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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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425777 No.425777 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder to buy a $30 hair clipper, spend an afternoon to cut your hair, and never pay for a hair cut again


I have been cutting my own hair for 3 years, feels good man.

>> No.425846

12 years of diy cutting here.

In those 12 years I've spend a grand total of 3.5£ on getting it cut, I forgot to bring my machine on a trip to Wales.

>> No.425856

I did this for 4 or 5 years, then I got sick of having either a shaved head or a passable-at-best fade or something equally simple. These days, a friend of a friend gives me a discount at her salon and cuts my hair waaaay better than I ever could myself.

>> No.425872

but I like my semi long hair and don't mind spending $56 a year on my hair

>> No.426331

bought my own razor, saved 10 dollars every 2 weeks and hair care products last for much longer now.

If it's not your thing, alright, just keep in mind that you're talking a few hundred dollars a year on just your hair.

>> No.426339

Look for thinning shears. the slicing edge has long nicks out of it, so it only cuts half the hair snipped. Good for....thinning. Makes the trim more natural looking.
Look at Wal Mart or equivalent. Beauty supply places charge $40, Wal Mar charged $8.

>> No.426346

Few hundred dollars?

Shit, son, i spend a grand total of £25/yr on my hair normally. that's a six-monthly trim. Every twelve months i shave it off, which costs nothing