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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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468711 No.468711 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /diy/

Long story short, I'm 22 and a year away from starting "real life". Assuming 2 people, both with a $7.25/hr part time. I'm looking for tips and hints to live as frugal as possible.

I love everything /diy/ so Gardening, Recycling, home cooking and all the like are musts.

many thanks /diy/

>> No.468738
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build your own place like thistalented /diy/erhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXDu2U-CmkI

or read Thoreau, he had some good ideas http://xroads.virginia.edu/~hyper/walden/walden.html

>> No.468741
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>> No.468743
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>> No.468758

Doing something similar.

-no more eating out. Cook your meals from home. Use plenty of rice and veggies with a little meat on the side (invest in a rice cooker, a good one shouldn't cost you more than $20)
-carpool or ride a bicycle. In NC, you don't need insurance for bicycles or scooters which can save a lot of money each month
-sneak into movies, if you go to one. Easier than it sounds. If they ask for a ticket, say you forgot and threw it away.
-Buy used. Search Craigslist and Ebay before you consider buying new.
-if you get sick, look for sliding scale practitioners for dentistry and medical care in your county if you don't have insurance

>> No.468760


-turn off lights, a/c, unplug electronics. We cut our electric bill down to $30 in the middle of a heatwave by doing this and still stayed pretty cool
-consider buy land and building a "batch". It's a cheap Eco home that new zealanders build out of anything they can find. There are some pretty cheap, ingenious builds out there

>> No.468894

>7.25/hr part time
Work at a restaurant so you can eat for free.

>> No.468902

>$7.25 an hour
do you live in a third world country or something ?

>> No.468917

Not OP, but fuck you. That's considered way above average here, in Slovakia.

>> No.468935 [DELETED] 

Work under the table. Collect welfare.

>> No.468954

Same in rural USA in many states too.

>> No.468989 [DELETED] 

Bump for interest

>> No.469121 [DELETED] 


>> No.469158 [DELETED] 

Minimum wage in Canada is like $10.50, my first job out of college I am making $16.78 an hour after one month on the job. Oh, and free health care.

>> No.469184

Minimum wage in the UK:
<16: Whatever you can get.
Apprentice(any age): £2.65/hr
16 - 18: £3.68/hr
18-21: £4.98/hr
21&over: £6.19/hr

Might sound shitty, but it pushes you to better yourself. Low minimum wage = cost of living stays relatively low, and you find you get rewarded more for skill than for just turning up.

However, saying that, a little research shows:

$7.25(US)/hr is equal to £4.71/hr (using google conversion for the currency conversion)
$10.15(Canada)/hr is equal to £6.37/hr
€9.43(France)/hr is equal to £8.04/hr
€8.64(Ireland)/hr is equal to £7.37/hr

(Canada's figure is a rough average, as each of the ten provinces has a different minimum wage and i'm not fucking converting them all)

And yes, the Eastern Bloc sit right at the bottom of the charts, showing:
€1.941(Slovakia)/hr is equal to £1.65/hr
€3.32(Slovenia)/hr is equal to £2.83/hr

(these are the only two Eastern Bloc countries that are in the Euro on wikipedia, that i know of.)


>> No.469186

In Norway there is no minimum (unless you join a union).

>> No.469187

Now, to elaborate on living within your means (AKA, i'm only earning the sum total of fuck-all and i need to eat, sleep and shit somehow)

SOLAR PANELS BITCHES. You can now buy cheap ones for roughly £30. which is roughly a day's work. The next day's work goes to buying a small inverter; you can now charge your phone/laptop. You won't even need the inverter if you have an in-car charger.

FOODS also known as HOW DOES I EATS
step one: buy cheap. It's nasty, but it'll keep you alive while you plant your vegetable garden.
step two: Learn to like vegetables. It's gonna be your primary food source. Depending on where you are, you could hunt, but that's more effort.

NOODLES/RAMEN is NOT FOOD. however, it can be made into FOOD by adding soup and chopped hotdogs for a hearty meal that will keep you going all day.


Well, at this point, you don't. Unless, of course, you can save up pennies to buy a small trailer and live in that (best option)

After that, i'm stumped. However, I'll give you my honest advice:

Get a skill. Woodwork/metalwork/sewing etc. Something you can use to make shit, to sell, to earn DOLLA. because at the end of it all, money's what makes life comfortable, and not "is my home going to burn down and leave me with nothing and have to re-integrate into a society i know nothing about"

>> No.469221

What is inflation?

>> No.469302


None of these figures should even begin to imply that the cost of living in these places is comparable.

>> No.469309 [DELETED] 

Your health care isn't free. You will learn the meaning of "payment for services rendered" once your housing bubble pops and your ultradominant trading partner (USA) collapses.

>> No.469315 [DELETED] 


>thinking the US is going to "collapse" any time soon

If anything China is the one that's going to fuck itself over. They've expanded too much, too fast, and they're gutting their natural resources and cutting all the corners to do it. They have less future than America does.

India is where it's at.

>> No.469317 [DELETED] 

won't happen.
stay mad faggot.

>> No.469590

not 3rd world lol

>> No.469861

I make $8.00 an hour which would be decent if a safe apartment here wasn't fucking $700+ a month without utilities. I'm trying to get a condo though since there's no real estate around here under $700,000.

>start off in cheap, safe condo
>build credit
>rent never goes up, don't have to worry about roof/foundation/siding
>eventually buy my own 2 acre plot when I graduate and go live in the boonies after a few years of saving
>no longer pissing rent away on apartment

>> No.469863


link related, my dream home:


>> No.469878

$7.25 an hour....shit is about to get really real then

>> No.469880



>> No.469930

Love to make something like that, dont want whatever alphabet agency that deals with it to come buy and rip it down... im thinking of saving up for a few acres and building a decent size workshop/garage on it and puting a loft on it to live/sleep in

>> No.469939

Become an avid craigslist user. There is always stuff being given away for free that you would most likely be able to refurbish for cheap. You might even make a profit out of it should you sell what you refurbish.

>> No.469963

Nigga. I live in NC i make 7.25. It aint that bad really. I pay rent and buy everything i need. And am still able to save. Shits cheap here yo

>> No.470007 [DELETED] 

I only make $8 an hour, part/full time depending on the week, plenty of money to do whatever I want. Some tips:
-Ride a bike or walk most places including work if it's an option
-Cook your own food at home 100% of the time
-If you wanna go to the bar/club, always pregame on some cheap shit from the liquor store first, that way when you get to the bar you can just sip on a beer or something since you're already shit faced instead of buying tons of overpriced drinks and having to tip the bartender a lot.

Well, that's pretty much been my game plan...obv learn to use as little water and electricity, etc as possible..those few dollars a month you save really start to add up after a while. Also if you work at a restaraunt like me, eat all the free food possible and if you can get away with it, steal whatever you can. If I were to add up all the food and shit I take from my work place, I'm sure I make $14/hr or greater simply because I almost never have to go grocery shopping.

>> No.470010

Hell I'm in ohio. Min wage is 7.85.
I smoke, and still do whatever I feel like doing.
I'm using that paycheck to invest in myself with a marketable trade. I know how to blow glass, weld, farm, and sew. I'm currently learning mechanics and then I'm hitting the open road to wherever I feel because I can get a job literally anywhere making 4x as much as I do now.

>> No.470012 [DELETED] 

Super sneaky squirrel question.
Why aren't you on "food stamps"

>> No.470276 [DELETED] 

i don't qualify for food stamps, nor do i really need them.

>> No.470278

Dumpster diving

>> No.470310
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Quite simply... Live with in your means. Always have a surplus and put money away. The best way to do that is to entertain your self and eat at home. (Cooking at home) The best way to entertain your self would have to be something cheap and sustainable. I would suggest spending most of your time off improving your self in one way shape or form. I would also suggest using craigslist as much as possible.

>> No.470314

Oh yeah.... Pay with cash avoid credit cards and being in debt like the fucking plague.

>> No.470665 [DELETED] 

You are a fool who has no knowledge of economics. Nothing is free, you are paying for healthcare, one way or another. Or someone else is, and you are a worthless freeloader.

How many $whatever (not the same as US dollars) you make per hour is irrelevant. What is relevant is what you can buy per hour you work.

I used to live near the Minnesota/Canada border and I know that things are taxed more and prices more are artificially inflated by the government on the Canada side.

So brag all you want about how many phony $ you make per hour. I would take a job for $1/hour if it was in a place where I could get a get a good meal for $0.25, and could buy a decent house for $3000.

>> No.470670 [DELETED] 

Oh, and you're making just over 1.5x the minimum wage with a college degree??? What a sad little country you guys run up there.

>> No.470680 [DELETED] 


This is not /pol/. Fuck off.

>> No.470689 [DELETED] 

If he's stealing from his employer, that's roughly the same as stealing from the taxpayer (food stamps). Either way, a deadbeat bumming off society.

>> No.470690 [DELETED] 

Simple economics isn't /pol/.

I know people get touchy about the healthcare thing, but it's true, and the rest is pure logic.

You should go to /pol/ or /r9p/ if you prefer emotions over logic.

>> No.470696


Depends on where you live in NC good sir. I have the misfortune of being shituated in Cary. The cheapest crack stack you can rent here costs $500+ and roaches, roaches, roaches.

>> No.470697 [DELETED] 

>Mfw born in MN and there were no jobs to be had so moved

I miss little Canada.

>> No.470698 [DELETED] 

quality of life bro

such a shame that the arrogant majority cant see through their own selfishness. its costs less overall you fool. everyone pays a little, noone claims all the time. you end up paying less for healthcare yourself, and live a better life

seriously, most other countries have healthcare. even poor ones. you pathetic dumbass americans scream MUH TAXUS DOLLRS YALL AINT GITTTIN SHIT OFF MEE DAMN COMMIE

and your country suffers for it. i genuinely pity you

>> No.470699


Lofts are sweet. It sounds Like a good plan.

Well I'm hoping for the home to be partially built into a hillside to save on heating and cooling. I also plan on having two goats and some chickens so I'll be interested in buying agriculturally zoned land.

Where I currently live, the only ag friendly land near my job is really Wake Forest and parts of Raleigh. HOA's in Cary fuck you so hard.

I hate HOA's when you own your own home. They serve 0 purpose.

>> No.470800 [DELETED] 

I just stated that health care is not free. Most folks pay for it through taxes, or as compensation for their job, or pay a private insurance company.

What I meant is it's only "free" if you forget about the taxes you pay or the benefit compensation you get from working. The only people who get stuff for free are the deadbeats who live off of social services and never work.

>> No.470808 [DELETED] 


The job climate isn't getting any better in MN with Mark Dayton and the Democrats controlling both houses. The last legislative session was a huge gift to all of the border state towns.

I moved from Moorhead to Fargo a few years ago, and this exodus will be speeding up. Any business that can move, or any individual who makes decent money should be considering the West side of the Red River.

>> No.470823 [DELETED] 

>thinking india is gonna inherit the earth instead of the obvious caste system collapse leading into the most brutal civil war the world has yet to see

Asia is going to fucking flood with blood.

>> No.470825 [DELETED] 

Enjoy paying ten grand for a dentist appointment, fuckwit

>> No.470826

HOAs's originally served one good purpose, to keep one a**hole from dragging down everyone else's property values by having a dandelion-covered lawn, boarded up windows, junk cars in the front driveway, etc.

I agree that HOA's have gone WAY to far when they tell you what color you must paint your things, and how big your deck can be, etc..

But you should consider your neighbors with the noise and smell of livestock. Your ownership only extends to your property line. If neighbors have to listen to and smell your livestock, and reap none of the benefits, then you are being a jerk to them.

>> No.470832 [DELETED] 

I won't. I'm gainfully employed, and have insurance, like everyone else I know.

Sheesh, you furriners must think of Americans like we are all niggers in Alabama or hillbillies in Appalachia.

>> No.470857 [DELETED] 

It's still cheaper than healthcare in the US.

>> No.470868 [DELETED] 


If your making minimum wage, yes. Not if you have a good job.

>> No.470874


Why would you avoid using credit cards, they build credit rating and give many benefits. Unless you don't know how to pay things back or have no self control, then it's another story

>> No.470894

Keep a spending diary.
Work out how much you spend per meal.
Look for bargains, reductions and stuff that you can freeze.
Learn to make and freeze soup in large batches.
Challenge yourself to spend as little as possible every month (hence the diary).
Look for cheap alternatives for things.
Find clever ways to economise on the luxuries you insist on having (e.g. you can use far less quilted toilet roll than regular even though regular has more sheets per roll).

>> No.470907 [DELETED] 

So much butthurt wow

>> No.470908

Yep, US of A.

>> No.470912

>SOLAR PANELS BITCHES. You can now buy cheap ones for roughly £30. which is roughly a day's work. The next day's work goes to buying a small inverter; you can now charge your phone/laptop. You won't even need the inverter if you have an in-car charger.
Why the fuck do you get a solar panel/+accessories then when yo could save that money for the gas that your car eats up every week?!

HOLY FUCK, al that sodium!

WHAT abut baths?! He aint gonna keep the job if he goes there smelling of sweat and piss!

>> No.470994

Dave Ramsey. Look him up, follow him on facebook, listen to his radio show - it's streamed on the internet for free too. He is extremely frugal and a great investor.

>> No.471018

Someone may have said this already, but disposable razors. I've been using the same one for more than a year. Gilette Turbo Mach 3. Get it wet and push it backwards (the opposite direction you would to shave) against your forearm. Just like a barber used to do with a straight razor.

>> No.471021 [DELETED] 


Makes me kind of sad, there's nothing more peaceful than the eerie call of a loon across the lake at twilight from the front porch of your own cabin.


at least I've got the beach in NC. It's pretty too.

>> No.471023

goddamn, that's pretty brilliant.

I wonder what the two-person version would be like.

>> No.471025

^Jew For Dummies

>> No.471039

My personal goal is to have an electric car by some point soon, or electric enough that gas is a rare concern. Or better yet, bike to work.

>> No.471054 [DELETED] 

hahahaha, bragging about socialism

>> No.471065

What are the best kind of rechargeable batteries to get? Are there any details to look for, like charging tech or something?

>> No.471291


Don't get Chinese knock-offs or other brands.

>> No.471693
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>> No.472384 [DELETED] 

how work under table

>> No.472390

Working under the table means you get paid in cash, your employer does not report that money for taxes, and you don't pay taxes on it. The arrangement is between you and the employer and has nothing to do with the government. This is common for one-time jobs like mowing someone's lawn or helping out with some construction.

>> No.472405

You could literally buy 30 Honda ct110 (postie) for the price of a single Leaf (the cheapest electric car available).
1k vs 30k
Also you'll get 100-200 mpg. For me that would be $3.55 for a full weeks worth of work, school, and an extra 40miles of whatever driving in fuel costs. To contrast, I get 25-35 mpg in my civic.

Insurance is higher on electric, if anything breaks or needs replacing you're out an arm and leg, and they have <10 lifespan.

But man, if none of that is a problem... Electric cars can be pretty cool.

>> No.472416

>tips and hints to live as frugal as possible
Always cook your own food, never eat out. Can't cook? Learn. Fast.
Before you buy anything ask yourself "Do I NEED this, or do I WANT this?" and then buy only the things you NEED; buying things you WANT are for people with money.
When you buy things you need all the time, buy them in large quantity rather than as singles or small quantity, the price goes way up. A Costco/Sams Club membership pays for itself many times over in the course of a year.
Learn to repair your things. This includes sewing as well as machinery. That being said, learn when your trying to repair something will be throwing money down the drain.
In summertime: Learn to enjoy being hot all the time. Hope you can sleep in the heat.
In wintertime: Learn to dress in layers, and enjoy being cold. Counterintuitive: Get an electric matress pad for your bed. You won't be able to afford to run the heat much, and not at all at night, and an electric matress pad will keep you warm on the coldest nights.
Get this next idea through your head right now: Only people with money can afford pride. Someone offers to buy you lunch/dinner/whatever? Accept graciously. Caveat: Make sure it's someone you don't mind owing a favor or two. Avoiding obligations to people you don't want to be obligated to or outright hate isn't pride, it's protecting yourself.
All the above having been said: Help someone else out when you can (feed them, help them fix something of theirs, etc). It's called "paying it forward" and "good kharma", and it will pay off in the long run.

>> No.472421 [DELETED] 

Oh, I thought that's something lewd. Thank you.

>> No.472423

One should note here the difference between "casual labor" and "working under the table"; the former is actually legal up to a certain annual dollar amount (assuming we're talking about the U.S. here; other countries will be different), and the latter refers to working a normal job, but being paid cash, no taxes deducted, which is illegal. Avoid "working under the table" because you'll have no benefits, no worker's compensation, no unemployment benefits if laid off, etc. and you can be fined heavily by the IRS if/when caught.

>> No.472428

1. don't buy things

If you like shopping, start collecting weird mugs from a thrift store or something. Keep it cheap.

2. shop at an ethnic store

Cheaper produce by far, shop seasonal and freeze or can if you have the stuff to do it.

3. learn a few tasty but extremely cheap meals

there are whole websites devoted to this. A meal should average less than $1 per person. Rice and beans, casseroles, using potatoes and onions heavily, etc. Make your own spice mixes and grow whatever you can in your climate.

4. just don't turn on the AC

every day you'll be like "I'm kind of hot" but you'll adjust slowly and get used to the fresh air. Then it'll be 90F and you'll be like "I'm kind of hot" instead of cranking the air to 70F because your weak body is miserable. Turn on the AC at all and you fuck yourself. It's possible to live without in most climates.

5. don't buy clothes
and if you really have to, only buy classics. Try to build a "bleh" but workable long-term wardrobe before you move out.

>> No.472432 [DELETED] 

Our(U.S.) healthcare system is bloated and unorganized, hospitals seem to steal from the government more than the living poor.

>> No.472433

>Cheaper produce by far, shop seasonal and freeze
If you don't already know this, fresh produce that you want to freeze needs to be blanched first, but that's not difficult, just tedious.

Buying frozen produce from "grocery outlet" type stores is a good idea, too, frozen produce will keep for a long, long time.

>> No.472437

>save that money for gas
Buying something that will give you a higher net income later on is much better than having a small savings to use on gas to drive around UNTIL you run out of gas, plan ahead
Use less of the flavoring packet

>> No.472466

High up-front cost, not much power output, and if you live in an apartment, how are you going to use them? This is a better idea for someone living in a house, preferably that they own, in which case the OP isn't going to be making $7.25/hour anymore and it won't be as much of an issue.

Lowest-quality food imaginable, highly processed, little nutrition. Best used as a supplement to actual food to add texture more than anything else. There is better pasta out there, and for not much more money. Or, learn to make your own pasta.

I'm in the U.S., and I'm here to tell you: The economy here has *already* collapsed, way back in 2007/2008. News stories lie, or at least exaggerate, about how the economy is "recovering"; it might be for the fat-cat 1%, but it'll take years or decades for it to really trickle down to the common citizen. It may *never* completely recover, at least not the way it was.

>> No.472470

google some minimalism/minimal living blogs

>> No.472472

>try to build a "bleh" wardrobe
Protip: With a classical style, it's actually possible to build a nice looking, rather functional, and good quality wardrobe fairly cheaply. Thrift stores usually have a lot of more or less classical clothes. Just try to find those in the best condition.
If you're interested, there's a lot of articles about this kind of clothing on artofmanliness.com.

>> No.472511

Don't buy stupid shit.
Prep/grow your own food.
Live out of a van.

>> No.472576

Okay, for one thing, that is an assumption. I don't really know where it comes from, or why you don't ALREADY have a job, but here is my advice as someone who has been lower class her whole life:

- Shop for things you need at the dollar tree. Don't buy food there unless it is pasta, tomato sauce, or candy. You'd be surprised about the quality and utility of what they sell.
- Be friendly, network, and buy local. People will help you and make your life cheaper and easier.
- Learn to doctor packaged food. Knorr's packet food is really good for this.
- Buy frozen vegetables. I particularly like frozen chopped onions. Not all veggies work frozen, and be sure to add a little water to the pan. Don't thaw before cooking.
- Be vegetarian. Cuts my food bill in half compared to my friends.
- Buy appliances, objects, clothes at used stores. You'll be able to tell what is too old and worn and what somebody left in a cabinet and never used.
- turn off lights in empty rooms, use a bin of water for washing dishes, don't leave your computer on at night, and take baths instead of showers.
- Walk/bike whenever possible. It may take a while at first, but after several times going to a place you can shave off quite a bit of time.
- Carry cash instead of credit or debit. Never use credit, really. Helps you keep track of your spending.
- Be careful in the housing market. Research thoroughly and try to have good timing.
- Keep track of how much you spend in an excel file.
- Buy what you need, not what you want. Make a small allowance for things that make you happy, but when you are getting things, ask "do I NEED this? Will I be miserable without it? Or do I just want it?"

>> No.472578

All this advice is fucking awful

>> No.472598 [DELETED] 


Fuck you and people like you.

>> No.472612


if you need a cheap and reliable vehicle, find a Defense Reutilization Management Office near you and use that website to browse their stock. most of the vehicles are just obsolete war stock that has <50k miles.

buy land, buy land, buy land. my grandad always said that its one of the better investments you can make because "god ain't making anymore of it"

>> No.472619


>> No.472639

>take baths instead of showers


>> No.472649
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>MFW I thought I was pedantic for speadsheeting my money

>> No.472705 [DELETED] 

all if my wat.
>never use credit. helps you keep track of your spending.

because nothing keeps better track than having ALL YOUR SPENDING ON ONE FUCKING BILL DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR some people are so stupid.

>> No.472718 [DELETED] 


Not who you were replying too, but a bill is the worst way to go. If you pay with cash, and you know how much you have, you can quickly see how much you have less. If you have a credit card its too easy to "swipe and forget". This leads to late bill payments and a fucked credit rating, making your already hard life, harder.

The more you can pay with money you have, and not money your borrow, the better. Also the cost of using a credit card in terms of interest, is worse than the fees incurred by spending cash. By your logic it is better to use money, and be charged for the privileged, just because you get a piece of paper with your spending on it at the end of the month, than physically be able to see you have $xx.xx amount left in your wallet.

I agree with your last statement however, some people really are so stupid.

>> No.473872 [DELETED] 

OP, do yourself a favor and do not come to 4chan asking for any serious advice. A google search would have provided you the same answers that were given here minus the fuckwits who are fuckwits plus more valid resources and tips. These boards and 96% fuckery , 2% people who actually believe their bullshit, 1% disinfo agents setting you up for failure, .5% good advice and .5% excellent advice.
>Please do your own research fuck trendy saving tips and use common sense and budget. Trust no one. Save up 5k invest in bluechips. Win.

>> No.473924

You can used razors on jeans to sharpen them too. Straight razors could you a lot of money in the long term too... or you can use flint.

>> No.473999

nope thats more in france (I'm french)

>> No.475021 [DELETED] 

It's the good and excellent advice one is out for though. In my experience The actually good advice you get here is better and more useful than what you might get from other sites. This is because of the fact that someone is actually telling about their own experiences and there is an ongoing discussion, contrary to online articles where what you're reading is much more generalized without the opportunity to ask any questions.
Besides, /diy/ isn't just your average board on 4chan. There are more older users here who actually know what they're talking about, and it's not as filled with trolls and idiots.

>> No.475059


Best advice I can give is just do it. It's possible and you will learn what you need and don't. Be frugal as fuck the first few months and figure out how little you can live on. I lived on half of what I make now for a few years and I am sure I would still be considered poor by all the millionaires of 4chan. It was rough, but now I am comfortable living on much less than I should be comfortable with.

>> No.475232

Get a career instead of a job.

>> No.475243


OP heres what my friend did when he graduated from his University and couldnt find a job.

>moved to northern michigan (U.P.) where land close/on inland lakes is basically dirt cheap
>bought like 30 acres for $25,000 (saved it up/sold alot of his possesions)
>built his own shelter
>got job at wood cutting company
>made own garden and bought some caddle/livestock (fresh eggs, sold sheep wool, free milk)
>got water purifier = free drinking water and free washing/disposable water
>fishing = steady food source
>hunting a shitton too
>after one year of selling some wood on land, selling some animals he hunted, selling dairy and fresh eggs he made 10 grand and was able to reinvest it in land

>> No.475244

he also said some of the towns people were dicks but that didnt matter when there was 30 acres seperating them

he also has a dog which hunts geese and aids in hunting