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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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438873 No.438873 [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys. I have a Kindle Fire, purchased from Amazon before Christmas of 2011. It was my entire Christmas, so it is pretty important to me. It has served me well, but today when getting pushed down the school stairs by a freshman who was not looking where she was going, I fell back and although I was unharmed, my Kindle (In my back pack) had the screen cracked in like 7 different slivers. It still is functional, as I use it mainly for reading, but this just leaves it open for more damage at the slightest provocation. How can I get Amazon to take it and repair it or replace it? I am not ashamed to say I am willing to lie to make this happen. I need help, /diy/nos. Please.

>> No.438875

The damage isn't due to a manufacturing defect really, things like premature stress cracks on the casing around headphone sockets would be grounds for an RMA (especially if there are loads of people experiencing the same thing) but I dunno about something that's so obviously caused by an accidental impact.

Try saying you got a shock off it (or felt it heating up) and dropped it? Wild speculation but you could try it.