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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 20 KB, 450x450, 8mp-scoutguard-hunting-camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
447566 No.447566 [Reply] [Original]

My friend wants to put a security camera up to monitor who's been fucking with his shit lately. It's a black hunting camera that turns on and films based on motion sensing. The outside of his house is white. There's a couple good angles to put it, but no good way to camouflage it. It would be too obvious if it were painted white. It's somewhat large as well.

Any ideas on how to camouflage it?

>pic related

>> No.447568

whats in the area where your trying to hide it?... if it's all natural stuff.. then maybe fake a beehive and stick it in that? .... or a bush or something...

if it's full of non natural stuff... then disguise it in like fashion...

>> No.447569

bird house or other lawn decor? are you trying to hide it so they dont steal it also? there are motion activated pepper spray things out there also . . .

>> No.447570

Place inside something that should be on the outside of the house, or otherwise make it look like such. Gas/electric meter, wall-hung mailbox, birdhouse, one of those rack things you coil a hose on, etc. Or put it in a sort of 'blind spot' if there's any. Under overhanging roof, on the side of something not apparent when you walk up to house or something. Just make sure the sensor and lens aren't obstructed and you're good.

>> No.447658

Make it visible as possible. Keep the assholes away from his shit. Not film some stupid B/W grainy porn vid of punks jacking with his shit. Good chance the cam is shit anyway and won't be useful regardless of it being hidden or not.

>> No.447687

>It's a black hunting camera
Soooo racist.

>> No.447688


Just so you know.
It's Illegal to film someone without them knowing they're being filmed. It's technically called spying and you can be jailed for it.

So yeah. That's why they make shit like that bulky and obvious, sometimes with blinking lights. So paranoid people like you don't try to ensue espionage in their backyard.

>> No.447695

there are cameras that look like rocks ya know

>> No.447700

It depends on the state, and only on public property. Most states DON'T require two-party consent.

>> No.447712

confirmed for not knowing shit about law

>> No.447713

Get the fuck out of here and read your fucking legislation.

>> No.447742

Fuck off and GTFO. I have 5 words for you: Surveillance Cameras on Private Property

And this is coming from the guy who hates Cameras with a passion. I guess all those storefronts that put Cameras on the lightpoles to film the front of their businesses need to be taught a lesson by our good friend Officer Oinky McPorkystick. Learn the laws, and before telling someone what the Law does and does not allow, use some common fucking sense...

As for your camera there, putting it in a bush or tree is going to have the side effect of filming a LOT of uneeded footage, especially if the motion sensor is based upon the same IR reflection system used in Inhome Security Systems. Branches swaying in the wind, squirrels and birds scurrying by... If I were you, I'd just invest in a camera setup that you can mount, then come back, take out the recording media, and go through the footage every few days. Find some way to replace whatever battery system it has so that the battery is a backup system, and make Solar the primary power source. (That way, if it's raining, or nighttime, it's still filming, just not eating up as much juice.) Or you could just go the buyfag route, and buy your own Camera setup that feeds into a VCR. My grandparents dropped about $100 on one awhile back, and it was motion-triggered as well. Tech gets cheaper everyday, so there's no reason to DIY something when a Storebought product will get the job done for less resources expended.

>> No.447851

lolololololol before you say things like this,
1) go to law school
2) go fuck yourself
3) nevermind dont bother coming back because we dont care what you have to say

anyways, after thinking about this, one of the easiest ways to hide this might actually be in plain sight....

if you mount it right next to or behind a flood light which is always on, two things will happen

1) it wont have to use its shitty IR leds, and video quality will be better as the area is lit by the flood light

2) its going to be fucking hard to see. have you ever tried looking directly at a flood light at night? its blinding. sometimes i cant see my house number because its too close to the light. if the camera is right behind/next to it, the would-be vandals wont be able to see it

>> No.447877

Using those motion hunting cams for remote security is a good ass idea, thanks op.

>> No.447922

Private property.

Not illegal.

Otherwise security camera manufacturers would be out of business.

>> No.448461

>fake a beehive
>Gas/electric meter, wall-hung mailbox, birdhouse, one of those rack things you coil a hose on

I don't think I can top these ideas. I kinda want to install one of these on my property now too.

This guy speaks the truth. I know VA is one of those states. But even then, all you really need is to post a tiny bit of fine print saying there are cameras in use. Pretty much all national chains make it policy to post that on the front door anyway, just to be safe.

>> No.448770
File: 96 KB, 362x263, tumblr_m473h6eQi41rts2o3o1_400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
