "secret" hideout is to be mobile. It also has a benefit of following you if you happen to move out or go on a trip with friends.

Get a van/bus/18 wheeler and arrange it to your liking.

>> No.523067

substitute poly sheets, straw and gravel. hang cloth in the interior for sleeping microclimate

>> No.523170

How deep could a construction like that be buried and not collapse in on itself?

>> No.523171 [DELETED] 


well how did umbrella corp do it?

>> No.523242
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It really depends on the type of culvert you use and how you connect them to the walls. If you connect them solidly to the walls then the depth will be what the metal culvert is rated for. Some of those like 'corrugated culvert structural sheet' are rated for 15 feet or more. You just need to do some research. There's plenty of charts online last I looked showing depths for various sizes.

>> No.523250

get a really large pre made cement septic tank that has holes in it big enough for a man. Get it buried in your yard but not hooked up to anything.

>> No.523268

Step 1: Buy a school bus or two
Step 2: Rent construction equipment
Step 3: Drive out to the boonies
Step 4: Dig a trench wide and deep enough to fit the school bus into
Step 5: Modify school bus guts and roof to your liking (make a tunnel and ventilation holes)
Step 6: Drive school bus into trench
Step 7: Cover it in dirt and plant bushes near entrances
Step 8: Store booze, porn, and solar panels inside the Bunker-Bus

>> No.523269

I think an inch thick on each layer of the sealant spray might be overdoing it, and you don't need to quad layer it like that, the insulation doesn't need to be multi-layer either.

I'm all for redundancies, but only when they're necessary.

>> No.523270

Step 9: Get busted by county and state officials and have your bus-complex filled in with concrete.

>> No.523271
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>> No.523277

Don't be faggots. Make a treehouse.
Big a nice big oak or pine with plenty of big, thick branches.
Lay a couple of boards across a few branches, some side-rails, maybe throw a tarp over the top in case it gets rainy, and you've got yourself a base.
If you want, camouflage it with more foliage/branches, but that's optional.

>> No.523278

Treehouses can be pretty dangerous if you don't know anything about trees though. Also, probably not the best place for OP because he specifically mentioned "booze stashes". Don't want any kids to get too drunk and fall out of the tree now do we?

>> No.523306

There is a old, Forgotten moving van in the woods of one of my grandfather's properties.

I think I shall do what you have thought.
However, I must know a few things. One, I cannot get construction equipment. Because of how hard it is to get too.

But I can dig.

So, Idea's gents?

Its in a forest, I have a chainsaw, a buddy, a old moving van in the woods, a couple of shovels and beer.

What more do we need do you think?

>> No.523344

>Why is digging it a bad idea as long as you make sure to have enough support, ventilation, and drainage?

Those are all the reasons it's a bad idea, you idiot.

>> No.523346

Build some kind of structure over the van, possibly just a tarp with some branches over it for camouflage. You'd wanna keep the van from getting too rusty. If it's got a wooden interior be sure to check for rot and mold, shit can be bad for your health.

Maybe drag some old benches or something inside to sit on. Some shelving would be nice too, doesn't have to be anything too complex, some milk crates stacked up would do, just to keep shit off the floor.

If the engine still works, you could wire some lights and shit inside.

Wait, when you say van, do you mean box truck? Because I was picturing a box truck when writing this post...A regular old van would be a bit cramped for all that shit.

>> No.523374

>One idea would be to find a more habitet-looking house, put up a fake mailbox, mow the lawn and generally make it look like someone is living there. This still wouldn't be safe if the owner turned up from somewhere, and may even draw in more attention from goverment or neighbors.
If you do this, do it in California. If you manage to keep up the illusion for five years (and someone pays the property taxes for you), you actually become the rightful owner of the property, and can file a motion to quiet title and make it official.

>> No.523414

I always wanted to do this when I was a kid. Underground structures always seemed fascinating. Until I saw videos of shit collapsing & miners dying.
What I did was found people whose parents were also drunkards like me (check a local trailer court) and got drunk with them! Or I'd go out to the country and get drunk w/ the squirrels and shit.
But now I'm 22 have no job no gf & no ambitions.
Enjoy your future, kid.

>> No.523415

I've seen a lot of good ideas for underground bunkers on Doomsday Preppers. Some guy bought a few old buses and buried them underground. I don't remember how he dealt with drainage and ventilation.

>> No.523436

and, you're how old?

>> No.523516
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OP here. This is spot on, except I'm 31 and want a place to drink cheap liquor without annoying my neighbors and SO with my band of friends.

I live in Finland, so there are no squatter laws, and around the capital city the land is prohibitively expensive. I have 20k, but I rather wouldn't put all my savings into a project unless I was certain it would last.

>> No.523905
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It's a bit pricey, but with a few minor modifications this could work.

>> No.523911

How about this: buy a trailer and those solar panels and battery bank, and then dig a big ass hole and bury it with a hatch to get in and having the solar panels camouflaged above ground?

>> No.523914


Just plant some dense trees or shrubs around it and leave one part open for access.

>> No.523997

Boat in a hole:

>> No.524063

>Of course he had to ask what we were going to do with it. At first I just said he probably didn't want to know since I didn't know if it had sentimental value or represented a lot of work on his part. Well I finally had to tell him and he looked at me for a bit like I had totally lost it. His only comment was to sadly say, "it is such a shame to bury that pretty hull without it being tested on the water".

Thanks anon, now I feel bad.

>> No.524099

Look at it as an Ark.

>> No.524101

I don't get it.

>> No.524105

I don't trust underground bunker plans drawn in MS paint

>> No.524124

Something I'm surprosed nobody's mentioned yet, if the OP house is government property it'll probably go up for auction for really cheap. Buying the place is probably not a bad idea in that case

>> No.524139 [DELETED] 

Buy shipping container (or 2-10), hire digging equipment for a week.

Dig hole big enough for your shipping container(s). If multiple containers, you want to cut some holes in the walls and make a doorway. Weld in a metal door frame to ensure no water or dirt leaks in.

Securely shut the front doors so they are water tight. Fill in hole and have fun removing all that dirt so noone knows you've been a digging. I suggest making a motorbike track. Because that's fun.

You then need to cut out some entrance doors into the container, as well as ventilation holes + wiring. A few fans to push and pull the air through should be enough. You then need to disguise these vents so it's not suspicious.

You can now grow weed pretty safely. You'll probably want to invest in some serious solar panels tho to really keep it on the download. Or just use it to hide shit and drink moonshine.

>> No.524821


OP here. The area is zoned for industrial district, which means you can't buy it. I could rent it for business purposes, but I wouldn't want to end up paying monthly rent for a hangout that get used only once every two weekends.

>> No.524848

If you're 31 years old and you can't hang out with your friends in your own house I feel kinda sorry for you.

>> No.524850

get ambitious. you want a place to hang, have a little capital and nothing better to do. buy the [;ace and open a bar homie.

>> No.524851

wtf kind of communist country do you live in where you cant buy land?

>> No.525299

So pretty much do breaking bad?

>> No.525334

Not that this is viable for this man but the $50 and up underground house is a goood read for similar things. It's on mediafire.

>> No.525336

It could be I suppose

>> No.525759


This is most relevant to my interests. Where can I get it?

>> No.525777

...hey buddy, having fun on the internet today?

>> No.525795

depending on area don't let the authorities think you are going to store rain/creek/river water in that. because in some places the government owns the rain.

>> No.525805

Right. Not to drag my tin-foil hat into this, but the government in those areas want you to be dependant on "The System" in order to keep control.

You want clean water? Better not into dissent.

>> No.525834

Fucking seriously?
Please tell me where these places are so I can make a note never to go there.

>> No.525857

op is in highschool and is trying to get away drinking with his friends.

pro tip op, what you are looking for is called a basement.

>> No.525858

>One idea would be to find a more habitet-looking house, put up a fake mailbox, mow the lawn and generally make it look like someone is living there. This still wouldn't be safe if the owner turned up from somewhere, and may even draw in more attention from goverment or neighbors.

dude, if you are going to be going through all that trouble, Just find a place that has been foreclosed on, and move in like you own the place. Allot of those places sit around for years before banks put them back up for sale. Allot of times, they don't even check in on these properties for months at a time. As long as you look like you belong there, the casual observer wont give you a second look... but expect someone to catch on sooner or later.

>> No.525859

>dumbass makes a fuckhuge cistern and it dries up a local creek due to lack of runoff water
>local township makes an ordinance stating your well/cistern cannot be bigger than x

ever been to the keys? almost everyone is using rainwater now. ever been to a restaurant? I hear they give away free water if you tell the waiter "gustav sent me."

>> No.525861

>rain barrel
>dissenting against the system

>> No.525862

Colorado, for one --never been enforced.
far as I know all states that were part of the agreement that created hoover dam had to have some sort of law about rainfall and runoff collection

>> No.525870

>Digging in the woods
>No heavy machinery
Don't try this. You would need to dig down at least a meter for it to even be worth the trouble. You probably won't get that far with all the roots and shit. If you plan to bury it anywhere else, back fill with concrete, not dirt. And make sure it's think enough to hold the weight of the dirt

>> No.525910

don't be a dick

google search is your friend
here ya go though, on me

>> No.525923

i'd be more paranoid of hitting a underground powerline

>> No.526003
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>> No.526230

>calls a guy 9 years older kid.

>> No.526233
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If you were to dig a house in the woods, I have read about a greenhouse build that was designed by a college to grow vegetables in winter. It's basically a 6-9 ft hole in the ground as big around as want your room to be. Make it square and slant the walls out to avoid any cave in issues. It's square (or rectangular, as opposed to circular) so you can cover it with building materials easily without cutting. Lay logs across top. cover. The idea in the green house was of course a clear roof that let in sunlight. You have barells filled with water painted black that collect the heat from the sun all day long, those barrels combined with the earth around you keep you warm throughout the night.

>> No.526236
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Also, like other pointed out, thats a lot of digging, and its hard work, and unless you are 10+ miles away from town/roads, it's going to get found quickly.

>> No.526239
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The van is a bad idea as you already know because you have to get a DL, buy the vehicle, register the vehicle, maintain the vehicle, buy gas for the vehicle. It's not as cheap as it sounds, and an unregistered van that sits in an area for more than a month will draw attention.

I don't think there is anything as good as your previous set up. That was very fortunate to have a house for free at your disposal. Every other situation like that you find will be called squatting. Do a google search for tips on squatting and you'll find a lot of people doing what you'll probably end up doing.

>> No.526243
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Lastly, good luck man. I'm sure you and your friends are going through some shit if you're thinking about things like this. Take care of each other and try to work your way back up to a rented apt somewhere and split rent together. pan handling in a big city can add up.

>> No.526608


Hang out at your friends'?

>> No.526609

And if your SO won't let you, get a better SO.
That shit's only going to get worse.
Bluntly: Akka vaihtoon.