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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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49551 No.49551 [Reply] [Original]

Hey everyone. Does anyone know a good way to make a mice trap? and notice i said mice, as in i want to catch as many as possible. Can't use poison because I have a dog and he fucks with everything. I've tried all the sticky crap and the mice get smarter and avoid all of them somehow. it's fucked.

I've already scoured the internet and the only do-able one that i liked was a bucket with a bottle that spins and drops the mice in.

But I want to know if anyone has any fresh takes on
this age old problem. Open to anything...

>> No.49569

I recently saw two mice in my pantry, so I got poison to put in the garage and hidden away, and I bought a bunch of the regular traps, I got two mice with the regular traps, and haven't gotten anymore. Everyone says bait with peanut butter, but I think I got both of the mice while they were just running along the wall, I moved stuff around to make a narrow corridor that they would have to go through and walk over the traps.

>> No.49572

honestly, get a cat, It's the best solution. You don't even have to keep it long, maybe even just borrow a friends for a night. Yeah, trade your dog for a cat for a night.

>> No.49575

homes with pets are more likely to get mice because of the pet food being out, it attracts mice.
mice love tunnels, I have seen traps similar to that bucket, with just pvc pipe going up to a bucket

>> No.49582
File: 179 KB, 587x392, 1310357380147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it works. i caught a vole in our garage using a piece of dog food. read about it in the "AMERICAN HANDY BOY'S BOOK"

>> No.49589

yeah same here. I only caught like 4 mice with the regular traps. Ever since then they've known to avoid all of them. I still hear them and see them though. Afraid they're starting to multiply quickly.

>>49572 Haha, I'm actually not much of a cat person as I am a bit allergic to them. So I guess I'm screwed there haha. Do they really work that well though...?

>>49575 Yes, I've heard that, we will probably start keeping the dog food in a hard case. And yeah, i've seen quite a few variations, the pic above is just one of the first ones i found with a simple google search.

>> No.49595
File: 47 KB, 412x543, MouseTrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idea that i think woudl work fine (twist on your original pic) attached

>> No.49600

I don't know if i understand completely or just went full retard but basically what you're saying is it's like the bucket/bottle idea except instead of a bottle you put wax paper? Do you replace the paper after every mouse?

>> No.49604

Get a shoe box, cut a hole in one of the sides. Get some chicken wire and make a funnel so that one end is much smaller (but not so small that nothing can get through it). Then stick the funnel into the hole of the shoebox so that the smaller end is pointing out put some rat pellets in the shoe box then tape it shut.

The mice will crawl into the shoe box through the funnel but willl not be smart enough to get out.

>> No.49605
File: 14 KB, 595x374, trap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good trap is cheap to make for small animals.

Basically, take chicken wire or some other kind of mesh material, and construct the four sides of a box. Create a "door" at either end out of more wire, and wrap it around a nail or metal rod, which will be slipped through the walls at an angle. Pic is my poor illustration.

The rats get in, they can't get out, and it doesn't kill them.

>> No.49607

did you just make this? if so...Awesome. this is pure fucking awesome. i'm starting to like /diy/ already!

>> No.49608
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you basically have the same idea but with wax paper. idk which would work better..

mouse tests surface with paw. finds secure. advances. finds out mouse is full retard. falls in antifreeze. drinks. dies.

if the mouse messes up the paper real bad, replace it. when the vole fell through, he didn't mess it up too bad though. i also used a


>> No.49612

Yesssss! More good shit. keep em coming. This idea seems legit. Would the mice be able to chew through the box at all?

>> No.49616


eventually but you could always line the shoebox with more chicken wire.

>> No.49617


mice can chew through anything given enough time. That's why I suggested you use chicken wire. Make a box out of wood--just a simple frame made from staples and balsa wood will work. Once you make the frame of the box, just staple the chicken wire tightly in place.

The "doors" would be the hardest part because it would have to be tight enough to stay shut but not so loose it won't open. Using a nail or something as the hinge, just jammed through the corners of the box, can work well.

I used these things to trap some mice before, I taped the bait to the top of the cage so they could never reach it.

Caught three fighting in the cage once. Stabbed them all with a knife because I was mad.

>> No.49622

So, make the x-incision as small as possible? I actually wouldn't mind killing them or drowning them somehow.
So the antifreeze actually sounds good. I first thought about putting something like drain-o or some other really
thick liquid that would cause them to sink to the bottom, but i don't really know what.

Don't really give a fuck about humane or not because they are fucking mice, and mice are little troll assholes that live only to fuck with you and shit everywhere

>> No.49630

LOL that's hilarious. I don't know if I could stab them,
that seems like it's on another level. Did you mean
like a hinge door that could only be opened from the outside? Or am i thinking something completely different

>> No.49635
File: 416 KB, 800x1200, humane homemade mousetrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy OP.

>> No.49637

>The one rule at the start is going to be do not share instructions for how to make weapons, or any other device intended to hurt

>> No.49638


The "doors" of the trap fall horizontally within the trap. They open one way, and cannot open the other; so that when an animal falls inside, it can't open the door and get back out. It's a very simple setup and effective for that reason.

The animal presses against the door that only opens one way, and it can't get out. Doesn't cause any harm to the animal at all, unless you want to be a dickhead like me and just go to town on the fucking things. I -hate- rats. They spread disease and cause all kinds of problems, fuck rats.

Goddamn rats.

>> No.49640


This is a good trap too.

>> No.49653

we also need an addendum for people citing the rules of the board out of context.
almost all of the traps shown so far are humane traps, and you just went full retard

>> No.49657

OP easiest possible mousetrap, take a 2 liter soda bottle, cut off the lid with a pair of scissors and reinsert it into the hole upside down. Put food in the bottom, the mouse runs down through the pourer into the containment vessel and cannot get back out, also it doesnt kill the mouse so you can take him down to the park and let him loose, at the end recycle the bottle and you're done. Bait it with potatoe chips or something fragrant. also put it up against a wall because they like to run next to walls.

>> No.49661

I don't have a very DIY solution for you... I like the 2-liter bottle one though.

I suppose getting a cat is out of the question?

I get a mouse in my house about once a month. The best trap I've ever used is the sticky glue trap, not the one that's like fly paper (a piece of paper or cardboard with some sticky film on one side). That one doesn't work well, I've seen mice step onto the sticky part and they are able to get themselves free if they struggle enough. The good ones are the ones that are like a little shallow plastic tray, and the tray is filled with a semi-liquid glue. It's like 1/4-inch deep tray filled with this glue, and if a mouse steps one little paw in that stuff he's stuck. I have never seen a mouse get free from one of those. The traps are very cheap, I think 4 for one or two dollars.

The only other trap I use is the classic spring-loaded mousetrap. I don't think these work as well; I have known mice to take the bait from right off the trap without triggering the spring. They are made cheaply, but cheap construction on a mechanism with moving parts means the mechanism ends up very poorly calibrated. I have bought some of these and they simply didn't work until I tweaked them a little.

With both the kinds of traps I use, the mouse usually survives. This can be a problem, since they can get caught on a trap and then crawl underneath a piece of furniture and die, and I'll have to find them by smell later, which is gross. Usually this doesn't happen, but they survive the trap. I put the mouse, trap and all, into a plastic shopping bag and swing the bag over my head and smash it onto the ground, killing the mouse. Then I just put the bag in the garbage can, job done.

>> No.49662

Oh come on really? Well in this thread's defense,
all of these solutions aren't exactly lethal/hurt the mice.

That's up to whoever makes these things if they want
to go the extra step or not.

I completely agree. I just don't think I could stab them
though. You are badass for that

>> No.49683


which is exactly why they should just die while you have
them trapped. I remember my parents using poison
and it's the same problem: You'd have to find them
afterward and either way they're gonna die.
And I actually know what you are talking about!
I've tried a few of those little glue trays and caught one
but I left it by itself for a few hours because half of it's
body was poking out of the tray and i was too pussy
thinking it could scratch me or even touch me. When
I came back to check if it was still there, or even better,
dead.... the damn thing was gone.

I've caught more with the piece of paper and glue
on one side, but now they're getting too smart for those.

>> No.49709

I have never been bitten or scratched, but I am careful. I don't want to take my chances since I'm sure they can spread diseases, like rabies and hepatitis. I recommend gloves if you have to handle a live mouse.

>> No.49726

>scale up any of these traps to human size
>these are deadly weapons

op has been reported along with many of you

>> No.50024

Suppose I wanted to free the mouse after capture. How far do you guys figure I'd need to dump it from the house to keep it from returning?

>> No.50031

A giant bucket with a bottle carefully positioned so that any person who walks across it will fall into the bucket.

I lol'd.

>> No.50221
File: 12 KB, 314x226, mouse_trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean like this? we all know this design works

>> No.50223


>> No.50224


>> No.50369
File: 291 KB, 600x2240, 0fcc539cb131a84dce8878b99ec1df57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd

I would lol again

>> No.50398

It's not a trap as much as a repellant, my grandma used to burn peppermint oil. Apparently mice don't like the smell.