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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 9 KB, 191x213, ipod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
515213 No.515213 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /diy/?
I have this old iPod video that's pretty fubar. Its main problem right now is that it's battery is probably dead (like dead dead) and its firmware is kinda screwy I think. to fix the programming im going to have to get power to the thing, so battery is priority number one.

I was wondering if there was a way of bypassing the battery altogether and just running the thing off a power supply... I dont know, maybe a wall wart or something I make... I googled around and couldn't seem to find anyone that's done this, and therefore was a little skeptical it could be done. So I figured I'd come over here and see if any kind anons have any insight on this. As a N00b to such things I am not sure if I'm just asking the wrong questions or what.

So ya, any help?

>> No.515223

Does it start up when plugged in to charge? Even if the battery is past it's lifetime it should still come on when it's connected to the mains

>> No.515225

You can usually buy 3rd party batteries for apple products, I'm sure i saw them on amazon or eBay

>> No.515227



This is a UK link, but it'll give you an idea of what to look for

>> No.515226
File: 40 KB, 729x576, sad ipod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya it does, but once it starts it goes to the "sad ipod thing" (pic related) I need to restore it, but it doesn't seem to like to be recognized by the pc. When I connect it to a wall wart it goes to sad ipod and when it connects to pc it says battery very low please wait ( this is with the battery removed now.... I realized that it is definitely bad as I couldn't close the case properly with how much it had puffed up ....)

>> No.515228

A puffed up Li-ion battery has dangerous written all over it. Don't put that shit on charge again, until you've replaced the battery

>> No.515236
File: 36 KB, 500x375, ipod gps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya I got that...lel. What about running it without a battery tho? Is it even doable? Or at least is restoring it's firmware possible without a battery in the device..... just if someone knows that is... Thanks for the stunningly speedy replies by the way

>> No.515260

np, and what the heck is that??

>> No.515264

lol its a bluetooth add on .... not mine but seemed like a good image related ish

>> No.515274

Replacement batteries are $9 on ebay - worth trying if it resurrects an ipod touch

>> No.515275

Looks kinda cool. I don't think I can help you with this, my electronics skills are low. I'm sure if you keep this thread bumped an electronics wiz will have the answers though

>> No.515276

I still think you're better off just replacing the battery, it's a fairly simple job I think, and then plugging it into the mains as and when you need it

>> No.515280

Also, restoring the firmware is easy, there's a factory reset button on the settings menus.

>> No.515918

man ive got an ipod nano with a really weak battery, it only lasts like two hours tops. i've watched videos on youtube on replacing the battery but that shit looked sketchy, even as a capable /diy/er. i suppose you should look at videos and purchase the battery and try to fix it yourself, and if that fails bite the bullet and buy a new one

which reminds me fck apple. look at other brands. unless you are a teenager and peoples opinions matter

>> No.516035

Don't iPod video's use hard drives?
If it shows that sad ipod logo I would think the hard drive went bad too