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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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455786 No.455786 [Reply] [Original]

D-did I do it right /diy/ ?

I currently only got 7 wraps with the 6 gauge jumper cables on the secondary which gives me 7v and 255amps. This picture is my goal. I just need to find the suitable wire, probably around 10-12awg.

This is what im thinking of buying http://www.ebay.com/itm/AC-220V-2000W-SCR-Voltage-Regulator-Dimming-Dimmers-Speed-Controller-Thermostat-/200912763111
Would it work?

>inb4 "OP is retarded"
>inb4 "just let natural selection take place and kill OP"

>> No.455788
File: 594 KB, 239x270, tumblr_miz5grnsfo1reamexo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plugged in the current inadequately winded transformer earlier to see if it worked and wow was the humming sound ever screeching loud.

>> No.455815
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>> No.456103
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Looks fine to me.

>> No.456146
File: 147 KB, 455x304, Hurry ivan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.456225
File: 15 KB, 560x443, 9523-FRTCV8ZFAQDX2E3.MEDIUM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for /diy/ welding.

>> No.456232
File: 13 KB, 578x263, CheapACWelder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems fine to me. What rods are you using? The only part I'm not sure about is the dimmer switch. Every one I've ever tested never worked right like that. They work fine for everything else though which was odd.

>> No.456235

Once you get the windings right, just use fingernail polish or epoxy to lock them in place so they don't vibrate and make all sorts of noise. bolt the transformer down too.

Also, you'll need more than one transformer, like in >>456225

>> No.456238
File: 43 KB, 467x700, 100_1759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I currently dont have any rods. I want to get the whole design mastered first. But I plan on making my own using coat hangers covered in lye.

Im trying to scavange around the house at this very moment looking for a 2 way - / + wire I can combine in parallel to lower the AWG. Such as putting a 16/2 awg cable in parallel should give you 13 awg. Im looking to get 12 awg for my secondaries so I can get the proper turns for my sought after current rating ( 18 v , 85 amps )

12 AWG like used by the man in this video for his secondary.


>> No.456240
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My hosue lines are not 240v and im not yet ready to deal with with all the wiring and trying to find which outlet is in phase and not in phase.

85amps and 18v for a single transformer should be adaqeute for me. Until I find a project that requires more juice i'll start to expand my construction and find more transformers for it.

>> No.456243

>>456235 I used wood lacquer to cover up some scratches on the enamel of the primary. I'll see what I can do to try and keep them from vibrating.

>> No.456245

>My hosue lines are not 240v

You don't need 240v for multiple transformers. Some welders use up to 6 transformers for just normal 120v.

>> No.456244

>I currently dont have any rods

Different rod sizes will determine what amps you need to use. The thicker the rods the more amps you'll need. Penetration of the material you are welding also depends on amps.

>> No.456248


I plan on using thin rods

>> No.456249

I dont see the logic in using 6 transformers unless they were all using different 120v lines which I dont want to do.

>> No.456255

It was a fully featured welder. I've been trying to google it, but I simply can not find it. It was one of the first page results a year ago. Now everything shows several other DIY 2-MOT 240v welders that look sleek as fuck. Aggravating. Oh well, life is change I suppose. I'll check my archives for it.

>> No.456261
File: 31 KB, 1017x596, 10-Electrical_Schematic_wiring_diagram.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My archives paid off,

I spotted a DIY welding rod article in there and tracked down the online version,


Ah, here's the one I think I was looking for. Sorry, it is 220v, but you may like the circuit diagram and modify it for your own needs. It seems it uses 8 MOTs, not 6 MOTs.

Here's the article,


>> No.456262

Im gonna go for a walk to the river to read hitlers table talk on my ebook. I found a 16/3 AWG cable which from my understanding should be 10 awg if you subtract 3 AWG everytime you combine it.

>> No.456267

Thanks for the schematic. I've seen this before. With my limited electrical knowledge its still very confusing and for the time being want to keep it as plain and simple as possible with the addition of a dimmer.

>> No.456414
File: 761 KB, 2592x1456, IMG_00000262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's currently adequately wound transformer.

>> No.456466

