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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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48662 No.48662 [Reply] [Original]

Food thread?
Food thread.

>> No.48682

Food board?
Food board.

>> No.48680

Does that recipe work?

>> No.48695

Yes doing it right now actually

>> No.48709

Yes, it actually works. You're likely going to have to tweak it to your own tastes, though.

>> No.48717

It's an ancient running troll from /ck/. It basically makes TAR that hardens like a rock when it cools in your cup and you end up tossing it away. It gets stoners every fucking time though.

>> No.48830


>>48717's post is an ancient running troll from /ck/. It's basically the same as "omg ur cookie recipe maeks fiar on my ovens!1" troll that pops up whenever someone posts the recipe for the peanut butter cookies I've been making since 8th grade.

Don't take this to mean that there are NO troll recipes, however. For instance, the recipe for banana cookies that involves microwaving nitroglycerine in aluminum foil? That one's definitely a troll, and will probably make your microwave explode or something.

>> No.48846

Wait. I'm all confused now. So does that recipe work or is it the "delete system 32" of cooking?

>> No.48858

The same with the "How to make cool crystals with household items" copypasta.
Thankfully this is just not as sinister.

>> No.48859

It works and is actually tasting quite nice

just search for videos on that, there are plenty on youtube

1. the receipe is exactly as with regular brownies/cupcakes etc.
2. what should explode there? milk, sugar and cacao is pretty much like chocolate milk, no explosion there
flour, oil and eggs is pretty much reheating breed, also no explosion

there are plenty of those microwave cake receipes,
really try it

>> No.48870

That recipe does make fire you moron. Fuck you trolls. I thought /diy/ would be less trolled at least.

>> No.48902
File: 1004 KB, 3189x1196, Gerecht 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48910


That looks great/tasty.
Is it safe?

I'm doubting every recipe now

>> No.48921

So can we get a yes or no answer here?

OP post recipe = Yay or nay?

Gerecht recipe = yay or nay?

>> No.48933
File: 6 KB, 251x251, 1319254808613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing quesadilla i just ate.
1. Buy angel hair pasta
2. Buy chicken
3. Buy Medium salsa
4. Buy Shredded cheese
5. Buy tortilla bread
6.cook the pasta and the chicken, melt the cheese on top.
7. pour on top of the bread
8. add the salsa.
well, i bought food at a restaurant and mashed it up.

>> No.48949

Try it yourself, you'll be out maybe 30 cents of food if it's fake, and you'll have delicious brownies if it's not.
It looks okay though, a lot of liquid but maybe the milk boils off. The fire-cookies, IIRC, had some really dubious steps, like substituting dried kindling for flour and eggs.

>> No.48960
File: 15 KB, 400x223, isitsafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it safe?

Yes, it's safe, it's very safe, it's so safe you wouldn't believe...

>> No.48968
File: 69 KB, 640x512, cookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is.

>> No.48972

They're both real. I've made similar versions of both.

Here is a similar recipe if the egg is making you paranoid.

>> No.48973

funny because the exact same recipe is on the back of my jar of peanut butter

>> No.48995

cup-brownies is fucking delicious, i have made at least 100 cup brownies since i found the recipe
same texture as a muffin

>> No.48996

Well... since it seems to be goofy-foods your focusing on... here is a 'food' trick from the marines.

Take 1 Jar instant coffee, 1 can chocolate pudding. Mix together in a bowl. Add sugar till it hits the saturation point where no more will disolve. Add corn syrup (or maple if you want and like that) until the consistancy is a bit more fluid. Take ziplock bag put it in that, cut corner off and tie, or band corner so it seals. Stick it someplace accessable while your on patrol or if they are making you do a crazy long march. (a 20 miler or something) Don't bust into it until you have passed and pushed through that exhaustion wall... where you feel like you might nod off at any sec... or where you would give anything to just sit down. Ideally, you don't want more than 3-4 hours left of the day/march left... as you will start to crash after that. Hydrate alot after this, and if your bowels are unhappy at all that day, don't consume it.

It's pretty much instant recovery in a bag... but just for a short time.

>> No.49016

It works fine but they aren't good brownies. I might try replacing the oil with butter.

>> No.49031

i use 3 tablespoons of milk and 3 tablespoons of butter, dont judge them by the looks, they're delicious

>> No.49051

Try cooking for less time, it ends up with uncooked mixture on the bottom that flows over the top like chocolate sauce. I also like to put frozen berries in mine before cooking. With a scoop of vanilla icecream it's really good.