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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 1.30 MB, 448x2650, room-too-much-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
427077 No.427077 [Reply] [Original]

So I want to do a complete total overhaul of my room. As you can see, I'm accumulated too much shit to the point of being a borderline hoarder.

No matter how much I organize though, it still feels like my room is caving in on me, and I just can't keep putting all my time into organizing this room every second. I'm tired of having to make sure I only turn my chair gently, or else I end up bumping into something and knocking shit over.
So things need to go, and I definitely want to get new furniture, but I also have trouble figuring out what pieces I should get for what stuff I want to keep.

TL;DR I want to redo my entire room, get rid of shit, get new furniture, but don't know where to start. The curtain is my closet btw.

Every single drawer holds clothing, and my closet is also crammed pack full of clothes and shoes. Yet I want to keep all the clothing.
Yes, it sounds like first world problems, but it's come to a point that being in this room just saps your energy away.

I need a more ergonomic room for my job as an illustrator. Yes, I still live at home, but I also just went back to college, so I need this room in the time being until I save up to get my own place.

>> No.427082

Throw some of that shit out or better yet donate it or something if it's usable still

>> No.427087

Plus when it comes to getting rid of the stuff, I'm not exactly sure where to sell it, or who would buy it. When it comes to clothes, I've already donated a lot I didn't want anymore.

I figured also that the stuff I can sell, the profit can go towards the new furniture.

>> No.427092

>throw out every piece of clothing that you haven't worn in the past year.
>pick 2-3 bags throw the rest out
>those shelves above your bed there's nothing of value on them

>> No.427100

>nothing of value on them

I spot some nendos and some animu and Disney collectibles. They could have some value to them. Maybe /toy/ would know.

>> No.427104

>those shelves above your bed there's nothing of value on them

There's a lot of sentimental value stuff on there though.
And yes, I do have a couple of Nendos, some Disney collectibles, and some stuff I got from Comic-con.
I'm definitely getting rid of a lot of stuffed animals though. But I feel guilty because a lot of them were gifts, including the giant Hello Kitty on the bed...

>> No.427105
File: 140 KB, 466x640, 4398222353_476f07f152_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For every item you go through in your room, ask yourself a few questions about the item:

>Why do I want to keep this item?
Does it have functional value, sentimental value or monetary value?

>When was the last time I used this item or even thought about this item?
If you haven't used something in over a year, there's a good chance you won't ever use it. This goes doubly for an item you haven't even thought about.

>How do I benefit from this item?
How does this item make your life better?

After you ask yourself these questions about each item, you can organise them into a few piles which will dictate your next step as to what you do with those items

1. Keep
2. Maybe/Undecided
3. Sell
4. Donate

I'd suggest watching some of those hoarding reality TV shows, they give some great tips about organising a lot of clutter and mess.

>> No.427107


>a lot of them were gifts, including the giant Hello Kitty on the bed

Then perhaps you would be best donating this gift if you feel guilty about selling it or throwing it out.

>> No.427108


>>pick 2-3 bags throw the rest out

You mean the purses? A lot of them were gifts from my shopaholic mom. She has a habit of buying things because they were "an amazing deal" she apparently "couldn't pass up." I try not to accept stuff my her, but I don't want to look ungrateful. A lot of those purses are Coach, Dooney & Burke, etc..

Think those would sell on ebay?

I'd suggest watching some of those hoarding reality TV shows, they give some great tips about organising a lot of clutter and mess.

Oh I've watched a ton of those. I hope I never get to the point of being that severe. I'm not that bad that I can't throw away garbage.

But those are great tips, thanks!

So after getting rid of the shit I don't need, any ideas for what furniture I should toss and/or get? I kinda want to keep the art table and corner table with the laptop on it, but I'd like to get a new bookcase, dresser, bed, etc.

And then it's figuring out where to arrange everything.

>> No.427113

Also it's be cool to find a place to stick a tv, so I could play my video games in here instead of the living room where all my video games and systems are... But that would be pretty impossible I guess if I also want my room to double as my art studio.

>> No.427116

Oh and also books! I want to get rid of a lot o old books I don't read anymore, especially old volumes of manga.
Any place that would buy old books, or should I just donate them to a thrift shop?

>> No.427123


>any ideas for what furniture I should toss and/or get?

As a personal rule, if furniture doesn't have a functional value and is just used to hold things that I may or may not used, it gets tossed.

If I had your room, I would get rid of the laptop desk and go with something simpler (the shelves don't seem to be holding anything useful). I would get rid of the shelves above your desk because they're hard to access.

>> No.427142


It's worth a shot to put anything with $$ value on eBay/craigslist. If they don't sell, then donate.

>> No.427148

>If I had your room, I would get rid of the laptop desk and go with something simpler (the shelves don't seem to be holding anything useful). I would get rid of the shelves above your desk because they're hard to access.

I realized that when I first got it, but unfortunately, it was a graduation gift from my parents. It feels like it would store a lot, yet it doesn't. My printer in underneath my desk and my scanner is between the art table and laptop desk, with a couple of things piled on top of it...

>> No.427151
File: 21 KB, 500x500, micke-corner-workstation__0132756_PE287624_S4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of the actual desk from ikea

But yeah, it's kinda awkward to tell them "oh hey, this desk is actually not very functional" after they shipped it over here and set it up for me. So I've tried to use it to the best of my advantage.

>> No.427162


I'm gonna armchair psychologist a bit and say that it sounds like the real barrier to having a clean room is your parents and the pressures you feel from your relationships.

Have you mentioned to your parents that you want to minimize the stuff in your room?

>> No.427165

Throw all that shit out

>> No.427170

>Have you mentioned to your parents that you want to minimize the stuff in your room?

Yes, and they tell me "do whatever the hell you want". But then when I say "okay, well the desk I have is all wrong for me" they go "...but we just got you that desk."

Or the fact my mom doesn't stop buying things because "this is a very valuable expensive item I got for cheap, how CAN you not get it? You'll find use for it."

>> No.427172

And then I'll feel guilty about getting rid of said item, because I'm afraid it won't sell, and if it doesn't and I just donate it or toss it, I feel like I wasted money and a good intention.

>> No.427174


>Yes, and they tell me "do whatever the hell you want".

Organise and declutter all the stuff first then focus on getting rid of the furniture when you get to it.

> "this is a very valuable expensive item I got for cheap, how CAN you not get it? You'll find use for it."

That's when you resell all the junk she gets you; You're finding a use for it after all!

May I ask how old you are?

>> No.427176


You're not wasting money, your mom is wasting money. You're trying to recuperate the costs. I know it's hard to see past the good intentions that your mother has, but some of the worst things happen with good intentions.

>> No.427180

Nobody has said tits or GTFO yet? diy, I am proud.

>inb4 guy with pink shit and 25 purses

>> No.427183

>May I ask how old you are?

...23. Yes I know my room doesn't reflect it. Which is why I want to do a total makeover.
Unless I manage to find my dream career job overnight and move out, but that's not happening anytime soon.

Something more sophisticated but still with some cutesy and artsy elements to it. I'm also a comic book/Disney/video game fan, so I still want to keep some of my most valuable collectibles. There's definitely a lot of old anime stuff in here I want to get rid of though.

>> No.427186


As you're 23, it really is time to set some boundaries with your parents. I know you're living under their house (possibly rent-free) and it's their rules, etc. But you can't be their little girl forever.

>> No.427190

I figure this would be relevant to this thread so I guess I will post here. I have a bunch of books and plan to either sell all my things and go to college, or travel the country until I get tired of it (I have a way to live on pretty much just the cost of food.)

Anyway, I really like these books, and dont want to lug them around, or pay for storage, and dont really like digital stuff. What do?

>> No.427191

>As you're 23, it really is time to set some boundaries with your parents.

Oh I'm well aware. I've told them numerous times, but it doesn't stop them from performing their actions. It's mostly my mom really, not my dad.

Hell my mom still buys stuff for my older sisters that have moved out and married with kids, and they also complain that they need to stop buying and giving them things.

>> No.427194
File: 1.31 MB, 3008x2000, book-off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again. I live in the NYC area, and there's a bookstore in Manhattan called Book-Off that buys books, movies, video games, cds, etc... Anyone have experience selling things there and if it's a good idea?

>> No.427196


You could make steady money reselling your mom's purchases.

>> No.427197


Give them a call and tell them what you've got and how much you would get for them.

>> No.427209

>Hopefully Female looking at the room
>Get married
>Buy house
>More Space
>Room for more shit

>> No.427251
File: 693 KB, 448x2650, room advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my advice, OP. You really need to store or donate things you aren't using, even if it's sentimental. I'm sure you remember how much fun you had with this stuff when you were young, if you gave it to a young relative, she could make new memories with this stuff too.

>> No.427255
File: 140 KB, 550x828, 601981_230534950405147_1512704496_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but topic related.

Im almost the oposite of OP, i got a room that has like nothing in it, i wanna give a cool look like the one in this picture. I moved alone to a wood house in a beach, so i wanna make my room cozy.

Im taking some pictures tomorrow, can someone help me showing how i do those lanterns? They look awesome!

Also, can i get some more pictures of rooms with a similar design as of this one?

>> No.427293
File: 32 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mauhzx5R431rsase0o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP.

I used to have my room just like you for years and years, except 100x more messy because I was a fucking pig. I got my shit together about a year ago.

get two bins, the big plastic 30 gallon ones, and a big trashcan. Seperate the things into the bins based on
>what can i get rid of goes in this bin
>What I want to keep goes in this bin
>broken/useless/trash goes in the trash bin

further seperate the bins. Things in the "get rid of bin" can be seperated into "donate" "sell".
Items in the "keep" bin can be separated into "store" and "display".

This was my room a few months back, I recently god rid of everything except my desk (which doubles for my sewing table), I even threw out my mattress (though ill be replacing it with a smaller one soon)

It may seem pretty extreme but it feels SO good to not live in my own filth anymore. Fuck my parents for teaching and allowing me to live like a slob.

>> No.427302

Huh, that room has no open space. Just looking at it makes me feel claustrophobic.

>> No.427305

>guys my room is full of shit
>how fix
Gee, have you considered getting rid of your shit?

>> No.427311

"have i used this in the past six months?"
if not, then donate it. It might help to think of these items as COSTING you money since they are taking up space you would otherwise be making use of.

>> No.427323
File: 366 KB, 800x536, The Clutter Monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've got the same kind of room, and it's a constant hassle. What I've learned so far;

What keeps me from getting rid of these things is not their intrinsic value, it's not even their potential value: it's their symbolic value. My room is like a map of my mind. If I had a better organized room, it would be a map of a better organized mind.

getting rid of things isn't really about owning less stuff for me, it's about creating new space and opening up more time so I can do and have different things.

My advice is don't worry so much about getting rid of this stuff permanantly, you're still young and you may decide this stuff defines you for another decade, which would be fine. Just get it out of sight. put it in boxes, in storage, out of the way, then come back in a year and see if it means something different.

The goal is not to have less stuff, the goal should be a room that reflects your personality. Only the things that affirm your self image should be visible. Everything else should be tucked out of the way.

A loft bed or a reverse loft can gain a lot of space.

Consider changing the furniture arrangement to shift the way you use the room. You can get a lot of good ideas just from a fresh viewpoint.

Good luck! i hope you find a more comfortable object count.

>> No.427343

I like it, not fancy but its clean and neat, im so over clutter in my life, in terms of actual things and general complications, i want basic, go to work, go to sleep, go to work etc, im working towards it.

>> No.427346

>shelves hanging right above my head as I sleep
>bags on top of bags on top of bags
>navigating through large amounts crud for basic tools at the mirror
>blank white spots everywhere
>labtop pretending its a pc
>like 20 uncomfortable looking stuffed animals on the bed
This room is the stuff nightmares are made from

>> No.427358

This. OP needs to get rid of a load of stuff, or put it in storage or something. This room is a clusterfuck of nightmares for any male who ever goes in there (assuming OP is female&straight)

Easiest way is to keep one bag on hand for EDC, one bag spare for fancier shit, then the rest get flatpacked into storage tubs and put in an attic/basement etc. You won't even notice once they're gone.

Clothing, same shit. A monthly set of outfits (so top-whack, 28 tshirts, pants, underwear, dresses etc) and anything else gets flatpacked into storage crates.

Shoes, should only ever have three pairs; Work shoes, EDC shoes, fancy shoes. Everything else should be storaged.

Thinking about it, i'm gonna apply this to my own room now. Fuck, mine is worse than that. but then, mine is mostly tools/overalls/computer parts/random shit that i stole while drunk/bits of iron&steel etc.

>> No.427395
File: 153 KB, 930x619, 5351356172_71349362a3_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post. This so much.

Instead of tossing the stuff, find a way to incorporate it into the room in a creative way. Just check out what people who have stylish "otaku" bedrooms do.

Then again, those people probably also have bigger sized rooms

>> No.427396

The white frames were photos/images that were photoshopped out because it reveals my identity.

The stuff with stars on it in the corner by the window was my sweet 16 signing board...

>> No.427398

>Shoes, should only ever have three pairs;

Haha, you're not a woman are you.

>> No.427408

> Just check out what people who have stylish "otaku" bedrooms do.
They do things like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XStTAiiwDEw

>> No.427409

The point i'm making, is to reduce clutter and bullshit, put all your other shoes into storage. You can still get them, wear them, own them, but they're not filling your room

>> No.427474
File: 40 KB, 550x366, 1302655855979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a sweet 16 signing board?
That sounds gay. Also you are 23, now. Just sayin', it's kind of adding to the clutter, especially since it's shoved between a window and your dresser. Maybe you should find storage for a lot of this stuff. It all means something to you, obviously, but your room is not an attic. Your room is where you need to get shit done. You have an art easel, but there's so much shit around it and so much stuff piled up to the walls that you can't even display your work.

I had the same problem, OP. I had a lot of fucking fiddly shit, dolls, plushies, a bell collection of all things. It sucked, especially in a small room. What I did was carefully pack everything and put it in a spare closet. My mom was similar to yours in the sense that she didn't want me to just get rid of any of the stuff for sentimental reasons, so she was fine with me storing it "for later".

What I suggest is this. Go around your room, systematically from one wall all the way across to the next and so on, and sort everything into three categories: "utter shit", "sentimental, but useless/archaic", or "useful/reflects my style". Throw away/donate the utter shit. store the sentimental stuff, and reorganize the stuff you find useful or stylish.

If you want I can dump some rooms that are kawaii as fuck.

>> No.427477
File: 250 KB, 1100x754, 1302656379310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bear with me on some of the ultra girly rooms. I got most of these from /cgl/ and a lot were "lolita inspired" rooms. I promise there's a couple sleek/cool/elegant ones in here.

>> No.427478
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>> No.427479
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>> No.427483
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I'll try to limit my dump to tiny looking rooms, but one or two big ones may escape jsyk.

>> No.427487
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>> No.427488
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>> No.427490
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>cut silhouette out of paper
>stick into lamp
>disney theme!

>> No.427491
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>> No.427494
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>> No.427497
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>> No.427500
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I forgot to ask, how big is your room? What are the measurements?

Do your parents own or rent? If they own, you can do more things with your space if you really feel like investing some time, money and work. Of course, you don't have to knock down walls or anything if you don't want to.

>> No.427501
File: 95 KB, 467x700, 1302737826589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddammit, that was a sewing room picture. I really need to organize.

Also, I personally swear by captain's beds. I have one that I have from what used to be a bunk bed. The top bed's frame had legs that raise the mattress about 24 inches off the ground. I put a bunch of little bookshelves on wheels and that's where all my vidya is.

>> No.427502
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>> No.427503
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>> No.427506
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>> No.427504
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>> No.427507
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>> No.427509
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>> No.427512
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>> No.427514
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>> No.427515
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hidden storage: always a good idea.

>> No.427518
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Running out of small rooms, I'm just gonna post at random now.

>> No.427525
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>> No.427526
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>> No.427529
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>> No.427532
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>> No.427537
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>> No.427543
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>> No.427546
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>> No.427550
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>> No.427552
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I used to have similar problems, mostly due to the fact I get way too attached to inanimate objects. I feel terrible at the idea of tossing things, or them going somewhere they won't be looked after.

Mostly I now deal but not buying anything new I do not need (no trinkets, stuffed animals) but what may be useful to you is sorting, a lot. Not just once but regularly go through everything you have. At least once a year take everything down, go through every drawer, every box, and sort.

Make sure everything you own has a logical place and your room may be packed, but it will feel so much better to be in there. Cleanliness is not just a lack of items, but having those items tidy.

>> No.427558
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>> No.427559

I read the first sentence then looked at picture. My advice, sell or donate everything. With the reduceddollar amount, rebuy everything, only keep what inspires you. This will tell youwhat you need and want to do with your room

>> No.427560
File: 215 KB, 640x2083, 1319496939919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average /jp/ user's room.jpg
I jest. Although, perhaps a more minimalistic approach would be good for you, OP, especially since you're thinking of working out of your room. Stuff is distracting.

>> No.427562
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>> No.427566
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>> No.427576
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>> No.427580
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>> No.427584
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Alright, I'm running low. I think I'm gonna go clean my room.

>> No.427616
File: 34 KB, 1300x632, room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

restructuring my bachelor pad

bed is suspended on some hefty steel closed hooks.

under the bed support is a perfboard with inserted LEDs so the bed acts as a lamp when up.

the whole thing is held up by a massive horn cleat mounted to the wall.

the chair is stored in the cleat recess when the bed is down, or maybe I'll jsut roll it into the kitchen. IDK yet.

>> No.427762

>still living with parents
I feel your pain. I too, am looking for a better job so I can move out.

>> No.427769

so, I like the raised bed idea, BUT...
you probably don't want to be using a single cleat to hold all of your weight, PLUS the weight of the bed/frame PLUS any sleeping companion
Unless the frame rests on the ground at night, and is just raised out of the way during the day? Then I guess that would work fine.

>> No.427781
File: 26 KB, 806x707, bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless the frame rests on the ground at night, and is just raised out of the way during the day?

that's the Idea. hence the pulley system (I guess it's not really apparent in the diagram)

>PLUS any sleeping companion

ain't no academic got time fo' dat!

>> No.427831

Isn't that the girl's room from Labyrinth?

>> No.427840

Uh...what manga? I might be interested.

>> No.427849


This so much. When I was still living with my parents every year or two, I'd go through my shelves and put shit I no longer cared about into a box to put into storage. I haven't really thought about the vast majority of it in ages (a lot of it was shitty manga I bought when I was a teenager) and I'd probably donate it or sell it if I had access to it now.

If you have the option I'd definitely try doing something like that, especially with items you feel like you don't really need, but feel guilty of getting rid of. Even if you don't end up getting rid of them later, it'll give you some space to sort things out and decide what you really want/need. Assuming you have access to a storage space that is.

>> No.427862
File: 36 KB, 540x540, death lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knows OP is 23, posts a picture of a room that's meant for a teenager

>> No.427885

Lots of shoujo stuff.

I mean, it's funny, a lot of the manga I haven't read for years, I tell myself I'm gonna get rid of it right? But then when I go through the books, I finding myself reading them and going "fuck I can't get rid of this, I forgot how entertaining it was".
Put book back, 3 years later, rinse, repeat. There's definitely some books I want to get rid of that I definitely don't care for anymore, like Fushigi Yuugi, Vampire Knight, Full Moon Wo Sagashite, D.Gray-man, Fullmetal Alchemist (last two is because I just lost track). But I have others series that I loved too much like Full Metal Panic!, Death Note, Ouran High School Host Club, Magic Knight Rayearth, etc, that I'm on the fence about selling.
I tried to see if maybe my 10-year old niece would be interested in taking my Magic Knight Rayearth books, but she didn't show much interest.

>> No.427901
File: 220 KB, 640x464, 6776844126_428077e507_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

These have definitely got to be my favorite. I don't want something SUPER girly, but I would love to go with something lolita...ish.

But I do like the geeky-inspired rooms too like

At this point I just want something clean and neat. My dream room is, if I want to go with a more girly, lolita style, maybe painting my walls either lavender. Or, for something more sophisticated, elegant and cozy, maybe orange. I find that orange walls in a bedroom make the room as a whole more.. warmer? Better than bright white walls. It could also be because of my overhead lighting. I also hope to get rid of my overhead lamp and instead put floor lamps in the corners.

Basically, if you check out what a hotel room in the Taj Mahal hotel looks like, I want something like that, but still incorporate an art studio and some collectibles representing my interests.

>> No.427911

Problem is though, my carpet is blue. Like a somewhat darker... cerulean blue. Don't know how well that would go with orange or lavender walls.

>> No.427915
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I also have children's rooms.

>> No.427924
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>be an adult
>find that fucking adorable

>> No.427938
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Me too.
>You will never be a little girl, playing in a kawaii room

>> No.427942


hey, now that is fucking creepy.

>> No.427948
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More like depressing.
>tfw ugly and old and no gf no future etc.

On topic, orange is a really polarizing color, and a bad color for a small room imo. You could like it at first, but if you don't fucking LOVE orange, you are going to get tired of it very fast. Also, cerulean + orange sounds like it'll wear on the eyes.

A lavender could work better, depending on the shade. Go to your local home depo or lowes or whatever and take some of the color swatches that they have sitting out to take for free. Put them on your wall, and look at them throughout the day, and in artificial light. See which one you like the most. Pick up some other colors that you think you may like along with lavender. It may turn out you'll like a green or blue instead.

>> No.427950

>What's a sweet 16 signing board?
just sayin
that's a pretty fucking stupid question

>> No.427955

I don't know what that is. I'm serious.
I assume it's a piece of paper with an ugly picture and stars on it from the picture.

What, do people just write their names on it or something? What's the point? I don't know these things. I never had a sweet 16, or any birthday celebration other than cake.

>> No.427954

A nice looking room, god awful to have a child grow up in
gonna make em all kindsa whack
mother who makes this room clearly going to be dressing their child from 1 to 18

>> No.427958

I meant that the name of it tells you exactly what it is, explicitly and implicitly. I've never even heard of it before this thread and I can tell you exactly what it is
think yearbook
but when you're 16
sweet 16 is like a reality television huge event. It's like a pretty stereotypical pop culture thing that everyone knows about in america even if its not done anymore on television. Made fun of in current shows all the time, and sometimes movies. Mainly big because that's the age you can have a driver's license. can't think of any other reason, anyways. (the reality shows would often have a rich dad giving a crazy expensive car, usually blue, to their daughter for their sweet 16 after a massive party)
But anyways
sweet 16 is a big year in a little girlie lifie
signing board is for signing
its a signature-based record of all the friends you had when you hit your first big event of your lifetime
like a yearbook on the senior year of high school

>> No.427960
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I've never had a yearbook, either. All of what you said is completely foreign to me. I've never watched reality tv stuff, but this whole thing sounds like a humongous waste of resources.

>> No.427962

Why the fuck are you typing like that?

>> No.427965

faggottron syndrome

>> No.428006

makes my point seem bigger
buffer, more masculine

>> No.428154
File: 42 KB, 300x402, signinboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet 16 is a coming-of-age party for girls (well mostly girls, guys are doing it too apparently as of late). The girl has a party that can either be casual, formal, or semi-casual, and can range from just celebrating it at home with family and friends, or having a large affair complete with a fancy dress, DJ, dance floor, etc.
Traditions usually involve a candle-lighting ceremony, father-daughter dance, video montage, etc.

A signing board is just a board that's left at the entrance where friends and family sign their names, and write messages like "Wishing you all the best!" or "You've grown into such a beautiful young lady" "I love you and best wishes for the future", sentimental bullshit, etc.

But the board itself is usually decorated in different ways.

The Latinas have a similar party called a Quinceañera, but it's when you turn 15

>> No.428156

...you must not live in America do you?

Or how the hell do you attend school and not receive a yearbook?

>> No.428160

>but this whole thing sounds like a humongous waste of resources

It's similar to a Bar Mitzvah, but without the religious aspects and more for 16-year old girls.

You could easily say any party of any kind is a humongous waste of resources. Or anything that doesn't help human society in any way, like toys or collectibles, or ART is a waste of resources.

The people who help make those sweet 16s, like decorate the signing boards, or table decorations, are getting paid for it because that's their job. The DJs get paid, the catering hall gets paid. It's a business.

>> No.428168

That's a badass chick's room. I'm a guy and that room would probably add 2 points out of 10 to the owner.

>> No.428181

I never did a sweet 16 or a Quinceañera either.

Birthdays are just my excuse to buy treats and wear a toy crown all day.

>> No.428182

:\ I don't have a high school yearbook either. Not all schools are equally large or wealthy. For example, my high school had no sports and you could only get a school letterman jacket if you won a good place in large regional academic competitions.

>> No.428187

No no, not resources like metals or paper.
Resources, as in what the parents are spending on their kids, just for a party. Who has the money to do that in this economy? Why aren't they saving that for their college or car or braces or a computer or something a 16 year old would need?

>> No.428193

Any excuse to throw a big party.

These kinds of things will be less important in the future.(in the US) So-called 'millenials' don't give a fuck about rites of passage. Maybe this is the nature of college, but a lot of people I know simply don't do anything for birthdays, let alone have a party.

>> No.428197

>lel saving for college when a BA or BSc has the same value as a high school diploma

>> No.428202

>not spending just 2 more years as an RA or TA and getting an MS in something worthwhile
what are you, some kind of faggot?

>> No.428203

OP here. I think that room out of all of them is my favorite, and is sort of similar to what I want for a room. Clean, organized, but a good mix of stylish and cutesy.

I'd love to get a loft bed, but I have a fear of it collapsing, or rolling off the edge while sleeping.

>> No.428208

As someone who has done loft beds before, you get used to being in the air. Most have little bars that you can put on the side to keep yourself from rolling off. Unless you're a hamplanet you're not going to make it collapse. My fiance and I used to fuck on it all the time and it wouldn't even wiggle the frame.

However, you want to get a NICE loft, and not a flimsy cheap one. I like the ones out of wood personally.

The only problem I had was that I kept hitting my head on it when I would get up from my desk. If you can find a way to prevent that, or put cushioning on the bottom of it or something, then you should be good.

>> No.428224


the faggoterst of them all

>master of arts in creative writing

>> No.428242

That's a bookstore in Porto, Portugal, I've been there.
Why is this in a room thread? Because it's cluttered?

>> No.428244

I think it was just posted for inspiration...?

>> No.428247
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my room looks pretty cluttered and that's not an example
Maybe someone can help me, I'm moving out soon and I can't let go of my useless shit
Shelves are worse than this, bed and closet are ok

>> No.428248
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Because I am unorganized.
Have another that shouldn't really be in here.

>> No.428251

(I've read a bit of the thread, but I can't be bothered with all of it.)

Decide what you want out of the space. You want things on every wall? Do you want a minimalist design? Make decisions based on that design.

Get rid of things you don't use/like, and don't hold onto things based on guilt or feelings of obligation.
A lifetime ago I bought a dragon statue, because I thought it looked cool. That lead to years of people buying me shitty Asian inspired art, and because I thought I owed these people something, it all went up in my room. It lead to an environment that didn't reflect my interests and I didn't enjoy being in. It was while I was trying o figure out where to place yet another piece that I didn't like and was purchased without my input it dawned on me that all of it was BS. I took all of that stuff down and didn't take long for everyone to stop buying me stuff like that. You want your mom to stop buying you things, stop taking them. Put everything you don't want in a box and give it back to her. She argues/guilts at you, you give it back.

Invest in furniture that serves with both form and function.
Bed that looks super cool but takes up way too much space and offers nothing else versus a bed that works in the space and offers storage capabilities. The former might look good, but you have blocked off a section of the room that can not be used for anything else. If it only does one thing, it's not doing enough.

If all else fails, pretend that your moving. That should help you prioritize your things.

>> No.428252

Also, invest in good furniture. Plywood and plastic fail a lot faster than hard wood, glass and metal.

>> No.428265
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Another room inspiration. Her name's Carisse Iris, a blogger who also happens to be 23.

>> No.428269


>i work in furniture manufacture
>everything i own is solid timber of some description
>all my friends ask me why my furniture lasts so long when theirs barely lasts a year
>because i don't look at price, i look at materials + build quality. Dicks

>> No.428272
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>> No.428273

So basically, fuck Ikea

>> No.428275
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Plus she's cute as hell

>> No.428280


Polite sage for shitpost

>> No.428283

This this this.

I DIY's my own PC table 10...15 years ago. I'm using it right now. It is solid lumber construction, just cheap ass pine, but nothing is wrong with it. On the other hand, all my friends, with the exception of 1 has replaced their PC desks with regularity. The one exception uses a 130 year old hardwood desk. The rest are MDF whores.

>> No.428284

>barely lasts a year

how is this even possible? BS much?

>> No.428288

We're all really heavy handed people, and have a nasty habit of dropping axes/sledgehammers/machetes etc on our desks. Which is why i made mine out of 2-inch pitch pine

>> No.428289

So normal everyday use in a bedroom then.
Carry on.

>> No.428292

For me, yeah. I live at home with parents, i don't have somewhere to store my tools.

>> No.428317

do you not watch like any tv though, these are pretty often-referred to pop culture things

>> No.428328

this is the closest thread I have seen to interior design on 4chan. I hope to see more. thanks guys!

>> No.428383
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I think tucked away bed are charming and seem to be a great way to save space.

>> No.428387


would be cool if you could somehow stow books on the ceiling while still being able to read the spines and easily accessible.



>> No.428405

I haven't watched TV for like, a decade. Anything that I want to watch I watch online.
Seriously, how old are you that you still watch cable TV?

I cannot stress this enough. Especially with things like bookshelves or other things that are going to be supporting a lot of weight and potentially kill you if they break.

>> No.428427

I really want to get the opportunity to handmake a chair and computer desk set up.

It would be a fully reclined chair and the monitors would be attached to a strong metal swivel arm and would lay horizontal.
Then when not in use I could swing the arm back to keep the monitors out of the way or even flip them to a vertical position.
Lots of metal, leather, probably wood desktop thought.

>> No.428434

how about a see through "wall" where you can slide the left and right to make the desired opening for your book to fall out?

Quick, someone patent my idea as their own.

>> No.428437

that would not work very well.
If anything you would have vertical drawers above with latches to keep them securely closed.

>> No.428446


Eh, not all Ikea stuff is shit. You just have to know what to look for. They have some solid wood pieces that are really quite nice for the price. I don't know what people are always saying about Ikea furniture just falling apart though. I've had some Ikea shit for 6+ years that I've disassembled and reassembled multiple times and even dragged across the country and it's still fine. I mean, obviously their shitty $25 bookshelves that look like they're going to fall apart on the showroom floor are a bad idea. But if you can't afford much else, just don't be an idiot about what pieces you select and follow the damn directions when you put it together.

>> No.428458

I would go through that room with a fuckin blowtorch OP. Sentimental shit is garbage, total dust collectors. Especially stuffed animals and poster boards signed by a bunch of people you'll forget in 2 years.

Throw 90% of that crap away, don't even try to sell. Just shitcan it.

>> No.428501


how about, how about...

books made out of solid helium

so they stick to the ceiling..

>> No.428507
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How about you make the ceiling out of metal, and place strong magnets on the books?

>> No.428510


strong metal...

like diamons, you're right!

>> No.428519

straight to the point

>> No.428627
File: 238 KB, 821x616, phoenixwright-figures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blowtorching my precious Phoenix Wright figures

Y-you monster!