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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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457179 No.457179 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get a recent project and feedback thread going!

I just wanted to share this shitty little thing I built, Just now, actually.

It obviously wasn't meant to be pretty, Just a solution to running out of space in my shitty wal-mart bought shelving. The entire thing cost about $12 for the 2x4's and L braces securing it to the wall. The 1x2's were given to me for free by the lumber company because they were all warped and bent, Not horribly, but still enough.

The games themselves are actually bending them far more then what they were on their own. The second shelf has 96 PS3 games. Had I 4 more feet to work with, I would have added a third 2x4, but oh well. We'll get around to sanding off rough edges and painting it to match the wall later.
As you can see in the 4th panel, the objects sit on the 1x2 and rest firmly against the wall. All in all, I'm pretty satisfied with how cheap and efficient this was.

Anyway, Let's see your projects.

>> No.457199

What an atrocious display of craftsmanship, yet you come here to show it off as if you are proud. Good on you my friend, you have large testicles than I do.

>> No.457207

Wouldn't you have rather put a little more time and money into the project so that it didn't look so terrible? There's no point even painting it.

>> No.457210

As a matter of fact, no. This was just something I did messing around; NOT wanting to spend money. You don't actually think this is in my living room do you? I spent $12 and maybe 40 minutes TOPS, and stated I wasn't going for something pretty.

I'll replace it sometime later with a higher quality type of wood.

>> No.457239

next step op... get some baseboard for that room.

>> No.457269

i like your thinking dude

dont even need a whole shelf, just a bit to prop up and a wall. dvd's nshit on an angle. thats smooth

execution is irrelevant, youve got ideas 99% of diy wish they could have

and fuck it, shit works. works good

>> No.457274

shit, didnt post what im up to

pic related

a couch, but made of square sections. they can be moved around see, they'll be joined in the middle, under the cushions with something that looks like a U. maybe two at each side, i dunno

the edges will stay edges, but i can make it into a pimp lounge, all together in one square, or rearrange into an L. or into an M, or whatever the fuck. the ones without edges can be moved anywhere

SHS framed, foam topped wood panels for the edges with a maybe a light velour fabric - thats the bases, and ill make cushions slightly bigger to go on top

i liked the idea of the bottom being lit, sorta like cinema chair stylez, power transmission could be as simple as charging the U sections and insulating appropriately. LED of course

the back corner to fill the alcove i was thinking a terrarium. maybe two, rainforest and a dry desert one. but the logistics of accessing them might make that hard, not sure yet

>> No.457276
File: 52 KB, 800x503, wataffdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffs, THIS pic related

>> No.457278

excellent thread, OP.

there is no rule that says /diy/ers have to be good at what they do, so long as it serves a purpose.

i'm more interested in the story behind the lack of a baseboard.

>> No.457317
File: 663 KB, 1536x2048, wooood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the process of building an old-timey workbench; hand tools only and wood pegs, etc. Here are some of the planks I've been making for the top of it; they were trees in my backyard not more than a few weeks ago.

They still need a final planing and sanding, but damn, making your own lumber is satisfying as all hell!

>> No.457390
File: 139 KB, 1600x1200, media shelves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using some shelves my sister had for months, but the other day she took them back. I made some quick shelves for all my media and called it good.

I actually like when things look rough and shitty.

>> No.457454
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Im trying to make a welder. The secondary wire is too thick though, Cant get enough turns. The next step down though in wire would be 14/2 awg which should give me 11awg. Im looking to get 10awg because I dont think 11awg is thick enough for 85 amps / 18 volts.

>> No.457459
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>> No.457457
File: 71 KB, 600x450, SS850002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Need new garage doors.
>Buying premade doors is like buying jewelry.
>Fuck if I'm spending $4000 on hardwood doors.
>Build my own out of pine. Carriage door style.
>Cost $300 for the wood, $200 for the glass - its 1/4" thick. Heavy ass glass.
>Tank doors.
>Best garage doors in neighborhood now.
>Neighbors ask who I bought them from.

That feeling. New door on the right, old door on the left. The old door is pinkish because I had painted the red cars inside the bay.

>> No.457462
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>> No.457483

>My Shiggy Diggy

>> No.457487

House in the woods
2 red sportscars
Obvious diy skills

I like your style

>> No.457493
File: 143 KB, 1600x1200, MVC-012F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck the police

>> No.457590

I hate clutter so much

>> No.457595
File: 463 KB, 1600x1200, DSCN1030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5' cat scratching post

psssst... 8-tracks

>> No.457599


They look so smug.

>> No.457615

>They look so smug.

The doors or the cars.. ?

>> No.457623


This is the kind of shit I can get into. Awesome. I made some lumber at my last job and it was just so cool to use.

>> No.457646


The doors.

>> No.457655

>leaving the door handle on

>> No.457842

In order for my shelves to work as intended, the 2x4's needed to be flush against the wall.

Now, yes I could have cut the 2x4 to fit over the baseboard, but I only had a hand saw, and frankly didn't want to fuck with it anymore. It was already poorly secured, so I just pulled it off and will replace it later.

>> No.459589


>> No.459595


until someone bumps into it

>> No.459597

I don't understand why OP would want to share that project? You just nailed 8 bits of wood together. You even started tearing shit off your house to accommodate your shitty shelves. I mean, shelves are the fucking easiest thing to make. Why would you fuck it up so much and then share your mistake with the internet?

>> No.459624
File: 464 KB, 1600x1200, DSCN1044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clever design

I might do something similar.
I drew up some shelves for all my DVDs and VHSs and couldn't get them cheaper than $70

>> No.459626

>finally get around to using a Raspberry Pi breakout-board
>not working right
>oh god why does this always happen
>after further testing and stress, the ribbon cable they ship is 180 degrees compared to the original breakout cable depicted in their images
Everything in my life is backwards or broken. Nothing comes easy.

>> No.460041

It's not clever design at all. Firstly, if you have to rip up your house to accommodate something as simple as a set of shelves, then it's some pretty shitty design. Secondly, the slightest bump will send them all tumbling down.

>> No.460046
File: 2.85 MB, 3264x2448, 20130503_120311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

built a bat house. fuck yeah.

>> No.460053

>rip up my house
>just some base boards

Oh noo, I had to move my POSTER big deal.

>> No.460058
File: 1.20 MB, 2304x1728, MovieShelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is one I built last year. I'm going to store my top movies and box sets on it along with a few other items.

Laserdisc, FUCK YEAH!

>> No.460063

FYI Your shelf is in the process of failing. The further bending of already warped timber will facilitate failure within a year. If children are in the house they are definitely not safe. You have not built a shelf, you have built a shelf-like-object.

>> No.460065

Nice use of ply, pity about the tear-out you're getting from holes.

>> No.460067

Your credibility was lost when you think a simple nudge will knock anything other then the Vita games off.

>> No.460069

That was my first post in this thread. I'm not the nudge guy. From the looks of it though this thing can just be slapped off the wall.

>> No.460075

Well it's quite stable for what it is.

>> No.460082

So is a house of cards.

>> No.460278


>> No.460312

Does anyone here ever do any machining or welding or any metal work whatsoever? It seems like this entire board is just a bunch of 2x4's and ply wood.

The only thing here with any semblance of craftsmanship in this thread is this post


>> No.460313
File: 311 KB, 1926x459, meat tenderizer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't need to be a dick about it. Having access to a welder or machining equipment and working with metal is a lot more dangerous and a lot more expensive than wood. A nice rigid lathe or mill will set you back 5K, a welder not so much but the consumables are a very large expense over time.

Anyway, I am a structural welder who does some machine work when they need me. I made this meat tenderizer the other day.

>> No.460328

That shelving is fucking heinous... your collection though is top tier good sir