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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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497341 No.497341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am working rather seriously on an 'aerial ark' design. Here is the concept;

A domicile floating in the atmosphere powered by solar and wind energy. It will have internet, radio and dozens of other sensors to pick up traffic of all types. I will launch it from one coast of the United States and broadcast that I have given up on world governments and declared myself a sovereign inhabitant of earth.

I will provide my flight plan and location at all times so that governments can move their air traffic around me.

I will stream constantly and answer questions from all takers. If by chance I am shot down I will wing suit to safety and escape to build a second ark.


>> No.497342

At this stage my primary concern is deciding what sort of gas to fill the vestibules with. I have considered both hydrogen and helium for different reasons. Hydrogen because I can manufacture it from sea water anywhere I go.

I have also been researching ways to dilute it with other gases to make in less flammable.

Another design solution to find is a material which is impermeable to the primary gas I will utilize. Escape of the buoyant gas is a big concern as it necessitates restocking the gas at certain points.

I am considering types of foil and metal blends but haven't decided yet.

So far I have looked at electroformed copper foil bonded to a polyester film for support pretty hard.

It's a great material and it is impermeable at about 33 microns in thickness. I have been agonizing over the metal sleeve for far too long in all honesty.

I think I need to just buy several variants, fill them with various gasses and just leave them floating in the garage for a time.

Does anyone have any experience with diffusion testing of metal foils?

>> No.497360

>I am working rather seriously on

>> No.497362

this is what it's coming to.

>> No.497363

Eh? Look man, do you have any thoughts on diffusion rates or micron width or not?

>> No.497364

not /pol/ really. More like /tg/.
What're your stats going to be on your "aerial ark"? Are you going to dig into your character's unobtanium stash, or hope you can overcome fiscal concerns with an action point and a high skill roll?
And your image is super-faggoty, OP.

>> No.497366

this may be a bit out of /diy/'s league. If you don't get any useful information here I would try >>>>>/sci/.

>> No.497368
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Alternate approach: hot air. Cheap and does not need to be replenished. It takes ongoing energy input to keep it buoyant, though, so loft a LFTR with the rest of your floating ark and there you go.

Pic unrelated

>> No.497371

A micron is a width...

>> No.497373

Thanks. I'm surprised so many people are taking this as a joke. I thought this was a relatively serious community on /diy/.

>> No.497374

Yes, yes I know. the copper foil I have been looking at is 33 microns.

>> No.497379

we are serious. Your project is ridiculous. You're RPing a mad inventor's/superawesome-playa-douchebag diary and using /diy/ as a sounding board. Instead of rambling about worrying about your micron count and it's dispersal rate, howsabout putting together a proof of concept and a parts costs list for us?

See, someone asking about a fuel line for a lawnmower doesn't really need to be called on RP, since it's such a mundane and understandable project. Your project is hogwash in any sort of tangible way for someone posting in 4ch.

>> No.497380

and your revolutionary "citizen of Earth" shit indicates you aren't old enough to craft anything but a sneer while sitting in your junior college sociology class.

so. About that BOM? work on it and come back.

>> No.497385 [DELETED] 

This is the last saging post I will respond to. Respect me enough not to insult me, as I respect you.

That said I have every intention of following through with this project I assure you. As far as being superawesome or a mad inventor I'm hardly inventing anything nor do I plan to. Using readily available materials and a sound design schematic I am going to utilize physics in order to have what I have always wanted.

An Ivory Tower away from the rest of you. For reasons just like this. I come for advice and commiseration and you assault me with insults and slurs. I'm sick of you monkey people and your jabbering, violence and stupidity.

Well I guess I did insult you after all.

>> No.497389

I'm 31 years old and an Air Force veteran. Believe me I have a LOT of time in aeronautical craft as well as basic Air Traffic Control knowledge.

I don't know what a BOM is, nor would I provide one to someone like you.

>> No.497396

we used to be. /diy/ used to be a slow board were people would come to ask help for their projects, and then go work on them - which is why it used to move so slow. Now you have kids like
>>497379 patrolling the first page for easy trolling victims.

Take it from a /diy/hard, just ignore the peanuts.

>> No.497397

Got it. You're an autist. GOod luck on your "travels" and I eagerly await whether your fiery death makes it into national news.
Bill Of Materials. You don't expect anyone to take any of your shit serious if you haven't even laid out a basic cost structure and scheme, do you?
look, I think you're the type of person who deserves to be the poster child for forced medicating by falling from low orbit in a screaming ball of stupid. You need to help us...help you.

don't take the sage personally. take the message personally.

>> No.497399

That makes sense thanks for the advice. Now that we cleared that up do you have any thoughts on the project at hand?

I am an avid and experienced solo backpacker and know how to create a survivable (and comfortable) living space in most temperatures.

>> No.497398

I've got to say this man is right. It's better to use hot air. However how high up are you planning to go op?

>> No.497400
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Go away.

>> No.497401

I disagree. If done right I can remain aloft in perpetuity. As far as elevation 10k feet as a standard altitude due to oxygen rate and temperature conditions. But realistically I will have to elevate occasionally to pop over mountains, avoid storms, etc.

But 10,000 feet seems relatively reasonable.

>> No.497402

I think your right. After a few moments of thinking it over there are better gasses able to do this.

Good to keep a Balloon on board though. Last resort thing.

Take a look at this, perhaps you can find someone within the military to speak with about there mechanical work on them.

>> No.497403


>I don't know what a BOM is

Christ...you have no idea what you're doing...

Look, not to discourage or anything, but this isn't remotely feasible for any number of reasons, the biggest being:

1.) Finance. If you're not already very wealthy (which I doubt, based on the driving motivators behind this idea), you're going to need a wealthy backer. Given they aren't going to get anything out of this, I can't see this happening.

2.) Just about everything about this screams "legal issue". It would be bad enough if you were attempting to throw sand in the face of the US government alone...but all of them? That's just over the insanity line, I think.

Though I doubt you'll be still seriously considering this within a month, my opinion is in favor of hydrogen. While it diffuses faster than helium, helium itself isn't easy to contain for extended periods via any sort of container that would float. However, I'm inclined to think that, overall, it's going to be less energy-intensive to top up with hydrogen than helium. And, without doing the math, I'm entirely certain that it's going to be FAR less energy intensive than keeping a massive balloon warm enough to carry a load.

>> No.497409

>I will launch it from one coast of the United States and broadcast that I have given up on world governments and declared myself a sovereign inhabitant of earth.
>I will provide my flight plan and location at all times so that governments can move their air traffic around me.
..and you'll suffer a "tragic accident" resulting in a fatal crash within a week, or you'll be shot down by fighter planes, or you'll be "rescued" by some foreign government, and "held, for your own safety" indefinitely.

This is no different than "buying an island" or "living in a storage container" threads. You're living in a fantasy world. Please, just go outside and play with kids your own age. Try talking to girls, I hear they're fun.

>> No.497412

..or you'll be arrested and detained by a hostile foreign government for spying on them, true or not.

>> No.497413 [DELETED] 

Making money is the easiest thing in the world to do. In 6 to 8 weeks I make 70,000 dollars. You're joking. Anyone poor in this world is just lazy or uncreative.

Or unmotivated. How do I make all this illustrious money so easily? I grow and distribute marijuana by the 110 plant crop. I've been doing it since 2008 and have become quite bored with the monotony. As far as legal issues, I am not interested in the laws of any nation.

Really. I could care less what the rest of humanity thinks of me. I have seen the world over and having looked around, I am rarely impressed with what I find.

Now on to the last portion of your post I agree with the hydrogen solution as I can literally manufacture it out of thin air utilizing moisture collectors and a simple lab set up.

>> No.497414

If they want to shoot me down, then so be it. Let them show the whole world their barbarity.

It won't be easy. I plan to have a high powered laser with which to blind incoming pilots if need be. As well, I will be literally streaming the entire time and I doubt, very highly, that any government in the world has the balls to murder a peaceful man in front of the whole world.

That said, a wingsuit is all I need to escape in the unlikely event of hostile fire. I will then escape utilizing escape and evasion training I went through at SERE school and my literal months of solo back-packing to safely navigate my way until I can build another Ark.

>> No.497416

then please, for fuck's sake, go do it and log off 4chan. You're referring to us, the /diy/ks, in your disgusted worldview. Why bother with our opinions? Come on Ayn the Rocketman. Make your dream a reality and leave the sea level digs to us poor proles.

>> No.497418 [DELETED] 
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>Making money is the easiest thing in the world to do. In 6 to 8 weeks I make 70,000 dollars. You're joking. Anyone poor in this world is just lazy or uncreative.

I'll disregard this incredibly self-serving and naive statement simply because anyone reading it can come up with their own of myriad rebuttals.

>As far as legal issues, I am not interested in the laws of any nation.

While this is beyond foolish in its own right, it would be even more foolish still to even think in passing that THEY aren't interested in YOU.

>I plan to have a high powered laser with which to blind incoming pilots if need be.

I'm not inclined to think any government worth mentioning in this context is going to be thwarted by a souped-up laser pointer. Not to mention the issue of trying to aim a laser at a target the size of a dessert plate moving at mach 1 or greater.

I'm very close to assuming this is simply a troll. There's no way you can seriously attempt to make light of such crippling hurdles.

>> No.497419
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>Making money is the easiest thing in the world to do. In 6 to 8 weeks I make 70,000 dollars. You're joking. Anyone poor in this world is just lazy or uncreative.

I'll disregard this incredibly self-serving and naive statement simply because anyone reading it can come up with their own of myriad rebuttals.

>As far as legal issues, I am not interested in the laws of any nation.

While this is beyond foolish in its own right, it would be more foolish still to even think in passing that THEY aren't interested in YOU.

>I plan to have a high powered laser with which to blind incoming pilots if need be.

I'm not inclined to think any government worth mentioning in this context is going to be thwarted by a souped-up laser pointer. Not to mention the issue of trying to aim a laser at a target the size of a dessert plate moving at mach 1 or greater.

I'm very close to assuming this is simply a troll. There's no way you can seriously attempt to make light of such crippling hurdles.

>> No.497419,1 [INTERNAL] 

Tripfags gon trip