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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 64 KB, 500x327, hacking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
427536 No.427536 [Reply] [Original]

Hi 4chan. I take a lot of interest in computers and technology, and have recently been looking into coding. I finished a Java course, and thought of what I could move on to, and what could challange me to think, and I came to a conclusion. So what I would like, is a basic guide in hacking. I understand that there are hundreds of different styles and techniques, and that it's not as simple as "This is how you hack". Therefore I would like you to explain your method and/or provide a link to a helpful website, featuring a guide. I would like to use as little external programs as possible, as I want this to be my skill, instead of a computers. Thank you very much for your help.

>> No.427555

hackthissite.org/com/net/cz/cn/il or whatever the fuck it is

>> No.428023

Better get use to linux.

>> No.428026

holy shit man. check it

>> No.428066

The movie Hackers taught me everything I know.

>> No.428068

hackaday for hardware hacking (my personal favorite more on the maker side), and hackthissite.org along with a download of metasploit and backtrack will get you started down the right path and could lead you to a decent computer security job if it keeps your interest

>> No.428121

>hackaday for hardware hacking

>> No.428136
File: 66 KB, 1440x614, angelina_jolie_Hackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd start with the Backtrack Linux distribution and partition it onto a thumb drive to carry around everywhere. I managed to pick up some very basic stuff (cracking, wireless sniffing, etc) from there site and this metalX1000 guy on YouTube. But if you want to do anything more the curve looks pretty steep so I recommend picking up Bash script and intermediate networking books now. I'm no expert or anything, just been looking into this stuff lately.

(Anyone else remember when Angelina Jolie looked like that? I feel old..)

>> No.428146

why is that funny? Hackaday is hardware centric, and they update like every 30 minutes

>> No.428150

whoa 555

OP, If you like programming, you might like micro-controller stuff. Hacking? Boring if you just want to follow in someone else's footsteps.

>> No.428157

It's a great place if you want the latest on connecting LEDs to Arduinos.

>> No.428162


Get on my level brah!

>> No.428170

Hacking isn't something you learn but something you do. Hacking is exploring shit.

>> No.428178

Too broad OP

>> No.429395


the social network


>> No.429414

Hey OP, what do you wanna learn? Do you wanna learn applicative hacking? Web hacking? system/network hacking?

>> No.431597


>> No.431603



>> No.431605

Hacking isn't necessarily a skill.

Hacking is more, exploring a system, or any product to figure out how it works, what it does, how it's set up.

When you learn how it works, you get to the ethical/legal side of things where you may or may not decide to modify it to be more efficient, or to do something bad for you.

given that description, Psychology (studying the human mind to find out how it works) can be considered hacking.

Social engineering can be considered hacking.

finding security loopholes on a server can be considered hacking.

TL;DR hacking is exploration/exploitation.

>> No.431834
File: 156 KB, 323x493, carl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op do you even internet?

>> No.431842

OPs talking about computer's

tl:dr: learn 2 read

>> No.431847


And he was talking about hacking.

l2r my friend.

99.999999% of real life, huge impact successful hacking is done by social engineering.

aka having someone on the inside or finding a disgruntled employee to give you the password/access to what you want.

The super fancy cryptoshit takes waaayy to long.

Man in the middle attacks are easier.

Most cryptohacking is based on hacking the implementation of a system and not the cipher itself.

>> No.431895

newfriend watches too many movies

>> No.431898


>> No.431900


apparently you can crack SHA-256. well good sir, can I have your number?

>> No.431911

I bet you have a twitter account with a matrix background and a name appended with "TheGod".

>> No.431915

I think you replied to the wrong post

>> No.431929


nah, i replied to the right guy.

the weakest link is always the human.

I'll have you know that I have over 300 confirmed twitters although I can currently not locate the passwords for any of them.

>> No.431939


Actually I'd say the opposite. If you think bruteforce cracking is the easy way.. You've watched too many movies...

People are much more easy to break.

>> No.431964


>> No.431971


Yes, and as said before that's not what hacking is really like.

If he's asking how to program or what to program that's different.

Also Java isn't going to do shit if you're looking for something like circumventing copy protection.

>> No.432038

what part do you not understand about his question?

>> No.432040

what part do you not understand about op being a shitty troll/ newfriend?

He probably told by /b/ to ask this

>> No.432050


neway, back to OP's question, BT is probably your best bet for starts. Easiest to run it on a VM. lots of tuts on youtu.be, like the other guy said, the learning curve get pretty steep after that, but if you have the drive, you can pretty much do anything you want with it.

>> No.432067

you're wrong. google java 0-day

>> No.432072

pick up Reversing: The Art of Reverse Engineering, a copy of Ollydbg (free software), and pick a program to bypass copy protection on. Figure out how to do it uisng the book and Ollydbg.

Congrats; you're now a God who understands how the computer's hardware works and halfway to understanding how to bufferpwn someone

>> No.432079

You could always check out the book that you posted the cover art for, useful for an introduction to "hacking" starts from a basic understanding of programing and advances quickly. It is currently in its second addition btw, and comes with a live CD of a modified Ubuntu OS. Explains how to develop binary exploits, find vulnerabilities and write shell code. I read it, and can vouch for its value

>> No.432743

> exploit-db
>google these

>> No.433293

>I would like to use as little external programs as possible, as I want this to be my skill, instead of a computers.

sorry anon, but it's not the 90's anymore. The programs out there are already efficient enough for decent hacking. Great viruses have already been written. Just get yourself a network card capable of packet injection. Hacking is over glorified, especially on 4chan. The reality is it never moves too far past keylogging, DDoS, and cracking. As far as getting a wifi password, just get aircrack and bigass word lists. it's all automated. Want to hack a friend and their accounts? have to have them foolish enough to run an unrecognized exe sent to hem (email most likely) and hope theyre retarded and lack all antivirus protection as you install a keylogger in background and pick up the logs along the way. The biggest breaches nowadays are something as simple as a ceo or higher up employee making their password "password" thus leading to more peoples emails and stupid shit like that. The sites you would really want (bank accounts, western union, paypal) all have security that is breachable but they'll track your ass down as soon as you black hat it and it's rumored all of their security holes are already exposed in the code just to trick you thinking youre breaking in so they can track and arrest you. ATMs are the only place where it'd be monetarily rewarding anymore, but it requires some decent grade portable hardware and a gas station who will you give you 15 minutes of privacy beside the machine.