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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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460839 No.460839 [Reply] [Original]

I've built a filter for my pond. My pump is in the pond its 1900 GPH. It goes into the filter (rubbermaid container) on 1&1/2 inch pipe. I have a 2'' outflow. The idea was the filter would actually sit in the pond. So when I start it up it comes out the outflow and over the entire top of the container. Thus bypassing all filter media. I added an extra piece of two foot pipe and raised it up outside the pond. This height and length difference and removal of a water level pipe inside was enough difference that it worked as you see in the picture. I dont trust it to run like this for fear it would drain my entire pond quickly. So I dont know if I should add a second outflow. Or just replace current outflow with a larger pipe. I don't know how to calculate the size of the output pipe.

Also if there is a way to run from the outflow and vertically up above pond water level to a UV filter outside of the pond that is what I would ultimately like.

>> No.461278

sit it in the pond and weigh it down. pipes are not the problem. pull water through the filter instead of pushing it through.

>> No.461286


I'm assuming your pump is submersible, so, yes, this is generally the best idea.

I doubt your problem is the pipe. I have a pump that does 3000GPH and its outlet is only 1-1/2"

You simply need a greater pressure difference between the inlet and outlet. You can do this one of three ways

1. Raise the tub out of the water so there's a greater height difference in water levels (which is what you've done.

2. Put the lid on the tub. Mind, however, that there's a lot of surface area on that lid, so even very small pressures will try to push the lid off with tens of pounds of force. You'll need some sort of latch or way to tie it down if you do this.

3. Have the pump's inlet be the tub's outlet.

Why are you worried about that current setup draining the pond? Looks fine to me (functionally speaking)...

>> No.461287
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How much money/ how clear do you want this pond?

My old set up was
pickle barrel flowing in at the top with a pipe 3/4 the way down to let the crap settle

Then it went into an upflow barrel filled with course media then fine to poilish at the top.

Both had 2inch gate valves to allow easy flushing/water changes.

Upflowing filters are more efficent and you can split the outflow for the uv. Pump it to the filters hidden behind some bamboo screen and down a waterfall to look sexy.

You can also use bio fuel micron filters for crystal clear water.

>> No.461296

hes concerned about it draining the pond because if the outflow is unable to match the amount of water the pump is pulling out of the pond, the reservoir will fill and then start overflowing, ultimately draining the pond if left unattended.

in fact, any non-submersible pump could malfunction and cause such a problem. hence, put the filter in the pool.

the only 100% sure way to make sure you don't "rush" the filter is to PULL, not PUSH. so, just connect the pumps inlet to the outlet of the pump, set it in the pond, and have the output of the pump drain back into the pond. you can use this to make a water feature/aerator if you want. the other good part is that only CLEAN water will be going through the pump. if the pump were before the filter, then debris from the pond could damage it.

lastly, make sure you put some kind of screen or basket on the filter intake.

>> No.461300


Ah. I see. But I wouldn't worry about leaving it like it is while OP figures out what he wants to do with it, unless, of course, it's already fairly close to the top. The only reason it would overflow is if the filter started to get clogged, and required more pressure (height) to push the water through. With a filter that large, I don't see that happening suddenly enough that you wouldn't catch it.

Either way, yes, the most popular way to do this is to have the pump pull water through the filter, for the reasons listed.

>> No.461465
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I could put it as a pull filter but I was told these pumps are more efficient at pushing water than pulling. I dont know if its true. But I hadnt thought about this setup before. Also I have seen quite a few filter setups online and nobody does this. But it makes since.

I wanted it to sit in the pond for looks and it case of a leak the system would be self contained. I dont want my fish to die. Based on my outflow I cant imagine a 3000 gallon filter outflow pipe less than 4 inches unless you diverted some water before the filter. Or a serious uphill climb with the filter level with the pump its a crazy amount of outflow.

I really want it so I can see the fish. I have alot of algae. I've spent a good amount already but I got an education I guess. And I still spent under what purchasing a filter would cost. I understand upflow in concept. I don't understand how to know where to drill the hole at the top so the back pressure isn't too much for the pump? Or is this not a concern at all. It seemed like it would be a problem to clean but I hadnt thought about back flushing. I dont know where I would find two pickle barrels. Do you mean like 5 gallon bucket of 55 gallon barrel. Also my media is square. Finding a container has been one of the more challenging aspects of this project. I did a lot of research before I started to building and nobody mentions the bio fuel micron filters . That is a great idea. I saw some people have ceive filters but that looked too complicated for me to build. Are those inline biofilters cleanable or do you just buy a new one?

Now I'm torn between upflow filter or setting it up as a pull filter. I guess at this point it will be cheaper to try pulling though. Ive used smaller submersible pumps and debris never really seems to be a problem unless its nylon or some other man made fiber. I've never had a problem with leaves etc.
Picture is media and inside of the filter.

>> No.461481
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I guess it would be far cheaper given what I already have to use it to pull the water through the filter. It still baffles me that I have never seen such a setup before because as was previously mentioned it would have the advantage of having water available for UV filter or fountain etc. Posting picture of my pump. I believe it is magnetic drive

>> No.461943

>Based on my outflow I cant imagine a 3000 gallon filter outflow pipe less than 4 inches unless you diverted some water before the filter.

Given the amount of pressure on the outlet, yeah, I'd imagine you'd need a much bigger outlet on a filter than you would the pump itself. This pump (http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-Gas-Water-Pump-Semi-Trash-Pump-5-5-hp-2-inch-outlet-NPT-NEW-/221103058200?pt=BI_Pumps&hash=item337ac4ed18)) for example, spits out almost 6600 gallons/hour through a 2" outlet.

>It still baffles me that I have never seen such a setup before

Same...I thought that was the way most people did it. Most pumps have at least some sort of filter in addition to the grill to prevent stuff from getting into it. Makes sense to just put the whole filter in front of it.

I know that part of the reason you might not want to pull is because you can risk cavitation (which damages the impeller over time), but that only happens with pumps capable of high pressure differentials with restricted inlets.

Almost every submersible pump is "mag drive". It's the only practical way to ensure the electronics can be completely sealed, permanently.

>> No.461996

i think you are really over-thinking this OP. first, your filter (from the pic) is too dense and too restrictive. also, most "filters" are actually surface area for beneficial organisms to grow on. a very thin layer of a very open foam or mesh (like 1" thick) to stop chunks is all you need.

aeration and circulation do 90% of the work. ponds are living things, dont really need 'life support' like youre thinking.

i kept a 100+ gallon yard pond/tank (big horse trough) going for most of a decade, only a couple of times did it need cleaning out (accumulated organic gunk).

i had a pump that did a dozen gph. a homemade filter similar to yours, but i had the thing drop the output from abov einto the filter so it aerated. the filter was a 1" layer plus a folded up piece of construction plastic fence (that orange shit with all the holes) that got algae coated.

the biggest deal is to get plant life established in the tank. THAT does most of the heavy lifting. its a plant tank, with fish, not a fish tank, with plants.

oh, almost forgot: i hauled 5 gallons of water from the LA River (dont laugh) to seed mine. lots of beneficial micro beasts to get things going.

later LA switched to chloramine and that required an additive.

>> No.462080

Woot! I live in Culver City.

I'm learning lots everyone, even though I have no house or pond, this info can come in handy later. Thank you

>> No.462267

I just wanted to know what size pipe to use. But I got to thinking about pulling the water through thanks to these responses. I know about the whole bacteria thing. But I want the water pretty algae free. The orange shit would have been way cheaper.
Its matala matting. Its probably the most expensive thing I bought. It has good flow and tons of surface area. I have plants in a separate container that I flow water through and back to the pond. I'm getting ready to put my goldfish fry in this separate container with the plants. I have koi and if I keep them in the pond the koi just eat the plants. I'm really just trying to reduce the amount of maintenance I do in the long run. Eventually I would like to dig the pond so its about twice as long. I might put a bottom drain in but depending on how this works I might keep a similar setup. I have a small airstone but right now the circulation could be better.

I was scared to get water from a pretty healthy looking pond across the street so I had to laugh at the LA River.