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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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42129 No.42129 [Reply] [Original]

Remember that guy that was asking how to lift a car without a jack because his steering wheel was shaking from a curb jump mistake? That's me. I'm that guy. And the amateur armchair mechanics on /diy/ poked fun (to downplay the acidity) and claimed all manner of high cost outrageous undercarriage permanent damage instead of helping with the actual request. Well, it 404'd before I could feed back what I learned.

First, it was a bent rim. Suck on that, extreme pessimists. Second, apparently there was a jack hidden underneath the trunk space in the car. Except it was missing its handle which was nowhere in the car so that's useless. I did find a bit of hypodermic needle, though, and I'm both glad a cop had never found it and really hoping the guy who owned this before was just a diabetic. Pays to be positive. Third, here's how you get around a jack problem and switch a bent rim tire to the back.

If you have scrap wood sitting around, cut one edge into a wedge. Start forcing this wedged bit under the lip of the car, midway between wheels, using kicks, gumption, shoves, and a rubber mallet to get the wood pieces under. Increasingly larger stacks force the car upward. Just go high enough to get both wheels up off the ground or you might get way too enthusiastic and tip the bitch over. Remember to have the E-brake engaged while you do all of this so it will hold tires on firm while you unbolt etc. Move the tire away from whatever part is the "drive." FWD, bent rim goes to back. RWD, tire goes to front. AWD? Guess you're fucked, mister redundancy.

Anyway, passing this knowledge along in case it ever helps someone else. I'm going to scout around tomorrow for a new rim or just bite the bullet and spend a mess of poorfag money on a jack and a rim.

>> No.42156

/o/ would help.


Also you're an idiot

>> No.42174 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 478x315, 1314405568712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's how to do it yourself
>Go to /o/!

Just goes to show that every single board, no matter how small, new, or slow, will have retarded tripfags that feel no shame about not reading even the first post.

>> No.42188

yeah my filter has basically doubled in the last two weeks because of all the retards trying to stake their claim to name on this board

>> No.42189
File: 89 KB, 2079x1814, Jackscrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honorable gumption but this just sounds crazy. if you have a normal jack as pictured you just put a metal rod in the hole on the left, and use that rod to twist the screw and raise it

>> No.42216

>I did find a bit of hypodermic needle
>Pays to be positive

not if it's AIDS we're talking about

>> No.42249

This is the single most retarded thing I've heard in awhile, I wonder how badly you bent up the pinch rail on your car. Why wouldn't you just beg a jack off of someone else if it was that big of a deal? and furthermore this isn't o so fucking go to o or I don't know, be a fucking man and learn how to maintain your vehicle properly, which includes making sure there is a properly inflated spare tire in the car along with the necessary tools to change a tire.

>> No.42262


>Jack hidden underneath the trunk space...

That's where all jacks are you fucking retard. Also jacking a car up without an actual fucking jack is pretty god damn stupid. Curb hopping mistake? You deserve to have your license revoked. I'm a mechanic and I would sterilize you if I knew where you were. Next time take your car to a shop since you're a pansy-assed faggot that has no idea how automobiles work. Better yet, ask /o/ next time. They'll be even harsher than me.

>> No.42270

Oh, boy. Time for the charlatans to get their rage-on going and make fools of themselves.

>> No.42271 [DELETED] 

..or you just go to a wrecking yard (especially the Pick 'N Pull types), and pay $10 for a used OEM jack and not potentially annihilate yourself trying to shove bits of wood under your car to jack it up.

Here's a protip for everyone paying attention: "DIY" doesn't mean "Do it all yourself regardless of how many multiples more it will cost you in money and time to do it that way". You have to be smart about these things. If you're in the middle of nowhere and it's MacGyver a way out of the situation, then by all means get creative about it, and if it's your life in the balance then time and money are irrelevant if you have no other options. But if you can ring up one of your mates and borrow a jack from him, or pop down to the local wrecking yard or store and pick up what you need to get the job done, then that's what you do. If you're such a poorfag that you can't go buy even cheap things and are forced to make do with what you have on hand, then I feel for you, son, and good luck to you in that. But beyond those sorts of extremes, nobody is keeping track of points, this is not a competition; you're trying to get a job done. Efficiency counts because your time is not worth nothing, or if you think it is then I'm here to tell you that it IS worth something. I'd rather spend $20 on something that will save me half a day than save the $20 and waste that half day fucking around.

>> No.42291

I'm not in a place where I can drop $15 gas, $10 jack, $40 rim hither and thither. I would have if I could have. Hassle is to be avoided and that's why we live with modern comforts.

>> No.42317


>modern comforts

What the fuck are you even talking about. I don't even know you and I hate you

>> No.42321

the point here is that it really wasn't necessary for you to do any of that, you could have lived with the vibration until you found a jack, it would not have screwed anything up, it would just be annoying. What you did was dangerous, and stupid. If I had no money whatsoever and I had a non- working jack, I would have asked 100 people if I could borrow their jack before I tried something totally retarded, that could injure or kill me and damage my vehicle.
>Can't grasp that he and millions of other people have no business touching a wrench or going near a vehicle
>doesn't know when to go back to /b/

>> No.42332

What did you use to take off the lug nuts? The lug nut wrench is the same as the handle to make the jack work.

>> No.42335

I've changed a good few rear wheels with no jack at all.
Only tool use was a spanner for the nuts.

inb4 hoist.

See if you can work it out.

>> No.42342

double 11's

>> No.42351

Look on the underside of the hood for the jack handle.

>> No.42402

Go to a scrap yard they will give you a handle to your jack. Retard.

>> No.43868

Thank you optomystic and helpful anon.

thank you indeed.

>> No.44082

i once saw my dad change the wheel on a car without a jack. he literally removed the wingmirror on the opposite side of the car, put a load of blankets and quilts down on the opposite side and rolled the car onto it's side. could have led to problems if he hadn't worked in a pit and thusly knew about supporting things properly. Lucky for him he had a friend to help lower the car back to it's correct orientation.