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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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41517 No.41517 [Reply] [Original]

1. Read pic
2. Study available tools
3. How would you handle this situation?

>> No.41545

I'm an industrial engineer so I'd probably just cry for a bit, wonder the direction my life has gone since I am now currently working as a clown and locked in a basement, then kill myself with the lawn mower.

>> No.41561

1) empty rock-salt glass
2) fill said glass with fuel from the jerrycan on the board (or the lighter fluid or gas from the mower´s tank)
3) rip of pieces of duct tape (made from polymer, styrofoam would be best) and drown them into the fuel-filled glass till the tape shreds won´t dissolve anymore and the mixture has a honey constistence - - - -> Napalm
4)remove push-rod from tire pump
5) Mix super.glue and fuel 1:1
6) add additional duct-tape flakes but not too many
7) use pliers in the background to remove the rope starter of the mower
8) remove hose from pump, put cables from starter into hole and seal with tape
9) put about a shot-glas full of superglue/fuel/polymer into the pump-pipe
10) add a handfull of rock salt.
11) adjust pipe with business end facing the door knob and fix it there (tape it to lawn mower)
12) pull the starter rope, the starter will ignite the mixture, the mixture explodes, will shoot out the rock salt, salt will hit door knowb/lock and rip it away.
13) take the napalm, spill it over the canvas
14) use either battery or starter (if it survived) to ignite the canvas.
15) set room on fire and escape while bad guys try to prevent their house from burning to the ground

>> No.41567

Retard mode:

Take gardening shears, hide under stairs. Activate lawnmower. When punk comes down to investigate, clip heel with shears. Repeat if possible.

>> No.41569

I'd sniff that glue.

>> No.41572

1.disassemble lawnmower, hand-mount blades, strap battery to hip and power the blades with it.
2.use pruner to cut open door lock
3.kill enemies with rotating handheld lawnmower blades

You could probably light them on fire, too.

Details are unimportant.

>> No.41574

/diy/ - Great Clown Escapes

>> No.41575


i think you would suffocate to death due to harmful gases and i think the bad guys would just gtfo leaving the prisoner behind

>> No.41579

What MacGuyver would do

What any sane person would do

What 4chan would do

>> No.41580

theres enough shit in there to make bombs, flamethrowers, blades and lots more.

>> No.41582

Only problem is if you opened half the shit in there you would probably pass out and die from poor ventilation.

>> No.41587

that wont work.

>> No.41595

ohh wow, you dont know much do you?

>> No.41600

so my understanding, the criminals walk down the stairs with him, then throw him in a room, then hes alone with the stuff. the criminals says "you both" so i guess the clown is not alone, maybe they killed his friend and threw the clown in the basement.

that means he was placed in a room thats within the basement...

anyway id probably just try to physically break the door down cause it looks pretty brittle while bringing the shears as a weapon to fight back. id take off my big clown shoes because i probably cant run or fight very well with them on.

>> No.41605

Got a better idead friend?

>> No.41608

Remove blade from lawnmower

It's a wooden door in a stone room. Douse door in fuel, light with battery. Cover self on floor with canvas soaked in the mineral water until door is gone.

Go kick some ass with my lawnmower blade. That's not a knife, THIS is a knife.

>> No.41610

yea, KISS

keep it simple, stupid. murphys laws will rape the fuck out of your idea.

>> No.41612

the canvas soaked in mineral water will boil and burn you even worse.

>> No.41617

How remove the blade? At MY mower, the blade is fixed with a huge screw. I can´t see any wrench in there.

>> No.41620

Ok, ok, with that in mind:

1) grab the battery
2) start lawn mower
3) wait behind door till bad guy arrives
4) crush his fucking skull with the battery, catch his gun and escape, kill anyone who´s in your way


>> No.41621
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>huff the glue
>put bike pump in my ass
>duct tape all other holes shut but my mouth
>drink all the water and eat all the salt
>tape mouth shut
>dump lighter fluid on canvas
>wrap myself in the canvas and tape it to myself
>wait till I'm about to explode from all the water/salt
>put metal part of clippers over the terminals of battery
>tape it there, and tape the whole thing to myself
>while that is heating up, pump myself full of air with the bike pump
>die in an explosion of fire water and blood


>> No.41624

break it off, they are fairly brittle, but you would need your entire body weight, and if your some emo hipster faggot weak bitch you wont be able to do that.

>> No.41626

Smash the soil stack open with the car battery

Make a funnel with the canvas

Chop myself up with the lawnmower and funnel myself down the soil stack into the sewer to freedom.

>> No.41627

Maybe you guys have never seen a lawnmower before, but the blade is not only fairly dull (it pretty much only chops grass because it spins fast) but also bolted in there. Isn't the 20 what minutes spent wrestling with the lawnmower bolt better spent doing something else?

>> No.41629

99% of what macgyver did would not work in real life. neither would what you originally suggested

>> No.41638

Take ALMOST ANY OF THE OBJECTS THERE, use as a blunt object to break knob off door. Leave.

>> No.41640

Wait they forgot to lock the door!

>> No.41659

while you KIS (keep it stupid)

he is not going to build an aircraft and launch it into space. instead, the implementation of his idea it's a collection of many small results. he has control. you suck cock.

keep it up yo

>> No.41665

Where may I find more images like this?

>> No.41668

>wooden door
I'd weaken the door by ramming those scissor things through it, forming perforations. Then I'd hit it with the battery until I got a hole big enough to get through. If the fellows from outside came back, I would fight using the giant scissors, and not lose this time.

>> No.41681

Easy. Superglue bycicle pump to battery. Tape it all over for extra stability. A battery is really heavy. Homemade ram. It's a wooden door.
Ram the door.

>> No.41683

>look in the mirror to see what i saw
>take the saw cut the table in half
>2 halves make a hole
>jump through the hole
>i'm out

>> No.41686

shut it kid, you dont know what you are talking about, that plan would fail the second he started mixing the fuel.

try harder next time before you act like you know what your talking about.

>> No.41694

Stand on the counter that the battery and other items are sitting on. Open window that is normally in basements like this. Climb out. Get revenge.

>> No.41695

make an iron man suit

>> No.41697

You guys are all fucking morons. The door swings open into the room. That means he can access the hinges on his side of the door. pry them off with the lawmower blade. Make sure to say "You call that a knife? Well... neither is this" before you machete them with the blade. Now clean the blade, replace the door, dump the clown suit on the other side of town.

>> No.41700

you are all missing the most obvious part of this scenario.
the door is mounted on half pin barrel hinges.

take the pump and the basketball, and using the little nozzle there, deflate the basketball and slide it half way under the door, then start pumping the basketball up, and with the proper leverage and the right level of inflation from the ball, the door will lift free. take the sheers to defend yourself with as you make your escape.

>> No.41713

Does the door swing in or out? Looks like it goes in, much easier to pry it open with the hedge trimmers.
Using the gas line, fuel tank and parts of the handle from the mower, the ball and pump, duct tape, soda, canvas, lighter fluid, and hopefully any gas in the can I fashion a flamethrower. Also have the hedge clippers as a backup hand weapon and power the rock salt to keep in my pocket to toss in the enemies face

>> No.41719

If the door does swing in, the bolts on the doorknob are on his side. Take the shears, use one tip like a screwdriver, take the doorknob off. Open the door.

Weapon: take the duct tape and braid together a 3-ply rope. stick the rope into the jar of rock salt. Pour super glue into it until it fills it up. Let dry, now you have a flail.

>> No.41734

They're taking me down a staircase with no railing to the right. I spin to the left, catch the knife-guy with my elbow and knock him off the stairs. He's not even holding the knife in the right position to stab at me. I run up the stairs (fatty mcfatterson there isn't catching me) and lock them both in.

>> No.41735

make some crazy spinning blade apparatus out of the battery and lawnmower. chop up the door then slice up the muthafuckers.

>> No.41790

Cut up the soda cans using shears. Laminate several layers together with krazy glue to stiffen the sheet metal if necessary. With that, cut out a lock pick or a slim jim to open the door catch. With a lock pick something else is needed to turn the cylinder, maybe it can also be made from laminated soda-can.

Rock salt can be emptied. Bin used to store battery acid. Splash that shit in their faces.

Or just smash the door handle/lock off with the full weight of the battery hammering down on it.

Lawnmower blade as a weapon.

>> No.41804
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mustard and biscuits mmhmm.

>> No.41812

you dont need to laminate the cans to pick a lock with them

a single sheet is more than enough to move the pins.

>> No.41826

I would just hook the battery up to the door handle and wait for someone to grab it. Then use light fluid or gas from mower or some shit like that to burn the door down. Grab the guy's weapon and go. It's fucking simple and you get to laugh at the guy being electrocuted

>> No.41861

Lighter fluid>fire
Basement is a pretty shitty place to be during a fire so I'd stay under the workbench until it looked like I had an escape route (drag workbench by door and light it first, if stairs are comprimised jump up with the table)

>> No.42488

1. Take off clown shoes
2. Use duct tape, canvas, and super glue to fashion armor to protect against stabbing.
3. Make face mask out of basketball (using shears to cut it). Glue rock salt and clown wig to basketball skin mask. Extra slashing protection and also a piece de resistance for psychological impact
4. Separate the shears to give myself 2 stabbing implements
5. Knock the knob off the door with the battery and haul ass upstairs to meet my fate.

>> No.42563

Why not just tap out the pins in the door hinges?

Even if they are fixed you can unscrew it from the wall.

Unscrew the pivot on the garden shears, duct-tape together with about 12" between handles. Blade nunchucks.

Deflate basketball, refill using bike pump and gasoline. Make wick from rope fibers.

Make a lighter from lighter fluid container filled with oil instead of lighter fluid, ignite using spark from battery.

Open door, heave lit basketball full of gas into the chest of the larger captor, disable fat one using blades.

Walk out of house.

>> No.42683


Maybe you've never hit someone with a barely edged, heavy piece of metal before, but that alone will probably kill.

>> No.42687
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