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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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433465 No.433465 [Reply] [Original]

I'm making a furnace and wondering if my plans will work.
> Get a paint bucket,
> cut a hole in it, place a pipe in that hole,
> connect hairdryer to pipe,
> put charcoal in bucket,
> burn it,
> turn on hairdryer
> and place soupcan with aluminum inside bucket work?

>> No.433470


You're going to blow your face up OP.

>> No.433472

How much will i blow my face up?

>> No.433480
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More than 15x

>> No.433482

Eh 15x? I thought at the most 7x

But really, what should I do so it doesn't explode on me?

>> No.433490


It will never explode. Explosions don't work like that; I'll spare you the details.

As incredibly ghetto as that idea sounds, that is a legitimate way to build a cheapass aluminum refractory. I'd want to make sure you stood the pot on something more durable than the paint can itself on the off chance you get it hot enough to compromise its structural integrity to the point of collapsing under the weight of the pot, though.

>> No.433523


Also I can't really assume you know this, so you need to remember that molten metal will blow itself all over the place if you pour it on any water drops. Make sure your molds are totally dry before pouring.

>> No.433529
File: 32 KB, 351x450, 19explode02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hence why I said face will explode 15x....

Drop molten metal onto concrete that has moisture in it...

>pic related

>> No.433672

I'm assuming you have no real tools, but look into some work that ron reil did on freon tank mini forges, and hand made propane torches. You'll have a lot more luck with some proper refractory blanket, and a well tuned EZ burner. Mine got hot enough to sweat steel without any real accuracy or effort put into it, and was still cool to the touch on the shell after an hour of melting.

>> No.433673

Forgot to mention, OP should be doing all of his casting work either over bare earth, or a large sand box. Molten metals behave fairly well weith either compared to grass, concrete, or asphalt.