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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 1.82 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20130408_214646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
433404 No.433404 [Reply] [Original]

I fucked up.

I have two options.

A) Buy a bigger cat door and redo it with a better saw.

B) Make my own cat door.

I want to go with option B so I don't have to make the hole any bigger than it is because my cats are using it now and it's a good size. Plus I want to have a little fun with it.

Tips? Guides? Warnings? Insults?

>> No.433410

Make a bigger hole, it already looks awful.

>> No.433408

I feel like you should have spent more time in the planning phase on this one. And possibly sketched out a cut guideline.

>> No.433415

That looks a little too far from the ground...

>> No.433423

Yea I just taped the paper on and started sawing away at it, which would have been fine if I had a fine saw.
Lol yea it looks really bad
6 inches

>> No.433431
File: 487 KB, 349x199, bahhahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhhh man.

>> No.433432


I'll go in reverse order

#1.) You're stupid OP
#2.) If you're married and don't fix that shit you're going to get divorced
#3.) Possibly google it
#4.) The cat probably won't use it, it'll just paw and wait for you to open the door.

I can see a cat tail though which means cat isn't even interested in what you're doing. Not a good sign.

Good news is.. Doors aren't too horribly expensive.

As for making your own cat door.... Seems like more effort than it's worth.

>> No.433436

You could have at least taken the door off the hinges

>> No.433454

don't have much experience doing this sort of shit

thought I'd be fine

>> No.433452

>You're stupid OP
>#2.) If you're married and don't fix that shit you're going to get divorced
>#3.) Possibly google it
>#4.) The cat probably won't use it, it'll just paw and wait for you to open the door.
>I can see a cat tail though which means cat isn't even interested in what you're doing. Not a good sign.
>Good news is.. Doors aren't too horribly expensive.
>As for making your own cat door.... Seems like more effort than it's worth.

1. no
2. not married
3. don't need to tell me something so simple but thanks for the great advice
4. she's in there cause she used the hole

as for your advice

fuck you

>> No.433459


Not trying to be an even bigger dick that I already was, but what's the harm in just leaving the door open?

>> No.433466

the niggers will get in

>> No.433468

It's right next to my bedroom and I don't want to bother with the smell of cat shit, even though I use baking soda under the litter box and in the trash and clean frequently and the smell is not noticeable. Also privacy reasons. Its a bathroom for 2 rooms.

And thought it'd be fun to build a cat door

What I'm really leaning towards doing right now is just making it a square and just attaching a piece of plastic on a hinge on it

>> No.433469


Too late for that shit with the giant hole in the door.
But seriously niether side of that looks like outside.

Unless that's a mat.

>> No.433500
File: 6 KB, 207x243, images-190707087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you doing

>> No.433507

You just wanna spy on people while they poop don't ya OP! Yes make it bigger...

>> No.433513
File: 107 KB, 1022x683, img_TrimProfiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey op, I've been thinking about your situation.
Cut some 1x2 to build a small frame to fit inside the hole in your door, make it level and even, use foam sealant to secure in place do not just foam it in place in one go, the foam gets hot as it cures and I don't know how much heat that door can handle without the surface warping, so use some care, once the frame is secure and all the foam is cured cut away the overhangning foam with a bread knife, use it to install the cat door. Buy some nice trim and finish out the fucked up area.

>> No.433517

wtf is that a hollow door? what kind of cheap shit is that.

>> No.433518
File: 17 KB, 435x435, 1359355426066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw this nigga has never seen an interior door.

>> No.433689


why the flying fuck would you need a cat door in an interior door

>> No.433691

you can have privacy and the cat can come and go as it pleases?

>> No.433692


the man is living alone...

>> No.433695

this guy just wants to be the absolutely craziest motherfucker

people are going to all come over and see it and be like

dude is that an interior cat door? why the fuck does your cat need to use an interior door

and he will be like

my cats are using it and it's a good size

>> No.433697

I can't stop laughing. Why would anyone fuck up like this?

>> No.433700

Holy mother of god this thread is gold. My sides..

>> No.433703

lrn2level OP, god this makes me feel a lot better about diy mistakes I've made...

> affix a wooden frame in between the door boards (have to do some shaping to accommodate the bevels)
> stick some flush trim on that shit to neaten it up

>> No.433731

Turn the door upside-down. Now you can try again. Also, you now have a bird door.

>> No.433737

Bird door! That's brilliant.

>> No.433784

this is why i am terrified to do home projects

>> No.433793

Shit looks good to me op, just nail a flap to it and call it good. That cat doesn't give a fuck how it looks. If your so worried about the shitty job you did just buy black rubber for the flap to cover it up.

>> No.433794

This thread was already pure gold.
Now I really lost my shit.

OP what saw did you use? Jigsaw?
If you try to fix this ugly hole, please take it off its hinges. Use some kind of fence if you can't saw in a straight line.

>> No.433807
File: 15 KB, 275x275, MKK_BSS611Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a hole in a door? May I recommend the circular saw.

A circular saw while fucked up is ALWAYS a good idea

>> No.433832

Just make up a story for why you have a hole- giant rats or some shit

>> No.433835


Im with you 100%, I'm near tears I've been laughing so hard this whole thread.

OP, please tell me what sort of saw did you use to do this?

>> No.433842

I can't own a Skillsaw. What I lack is right in it's name.

>> No.433849


OP I think the only option you have is to change your name and move to a different city.

>> No.433855

flip the door or hang a painting or poster over it on both sides.

I was first going to suggest installing a frosted window, then I realized you'd be the one installing it.

>> No.433865

so great.

op, seriously, you need to clean that shit up. its messy as hell, step one is making those lines square.

then, cut some small pieces of wood the thickness of the door and glue them in place inside the hollow core door. then fill remaining space with foam.

trim excess foam. finish exposed part of the inside of the door with "U" shaped trim.

install door.

>> No.433886

Finish the hole, make it properly square.
Then fire up A cad program and design a printable plastic catdoor and order it from shapeways.

>> No.433888

Don't feel bad OP, you got farther than 99% of the people on /diy/. Stuff looks bad until it's finished, that's why houses have trim everywhere. Keep going and finish it up, if you still don't like it, buy a new door, not a big deal. Then practice making a new hole on the old door until you get it right.

>> No.433891


it's big enough for your dick to fit through.

fuck it.

>> No.433901

>OP what saw did you use? Jigsaw?
>If you try to fix this ugly hole, please take it off its hinges. Use some kind of fence if you can't saw in a straight line.

not a jigsaw
looks like a halo4 saw
if I had a jigsaw i wouldn't have had this problem

>> No.433902

that's what I was thinking too, I'm gonna need some more tools though

>> No.433905
File: 62 KB, 856x642, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99% of the people on /diy/. Stuff looks bad until it's finished, that's why houses have trim everywhere. Keep going and finish it up, if you still don't like it, buy a new door, not a big deal. Then practice making a new hole on the old door until you get it right.


and yea I'm gonna need a jigsaw though, I don't trust the one i'm using

I don't want an even bigger fucked up hole

>> No.433908

Ohh fuck, is that a jackhammer with a saw blade attachment?

>> No.433909

Just put some trim around it. If it's wide enough you can cover even the most fucked up saw-job.

>> No.433912

dude that's not a jigsaw, that's a reciprocating saw. Props for the overkill though, but i'm unsurprised your hole ended up uneven.

>> No.433921

Yea once I had a small hole in it I didn't want to leave the job unfinished.

I could have gotten it good but I didn't realize until I was pretty much done that it was 100x easier to cut through using the wider part of the blade.

I cut the hole of the hole first layer of the door and then started going at the second layer lolol

>> No.433929

I never used one of those saws, but I have a feeling that they are mainly used for "disassembly".
I assume, you don't wanna buy a plunge cut saw.
I would buy a jigsaw.
not that expensive
pretty versatile
not the most precise tool but certainly an improvement over your current saw.

>> No.433966
File: 522 KB, 2048x1536, 20130409170218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese style flush cut hand saw imo
use light pressure and a fast, straight stroke
$13 @ homo despot
pic related

>> No.433998

handsaw $2.
dollar store

>> No.434003

You might want to consider squaring your hole with a handsaw,

I feel your power tools rights have been revoked.

>> No.434027

Reciprocating saws are generally used for disassembly, yes. Usually in situations where chainsaws are impractical/too difficult, or to not waste consumables like whilst cutting steel etc.

you could be pretty accurate with it though, if you were EXTREMELY fucking careful.

Why? he's not hacked anything up that's not fixable, and not done something stupid like "OMG I USE CHAINSAW TO CUT A TWIG IN HALF THEN SLICED MY FACE OFF BECAUSE IT LOOKED TASTEH"
He's just misinterpreted the correct use of a tool. Education motherfuckers, get it or die

>> No.434055


Japanese cut saws are my most valuable tool. I use it when put buttons into my holes to cover the screws, then saw off the excess.

>> No.434089
File: 30 KB, 310x289, mnigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel ya

>> No.434208


Glad to see someone paying attention to a process.

As for the OP, yes a Japanese handsaw would work if you do not have a jigsaw handy. Just make sure to have a nice fine/quality blade on the jigsaw if you have one.

As for the hole, if you cut that with a reciprocating saw picture and with that blade its not really that bad. That's a coarse ass blade and I imagined that door shook the shit out of itself.

>> No.434214

Yea, it was really my first time using a saw. Like I said I could have done it a lot more accurate had I made a hole through both layers of the door and started using the wide part of the blade.

I'm gonna go with the japanese saw since it's cheap.

I'm just gonna make it a square with a hinge and panel on top.

I'm gonna return my cat door.

>> No.434216
File: 10 KB, 484x578, idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yea, it was really my first time using a saw. Like I said I could have done it a lot more accurate had I made a hole through both layers of the door and started using the wide part of the blade.
>I'm gonna go with the japanese saw since it's cheap.
>I'm just gonna make it a square with a hinge and panel on top.
>I'm gonna return my cat door
like this

>> No.434265

Please OP you've gotta come back with an even bigger, shittier hole

>> No.434276

How hard is it to make a "cat door"
- square hole
- pretty hole frame
- hinged flap material


Have some confidence OP! Build that shit! Are we not men!?!?

>> No.434320

We are Devo.

>> No.434321

I wonder how the people who recommend a japanese saw, suppose him to go about this squaring operation!?
I don't seem to understand.

>> No.434337

>cutting outer perimter first
>installing cat door on hollow pice of shit interior door


>> No.434338

>#2.) If you're married and don't fix that shit you're going to get divorced

this man speaks the truth

>> No.434345

Well, I doubt he has a framing square, but I imagine he has a tape measure so he can take two measurements on each side of the hole and mark it with a straight edge?

>> No.434356

My concern is not about marking the cut, but making the cut.
I don't think japanese saws are made for plunge cuts, and neither are they made for sawing in anything other than a straight line.

>> No.434358

He can do it, but he will just have to cut a straight line and then an angle cut to the end of that straight line thats large enough to straight cut the rest.

>> No.434360

a thread full of fucking shitposters. /diy continues going down the drain.

recut the hole, make something out of acrylic. but as >>433408 said, spend more time on planning and measuring. you could make it a bit more near ground level.

>> No.434362
File: 7 KB, 253x223, cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how does he make an angle cut?

<That's what I imagine.
green: cut
red: saw

>> No.434418

If I made the hole in OP pic, I would not have much confidence either. /justsaiyan

>> No.434480

OP should buy a new door and try again

>> No.434552

my sides

first time here but if this is what /diy/ is like I might stay
oh god ahaha what a thread

>> No.434554

this, please

>> No.434640

Try to fix the cut or buy a larger cat door. If you try making a frame, you're going to need a miter saw or a miter box. It'll be cheaper to just buy a larger cat door.

Also, framing is all in the details. To put bluntly, you'll probably fuck it up.

>> No.434641

For future reference of cutting holes in thing, it's best to mark off where you want to cut, then take masking tape and tape around the lines. If you start cutting the masking tape you need to stop and reassess what the fuck you are doing.

>> No.434643

>mocking interior cat door
has never had to deal with a cat

>> No.434651

>masking tape and tape around the lines
pleb tier

>> No.434653

>drawing pencil lines on something you're not going to repaint
u wot m8?

>> No.434656


what in the bloody fucking hell is an eraser?

these magicker heathens need to burn!

>> No.434657

>cutting on the pencil line
u tarded7?

>> No.434760
File: 120 KB, 618x593, jameyduvall.files.wordpress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to need a bigger hole.

>> No.435117

I would buy a plunge cut saw with guide rail.
Festool TS 55 R
But I'm a crazy tool hoarder.