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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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456587 No.456587 [Reply] [Original]

what do my fellow /diy/-ers do for a living?

>> No.456588
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Ironworker reporting in. Pretty /diy/ related, yeah?

>> No.456592

White collar in a small box in a big building.
Web development.

Moved into the big city 2 years ago and let my /diy/ life behind, only to see it one month yearly on my vacations.

>> No.456597

I got a new job just today. Developing Firmware/Electronics for embedded GNU/Linux protocol gateways. Boxes that let different types of computer networks talk to each other.

Pay is good and it's a 3 day work week so more time for the creative personal projects. I'm hoping those can eventually be my real job.

I'm a computer engineer.

>> No.456603

Working for the 5-0 (police)

Just bought a house so tons of in-progress DIY.

>> No.456606

I teach English as a 2nd language. Just for another year though. Then I want to join Americorps (if anyone has experience I'd love to hear it).

In my massive amounts of free time I write content online and get paid for that.

Also garden a lot.

>> No.456615
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Barnes and Noble Textbooks worker and American Eagle sales clerk. Saving up for a new car.
Also a full time student studying mechanical engineering.

I applied to several internships through experiential learning recently, got an email back for an interview with Philips. I've been ecstatic for the last three days about it.

>> No.456616


I'm in Americorps. Gotta leave to go soon actually. It's alright. Pay is abysmal and the health coverage outside of needing pills is pretty bad. Not too sure what you wanna do in Americorps though. I mostly teach geometry as an aide in a Newark middle school although Americorps members are asked to do a ton of different things.

>> No.456628

doing internal tech support for a fucking huge international company. you've propably never heard of us, but if you ever called customer support of microsoft, amazon or the like chances are good you talked to one of our employees.

>> No.456629


retired mostly but I was a furniture & cabinet maker for most of my life

>> No.456630

Just recently this past year began working on a graphic/web design career seriously for the first time. Did it every so often previously but was mainly a full time caregiver to my disabled father, nam vet, strongest person I've ever know yet agent orange exposure wreaked havoc on his body in his later years, was the one that sparked the DIY bug in me very early on in life. He passed a little while back and I've used my portion of life insurance to buy a modest trailer on some lake front property, currently using all the knowledge I've gained from him to turn it into a future home for my family, I think he'd be proud..... went off on a bit of a tangent but I'm a big ole softy who misses working with their dad I guess haha.

>> No.456633

NEET highschool dropout.

>> No.456637

I cut out Star Wars related shapes in plyboard on a CNC laser, pop an 8c sweep movement in and sell them to hipsters on Etsy for $25 a pop. It'll do til I graduate.

>> No.456663

Carpenter turned Contractor. I do everything from remodel to green energy projects. Love the DIY aspect but am considering college for Finance

>> No.456671 [DELETED] 

Electonics Technician in the Royal Australian Navy.

I maintain and repair everything from telephones to CIWS. I also 'borrow' a lot of electonic components to use for my own nefarious means. Pretty good job for diy-type things.

Pic more or less related, it's a piece of equipment that I maintain at the moment on one of our little boats.

>> No.456672
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Electronics Technician with the Aussie Navy.

I maintain and repair everything from telephones to weapon systems. All in all it's an alright job for diy things.

Pic related, one of the systems I maintain.

>> No.456674


Actually there's about 7 things in that picture I maintain.

>> No.456681

i work in a copy shop in ohio. not glamorous, but i get plenty of time to work with crafts in my off-days and self-educate via internet. i specialize in fiber goods: Crochet, knitting, and loom-work, and various other little crafty things (gardening, Scrapbooks, gifts-in-jars, baking, home-made cleaning products, zombie apocalypse planning)

>> No.456686


Nothing. Unemployed unfortunately.

God I'm desperate for something that isn't some pointless retail shit.

>> No.456689

Audio Engineer.

I'm beginning but I'm finding huge demand for basic instrument and electronic maintenance work. Simple modifications for pre-amps, amp repair. I do production, recording and mixing work too and should be spending the summer doing sound for a film.

I build and modify alot of the equipment I use for productions. To say I'd be nothing without DIY is an understatement.

>> No.456715

Fabrication works manager

>> No.456717

I used to be a graphic designer but I've been raising kids for 4 years now. Soon I suspect I'll be on an assembly line somewhere as my skills have lapsed.

>> No.456730

I'm a commercial cabinetmaker...I've been a cabinetmaker, residential and commercial for almost 21 years now.

I feel old...

captcha...was icecam

>> No.456746

Telephone company. I'm the guy that keeps posting with rats nests of wire.

"I've seen some shit"

>> No.456752

Comm tech for the USMC, stuck in base housing right now so my diy is pretty much making my own booze, my tiny potted veggie garden, and an occasional carpentry project or two that I can keep confined to the little bit of space in my garage. Can't wait to get out and have a real shop again.

>> No.456758

Don't work ; Live off my land

>> No.456773
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manager at a restaurant, and hopefully college soon

>> No.456777

I'm a software developer for a large eCommerce company, do a lot of work on our backend systems, but now building shopping apps for some of our major brands, really enjoying that part as I have 100% control and creative freedom.

>> No.456814

Motor T in the Marine Corps

>> No.456836

Probably the least /diy/ job of anybody on here...

'Communications assistant' for the office that manages the entire government's accounts payable/accounts receivable processing system. I write a lot of minutes, briefing notes, communiques, internal press releases, etc. Pay is terrible, but there are hella opportunities to advance. Plus there are some pretty cool and convoluted financial/business process (oh god so much Visio).

>inb4 change the rounding formulas to take a petty out of every account

>> No.456957

I work for home depot. Just over 10 an hour, decent benefits, shit hours.

>> No.456958

Government meteorlogist. Get paid to sit on IRC/4chan all day.

>> No.456959

Computer programmer / Linux sysadmin / Serial entrepreneur.

>> No.456972

Toy designer, majored in Industrial Design

>> No.456976

Electrical engineer for a power transmission company.

>> No.456979

chronic masterbator

>> No.456980

network/web/database/general systems admin for a major automotive manufacturer. Whole system was set up before I got here, so I just do patch work on it. Most of my day is pretty boring, spent researching projects, practicing languages, or browsing 4chan.

>> No.456987


>> No.456993
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going into college to be an EE. I do audio/video work during the summer

>> No.457000

For real? That sounds super cool.

I'm currently studying secondary education, gotta get on the dole soon though.

>> No.457011

Home Depot here as well, in receiving. $9.50/Hour, haven't hit 90 days yet so I'm not sure if I'm going to take benefits. Just wish they'd offer me more money/hours so that I could actually afford to start an education.

Interested in leatherworking and horticulture, though.

>> No.457012


>> No.457016

I work at a fast food place but I just got a Machinist Trainee postion at a small shop in Long beach, feels good, man.

>> No.457026

I sell shit on ebay and shit. Anyone need a 75 hp aircompressor, a brand new turbomolecular vacuum pump, flexible solar panels, glassware, cryo freezer or any of the other shit I have? I beat just about any price out there.

>> No.457028

ebay link?

>> No.457031

How do you handle the intellectual property aspect?

>> No.457032

Structural Steel fabricator here,
sorry for those bolt holes not lining up.

>> No.457034

You in Utah?

>> No.457033

I like the drab semi camo color then a bright red and white warning sign.

>> No.457037

How do you afford taxes?

>> No.457036

If you are in the UK get on the dole then ask about becoming a Door supervisor

You can get all the training for free and the badge so you save about 300 quid and get about 7.50 an hour for doing nothing 90% of the time.

I do it and as long as you stick in its a great job.

>> No.457038

its kinda sparse right now, I got allot of shit thats not listed

>> No.457045
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Jack of many trades & master of none for a wireless company.
Could be leaving soon to start as an electrician apprentice.

>> No.457046


I was wondering the same thing

>> No.457052

Tower climbing, done a bit of that. It's quite fun like getting paid to rock climb until people you know die. The views are good but rock climbing views are often better, also when you get to the top you have to hang and aim some dish to with precision less than one degree with someone shouting hot or cold or dbms or shit like that. But still, its fun, just don't die ok.

>> No.457060
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>> No.457059

We had a guy fall while setting up a rig line at a little over 100ft. He was fortunate enough to grab the rope and slow himself only breaking everything below his waist and compressing a few vertebrae. So far I've yet to test my fall arrest and never plan to.

>> No.457064

Pilot here. Despite sitting on 4chan, you guys do some miracle work for us up in the air. Keep on fighting the good fight (against IMC conditions).

>> No.457082


Are you in socal? I imagine it's hard to keep up that sort of gig very many other places. Maybe Nashville or NYC.

>> No.457087
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for some reason that made me laugh

>> No.457088

leaving to be an electrician. Wuttt

Telco here and I was planning to go to wireless since we're turning to shit. You mean wireless is just as bad?

I'm looking at 38/hour in a couple more months as long as the position holds out

>> No.457094

General farm labor. I shovel shit, build pens, till gardens.
This is only until my girlfriend finishes school though, then we'll be moving and I'll open my own business while she gets a job in a hospital setting or someplace similar.

>> No.457100


Ironworker again here. or in the case of the structure in the pic, the fabricators completely forgot to make the bolt holes for a connection all together.

us ironworkers always having to fix your guys' mistakes in the field, multiple stories up off the ground.

>> No.457102

electrical 12V mostly but do custom electronics,mechanical,troubleshooting,automation,etc.

>> No.457117

>Developing Firmware/Electronics for embedded GNU/Linux protocol gateways

You're doing god's work.

>> No.457120

Test and refurbish cable boxes. Watch TV all day and get paid for it.

>> No.457121

Shitty PT retail job.

Looking for desk job and FT pay/benefits, but fuck this economy and having no experience in a field that used to be mostly apprenticing but switched to damn masters degree requiring.

>> No.457236

MSc in agricultural sciences.

Now I am a PhD-student, which in Denmark is a real job with real salary. So I gues I am diying a reasearh project.

I do some diy because I've just got a new apartement that needed some sanding, painting and floor work. I have also just build a bed frame and am thinking about building my own cabinets. My apartement is so small that I need to diy a lot of things to increase storage space etc.

>> No.457260

I take meter readings for a utilities company.

The exercise and being outdoors is actually pretty good. The job hours leave me with plenty of time for DIY activities.

>> No.457261

Store maintenance.

>> No.457262

Dude, there is no such thing as a dead end job. There are plenty of people who have started out in a lowly retail job and have used their gained experience, knowledge and references to get jobs that would otherwise be out of their league.

>> No.457315

How do you land a job like this?

>> No.457327

Poker machine technician. Also, general errand runner for a small company in the city I live in.

>> No.457329

I am specifically an aviation meteorologist, unfortunately I work an at airfield with no aircraft. So yeah. Pretty much it's fucking nothing.

>> No.457337

You an AG boy? I'm now sure how kindly we take to weather guessers around here.

Seriously i have no idea. Electronics Technician here.

>> No.457339

Marine systems engineer. I design and install audio/video, computer, and electrical systems on boats.

>> No.457346

Starting with no experience, trying to land a retail job. Doing bartender training next year, and then I want to look into DJing. Trying to go to college for Computer Engineering.

Mind if I ask how you landed that job? Do people just shoot you a call when they need you?

>> No.457368

Freelance programmer.
I do the hard stuff no one else likes: No fancy iOS apps, no games, no pretty web-social-whatever, just plain old business and enterprise backend code.
A bit of embedded stuff: AUTOSAR recently, interfaces for some data analysis software for android, lots and lots of databases.

Its not really "cool" or "in", but it pays really good, I dont answer to anyone as long as the software runs and isnt really that boring since there are always a few new details.

Im charging around 85EUR/h currently, and trying for 95EUR next.

>> No.457373

Do you have a degree? Do you think I could get freelance work without a degree and a good portfolio?

>> No.457382

without a degree yes.
without a portfolio: no.

People want to be certain that you know your stuff before they fork over up to 130 bucks an hour.
If you dont have one yet, get involved with OSS, do a few projects on your own, then upload them to Sourceforge, Github, Bitbucket...
I would advise you to stay away from popular stuff: Java, HTML/CSS/JS, iOS and Android for Entertainment. If you do what everyone else does you will have to be extremely good to not be replaced by someone cheaper, an even then it might happen.
If however you do the "hard" stuff: C/C++ of Operating systems or embedded, Database tuning, Business Analytics, Erlang, Ada, COBOL... you will have to compete with fewer people.

Also you are more likely to be taken seriously: Most of your clients will assume that if you are well versed in exotic/difficult stuff, you are probably very smart and competent.

A word of warning: Dont do only exotic stuff.
There are only so many people who use outdated COBOL programs and they are getting fewer every year. Also if you go for Ada/Erlang in embedded the situation will be similar: Ada is used in Aerospace/Defense chips and Erlang mostly in Telcom equipment and not that much elsewhere. Although both markets are growing.

It helps if you know math and are comfortable using it, preferably college math, although you might even impress people by knowing what a sine is (You wont believe the sheer level of mathematical illiteracy you find in corporations).

>> No.457399

wow thank you so much for all that information. Been thinking about work after studying html/css and some C++. Didn't know where to start or how.

>> No.457412

Glad I could help.
But please keep in mind that the (I presume) American market for freelancer might be different than the German one (where I am).

For example recently on a LinkedIn group some Indian VHDL programmer lamented that he couldnt even find internship positions, let alone real jobs in his area of expertise. Many form the US chimed in. Yet here people are desperately looking for Freelancers with VHDL/Verlilog experience, especially to design FPGAs.

For your situation: I would not stop studying html/css but put the focus on C++.
Get to know the language inside out (no need to know every detail, but be so proficient as to have very few of those "woah, that is possible with C++?" moments).
Get to know the new C++11 Standard, it has introduced a few very novel features.
Familiarize yourself with the Standard Library (I cant stress how important this is, this will save you many hours trying to reinvent the wheel)
Also, related to the last point: get to know a bit of Boost and Tr2, both are somewhat the unoficial testing branch for new C++ standards, they add many nice features to the language.

You might want to move to frameworks and libraries next: Qt is IMHO the first and best choice to start with. With it you can create very nice applications very easily that will run natively on Linux, Windows, Mac, and now even Android systems.

Two non language-specific technologies you should know:

Databases, they are used in almost every nontrivial application, especially on the internet. Get a book about SQL (I recommend the Head First Series by O'Reilly. Expensive but really great)

The second is to break into a certain field and become an expert in it (or at least familiar). I mean this from a business point of view. Your field could be Automotive systems, Plant control systems, Handheld devices, Banking applications, Scientific High Performance computing... whatever you find most interesting and has jobs in it. (Cont. too long.)

>> No.457417

The reason for the last point: Most problems are very similar in any given field. If one of your clients from the Banking department needs to analyze the stock market prices of a given stock over a period of time and do some stochastic calculus on it to determine the probability of an investment in it paying off, the chances that your next clients will need something similar is very high. Thats because most Banks dont want to throw dices when Investing. (Example slightly modified but quite close to reality)

Also, dont underestimate the overhead of being a freelancer: Taxes, Insurances (not only health but also against screwing up a mission-critical system), pricing, finding clients, negotiating with them... all have nothing to do with programming but are necessary and will eat up a significant portion of your time.

If you have more questions: Im keeping this thread open and have a lot of time right now. :-)

>> No.457432

Ireland. It's a mixed bag and I'm only starting (21) but I've generaly found being polite, hardworking, resourceful, tireless, well informed, creative and modest seems to help you land work. No one ever really asks me to do the same job twice. Fix my preamps, record my band (And make the singer sound like Ozzy), mix this live show, be a boom mic operator for my movie (wait, actually, our AE bailed - can you do the foley and mixing? How are you with composing filmscore?), fix my guitars I'm going on tour, get a band together for my festival in a month.

In the US scene I know people tend to think that having a very fixed, definite practice is a good call. It's a mixed bag and in Ireland the scene is too small to warrant it - there's a circle of guys doing everything and there's another circle doing nothing. Mastering Engineers and Live Sound guys are probably the exceptions if they can live off that alone.


No one who does this job can do that. You're literaly networking constantly. If you're not a social creature who can't earn people's confidence FAST and still keep yourself at the front of their mind, you'll drown.

>> No.457448

silk screen printer

>> No.457516

Air Force Weather civilian at an Army Post with 0 permanently assigned aircraft. My boss likes to tell his boss we give weather support to the all weather army ground mission.

>> No.457666

That sounds pretty awesome, I'm in Australia though and being a bouncer is a pretty dangerous job given the amount of fuckheads we have. Not quite intimidating enough anyway.

>> No.457690


Industrial Engineer for an extremely large Transportation and Logistics company.

Only way it relates to anything /diy/ is creating new tools (computer wise, think programming) to leverage existing technology in new ways.

It's less hands on and more conceptual. Lots of planning and optimization.

>> No.457739

I feel weak.

>> No.457746
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>leverage existing technology in new ways.

>> No.457770

Master Model Builder for Merlin Entertainments. Build LEGO Models all day in a warehouse for parks worldwide. Also help machine steel parts and electrical work for the models animation

>> No.457806


Not sure what that was supposed to mean?

>> No.457811

Currently a 3D design student, freelance graphic designer/artist and going onto uni to do product design.
My life is pretty much diy..

>> No.457827
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I work in Virtual Reality
Together, we can build a better future. And I'm going to be one of the people that delivers that future to you.

>> No.457832

Costume design. I'm just a student for now, but I still get lots of commissions.

>> No.457837


as a student, i get all the food and stuff from my parents, but it's nice to get some spare money.

>> No.458820

bump for interest

>> No.458825

Summer landscaper, engineering student in fall/spring. Rained out today so I'm sitting on 4chan.

>> No.458836

Welder, I mostly work offshore.

>> No.458965

Natural Gas Supply. Great job.

>> No.458968

I work in a plant nursery. It's actually very nice, I basically just get to water flowers for 8 hours a day. It's minimum wage, but I'm super okay with that. Me and my wife make plenty to survive. I'm going to school for a degree in business, and then I'm going to get an online shop going.

>> No.458969

I want to become an ironworker apprentice but lack the money to join the union for the jobs. shit sucks im gonna have to save up, hopefully companies still hiring by then.

>> No.459041

anestesiology nurse

>> No.459049


How did you get this? Need to know.

>> No.459085

more info please, I'm interested in maybe going into this.

>> No.459110

Trim carpenter for a small family owned custom home building business.

>> No.459172


Scary you can't even spell your own profession title. Hope you never put me to sleep.

>> No.459191

I was a pharmacist in Russia, now I am construction \ renovation worker in Canada. Thinking about post diploma education and switching my field from pharmacy to pharmacology, neuropharmacology in particular. Ph.D. should be nice.

>> No.459195
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I assume you work in the Barnes & Noble by the Arena?

>> No.459210

You there.What got you into this?Can I see some of your work?Are you going to school for costume design?

>> No.459275

howd you get in?

>> No.459290
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I work in the warehouse of a furniture store. We get to do fun stuff some of the time. Repairs, building, generally analysing when and where issues happen with pieces and providing solutions. Also sometimes fun is space management and creative packing solutions, when we're given the time and info on shipments in/out.

But the meat and bones of it is shipping/receiving. Unloading containers and helping customers and delivery companies... sometimes no-one is happy, and front end tends to forget that we have duties beyond just fixing their problems, but it's a challenge I guess, and everyone's pretty cool to work with.

Generally fun, and pretty /diy/ when we get to do the good and fun stuff, and particularly satisfying when we turn a product that was fucked beyond belief into a sellable piece.

Pic sort of related: we cobbled this together for the store manager on request one evening, they wanted to see if they could make a useful, wheeled clothes rack out of easily sourced material. They were going for an industrial look, apparently they sprayed the bottom panel like graffiti at home, no pics of that though.

>> No.459304

i work in a shipyard down in mississippi as a structural welder making boats for the military. Its pretty nice.

>> No.459315

Project management intern. It's minimum wage and I've got bills that eat most of it up, so I have no money for DIY projects.

>oh god so much Visio
i know that feel, bro

>> No.459342

girlfriends dad looks at a lot of the gigs on CL and some FB pages, this guy lives right down the road from me so I walk to work every day put in my 8-10 hours and walk home. Though if you want a job like this go into the farmcountry and knock on doors and ask. several farms I've gone to has just asked me to leave my number and every so often I get a call to come chop wood, mow lawns, paint fences, etc. whatever they need done.

>> No.459345

are u superman

>> No.459349

I work for an IT firm that targets small and medium businesses that can't justify in house IT staff. I started in support and have moved into implementation. The pay isn't the greatest, but I work from home most of the time and set my own hours. Also, I often "recycle" my customers' old equipment, which is a definite plus.

>> No.459358

previous experience?

>> No.459385

Ive been working there for about a year and a half. I make 24.50$ an hour at around 55 hours a week. It was my first welding job out of welding school. Some recruiters came to my school and talked to my class. They flew me out there for free to do a weld test. I passed so they hired me on. If you can weld you can find a job easy. In my class of 18 students, 17 had a job within a week of us getting finished. Most had jobs lined up a month early.

>> No.459390

AWS certified school or just somewhere is welding classes?

>> No.459398

Yes AWS certified. Do not go to any school unless your instructor is a Certified Welding Inspector. To be able to teach you had to be a CWI at my school. Four of the instructors had been CWI's in the industry for over 10 years, some had 20 years.

>> No.459407

Goddamn it.
The closest place thats fully certified is over an hour away and thats not factoring in traffic in one of the worst-traffic areas in the US.

>> No.459408

Apprentice Electrician at a mining company in qld, aus

>> No.459426

Small engine and other appliance repair.
Working my way up to odd job machine shop.
Also homesteading.

>> No.459441
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I make these things

>> No.459459

I remember reading that Google was going to have those things manufactured in North America instead of Asia. I was surprised there were even any electronics manufacturers left in the rest of the world.

>> No.459484

50/50 mix of historical consultant, and swordsmith or cutler-at-arms.
(personally I dislike the word swordsmith, as so little of the work actually involves smithing)

>> No.459575

Im a student at a local technical college (done friday) but i just heard back from a steel shop. I go in tomorrow for a weld test. The position is for a machinist/welder. I can run manual mills and lathes and program, set up, and run a CNC. I also just got my AWS 3g FCAW cert last week. I did it on 1" plates. I can do SMAW, GTAW, and GMAW as well, but i only got one cert for free. It costs like $300 or some shit.

Anyway, they didn't tell me what the test was going to be specifically so I hope i pass.

>> No.459576

>I was surprised there were even any electronics manufacturers left in the rest of the world.

It is really just a couple of DIYers in a basement with a homemade CNC machine and a homemade 3D printer.

>> No.459577

trade: carpenter
profession: self employed home flipper

>> No.459586

i work as an assistent in healthcare. Wipe ass and so forth.. I like it though.. not especially the asswiping but its a pretty ok job.

>> No.459588

also make 30usd an hour before tax without benefits

>> No.459591

Did you go to school for machining as well or something? How did you learn to do that kind of stuff? I feel like the schools where i live are a scam.

>> No.459596
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Yea i went to school for machining and welding. The machinist program was 18 weeks long 6 hours a day, the welding program was 20 weeks long 8 hours a day. I took my finals and everything already, today we are having a fish fry. My instructor is an avid fisherman and i guess cooks up some excellent trout.

Anyways, if you are going to learn welding just make sure the instructor is a CWI and you cant really go wrong. If you want to learn machining its a lot harder to make sure you get an instructor who knows what he is doing. My instruct was a mechanical engineer who didn't like his job so he went into machining. He has been machining for well over 40 years. He worked with every sort of manual machine you can think of and worked with some of the earliest CNC machines. He told us about the paper tape machines and manualy having to write the code and do all the trig to figure out tangents and so forth. He really knew his stuff and was definitely one of the old timers. There was a student in my machinist course who was in his 60's who had been a machinist for just as long as my instructor and he taught me just as much. He was retired but taking the class just to stay busy and learn how to operate the new CNC tech.

Ive posted on here before about my schooling and such. I only need 4 classes to get a 2 year, so im thinking of just finishing it out.

Anyway here is a picture some of you have seen before. It was my final project in my machinist course.

>> No.459617

How did you get that handle through the hole? It looks like it's all one piece.

>> No.459623
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Before i made this i made a little trinket as a proof of concept. Basically there is an internal threaded post.

>> No.459643

Electrical Engineer - RF / Medical

>> No.459644

>Pay is good and it's a 3 day work week

I'm jealous, how did you get a 3 day work week?

And do you mean pay is good like comparable to a good 40hr/week salary, or good for a 24hr/week salary?

>> No.459645

What do you generally find yourself doing in the power transmission field?

It seems like it's something that's been 'solved' for a long time

Upkeep/Reliability engineering?
HVDC transmission?

>> No.459647

Where can i get these?

full disclosure : I want to hardware/software mod them to be able to remove any closed source google code on it.

I love the hardware and concept but I don't trust a company that much

>> No.459699

It's an unusual job. Working out of the basement of one of the guy's who founded my city's hackerspace. $35/hr

> Hey are you going to get a table at makerfair this year?
No, I really wanted to but I've been way to busy with my day job.
> You should come work for me. I'll let you work three days a week.

>> No.459752

I need to join my local hackerspace

>> No.460013

I am a customer service professional at McDonald's. I relay important customer requests to the service department and handle monetary transactions.

>> No.460018

I've been working as a carpenter's helper since I finished college. I'm 23 and make $15 an hour and the work ranges from amazing to shit.

My goal was to join the local ironworkers union but I had no understanding of what that actually entailed. I had a degree and welding experience but that clearly wasn't enough. I got the feeling it was a job I would never land unless one of the guys hiring me owed my dad a favor or something.

Can someone explain the best way to join a union and if it is worth it?

>> No.460019

get a job where there is a union. You don't just go "join" a union. That is retarded.

>Hey guys i used to tutor people in math, how do i join the teachers union?

See how retarded that sounds? You get a job in a union shop then you join the union.

>> No.460025

Well what does welding experience entail? Can you do a 3g 1 inch stick or fluxcore test plate? What about an open root tig root stick fill and cap? Can you do a 6g 6010 root 7018 fill?

Most structural weld shops couldn't give two shit if you have a college degree. You could be the smartest man on the planet, but if you can't pass a weld test they wouldnt hire you.

>> No.460040

you mean battleship grey? I suppose you are an interior decorator?

>> No.460602

Starting out my life.
Worked in international business, but it isn't enough as it was my mom's family business. I really need to start to get my act together. I am also a student at a community collage.

I also buy and resell things on Ebay and Amazon.
I am thinking about doing some stuff on Etsy. (I am really good with small crafts, have been doing papercraft and beed works a wile back.)

I also have one idea on the drawing board that I might do a kickstarter for... [although it's a secret, okay ;) ]

>> No.460617

Links to your stores?

How long have you been selling?

>> No.460879
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>> No.460889


I import, blend and sell loose leaf tea.
Try the Pirate Chai, it is my favorite.

Other than that I do wood carving, leather working and blacksmithing to supplement, usually sell at the craft fairs around my area, sometimes etsy through a friend.

>> No.460903
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I am an Electronics Tech for the USNavy, I'm with expeditionary warfare though so I don't get to go on a ship and see the beautiful ports in places like Spain and Italy and get drunk. I go to a base in the 'Stan and sit around doing nothing and fixing the stuff the seals use. I wish I could say it was badass like "HURR DURR SPECWAR I'M IN SOCOM SO I GO ON MISSHUNS WITH TEH SEALS"

I've got 5 more years to go and then I'm going to do civilian stuff.

>> No.460911

Well I did my weld test yesterday. I got there at 10am and left by 10:25. I didnt really even get to talk to anyone, the guy said i can ask questions at orientation.

The test was a single pass fillet weld on a t-joint then a 3 pass fillet weld on the other side. He gave me a t-joint to practice on to get a feel for the machine. So i did the single pass on one side and a multi pass on the practice joint. When he saw my practice plate he didn't even have me do the other t-joint he said the one was good enough. Then i had a 1g on 3/8" plate with backing bar. This was all using fluxcore. The employee watching me said they would call me in a few days to let me know about the results of the bend test on the plate.

So i guess it went well, its just the people there were really hard to get a read on, and they had me in and out of there so fast i didn't get to talk to anyone. Having a job right out of school in a structural shop would be pretty nice though.

>> No.461075
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Math PhD 200k starting

>> No.461152

currently unemployed and looking for work.

>used to office environment
>go to interviews
>....call but get no calls back.

I really picked a bad field didn't I /diy/? Women run this shit.

>> No.461170


I work as an engineer aboard large merchant ships. I do everything from generate the electricity to make the fresh water on board to keeping the ship moving. It's pretty interesting and fun.

with what company? do you actively sail or is it shoreside? How do you like it?

Look up Military Sealift Command, MSC when you're ready to get out. They hire lots of vets.

>> No.461192

I do actively sail, as a hobby, but the company is shore based.

>> No.461203

residential carpenter foreman.
new construction is booming in my area, so we're working sunrise to sunset six days a week. sometimes I miss having a life.

>> No.461211

Shooting gold into animal brains for science.

>> No.461212

Government worker, farmer when I'm not at work which isn't often. I also play the stock market before work for shits and giggles.

>> No.461232

hardly, just at the right place at the right time.

>> No.461238

Anti-fraud investigator for a payment processor. My advice: Dump your bitcoins ASAP.

>> No.461360

I have operated my Ebay and Amazon accounts for only a couple months now. I sell Xboxs and other related things. I also sometimes come across other odd items that I end up selling.
Amazon display name: Cool Deals 2013
Ebay display name: cooldealmakers2013

I just made an Etsy account, but it will be a little wile until I will organize it. (Same user name as the one that I use on here.)

Can't say that it's anything special.
That said, I did/do help with my Mom's gallery's international business among other things.

>> No.461376

Are you the "herpetologist" perchance ?

>> No.461378

yeah me too. jammy job.

>> No.461383

oh yes, I used to be a professional dog walker/house sitter but currently an artist/ earing designer maker and starting a glass factory from old bottles. http://hermioneangelbeck.tumblr.com/ setting up an etsy account now it's taking forever tho

>> No.461411

Not to intentionally publicity hoar myself there

>> No.461433

I play Linebacker for the Detroit Lions

>> No.461436

not bad for a day job

>> No.461471

mah nigga

>> No.461502


You're joking right?

>> No.461546

Yeah, reading it back it does sound like a joke. >Dog walking for rich lazy people is a job.
And house sitting's pretty popular in certain parts of europe.

>> No.461585

prove it

>> No.461588

I believe him

I posted something above myself that people didn't really catch onto. I get the feeling there are some pretty high-end people in /diy/

>> No.461618

fetish porn. no joke.

>> No.461634
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prove it

>> No.462071

Gord pls go

>> No.462073

First-year mechatronics engineering student.

Currently unemployed, even though I was given a job a while back.
Those fuckers have taken three months to put me to work even with me constantly prodding them, so I've just given up all hope at ever having that job.

>> No.462085

What fucking part of England do you live in where lumps only get £7.50 an hour mate? Brixton reporting in, we get at least £12 just for local pubs at the weekend, anything up to £18-£20 for the big clubs. I wouldn't even get out of bed for £7.50, let alone get stabbed for it.

>> No.462127

I left Sixth Form just yesterday, so now I'm free to earn a living properly. I plan on getting a full time job (doesn't matter which - it will only be a year) while I take an evening course in Electro-technical. After the year is up, I'll get a job as an electrician and study the language of the country I want to move to

>> No.462569

Quality Control at a large craft brewery.

It's pretty neat.

>> No.462575

Law school but I live in a 3rd world country so my background is /diy/ heavy

>> No.462577

>work in cosmetic packaging warehouse/full time student
>10:00$ minimum wage

>> No.462588

Unbolt shit, lube up the threads so the guys getting paid a ton don't have to spend more time trying to get them free, and bolt them back together just snug.

Pays 21$/hour starting so I'm happy enough.

>> No.462656

26 years old, I'm a licensed computer technician.

I was the lead tech for a small company for 5 years. I quit my job about a year ago to go into internet marketing (known as IM, hense the namefagging).

I spent about 4 years tinkering with it as a side project/hobby/extra income, decided to go into it full time.

Right now I make about 2k a month and actually work for about 4 hours every other day. If i were to pull 8 hour shifts 9-5 I can probably pull in around 5-6k monthly, but I enjoy the free time.

Technically though, I'm always thinking and keeping my eyes open for opportunity and ideas, so I guess you could say I work 24/7.

>> No.462680

NEET two-time college dropout trying to find a decent job to keep me alive while I work out what I want to actually do with my life.

Basically I'm >>456633 from the future.

>> No.462685

Do you have an attention deficit disorder or something brah? Often the disorder first shows itself during the first
demanding years of college.

As for myself I am a college student who is currently applying for nursing school. I like the DIY board because I'm imaginative as fuck. I literally need notebooks to write down all the shit I come up with.
> inb4 someone asks me what some of my ideas are. I'm keeping them to myself.

>> No.462699

Get your panties unbunched they just released a rooted system image

I don't know why you people insist google is trying to screw you with closed source bs when they repeatedly do stuff like this. It is getting really old.

>> No.462721

Shoe salesman at the mall, though I'm trying to work up the courage to get an entry-level position at IBM through a contact of mine, a local community outreach guy, but I'm afraid I pissed him off by selling him a computer for his job that he doesn't know how to use.

>What is this LibreOffice shit? It's freezing up constantly, probably because it's free. Free shit isn't worth anything, if it was any good, they'd charge money for it. Where's my trusty Microsoft Works?
Granted, the freezing issue might be because it only has 2GB RAM, the hard drive needs replacement, or the weight of the monitor on the minitower is crushing something (a fan? the HDD? I'm not sure because I haven't seen it happen), but honestly, I upgraded you to a 2009-era desktop with a nice large screen from an ancient Celeron/512MB RAM XP box, migrated all your files, set up your email and even got the printer working, work with me a little here.
>I can't get on the internet, there's no icon on the desktop.
Oh come on now.

>> No.462722

i saw an al bundy joke coming, but it never came :(

>> No.462724

farming , live in fix caravan on the higher point of small slovak village, too much projects for too little people here

>> No.462725

I always forget about Al Bundy, probably because I kept confusing him and Ted Bundy for years.

The prospect of working for IBM is terrifying to me, even in a piss-easy entry-level position, because I've fucked up a lot of jobs in my life and don't know if I've got the discipline and ability to actually hold down a real job. I've been living with untreated ADHD and depression for the better part of a decade (I'm 23) and my life is at a point where improving it will take an act of god. I mean, I owned a car for six months that I never drove because I couldn't afford insurance and I'm sitting here six inches from the screen because I can't afford glasses. I'm mortified at the prospect of fucking something like this up, which I'm bound to do.

Shit, I started blogging in there. I just needed to get this off my chest and it's nice to have an anonymous outlet for it, I guess. Maybe I should make a diy self-help thread.

>> No.462740


I'm applying for Marine Technician and I have already done the YOU session and now I got the medical and the interview next month. Do you have any advice for the interview? Like how much do I need to study?

>> No.462753

Quality Manager and (Defacto) IT Manager at an injection molder.

>> No.462761

Lmfao for now have fun in a few months

>> No.462762

Goldsmith apprentice

>> No.462766
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sometimes i just make money

dat feel when ur job is to make money

and for making money, i make money

cash yolo swg swag

hoping for no socialist revolution atm

>> No.462771


>> No.462782


ironworker here again


nah, bro. fuck that. I live in AZ which is a right to work state and i work non-union. union ironworkers can expect to do basically 3-4 years of bitch work and the shittiest jobs on the site before becoming a journeyman. as non-union ive already pretty much done every ironworking job on the site which includes:

-putting bolts together (bolt,washer, nut) for up to 7 hours on some days
-sifting material. sorting different bolts, beams, and detail material
-rigging. putting chokers around beams to be flown up and hung
-connecting. what first comes to mind when you think of an ironworker. being up on the steel connecting beams together with splice-plates and bolts

and finally

-detail work. going up on the steel or sometimes a scissor lift and bolting on braces and such.

if you were a union worker, expect to do maybe the first two i listed, as well as housekeeping (picking up garbage) for 3 years. maaaybe having a journeyman teach you something while hes doing it, then tell you to go back to being a bitch again.

only thing i havent done much of is the actual hanging of the steel in a fork lift with a choker or with a crane. im certified, but its probably the most skilled job on the entire site and requires a lot of finesse as to not get someone killing swinging around a multi-thousand pound piece of steel. also no welding for me on site because certification needs and shit. most everything is bolted anyways.

ive only been ironworking for 3 or 4 months now, and like i said ive done pretty much every ironworking job, and have become proficient at it. i make $14/h at about $30/k a year, plus time and a half overtime, and healh/dental insurance after 6 months. not only that but my money isnt going towards politicians i do not support.

tl;dr move to a right to work state.

>> No.462788

if anyones ausfag;

union sites and or working primarily for union sites (ie you'll share their EBA) is a lot better than non union. over here they do look after you, pay rates are better and if you're out of work they actively seek to get you more work. if you're a nuff nuff its harder but if you're ticketed/certed welder and you've got some good people to speak for you you'll never be out of work

they do look after their own, youve just generally got to be sociable about it and turn out to be a good bloke, and a solid worker. then you'll be right. too much with the entitlement bullshit and being precious about inane shit you'll quickly be ostracised. and that does suck

>> No.462790
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I work at a boat store / SCUBA shop. We sell inflatable boats such as Zodiac, Artigiana Batteli, Mercury, Avon, Achilles, etc.

Pic related, my dream boat.

>> No.462810

I study law and work part time as an assistant in kindergardens and schools. I want to specialize in privacy and media law.

>> No.462840
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I work as a swimming pool attendant in a small indoor swimming pool over the summer. During winter I study and do substitute fill-ins as an attendant if I'm needed over that time.
Not many hours of work nor super great pay but I manage.

>> No.462868

>Pic related, my dream boat.
what is the advantages of large semi-inflatable boats like that?
they would seem to be more susceptible to damage, its not like deflating them makes them much easier to transport over land and they still cost large piles of money.
are they still cheaper than a solid-hull boat the same size?

>> No.462915

You're a tard...union ironworkers make 35 per hour here, free bennies, and a kick ass pension. Fuck your right to work state.

/PA fag here. Not an Ironworker.

>> No.462916


im not saying theres not perks to being in a union, but they definitely keep people out of the job market, like the guy who i was responding to.

unions kill jobs.

>not an ironworker

then stfu you pussy. you couldnt even carry my bolt bags let alone the rest of my tools i have to carry around on my person at all times, you limp wristed faggot.

>> No.462917

I'm a union millwright in a steel mill, faggot. I repair and set complex machinery while you hammer bull pins to make shit line up. Get on my levl m8.

>> No.462918

yea but for that 20 minutes the raft is functional, he looks like a bad-ass SWAT guy or pirate or something.

>> No.462919


>glorified grease monkey
>not a limp wristed faggot

pick one. unions, especially public sector unions are a drain on society and are everything thats wrong in this country.

did i mention youre a limp wristed faggot/

>> No.462921

Did I mention that you're an underpaid scab?

>glorified grease monkey
>makes 16 bucks more an hour than you do
>with a real pension

>> No.462922

>Confirmed for buttmad conservitard
>Yes master, I'll eat the poo. Gladly. Maybe when we get rid of that government I can have some steak too?

>> No.462925


Lance Corporal Moreshead, United States Marine Corps, Combat Camera.

>> No.462926


>previously stated that all i do is hammer bull pins to make shit line up

ironworker is a very dangerous and physically tough, but still a relatively unskilled job. the only real skill is paying attention and not doing anything stupid to get yourself or anyone else killed. for a college dropout, $30k/y 4 months in is a damn good wage.

you sir, along with every other union faggot are overpaid for the type of work you do.

>> No.462928


>implying im a conservative

how are those dwindling union membership numbers treating you? kekol.

leeches. all of you.

>> No.462941

>Implying my ancesters were so shit-tier as to have moved to America.

We've been having Union actions here for the last few months, hopefully gonna put that Government back in their place. Enjoy your buttmad, comrade.

>> No.462946

heh Arizonafag, not conservatard. You're a half hippy, half libertarian, 100% retard. By all means, turn down all attempts to be a functioning member of the United States. We'll blow you seditionist shitbirds to glass in 30 years. Until then, crank that A/C and complain about "BIG ELECTRICITY". Fag.

>> No.462950


>calls me a retard
>thinks arizona is a sandy desert

get a load of this guy.

>> No.462965


>> No.462967

>overpaid for being able to rebuild machinery, from brand new to 70+ years old.
>30k a year, damn good wage
top lel

>> No.462993


If you're still around anon, What kinda things do you do on the RF side?

Or do you mean RF as it relates to medical?

I automatically think communications technology.

>> No.462996


nice job greentexting out of context

>30k a year
>starting wage
>for a college dropout

gosh you glorified grease monkeys sure do have a lot of pent-up frustration.

>> No.463002 [DELETED] 
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Keep trying to feel better about yourself, anon. You're still a scab.

>> No.463003

I'm a electrician that mostly works on new residential and semi industrial jobs. My dad has been an electrical contractor his whole life so I'm kind of lucky to of had the opportunity to score that apprenticeship and learn as much as I can.

>> No.463012
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Canadian Army, Armoured Corps soldier. Just this year decided to start diy. Kinda rocky start having to buy all my tools though. Mostly woodworking and fixing shit on my own car. Pic is what I drive.

>> No.463013

Im a intern at Thomson Reuters workin on database shenanigans. $21/hr and no time for diy-ing. Such is the life.

>> No.463017
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lol 2 hard 4 u?

>> No.463046

Test Engineer. Right now I do slot machine certification. Not exactly playing video games all day but got pretty damn close.

>> No.463058


yeah man, memorizing everything spewed by a professor was just way too difficult for my feeble mind to grasp.

>> No.463097
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>> No.463100

What's your background in engineering? mechanical, electrical, computer, etc?

>> No.463123

Chemist working for a polystyrene plant.

>> No.463141

physics major working in a hashbrown plant. fucking job market.

>> No.463154
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DARPA engineer.

>> No.463162

In theory I'm an electrical engineer, but all I seem to do is paperwork and AutoCAD. The pay is good, though. I have plenty of personal side projects to offset the blandness of what earns me the most money.

>> No.463190

I'm a high school dropout test engineer who makes well over 100k/yr. Stay mad about it, success is measured via the amount of ill will you generate from those around you.

>> No.463244

Redundant buoyancy. You cannot swamp an inflatable, and some are even made to be self-righting.

The CZ7 has 12 air chambers I believe? If you buy the actually Milpro boat, the Hurricane 733 / 1100, the tubes are filled with foam, thus, any puncture doesn't matter...the air in the tube is for cosmetics.

With an inflatable boat, a NOAA small craft advisory is a challenge.

>> No.463469

Technically, none. I got into this job with an associates in Avionics Systems Technology from my short stint in the military. That plus I did, from what I understand, very well on their C++ test. I'm self taught with competitions my senior year of high school. I am going back to school for Computer Engineering but I haven't hit any core classes yet.

>> No.463489

>there's people on 4chan who might as well have the age of my dad
holy fuck

>> No.463506

yea, I'm one of them. Avoiding my 20yr reunion this year. I was addicted to the internet at 2400baud on Prodigy.

>> No.463553


Oh fuck

>> No.463559


I do not work, my wife works hard to pay for the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed.

>> No.463562

I work in AP. In the last year I got to spend 100million at the company I work for. Sounds fun, boring as fuck. I'm trying to switch to the cost and budget dept. to learn some sweet analytical skills. We will see. I have to schmooze with people tomorrow at the office. I hate schmoozing, but I hate AP. So hopefully this will pan out.

>38K a year w/ bennies
>over 40K a year if I get the switch

>> No.463571 [DELETED] 

Apprentice Electrician for a tire manufacturer. Its a four year program but I'm aiming to try and get out in two... Program in general is a joke, and you learn things more or less because you read/take additional classes and because the Journeyman are willing to show you stuff. In terms of structure there is none, you can easily make it through all four years and not learn anything if you tried. Also our hours aren't recognized by the state. The journeyman are either very knowledgable, and willing to show you things if you'll work. Or are complete fuckwits who know as about as much as you did on the day you got hired. Most of them are stuck on PM so they don't keep machines down all day.

Long term goals, become and I&E Tech. But I won't be able to do that here.

>> No.463588

Work for a "claims management" company. People have car accidents, they get referred to us by their insurance and as long as the circumstances are ok we give the person a hire car and organise repairs for them, then overcharge the other person's insurance. Even if it's going to go 50/50 we still make profit from the hire car. Part of the reason insurance is as expensive as it is, is because if piece of shit companies like the one I work for.

Hate my job, trying to get something where I can at least work with my hands instead of talking to cunts with unwarranted self-importance on the phone all day. Pays only around £6.50 an hour, plus a bonus for every person we put in a hire car, but that's based on jumping through some hoops and for a couple of months I've had 0 bonus despite getting good sales.

>> No.464465

Applied for the position on their website. Went into an interview with 40 other people. They gave us 20 minutes and a bag of LEGO with a seahorse model and said to copy it. I was only one who finished. Been working there a few years now. My best model so far has been Petronas Towers in Legoland Malaysia.

>> No.464478

I work at one of the Toyota manufacturing plants.

>> No.464497

4chan is 10 years old. Those of us who were of age to browse 4chan when it started and are still here are at least 28 years old

>> No.464505


>> No.464524
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4th year energytechnology engineer student. I work now on summer vacation for Finland's 2nd largest brewery owned by Heineken. I drive truck and distribute locally bewerages to stores and into shelves. I have also been assembly worker on wind turbine construction sites, both assembler and later overseer.

>> No.464529

I'd like to learn how to program; where should I start?
I'm only 18; does this give me adequate time to become fairly proficient before I leave university (ie 4 years from now)?
Also, how long does it take to reach a level where you can sell your services? Did you do a degree in it?

>> No.464602

Leaving database work to be a SE Network Engineer. Feels good to finally get the job I went to college for. Do the usual 40yrs/week. I am done doing DB work and doing 60hrs/wk

>> No.464616

Part-time retail associate, I also have a seasonal job where I work at a field auction.

I was going to community college but I've been kind of down about what I want to do for a career. I was really interested in music and art but at this point I don't think I have the skill or money to get into a University for that sort of thing.

>> No.464618
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I digitize (photograph) old manuscripts, rare books, old and rare stuff like that, for archival purposes and online display.

>> No.464626

This would be a dream job of mine. I loved doing large format and oddball scanning, patching and color correction when I was doing it.

>> No.464630

It's pretty cool, but I work for a uni and it's becoming bureaucratized into a boring and efficient system, the fun days are almost over. We use some high end repro cameras (Schneider-Kreuznach lenses and P65 digital backs) which are great to use. Looking to get into multispectral stuff to keep it interesting now. So many medieval Latin bibles...so many....

>> No.464641

used to be lab technician, now a NEET except doing some courses at a distance so i can get to uni , not a DIY though,

I need a fucking jerb.

>> No.464687

What school, bro? I went to KP.

>> No.464698

>Schneider-Kreuznach lenses and P65 digital backs
would you let me lick it if I sucked your dick?

>> No.464746

i'm an AMF pinsetter mechanic. also do all facility maintenance for my building

>> No.464748

Electronics recycler/refurbisher.
Protip: Unless we ask, we don't give the tiniest fuck what works out of what you give us. 99% of it is going to the recyclers anyways.

>> No.465105

Juuuuuuuust graduated with a degree in Nanosystem Engineering. Didn't do enough job searching/connection making in school, so I'm trying to get a job in my field :I

>> No.465109 [DELETED] 
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Did you not get enough love? Did you parents beat you up? Do you worry about the size of your penis?

>> No.465111 [DELETED] 

Pot smoker detected.

>> No.465113 [DELETED] 

>dat projection

I bet you're the type of person that says stupid things whenever a trooper pulls you over on the road.

>> No.465131 [DELETED] 

Find a gold sticker, cut it into a star, and stick it on your shirt. You win the "edgiest troll at 7:32amPST on /diy/" award.

>> No.465138 [DELETED] 

>implying police aren't the abusive power hungry motherfuckers they are. Giving police any respect.
>united states. 2013AD

google police shooting subway. Shoots a homeless man because he meant to only tase him

police shooting garden hose. A swarm of cops blow away a black guy playing with a water hose at his friends house. BLOWN away. Shotgun x2, many pistol shots.

it doesn't fycking stop. Police are the most corrupt motherfuckers in an incredibly corrupt American system. Not even trying to be edgy. I'm white bread as fuck and luckily haven't had to deal with it because of my privilege. But I know, fuck da police

>> No.465139 [DELETED] 

>confirmed for pot smoker who just got pulled over high

>> No.465141
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There are more non-police related murders and "accidents" than there are police-related ones. Not all cops are bad, power hungry, or corrupt. No one gets to hear about all the good things cops do day to day because no one gives a rat's ass because it isn't sensational. Media only covers that bad shit. Just look at cnn.com today and count how many articles don't involve disasters, arrests, murders, or sex and compare the ratios.

Humans are to blame. They are the most corrupt species on Earth and they fucking love seeing others knee-deep in shit.

>> No.465158 [DELETED] 
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>> No.465166 [DELETED] 

GB2/b/ with that shit.

>> No.465194

are you from india?

>> No.465206 [DELETED] 
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>> No.465213
File: 34 KB, 400x600, salesassociate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sales associate here. Leaving life on that terrible 8.00 an hour wage. Probably get less than 15 hrs a week average and not enough money to support myself on my own.

>> No.465217

Work in a surplus electronics and industrial goods store.


>used nalhtsl

Yeah, I have those Captcha. Just behind you near the capacitors.

>> No.465322

I suppose you're from Montreal!

>> No.465349

why would you say that?
montrealer here

>> No.465350

sorry for the name, it was from a different thread

>> No.465368

i currently have no job, but i worked in dredging for a year, now i'm waiting to get back into the army as a... well, basically plumber. in the mean time i help my sisters out with there business in furniture and ornaments. so far i've made a really nice oak table and some stools

>> No.465372

yeah its hard to find amplifiers outside of california
they dont even sell audio equipment in the midwest

>> No.465376
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longshore electrician here. I make most of my diy on breaks at work

>> No.465379

holy shit i hope anesthesiologists aren't of this level of intelligence

>> No.465395

Full Time Student, Electrical Engineering

>> No.465396

i work in AP as well. it is very difficult to work in an environment that is not atmospheric pressure. AP is the best imo. You really realize how much you take atmospheric pressure for granted when you work in vacuum.

>> No.465397

>sell your services? Did you do a degree in it?
definately not 18

>> No.465399

who the fuck touches customers like that?
when i worked retail i wasn't allowed to touch anyone
i would probably get payed more if i did

>> No.465427
File: 203 KB, 418x577, Teres360-room7030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acoustic researcher, engineer, consultant for architectural projects, product designer, aerodynamic specialist, and bioinformatics engineer. (oddly enough it all ties together)

Hobby is writing software and just being a general maker.

>> No.465454

dude thats dope, sauce?

>> No.465520

Teres 360
let me google that for you dot com