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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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437821 No.437821 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /diy/!

I have a problem, the top cover and other parts of my laptop broke the other day.

my dilema is...
>if i buy the pieces what i need, will cost around 100Dlls. And take around 2 weeks for arrive to my home.

>If i repair for myselft... i can doit with aaround... 15 Dlls and repair in a couple of days

Any advice?Anyone with some experience reparing case of laptops?

pic very related, its my laptop

>> No.437832

pizza box, ftw

>> No.437925

How much value is left in your laptop. You may find that a newer working used one is a better option.

You may find a full non functioning laptop with an unrelated problem for less than your replacement part.

If you don't NEED the laptop functionality then save your money and use it like a desktop. I used a laptop with a broken screen for years as my desktop computer.

>> No.438003

Wooden box would by awesome-tier
Easy to glue/screw your shit on and cut your ports out

>> No.439639

ok so im guessing dlls is dollars. i think thats...mexican? so USD is what we are talking about?

what parts do you need?

the picture isnt too great, but it looks like the hinge broke off part of the lcd back/frame.

if its all plastic, i would pull out the lcd and wires, position everything how its supposed to go, then smother the broken area in epoxy.

but i cant imagine the plastic bits costing $100.

please post model number, describe damage (list all broken things), and maybe get better pic with more light and less flash.