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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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438133 No.438133 [Reply] [Original]

Hey there DIY

I came here 1-2 months ago with a question about mold in an air conditioner thats a wall unit. I got lots of great suggestions and feedback on what to do, and a few anons asked me to post an update/what happened. Well I finally am, So if anyone remembers me im the air conditioner fag. Ill post some before and after pics

Sorry for the long wait, college student and most of my time is consumed through studying or work. Anyways heres a summary of what happened:

NO manual online how to dismantle, so I just went for it and found screws where anons said they should be. Did that, the front panel still stuck on though. I had to force it off but it was because it had these odd slanted clamps, so itd go on easy but wouldnt come off. But point is, got it off without breaking it. I could see all inside it now, and by god the mold was MUCH worse than i thought. But because Im currently a poorfag, I couldnt afford a new one. Instead a made a 50% bleach 50% water solution in a spray bottle and i drenched the mold eveyrwhere. Anywhere i saw it i sprayed the fuck out of it. After that, I got a toothbursh and towel and cleaned off as much as possible. Once i finished i sprayed again and then another third time. While it was drying and sitting i went outside and sprayed it all down and got any mold on the outside. (Cont in next post dont wanna run out of room)

>> No.438134
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x2448, 20130305_170924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then i sprayed it down with the hose on the outside. The drainage hole was clogged, so i got a screwdriver and stuck it up to unclog and AND THE AMOUNT OF CRAP THAT CAME OUT. Current house is surrounded by oak trees so theres tons of shit in the air and good god its like it sucked in everything possible. I spent 40 minutes rinsing the outside making every piece of debris possible flow out of the drainage hole. Once i finished i went back inside, sprayed it down with some more bleach, then i got just water and sprayed down the inside with that. Once i let that dry i finally got steaming hot water and poured a few bottles down and steam was steadily flowing out of the a/c. After that i let it dry for a few days before making sure any other mold was gone then i put it back together finally.

TL;DR got rid of the mold, cleared a draining blockage, good to go now.

Ill be posting before and after pics. Sorry for any bad quality.

>> No.438135
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x2448, 20130305_170918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another before

Previous two pictures are the left side of the vent, its split down the middle with a wheel to rotate the blades. Those are the left side, heres the other right side.

>> No.438138
File: 1.76 MB, 3264x2448, 20130305_170938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last before

>> No.438139
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, 20130416_171944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres after.

Sorry for any glare
>dat florida sun

>> No.438140
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x2448, 20130416_172003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another after

>> No.438142


good eye anon, just be careful about any molds in a wall unit, as obviously if more molds/different ones grow in it, it will simply spray it around your room. might be a good idea to keep a spray bottle of a 1/4 part bleach 3/4 part water just to spray on it if there is a funky smell.

>> No.438149

Thanks for the tip, will do.

I actually think one of the reasons for the mold was the drainage clog i mentioned. Not much moisture could drain so maybe it just built up inside more than it shouldve and started to cause the mold. But anyways, my room is pretty dry, and the surrounding ones are too, So im hoping there wont be any more growth

>> No.438232

Was it your roommates toothbrush?

>> No.438235

Id rather not start a fight with any of my roomates currently since theyre all pretty cool guys. So, no. But the toothbrush was effective regardless.

>> No.438238

Is there a place on the back of the unit to place a tube for drainage?

>> No.438243

Yes, a specific hole near the corner. When i was rinsing it out piles and piles of leaves and pollen and just crap came out, so im pretty sure it was clogged until i blasted it with the hose.

I spent a good 40 minutes getting it unclogged and made sure the best i could nothing else got in there, So im hoping its good now and i guess ill rinse it every few months.

>> No.438247

yup just make sure its tilted enough do that it drains out that hole

>> No.439630

nice work man congrats! hitting that thing with a little of that spray every once in a while will probably keep any future mold out, but you're probably 100% right about the clog causing the mold. yuck. bravo to you for fixing it rather than throwing it out.

>> No.439708

Thanks for the update dude, great to know the suggestions helped.