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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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435264 No.435264 [Reply] [Original]

Close friend and I are out one night are outside shooting the breeze. He tells me an idea for an invention, and I tell him its great.

Two months pass by I made some prototype drawings for him and we go to a patent officer.

She tells us its a good idea and to wait for a call from her lawyer for any development.

2 days ago he gets the call and they tell him that its "too simple" to patent, but if we made some no one could tell us to stop.

> both job-less and hunting at the moment.
> realizes for the product its 1st place or no place.

I have no idea what to do.

>> No.435268

attorney here, i would get a second opinion. and then a third opinion if you need to. attorneys have differing opinions, and can be lazy, believe it or not.

without more info about invention can't really help but understand if you are being secretive.

but consider this info from a patent attorneys website: "The patent attorney should tell you to make the invention as simple as possible. It's harder to "design around" a simple patented item than a complex one. A good patent attorney will never tell an inventor that something is too simple to be patented, or that the invention cannot be patented. A patent attorney who states that an invention is not patentable risks a malpractice lawsuit, unless they have knowledge of the prior art."

>> No.435270

I truly want to believe you, and I have to really.

How do we set this up casually or office setting setting.

> paperwork either way, they did stress that for our benefit.

>> No.435365

are you OP?
are you talking to me?

people need to learn to post

you need a PATENT attorney in your jurisdiction. all caps because you need to find someone who specializes in patents and, specifically, the type of device you have created. there are attorneys that specialize in medical device patents, chemical patents, procedural patents, tech patents, mechanical patents, etc. do your research and select an attorney carefully.

if you want some general advice, i would be happy to point you in the right direction, but i have not done patents.

i guess you're pretty much concerned about secrecy, so just have whoever you talk to sign a nondisclosure agreement, make sure you have their info, and make clear that if your idea gets out their ass is on the line.

>> No.435400

Ok OP here and yes that was me sorry bout that.

And yes after our meeting we all signed those papers and they handed us our copies of nondisclosure and info.

So this is a small product that takes an already existing product, and has been changed up for convenience for the buyer.

>> No.435569

You can't patent something that is already being manufactured by others, at least not in my country.

>> No.435582


Op here.

You have a point, but the way it has been modified; it could stand on it's own for a patent.

> Noticing its hard not to talk about something without saying what it is.

>> No.435630

> Noticing its hard not to talk about something without saying what it is.

No shit, Sherlock. Out with it.

We could help if we knew at all what you wanted to do, but until then this conversation is completely pointless.

Learn more about business and marketing. Only a company with an already established following can get away with out-of-no-where product launches (like Apple). Otherwise, you gotta build interest first, before you launch, and that's never going to happen with your attitude.

>> No.435658


ideas are worthless. everyone has ideas.

INSTANTIATE YOUR IDEA. until then it's btard bullshit.

rarely do mortals benefit from patents. in the last half century they've mutated into legal tools large corps use to negotiate with their competitors.

also, tech markets move and mutate too fast for them to be of the sort of use you are contemplating.

you are far better of making your thing work, then putting it into use. if you cannot do that without a large corp, nothing will help yuo. they will rape you, no amount of NDAs or patents (which take years to complete) will stop them from simply delaying til the NDA runs out in a year or whatever, or making the thing in $FARAWAYCOUNTRY where it'llbe on the market for a year before you even smell a rat.

>> No.435738

Do you have the resources to defend your patent?

>> No.435762

No one does...

>> No.435880

Ok just got the go to talk about it from the inventor, but I'll stave off from just giving it out.

The most of it is an adhesive strip with "???" on it.

No its not a post-it note or a scented paper.

It's designed for sheer convenience to the target demos.

>> No.436094

Who is the target demographic?

>> No.436182

Outdoor, cooking, and possible emergency use.

>> No.436183


I bet it's skaters and tumblrtards.

>> No.436184


The patent office has established that it's not been patentend before? I know that's they're job but just checking...

>> No.436186

It has not been and un-patentable, so says one patent office.