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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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409891 No.409891 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do by yourself to keep the currency flowing? I take things from garage sales and sell them on Craigslist + eBay.

>> No.409904

I have a part time job and fix computers on the side.

>> No.409908

related thread:

>> No.409910

I used to flip guitars and other crap on craigslist. I've also played guitar and sang on the street for money as well. It's cool if you want to make 40 bucks fast, but I imagine making a living off it would be much harder.

>> No.409918

I sell weed to elementary school kids

>> No.409924

The only other thing I do is recycling.

>> No.409934


I love this thread. Let's keep this shit going. I need some shit to try out.

>> No.409938

Something I used to do for money:

I had a truck, so went door to door hauling off scrap metal. I survived for about three years doing this, until my truck broke down for good.

>> No.409941

Something I'm currently trying to do for money:

There's a guy in Bumfuck Malaysia that buys RuneScape gold with stolen PayPals. I'm bringing him sellers and he gives me half of the RS gold he buys from my sellers.

I have yet to find a seller stupid enough for this yet.

>> No.409946

> thanks I lub you too

>> No.409950


>> No.409954
File: 458 KB, 1000x1600, Budgeting Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Few things OP and fellow /diy/kes. I work 3 days a week, on the 4 days im off i do a range of shit that generates some income. I do these whenever I feel like it, so its not like a second job, more like hobbies and craft that I enjoy but also get me some cash, which is pretty cool.

Buy broken or damaged goods of ebay or local antiques store (Antiques store is best because you can hangle the price). Just buying guitars and other woodwork mostly and restore them, then resell for profit.

I do a little bit of 3D modeling on Maya/Blender and a few buisnesses periodically pay for some models. I also make a few TF2 items which generate some income.

And sometimes ill fix computers for a bit of cash.

Also, bumping with some pro-budgeting info.

>> No.409955

Should clarify, is food budgeting, anywhere you can save cash, you should! Be frugal!

>> No.409962

/r/ing more of these guides! Fucking gold, mate!

>> No.409979
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Anon delivers!

This is home budgeting, you can save some serious cash here.

>> No.409981

What's the best site to use for selling custom t-shirts?

>> No.409983
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Those are the only budgeting info's I have, I have this one on making Ramen noodles taste good rather then like shit. I guess its sort of budgeting, the noodles are cheap right?

>> No.409989

Good stuff, man. Thanks a lot.

I wonder. I know I could come up with some spiffy shit.

>> No.410087

Bump for interest!
I have done a lot to save money, but i have been out of a real job for a LONG time now.
I can keep me and my family above water with working online as a Translator/Editor. I speak 2 languages other then English so it I can make enough money for right now, but in the long run It will not work.

anyone else have good ideas?
I have a bit of money saved up, how to make more of it? I don't any investment advice, more like where/how to buy stuff and sell it for more or how to start your own small/home business.

>> No.410093

>I can keep me and my family above water with working online as a Translator/Editor.
Hm. I am bilingual. What do you translate and how did you get this job?

>> No.410100


I Translate German and French, mainly through web-services. a good one is ProZ.com.

>> No.410105

me again...
BTW it is tough work, with short deadlines and you will not become rich.
the rarer the language you know the more you can charge, for German you can get something from 0.08 to 0.13 per word of source text, depending on the difficulty of the text (magazine article on "how to choose a bathroom wall color", easy...VS... engineering manual on software for painting manufacturing robots, not so easy)

>> No.410108

Are there requirements like certifications?

I don't need to become rich. I just need any kind income above mechanical turk.

>> No.410113

nm read faq

>> No.410119

you can get certified if you want to, that will get you more jobs, some require it... i am not. I am not planing on doing this forever and the price can be very steep.
You don't need to use any fancy programs either. cut-n-past it in Google translate 5-6 sentences at a time and go over it, that will save you a BUCH of time.
I have Trados through torrent, aka free, it is a NICE program and it will help you a lot later on (the more you translate, the more the program 'learns' and the less you actually need to do) but the learning curve is steep.
Some jobs require you to use it so you might as well invest in few hours on youtube learning everything that you need to know.

Mostly you get payed by the word. so the faster you can translate the more money you can make.
150words per hour (this is BAD) = 15$/h (at 0.10$ per word)
400wph = 40$/hour this is better
I know some that can go up to 900wph and more.... so they can make a nice living of it.

BUT!!!! about 75% of your time you will not translate, but looks for jobs. during this time you will not get payed. 40$ an hour sounds nice, but you might have to spend 3 days finding a job that will get you 2000 words.
also, you sometimes get payed 2 months down the line as the client has to verify the translation, the boss has to see it, the boss's boss...... you get the idea. this SUCKS but sometimes you have to deal with is.

>> No.410149

OK. Awesome info. I have plenty of time to kill.

>> No.410548


i guess tutoring is one thing someone could do for extra cash. sell art/paintings, food.

>> No.410616

Education and making good grades.

I majored in Finance thinking I'd just end up at a normal bank. Recruiters from banking and consulting firms came my Freshman year and never heard of these professions. After some research, I figured this would be the better path. Stopped partying and worked my ass off to keep a 4.0GPA (graduated with 3.8) and got into extra curriculums my Sophmore year. My Junior year, I scored an internship for JP Morgan (investment banking analyst) in DC. The hours were terrible but it wasn't that bad. It lasted for 2 months and I got paid about $1,250 a week for an internship. Could only imagine the paychecks the professionals take home. My senior year I decided to try consulting. Studied all semester on my case studies and got an interview with Bain & Co and I got myself another 2 month internship this time in Boston. The pay was about the same though the job itself was much more fun.

I'm now graduated and my first year in consulting. At the Analyst level though I plan to get my MBA in a few years. $60k salary, $10k sign/moving bonus, and an annual 20% performance bonus. $90k salary my first year out of Undergrad. 2 more years and if I do good, they will pay for my tuition when I get my MBA as long as I promise to return.

The job is demanding. But I'm single. So it's not horrible. Traveling is fun. 4 star hotels and room service. Business class airline. All paid for.

TLDR - Get an education. Do good in class and separate yourself from others by participating in extra curriculums. It'll pay off.

I went to UVA. Ranked 5th nationally in their business program. I'm sure that helped. I'm not sure if these firms recruit at every college but it's a great career to pursue if you love money, traveling, and basically running a business without the investment/risk involved.

>> No.410619


And I don't mean to sound cliche but an education is the biggest investment you should make.

I grew up with nothing. I only had but 2 pair of pants I wore the entire Senior year of High School. Everybody in my family worked in factories and did side /diy/ jobs to make a living. Even my older brother.

It's not hard to go to college. They have grants and financial aide to help you of you were in my situation. You don't need to be a genius. It's all in the book and it's all about memorization.

I feel bad when I see guys at sporting events playing drums with 5 gallon buckets just to make a living. I came from that life. But I didn't have to stay in that situation.

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.410620
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I can barely read that pic. Here's a better one.

Right now it's tough for me to get the cash needed for me to get from point A to point B. But I'm definitely going to major in something practical and devote myself to that.

>> No.410622


>It's all in the book and it's all about memorization.

i pity you because you went to a shit institution, where they say something and you parrot it back.

excellent instructors are the ones who give an exam with all the formulas and data provided, because the questions test your UNDERSTANDING, rather than your skill at rote memorization.

>> No.410648


That's not what they said. It was just my experience. I memorize everything so I don't have to work it out in my head. I memorized my multiplication tables in the 2nd grade. It's not even math to me.

Why work out a problem when you can just memorize it in case it comes up again in life?

I taught my 4 year old nephew the names of our presidents. He may not know what a president is but building a good memory is a key to success in education. Doctors don't have to be smart to memorize every disease.

>> No.410694


How to train your memory?

>> No.410695

For one, actually understanding math seriously improves the way you think/solve problems.

I'm a mechanical engineer. Sure, I could have simply memorized certain things during studies but it'd make me a shitty engineer. If you actually understand how and why you do things, you'll be able to transfer this understanding to new problems. And this is where succeeding in your job/life comes in.

Seriously, it's really important to actually understand what you are doing otherwise your college education will be useless.

>> No.410705

Side money,
-My wife makes/buy boxes and resell, gift boxes and stuff like that (i may do a thread a later)
-Prepare and sell food for events.
-Sell stuff in general.

A guy here made a facebook page about a "cyber flea market" like craiglist, its a small town so people post what ther are selling and/or buying you can make some money that way, there is something like 5,000 people on the page, and something like 500 are very active, always buying and selling.

>> No.410726

Well, i usually just sit at different spots and play guitar and people give me money. Im 18 and finishing up highschool this year so it's a nice way to get a little cash

>> No.410730


I'm not saying you don't need to understand anything, I'm just talking about getting good grades. Study until you memorize the problems and do all of your home work. It's all in the book and there's no excuse anybody shouldn't be getting A's and B's unless you have a learning disability.

Of course it all changes in the professional world. But really employers aren't looking for who knows everything. They look at your GPA sure but they can care less about what you learned generally speaking.

People want leadership and motivation. Especially in the industry I work in. They don't want to hear how good you are at math during your interview. They want to hear about your social qualities and good of a quick thinker and leader you are.

People everyday go through college thinking that if they learn everything and keep good grades, they are promised a job when they graduate. That's not always the case. I personally recruit more people who studied abroad, was involved in actives, leader of ___ group, etc. I get emails everyday about people who say they're business geniuses yet they can't even write a properly formed email or keep me interested in their conversation over the phone. That's what people want. Character and a good attitude with a leadership personality.

>> No.410735

>i memorized my multiplication tables
uh, wait, are there people who DON"T do this?

>> No.410736

>doctors don't have to be smart to memorize every disease
confirmed for not knowing anything about what doctors do - most of what they do is second-order reasoning (inferring facts from other facts, and the inferences form partial diagnoses, and then using process of elimination and heuristic modeling to determine est guess - it's almost never a slam dunk diagnosis)

>> No.410757 [DELETED] 

Guys, the statistics are all over the place. I agree that education is key, but there's a difference between school and education. The Huffington Post let out an article last year that said 53% of 4-year college graduates are UNEMPLOYED or UNDEREMPLOYED (McDonald's, shit like that)
The future is network marketing, and boy you'll feel like an idiot when you say no to this and you watch everyone else make BANK!)
Why work 10+ hrs a day when you could have a team of 90 or more people working 1hr a day (90hrs a day isn't otherwise possible)
seriously, hit me up. I'll change your financial life.

(860) 634 3484

>> No.410761 [DELETED] 

sent -_^

>> No.410769

use any free website. only have one page with all shirt designs on it to limit bandwidth consumption.

use a strict "call for availability" so you dont have to constantly update stock info.

use a flatrate box from usps for cheap shipping.

if you want to accept online payments, anyone providing the service will want a cut so i suggest you do some research first

>> No.410780

I did not memorize them do to memory problems but I still can do college level math. It just takes me longer.
How often do you do long math with no comp or calc around anyway?

>> No.410801 [DELETED] 


>Huffington Post


I'm not sure what to even say. Everybody I graduated with are working good jobs. I would assume some fat piggy who majored in photography at a shit-tier party college is wondering why she's working at Kmart photo center and not a design magazine. That's not her fault though, it's feminism!!

>> No.410806 [DELETED] 


Joseph Nacchio pls go

>> No.410808 [DELETED] 


Sounds just like a pyramid scheme to me.

>> No.410811 [DELETED] 

No this guy doesn't have the tools you need to BE YOUR OWN BOSS but i do with my product which you can sell on your free time and make up to 10k a month

contact me at


>> No.410825 [DELETED] 

hahah, well, it's not a scheme... waste of my time.

All I'm saying is, we can't rely on industrial age formatted jobs, when we're living in the information age.
It's happening with or without you, I'm just saying, if you guys knew what this really was, then there wouldn't be 40+ posts in this thread about husslin' money, you'd just be doing it.
I'm not here to waste your time, so don't waste mine. Hit me up if you're interested.

>> No.410826 [DELETED] 


>> No.410848 [DELETED] 

obvious pyramid scheme
abuse and lose all your friends and family
u'd be that guy that never shuts the fuck up about their scheme.

>> No.410849
File: 237 KB, 584x352, thebandit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Test drive cars for money/ gift cards:
go to manufacturers websites and request a brochure for a new car. they will send you targeted offers for test driving cars, it's usually $25/$50 gift card of some kind. Just tell the salesman the truth and he will put his rubber stamp on the form you have to mail in to get your prize.
Credit card rewards: find a credit card that offers bonus rewards of 5% and maximize those rewards. also take advantage of leveraging the 0% loan they usually offer for the first year by investing it.

>> No.410850 [DELETED] 

I wonder how many of those idiots are in some liberal arts field. In my university almost 1/3 of the students are in something asinine like management.

Come to geology, and work for the energy companies, kids. They're going through a rough turnover because no one went into the field during the 70's oil shortage and now there's an odd age gap. Can you say "0% unemployment rate"? I received scholarships for just being in geology at my school. I already had two job offers, but turned them down to go to grad school. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice, but then I remembered the 20-30K pay gap between a BS and an MS.

>> No.410858

While network marketing schemes sound sketchy, most of them are actually legit companies and legit ways to make decent money. Very few are scams/illegal pyramid schemes.

MLM isn't for everyone however. It requires way more work than the company will lead you to believe and you will fizzle out without constantly making sales.

Also, a lot of these MLM companies sell scientifically unproven "miracle" health products and generally inferior goods and services. If the product was any good, it would sell itself and there would be no need to attach additional incentives to motivate sales. MLM is just a way to sell stuff people normally wouldn't buy and tack a huge markup on it.

If there was an MLM company that sold a product that I actually liked, I would jump on it in an instant because there are very few other ways to create such a powerful passive income stream with a very small investment.

>> No.410872

Does anyone in this thread invest in silver/gold? Do you invest in stocks? Details/advice would be great.

I am almost 23 and only have $10K CAD that I've saved, and it's just sitting in a regular savings account. I wanna start getting serious about money and /diy/ hasn't let me down with their advice yet.

>> No.410873

I have been completing surveys in my spare time. It won't be a full time job, but you can spend your points on Amazon. I use this mostly to buy video games and other compulsive buys. It saves me about $50 per month. I would recommend trying it, it isn't for everyone though.


>> No.410891

Investing in the stock market is pretty pointless unless you can afford hundreds if not thousands of shares. If you have any less than $100,000 to invest, you'd be better off putting them into a CD or in a money market fund.

The return rate in the market isn't that great if you're just investing $1,000 or even $10,000 in some cases. You just don't have enough money to diversity. You could maybe buy a 100 shares in some mid-tier company but don't expect great returns.

>> No.410921 [DELETED] 

text me and we'll find out in an instant if you liked this product, you're obviously not ignorant to this business

>> No.410935 [DELETED] 

I don't like Vemma products. Try elsewhere.

>> No.410953 [DELETED] 

Ever hear of ambit energy? I have been doing it for like three months and have at least recouped my investment(+$400). This month i might pull in $500. Worth a look, send me an email if you are interested. Digitaltao@gmail.com

>> No.410984 [DELETED] 

Is this legit?

>> No.411014

I agree that education IS KEY! Unless you want to try your luck at "sell my product bc it will make you rich" you need to get a good degree from a decent college.
I know you said that, but i want to emphasis this once more.
I have college degree in international management a minor in marketing and a minor in communications, have two internships, worked oversees in a sales heavy company (as a glorified receptionist, but what ever) right after graduation for a few weeks adn speack 2 languages.
But my GPA is 2.9, yeah, fuck me, that is bad... my parents are not the youngest, at when they were my age it didn't matter what grades you had. So they gave me shit advice.

Anyway. right now i am thinking of going back to college as an undergrad again just so i can get a decent GPA going where companies will even look at me.
If you are going to college, PLEASE for the love of the gods GET GOOD GRADES. get a degree i something that will make some money, and don't complain when you cannot find a job after majoring in 13th century poetry.
It might suck for 4-5 years. you mill miss out on the "cool" parties and you will feel like a slave to your professors. But after that time you can have your parties and they will out shine anything you could do doing college.

>> No.411031

Your not going to use it to pay rent but Mechanical Turk on Amazon is a way to get some side cash. I basically use to buy a vidya game every now and then, or if shits real tight that month, food.

>> No.411032

didn't mean to link to that post.

>> No.411048

>no real job experience or college education.
>had various temp jobs since I was 22.
>last job was clerical work a few months ago.
>no kids or wife.

I don't know what to do. I would prefer something more stable and long term but no one is going to touch an old guy like me.

I went to community college at 20 but just stopped going to class.

>> No.411059

Your 25 dude. That's not real old. The only thing that's going to hurt you is the gaps in your employment history. Apply everywhere man the worst that will happen is you won't hear back. And I'm talking about shit like walmart and mcd's shit like that. It's a shit job market but some stable history recently is better than none.

>> No.411064


>no college

doesn't matter take some free online courses in your spare time.
>khan academy, eduX, etc
try to learn another language as well.
>duolingo, babbel

>> No.411136

if someone could tell me if this is legit, this would be great.

I could use the side money to buy my dog a nice thing here and there

>> No.411293

I have always wandered about the hats market. Care to share some info? How well do items sell?

>> No.411318

I hate seeing these threads where people just want to do minimal work or shady shit to get by. Get a job in manufacturing, seriously. Not all manufacturing is factory work. Got the local machine shops, weld shops, wood shops, or custom fab places. Show a willingness to work and an ability to do everything from clean toilets to grinding down welds. You will not only make more than minimum wage, but will possibly have benefits and can learn a trade on the job while getting paid. If all else use it as a source for materials for your projects. Ask before taking shit from the shop, most places wont tolerate you taking a single spare bolt if you dont have the decency to ask first. Plus its good to network with others with different skills. Need something welded? Befriend the shop welder. Moving? Make pals with the delivery driver and skip forking over cash for that uhaul. If you at least give two shits about the work and show up on time you'll go places. MFW I make 60k a year and run my entire dept. My one year anniversary was this past January.

>> No.411333

I am not looking for minimal or shady work to get by.
I just want to supplement my 25k a year job.
Hardwood is expensive and I would like to afford my hobby and save for retirement.

>> No.411334

im not looking for a job. my time is consumed already between school and an internship. This is why I asked about the surveys. Theres a lot of down time at work, so i figured i could do quite a few here and there just to make some extra money and maximize my time. Im not trying to pay my bills with this, im just trying to be able to get some small things once a month or so that i normally wouldnt waste money on.

with that said, anyone know if the survey link provided here is legit?

>> No.411443

I'm OP. I'm not looking for shady work, pyramid schemes or anything like that. I'm SADLY looking for money to get me the things I need to get a real job.
That means haircuts, transport, deoderant, etc.

>> No.411649

Freelance webdesign. also stock stuff. crash's about to happen too

>> No.411656

>Get a job in manufacturing, seriously.
"Just get a job" is the most STUPID advice you can give.
I am looking for honest work. 9-5 if possible, but i am fine with working 12h night shifts if need be.

>> No.411657
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I've been living in borderline poverty for most of my life. I wish I was smart enough to go to college (struggled in high school and I barely graduated).

Guess i'll be stuck working menial factory jobs for minimal wage for the rest of my life.

>> No.411674

I use MTurk, it's through Amazon and if you search for academic surveys (I don't do shit under .50 or .25 cents, but those are especially quick sometimes and if you're doing fuck else, then go for it) you can make a bit of dosh. You can deposit it into your bank account once you verify some shit. I guess it's taxable if you make a certain amount. I don't know the rules.

>> No.411727

Guess so

>> No.411744

Buy stocks for long-term. Buy 100 Google shares or something you see that has a lasting future. Oil will be around for a long time. It's a law to have insurance in America so Insurance companies. Healthcare too. Invest at least 100 shares in each of these industries.

Then go with the buy low sell high method for tech companies. Like right now, Apple's stock is shit because there's no new releases. Buy now then sell 2-4 weeks after a product release when the stock is at its peak.

That's what I have done the past few years. I have 100 shares in Google, Exxon, and Humana (healthcare for the elder).

Then I have short-term stocks in Apple & providers for them; Verizon & AT&T. I buy low then sell high. When the stocks get low, I buy again then sell when the next iPhone releases. Repeat.

>> No.411745

You don't have to go to college to make good money, you just gotta figure something you're good at that can make you get better money.
My grandfather taught bridge after the military, never "worked".

>> No.411748

How are your profits though from doing that? Also since the companies are stable i assume there really isint that much risk when some of them are too big to fail

>> No.411752


It really depends. When the iPhone 4S released after Job's passing, was my biggest profit. I invested almost $100k and got back almost $160k.

As for long-term. I keep them no matter what. Even if profits were +200%, I wouldn't sell them. I collect interest checks from Google every 3 months for a few thousand. Exxon & Humana are a few hundred.

>> No.411762

I work a full-time job with benefits, retirement package, and room for advancement. To attain this job I graduated high school, and eventually went to college. When I need to supplement my income I take paid time off of one job and work a few hours as a per-diem employee elsewhere.

I also trade, buy, and resell Magic: The Gathering cards on Ebay.

>> No.411766

Would you recommend buying Apple stock today, or waiting for it to drop further? I read their market cap is at the level it was at in 2011.

Also, can someone recommend the best way to buy shares in the UK. I'd be looking to buy ~£1000 worth, if that's relevant.

>> No.411775


It's a good investment. I'd buy now sure.

Apple is a bubble. It's nothing but a trend really. People like the looks and the price makes them feel rich. I dont see them being this successful in the future though. Look at Google. They're getting bigger and bigger. Microsoft was HUGE in the early 2000s and despite all of the "Microsoft copies Apple" comments by teenagers, they still make huge profit.

Buy low sell high applies to me for consumer based businesses. Retail, cell phone, tech companies, Facebook. These are trends. Sooner or later a new social media source will come along and Facebook will be dead. Retail stores rapidly change in stock; same with cell phone companies.

Long-term investments should be on need based companies. Industrial, oil and gas, energy, insurance, healthcare, etc.

One isn't better than the other, it just depends on your reason. If you want a quick profit, buy when sales are low and sell after a new product release. If you want a long-term investment, invest in a oil company or something and keep your stocks, take your dividend and buy more.

>> No.411780

I work on the railways lines in Australia and sell drugs on the side.

£60,000 for legit work, and about the same for the less legit.

>> No.411784

Sounds like you need quite the investment to make this worth it though..

>> No.411794

I'm working a full-time job with benefits, but there are a couple of ways to that I personally make loot on the side.
1. Video and photography production/assistance, etc., Easy money, especially if you have the equipment already. Use a public or friend's computer if you need a setup for editing.
2. Teaching guitar and playing gigs. Easy money.
3. Demand Studios pays about $15 to $25 per how-to article. They seem to have a much smaller pool of articles to pull from now, yet there are other similar sites that pay for decent articles on specific topics.

>> No.411841


>> No.411853

Citrus Heights CA
Shit sucks

>> No.411913

Budapest, Hungary.
Earning 240k HUF a month after taxes. Average wage is about 130k or so. That's barely enough to get by month-to-month.

>> No.411921

doing what??

>> No.411928


$1,000 at least.

Watch Mad Money if you're a beginner. Comes on every week day at 6PM eastern. Jim Cramer is a funny guy. It's on CNBC. I watched him when I was a college student and still do now.

He was talking about buying Facebook stocks now and you could see 20% profit in a month or so. It's on right now.

>> No.411930 [DELETED] 

>90 hours isnt possible.
Doctors in residency would like a word with you.

>> No.411933


Wasn't there some study that showed that nearly every stock mentioned on one of those shows, in any capacity, will spike over a few days and then drop again.

>> No.411935 [DELETED] 

Ambit is a scheme, it's dog shit

>> No.411936


That's basically any talk show on CNBC. If Buffet or Cramer or whoever suggests a company to buy stocks in, every noob jumps onto their eTrade app buying stocks. Stock rises for a day or so then it's back to "normal".

Best example would be my Grandfather. He's always been that way and when I was a Banker for Citigroup in NYC, he'd call or email me every evening on what to do sending me screenshots on eTrade. Got annoying quick.

>> No.412035

Just fyi, don't use CFL bulbs in rooms that you turn the light on and off a lot. They will die much much faster then an incandescent or led bulb. There's a youtube video covering this but I can't find it.

>> No.412050 [DELETED] 

No. Look into Mechanical Turk instead.

>> No.412070

If you don't mind reading a 140pg pdf(it's not that bad) and taking a test you can make $13.99/hour doing Google search analysis. If you're interested go apply for the job at Leapforce(they're contracted by Google to do the search analysis)

Protip for applying, they use a computer to automatically check resumes so just put a bunch of bullshit tech words in your and you should get accepted to do that test pretty much right away.

That or look into mechanical turk, it's not consistent work but it's easy work. Google mturk forum, go into their greatest hits subforum and go through their daily threads and you can make anything from $5 to $100 a day.
Feel free to ask question if you're interested.

>> No.412082

Fucking msg laden shit though. Makes me feel like I'm going to die three hours later

>> No.412088

I sell on eBay as a full-time job. I live in a small area and have access to many cheap goods due to local poverty and lack of competition.

Flea markets and auction houses are my bread and butter. Thrift stores used to be great but they've really started to suck in recent years. I generally avoid the storage locker auctions because the TV shows have convinced people that they can make thousands of dollars on absolute shit. Yard sales are my lifeline during the Summer months. Soliciting customers outside of stores that perform trades/buys (ex: GameStop) makes me 100-200 a month in profit.

I deal in mostly anything, but vintage electronics are my bread and butter. You would be surprised how much people will pay for some shit.

>> No.412089

Shit, you guys saw through this before me...
There are sooooo many mlm scams around these days. I remember when my dive buddy was in to shit like Amway and prepaid legal...I had to tell him to stop with the marketing, I'm NOT interested. These assholes prey on the retarded, unwashed, naive masses

>> No.412097

Too many people these days think that a degree is their ticket. So they invest 4 to 8 years and 5 figure debts into their education, where 2 years and 10k will get an apprentice trade certificate that will pay over 100k in ten years, and 30k to start. I really don't understand why more people don't do this. So many trades these days are screaming for people. For instance, wind generating stations. How many of these blights on the landscape do you see? Thousands. Who builds these, inspects them, services them. They require huge numbers of trades people. Power plants mines....oil and gas...wleder, fabricators boilermakers, instrument techs, civil engineering techs...omg I can't understand why people don't see these opportunities. I grossed $115k last year as a civil engineering tech - overtime, traveling the world, interesting hands-on work...life definitely does not suck

>> No.412102

How to do this? I would actually enjoy working at a wind generating station if I didn't have to climb those fuckers. Right now I'm going to community college for an AA in Applied Science which I planed on going on to get a BA in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering.

>> No.412104

DO you have to be a math god for this job or what is it that you do?

>> No.412111

Here in Canada, you go through a trade school like BCIT or NAIT in power engineering or instrumentation. Then once you graduate, you work either contracting for large power installation companies like ABB, Grinell, GE, their subcontractors or hourly for any of the money-grabbing utility power suppliers like BC Hydro. There is no shame in whoring out to those who shut the power off on widows.

Be ready for midnight callouts, double-bubble and $150k a year...I know, that would suck

>> No.412122

Midnight callouts would suck for me. And the money doesn't mean all that much to me to be honest, I just want to make enough to live and farm some. If I have to work a job i'd rather do something I really enjoy instead of something that pays well. But I think it's definitely something I think I should look into, if only there was a vocational school close to where I live.

>> No.412123

I work as a civil engineering tech who specializes in geotechnical (soils) engineering and materials. I have been in the business for over 30 years with just a high school education. I have supplemented education over the years, and these days, the engineering companies won't look at you with out a tech school certification. It's not rock and roll from the start, but I have loved every minute of it, whether working in a hydro dam diversion tunnel drilling concrete cores at 2am or riding around in helicopters being dropped onto a glacier.

I have seriously done it all and it has been a better life than you could imagine, never the same thing two days in a row, challenging environments.

You gotta know math, all that shit in HS about algebra and calculus?...yep, you really do need it in this industry. That and language, computers and a keen attitude

>> No.412127

Yeah, if you don't want to get out of bed on a callout, you need to get in to something like drafting, or gov't work. Still lots of opportunities, but I'm not that type so probably the wrong one to ask.

>> No.412129

See, that highschool algebra and calc is where you lost me. I went to a HS that didnt require calc to graduate and managed to slide past most algebra without learning much. So i kind of fear that i missed the train in learning higher math skills. I am great with everything else though

Other than that though it sounds amazing aside from the midnight calls and such. I bet its easy to pick up girls doing that as well.

>> No.412132

Fear? Did you say FEAR?

I assure you that I struggled with math like stupid. In my side of the business, the math is not professional engineering level, just working knowledge of equations and geometry, that sort of thing. It is hard, I won'ttalented /diy/eryou, but necessary. Show no fear in the face of co-radicals, cosines and tangents and you'll do fine. If you show fear, you may as well go back to selling on E-bay

>> No.412140

Tell us more about your vocational job please.

>> No.412148

I work for an engineering company (and quite a number before) who specialize in geotechnical and materials engineering. These companies prepare reports for companies who want to build stuff. Bridges, dams, roads, buildings etc. The companies, governments, private citizens who build these things need to make sure they are built on suitable foundations and that the materials that go into them are suitable. Quality control if you will.
Engineers write the reports based on data that is collected from the field (see above about the concrete cores and glaciers). They do not go out and collect that stuff themselves, they get me to go get them the information. I am the eyes and ears of the engineers. They are way too expensive and consumed to go out of the office, and I am more than happy to do that for them. Very symbiotic.

So, I drill out cores, or collect soil samples, rock samples or poop samples for that matter, take them to my laboratory and test them for all kinds of shit. Moisture content, shear strength, stability, poop content, whatever. We have a huge world of equipment for testing this stuff, in the field or back in the lab.

Its really fascinating and a world not too many people get exposed to, but for a good number of individuals, is always in demand, pays well and is really challenging.

>> No.412157

Know a few friends who are going the geologist route to do similar things. One of our professors is awesome. Spent his undergrad cross country skiing for research and then went up to Alaska for the oil companies to map it out on foot.

I've got my eye on the private sector research rather than government work. Physics with a Geology double. Going to be doing some cool things and getting to go awesome places while making a ton of money. Plus I love the subject material so it's not even really studying, more like just figuring out how it all works for myself. Not exactly great with math but I can scoot by with it. I think it's more important to understand the concepts behind it all and the methodology to figure the math out rather than focusing on memorization.

>> No.412159

Awesome attitude. That is the most important thing in this business...be keen, express a desire to learn shit and most important, get your employer to pay you to learn and do cool stuff.

I did it and man, the shit you said is really true.

>> No.412172

Yeah, im more on a carpentry/EE level right now

>> No.412174

What should i study to do this?

>> No.412183

Civil engineering tech and take all the soils and materials engineering courses offered.

If you are serious, go to the phone book or internet and look for local laboratories, materials testing, geotechnical engineering. Also, go to www dot eng-tips dot com and do some research.

You will be a grunt for a good number of years, I was. But stick with it.

>> No.412189
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>> No.412192

Good night, I'll check in the am tomorrow if you have any more questions

>> No.412223 [DELETED] 

MLM scam? Amway makes like 11 BILLION a year still bro. That was never a scam. So, you might want to reevaluate who the retarded.. (unwashed? Bathing doesn't make or break wealth....) naive masses. Go to school, get good grades, you'll get a great job we PROMISE. haha. cool. there wouldn't be threads like this if that worked anymore.

>> No.412238

It's a legit way of marketing. It just makes extra cash on the side off of laziness. Basically if you put in the effort and are able to devote your time to it you'll do ok. Maybe even make a lot of money. But in the effort you'll drive away a lot of your friends and become a shallow salesman who's taking advantage of the fact that not everyone can succeed with it and making money off of membership fees and having to put money towards it. (these types of things almost always use a form of the words "It takes money to make money." to justify this.

It's the ones who don't understand it fully that wind up being ripped off and upset when it's harder than it was sold to them as.

>> No.412241

Good info thanks

You still lurking this thread bro?

In general, would you say the translating jobs which require certifications get paid higher than those who don't? Is it easier to find work with certs? I imagine them to add to one's own credibility quite a lot, and that out of 2 translators a potential employer would rather chose the one with a certification over the guy without one

The thing is i myself entertained the thought of getting a real translator's degree (i'm from germany) but i'm not sure if it's worth the investment of time and resources, or not

>> No.412250


do not do the water bottle in the toilet. remember you need enough water to flush the shit and paper from your toilet to the waste water tubes which are under the street. if you do not use enough water shit will accumulate in your house tubes and will clog them up sooner or later.

>> No.412296
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Long term stocks to watch GMO SCTY. APPL Is on its way down or at best into stagnation. Monopoly's are always good GE MMM VZ. Elon Musk will go down as our Rockefeller.

>> No.412315

>all them carbs
fuck no.

>> No.412343


>Elon Musk will go down as our Rockefeller.

ha ha ha no.

rockefeller is by some measures the richest man ever. electric cars will not dominate the industry within elon musk's lifetime and even if they did he would not earn anything like rockefeller did.

to me, the crazy thing about rockefeller is that before the philanthropy, the press presented him as the biggest criminal of the time, even though he had lowered the price of kerosene by 1/2 or more. contrast that with bill gates, who IS our rockefeller, and used every means possible to squeeze more profit out of everyone.

>> No.412354
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Space X + Solar City + Tesla

>> No.412355


>Space X + Solar City + Tesla

multiply that by about 10,000 and you will have what rockefeller had: a near monopoly on oil just as the automotive industry took off.

goddamn people, read a book, or at least wikipedia, before you start making ridiculous statements.

and don't come back with the fact that standard oil was split up. rockefeller GAINED tremendously from that as well. simple fact: there will never be another rockefeller, for several reasons.

>> No.412361
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>> No.412362

hate to discussing unrelated shit, but what about bill gates,

Millionare, Checked
Monopoly checked (for a while)

whate else?

>> No.412446

do you get a lot of time to enjoy your travel? How long does it take to get a core sample and have it tested? Is it very hands on or do you have machines to do it for you?

>> No.412558

How long until you are making money from what you are studying? Are there usually any paid internships in the field while studying as a grunt?

>> No.412781

I'm currently reviewing/re-learning math so I can get a high score on my GED test and not look like a retard. Here, http://www.onlinemathlearning.com/

>> No.412792

Bumping so it doesn't 404 , very interesting.

>> No.412795

Agreed, i want to keep talking to the geologist

>> No.412800

To be more specific, does anyone know any ways to make money through paypal? Like through doing things online that you can do anywhere?

>> No.412813


>> No.412816

There have been a few suggestions.

>> No.412820

Shoot. I missed the thread before it died. Would anybody mind sharing some outstanding posts from it?

>> No.412830

I made £600 in a month with it and stopped because it's just too time consuming and stressful. You'll never come across such thin margins, such tight customers and such paranoia in any venture.

>> No.412851

Mechanical Turk rejected me.


>tfw canadabro just wanting to make some dosh while taking breaks from studying

>> No.412865

>implying I want to work over 9000 hours per week

>> No.412873

Huh? You're posting on the thread right now.

>> No.412883

Tell me more, I want to do this and quit my shitty job, and I deal mostly in vintage lighters and knives.

>> No.412884

Tech support at a bank.

>> No.412885

I don't think you even tried.

>> No.412886

Works in Australia.
Gives income amount in GBP.

>> No.412893

I'm a diff guy, but I tried today. I wasn't rejected, there just wasn't a job there. I had an emotional outburst later on because of how worthless I am. Since then I've already gotten the "you should move out of America you jobless faggot" treatment. Same day over and over.

Brits are always moving to Australia for work.

>> No.412894

Liveops is a program that has you answer for people calling informercials and pays 9.50 an hour and you occassionally make commission depending on the product being sold. Pretty cool, but I just read about it and am doing more research.

>> No.412905

I'm not looking to "get rich". However, aside from a job, anyone know of a way to use money to turn it into a constant income, like stocks or some shit?

>> No.412919

i buy silver coins. every month 3 of them. abotu 80€.

when i have enough i change them for a gold coin. i already have one (31g) now. its not to make money but to keep your money on the same value.

its important to go to an authorized reseller or bank so you dont get some shit

>> No.412922

Join the Army. kidding.

My friend and I sell boutique style valve amplifiers to guitarists. We will get incorporated once we become a bit bigger. The parts cost about 300 dollars in total, and sell at about 4000 dollars each.

>> No.413096

Stealing copper is profitable

>> No.413102

are you by any chance a tweaker?

>> No.413194

I have just set up my first trading account but need to educate myself first. Any recommendations for guides for new traders?

I'd also like to start doing daily reading to keep up with market news, etc. Any website/magazine/newspaper recommendations?

I'm based in the UK if that is relevant.r

>> No.413218

Any more information regarding this? I've been thinking about doing similar things for awhile but never really had any idea where to start.

>> No.413222

woah woah, and thats a reasonable markup?

>> No.413371

You just read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" didn't you?

>> No.413376


This might be legit. Dunno.

>> No.413381


>> No.413384

I found it while looking for cougar sites.

>> No.413385

it legit? and are the cougar sites legit, like..can you get a sugarmomma?

>> No.413386

"this might be legit"

>> No.413387


Holy shit, i need this, im the best wingman ever, i know all kind of strategies to get the hot one for a friend, i can keep the hambeast occupied, i can keep cousins, brothers and fathers away, i can even have consultants and external people to help. Im not the guy who throw himself to the granade, im the guy who receive a bullet, a knife, kick the granade back, carry you to safety al while im degrading myself talking with a tumblr hambeast feminazi about how i should cut my penis to say how sorry i am.

>> No.413390

>Holy shit, i need this, im the best wingman ever, i know all kind of strategies to get the hot one for a friend, i can keep the hambeast occupied, i can keep cousins, brothers and fathers away, i can even have consultants and external people to help. Im not the guy who throw himself to the granade, im the guy who receive a bullet, a knife, kick the granade back, carry you to safety al while im degrading myself talking with a tumblr hambeast feminazi about how i should cut my penis to say how sorry i am.

>> No.413391

wow, you really are a sorry being...i wish i knew you irl

>> No.413428

Drive around to garage sales on Sundays from 5 to 9. Pick up old furniture, retro electronics, books ect.

Sell on 50 or so books I can guy for $5 to book stores for a dollar each. Polish, sand and reinforce old furniture. Buy it for $5-$20, ~$8 of materials, an afternoon of work, re-sell it for $50-$120. Buy retro electronics for $10, clean them up, make sure everything still works. $5-$20 of materials, an afternoon of work, sell it on for $50-$100.

>> No.413429

Oh, and a pack of glasses for ~$3 can be cleaned up and resold for ~$20, old utensils for about the same.

>> No.413430

Did you? I mean if nothing else you know about an alternative that you didn't know about before... kind of like

>> No.413431

Smart, I'd love to getting into doing things like this.

>> No.413433

reference this thread.

>> No.413457

I buy lots of things from bankrupt companies and sell them on ebay and LabX

>> No.413539

Amp Guy here, yeah. It takes a lot to design, so you need knowledge of electronics. I recommend 2 books: 'Valve Amplifiers' and 'Building Valve Amplifiers' by Morgan Jones. You can torrent them on tpb. What the customer is paying for is the design, the quality and the service that goes into hand wiring and creating the amplifiers. I live in Singapore, and I sell it online by advertising via a music forum.

>> No.413571

what kind of tools are needed? Ive taked a few classes in fabrication and electronics already at my local community college so i have a fair understanding of electronics

>> No.413581

I have sex with fat chicks. I can pull in like 4 k per month if I have sex with 40 fat chicks, or like 8 k per month if I have sex with 40 really fat chicks.
ps I love fat chicks

>> No.413584
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How much would you get for one of these?

>> No.413601


>On the next episode of Dirty Jobs

>> No.413654

What's this quote from?

>> No.413685

I've been trying to get some shitty stocking jobs, but because I don't have any retail experience, they won't hire me, which is pretty discouraging. I was not aware you needed retail experience to stock things on shelves at night.

Because of this, I have a large gap in my employment history that I can't make up. I'm just going to start lying and saying I did technical support for computers (which isn't a lie, but I didn't get paid for it) so I can at least have something. I just fucked up and overslept when I was supposed to call a place right up the road and missed the person I was supposed to call, who I now can't call until Monday. I don't even know if I'll get the job.

I'm virtually broke, 22, and I'm trying to get my life together, but I can't. I really don't know what to do. I would like to work from home (I have this thing about driving around other people, and I live in a city so I'm fucked), but none of it seems stable. I really don't know what to do.

>> No.413696


edison, nj

definitely need another source of income.

>> No.413698


so would that be 140pgs per hour? what else do you do besides read. it seems too easy.

>> No.413705

Read their website. You read the PDF and then take a test based on that, your actual job is just rating search results. You also need to be a US citizen preferably although they accept a few other countries.

>> No.413706


sorry, it was a autosage.

Dude thats just for when i have to be the wingman, im a total bro and i give 110% when im winging, the thing is i have being with my girl for 10 years and i dont cheat, so everytime i went out with my friends, i was the wingman, i wasnt afraid of talking to girls because i didnt care, i didnt care to be stucked with the fat hambeast since i wasnt not going to fuck her, eventually i started to see that like a game and i got better at it. Even my girlfriend helped sometimes, maybe we could start that business over here, wingcouples.

>> No.413710


Also, highly illegal

>> No.413713


seems cool if you have no other obligations.

>> No.413727

It's really just regular illegal.

>> No.413767

>I do masonry full time
>I make $650 a week
>I have an ad on kijiji offering to do small masonry jobs for cash
>Get 1, sometimes 2 side jobs a month
>almost always a small chimney top to replace
>do the work by myself in about 4 hours
>charge $500 avg. cash. They pay for material on top of that
>I make around $500-$1000 a month extra for 4 to 8 hrs work

>> No.413770

so you're saying the freemasonic conspiracy is that masonry pays dat cash?

>> No.413771

My dad is a Freemason. Judging by his laziness. I highly doubt there are many of him that do my line of work.

>> No.413775

...but yes it can pay decent to be a mason...it's very hard work though.

>> No.413785

actually the future is in nursing. Most nurses are retiring so this demand for them is greatly increased

>> No.413871

Just makin' a joke.

What about medical assistant?

Also, that dude is a pyramid schemer. He sent me his stuff via email.

>> No.413878


I live in Egg Harbor Township, I started doing odd jobs for like $10 an hour, and I did them well enough so my name got around. Now I'm charging $15 an hour and getting work 30+ hours of work a week easy.

>> No.413886

>NJ mind
mfw I live in Absecon.

I'm the dude who made fourchandiy.com.

My friend might lose his house, and he wants extra work. Have any tips for side jobs in the area that pay pretty good?

>inb4 drugs
Legal ones lol.
Also, what would you guys think about a forum for advertising/sharing ideas for side work in your area?

>> No.413891

>Also, what would you guys think about a forum for advertising/sharing ideas for side work in your area?
I'd say it wouldn't likely help my area, but I always welcome ideas like that.

>> No.413912


This. LED bulbs are basicaly the best of both world, but are fucking exspensive. They make up for it by lasting long as hell, and using even less energy per lumen.

>> No.413915

Bullshit. Google doesn't pay dividends. Not sure about the other two. And even if it did you would need tens of thousands to break a couple hundred in dividends.

>> No.414020

I repair broken screens and other modular parts for almost everything. I format/install windows to computers. I jailbreak/flush phones/tablets. I also occasionally do automations for a guy that works in hotels and does magic shows.

Pro tip:
1. Buy legit Windows (preferably the OEM build, not the Retail build)
2. Install Windows and uncheck "Activate Windows when online"
3. Disconnect from the Internet
4. Attempt to activate Windows and select to activate by phone
6. Follow the telephone system's prompts and when asked on how many computers do you have this Windows installed just press 1
7. Do this on infinite computers
8. ???
9. Profit

>> No.414046

or just windows 7 loader with an oem key from any range of vendors, dunno why youd use the telephone

>> No.414053
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are you guys hiring

>> No.414055

not really, there are so many nursing students look for jobs but the hospitals won't hire them. Because they want nurses with experience.

>> No.414056

most medical assistants, actually all, that i have met have been female. So it is going to be a little bit more difficult to find a job as a male MA. They only get paid 15-17 bucks tops. Starting around 13.

>> No.414081

Experience is experience. Everyone has some kind of useful skill that employers need. I bought and sold maybe 4 cars over the course of 2 years, so when I applied to a car dealership for a job, I told them I had "two years of private used auto sales" and they gave me the job. I turned it down because I didn't want to be a salesman lol.

>> No.414099

So you applied for a job and turned it down?

>> No.414101
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Any programmer/developer anons in this thread?

I'm seriously thinking of going freelance web-developer. I'm currently an intern and I believe I got the basics down (mvc, jquery, html/css, php/ruby/python) - enough to make small sites with or without users. Havent done ecommerce, but how hard can it be?
My marketing plan so far is this: market to local businesses (custom wp themes + wp + maybe ecommerce plugin?) as well as local hipsters since they got cash (wp/cakephp/rails/django).
How much should I charge? 300$? 500$? Should I overcharge and then tell them about my discount and great deal? I also thought of making three rates - 1, 2 would be my main targets (say 300$ and 500$) and rate 3 would by the high premium rate (1000$) to get more people to chose plans 1 and 2.

My biggest concern however is the office side of things: taxes and contracts. Does anyone have a resource that I could quickly catch up on this?
I'm trying to minimize risk of this venture and I see taxes and contracts (ie. people not paying me or shit going to court, chosing shady customers) as the biggest risk.
I have a certain amount of money to make in 5 months and I only got one shot at this, hence why I want to minimize the risk.

P.S I also have qualifications for tech support tiers I and II, maybe it would be less risky to get a day job in that?

>> No.414107

I applied and was offered a job, but I got cold feet and turned it down

>> No.414145

Cold feet? Ive never heard of that phrase, could you elaborate?

>> No.414159

It's a colloquialism that means you lose your courage and you become to scared to do something.

>> No.414179
File: 50 KB, 720x404, 7606c7c6d5e86885c8afb6f26c2152ebe052c1f50000000008cc29da0345323f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could create a type of news/critic website. Exit strategy could be a buy out.

>> No.414180

Thank you. For a moment there I thought you were trolling the employer.

>> No.414256

Free real-estate, baby!

>> No.414300


>> No.414312

Fear of commitment. Like backing out of a wedding or, in this case, a job.

>> No.414428

>reference this thread.
seriously man, this could be for you. The people have been super helpful for me, and the position isn't going to fill too quickly

>> No.414540

Just started a wood shop in my garage this November, started making a product WAY cheaper then anything comparable out there, even on the Internet.

You just need to find a niche you can take advantage of to make money. Make sure it's a low start up cost and something that you don't need to rely on anyone person (besides yourself) to make it work. If you have an area of expertise in anything, think of a product or service you could provide within that subject that would solve a problem or provide a cheaper alternative.

I went the "provide a cheaper alternative" route and I have to say if you go that route, prepare to work your ass off if your product takes off.

>> No.414552

"Well, you could whore yourself out to a thousand fat chicks for 50 bucks apiece. Or - or - or 50 *really* fat chicks for a thousand bucks."

Vid related.

>> No.414553

I just tried to sign up under some fake details and it looks like it's attached to Ashley Madison (they refer to the people there as "their customers") so it seems like it's probably a whorehouse for men.

>> No.414594


>> No.414870
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You mean I could flip sites? I think that's too long term.

>> No.415137

If anyone wants to let me use them as a reference in exchange for the same, email me.

>> No.415155


i do. both are shit cheap atm so id look into buying some. do your own research though.

dont get into numismatics, youll get fucked over. focus mainly on bars, though buy coins if your getting gold.

>> No.415215

I write articles about things. When people visit them I get like, $0.002 per person.

It actually is going pretty well. Can't complain.

>> No.415238

Assburger detected.

Back to /r9k/

>> No.415263

I've actually considered doing the same myself, and I have a few questions:
- Do you use one of those sites that collect these articles? Do you run your own site/blog on the side with ads / have you considered it?
- What do you write about (not necessarily specifics, just in general)?
- How much does one article earn you per month in average?

>> No.415454

I know I'm late, but what about bonds?

>> No.415556

mah nigga

>> No.415564
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hey /diy,
im want to make my own t-shirt to support myself in college. now im see website like customink,zazzle,spreadshirt, and cafepress. and i don't like those website that gives you a template. is there any other sites that i can use to design and/or sell?

>> No.415565

nvm disregard this message

>> No.415599


Sorry to barge in, but who the fuck can change their own oil for $10?

>> No.415639

someone with a 1.1 liter euroshit box

>> No.415651

the filter alone gotta be more than 10$

>> No.415653

A lot of auto shops have deals where 5 quarts and a filter are like $18-$20. Some garages will do it for you for just $16. You won't be changing your own oil for $10, but it's not much more expensive.

>> No.415656


They're pretty cheap on Ebay.

>> No.415661
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you know the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION release a report that 99% OF THE TIME you WILL NOT make money with mid level marketing.

learn to trade futures

>> No.415693

I make about 3k a month bartending for a 5 star resort in tropical north queensland. Cushy gig.

>> No.415718

I see stuff like this plastered all over the boards, but never bothered to try. Can anyone tell me the legitimacy of these sites?

>> No.415859

Ive been a part of several of these sights and although they will pay out, it takes forever to make a profit. either each 30 minute survey is worth a penny or there's only 5 surveys available per month. not a decent source of income.

>> No.416261

Mturk has turned down my request for an account how the hell do I get around that to make money

>> No.416436

there's no way to make money on Mechanical Turk coz some Indian guy will underbid you. Indian fuckers will recreate a Friendster.com web site for $25 in 3 days.

>> No.416498

I'm a software engineer, but I don't really deal in web stuff outside of occasional personal projects. E-commerce, I would assume, is where the money is at for freelance website development, but I've never done it, and I know that it could become an issue if security is improperly implemented. Also, I'm sure it will involve both front-end and back-end work, so becoming at least an experienced novice at database usage and administration will likely be necessary.

When it comes to pricing, I have no idea. That might be something you'll need to research. I would think that ostentatious stuff like Flash and its analogous mimic in HTML5 would add to the price, even if it doesn't add to the difficulty of the work.

I have more that I could say, but I really need to start up the work on one of my projects this evening, so I'll return and if this thread still exists and more info is necessary, I'll provide it.

>> No.416609


>> No.417264

Long Beach California

>> No.417271

My university's psychology department has a website were you sign up for studies for pay. They pay 10 bucks an hour. In the last month I've bad 200 bucks doing this.

Only downside is limited studies going on at a time.

>> No.417361

Pre Paid Legal
Organa Gold

Mary Kay
Princess House

>> No.417586
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What do you do? Corporate/enterprise stuff?
I thought about it, but I was infected with the belief that doing web-dev stuff would give me greater location independence. We shall see if there's any truth in that.
Right now I find myself struggling with simply being slow. I'll do shit myself, but it'll take me a while because if it's new, I usually have to try a couple of times to get the right answer. Any tips for someone who is still fairly fresh to coding?
schotrt new

>> No.417842

>Mary Kay
Ha. My mom is always telling me stories about her coworkers trying to peddle this shit. Meanwhile almost all of the ones who fell into the trap have either lost their homes or are in the process of losing their homes.

>> No.417844

Have you tried emailing the German embassy here in the US, or the US embassy in Germany?
Constant translation needs, but might require a security clearance.

>> No.417845

Know about RuneScape? I bot on it.

I started with one member bot ($7), after 2 days I had another bot ($14), then 1 day later 4 bots ($28). out of that $28 membership fees I only paid $7, rest was profit of the other bots. Now I got 4 bots running 8 hours a day, making me 1 mil a day 07GP, making me 40 bucks. In a few days I'll be making 120 bucks a day.

no effort

No work earn monays.

>> No.417850

Go to the adult ed center, or whatever and take the prep classes. It explains the math so much better than any book or "teacher" ever will. They want you out the door and not filling up a seat, so have a better curriculum.
If high schools taught the way GED classes do, 9th-12th grade would last about a year and have higher grades for the students across the board.

>> No.417942

Can you go into more detail with this? Are there any potential negative repercussions?

>> No.417956

Probably the fact that most people over represent their earnings.
Chance of being banned.
Fact that it's a false economy and the more people doing it, the cheaper the price for gold will be.

>> No.418012

What do you bot on 07scape if you don't mind sharing? I have a load of bots on RS2 on 2 VPSes but they only earn about $60 a month since VPS costs 80 euros and membership is $32 and gold prices are absolute crap.

As of now there's virtually no chance of getting banned, at least not on RS2, don't know about 07. I have bots running 24/7 and not one of them has been banned over ~5 months. Jagex are huge jews, you're giving them $8 a month for membership and they think that's good enough.

>> No.418107
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I brew my own alcohol. For example:
Take a bunch of Apple juice. Add a fuckton of sugar. Add some yeast. Store in a 5 gallon jug in a relatively dark place for a month. Total cost around $20 max.
Fill a bunch of 2 liters up. Sell that shit to your friends. If you sell each 2 liter at 5 bucks a bottle you'll double your money. If they don't sell, you'll save a bunch of money by not needing to buy alcohol. Takes very little time and effort.
I shall now provide relevant info graphics.

>> No.418108
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>> No.418110
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>> No.418111
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learn Blackjack and how to count cards

>> No.418119

While drinking. They give you free drinks for a reason. That lack of focus.

>> No.418145

Your arrogance is exceeded only by your lack of understanding of learning. Facts must be memorized before understanding can take place. This guy made something of his life, and fells for those who didn't. You are just self-righteous in your little area. Aren't you the special one?

>> No.418154


>> No.418156

If you buy frozen concentrate, it's cheap as hell. I've got a three gallon Apple and a five gallon Grape still fermenting. The concentrates were 1/each using the knock off, and I bought 3 apple, five grape. Five dollar ten pound bag of sugar. Four dollar jar of baker's yeast (never use quick rise) and you're looking at 20 bucks tops.

I get donated 20 dollars, and I give my friends a gallon at a time. Also, a bottle of everclear on hand helps with content, and can help make sure fermentation is actually done before you bottle. You'll still make a profit.

>> No.418159

I'm not sure why myself, but it seems to work for me and mine. We're dialup bound out here so we have to use this method anyways, but it hasn't failed me before.

>> No.418204


"The production of distilled beverages is regulated and taxed.[18] The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives and the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (formerly a single organization called the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) enforce federal laws and regulations related to alcohol. All packaging of alcoholic products must contain a health warning from the Surgeon General.
In most of the American states, individuals may produce wine and beer for personal consumption (but not for sale) in amounts [usually] of up to 100 gallons per adult per year, but no more than 200 gallons per household per year.
The illegal (i.e., unlicensed) production of liquor in the United States is commonly referred to as “moonshining.” Illegally produced liquor (popularly called “white lightning”) is not aged and contains a high percentage of alcohol."

Takes very little time and effort to get your ass thrown in jail.. depending on how strong your alcohol is could be prison.

At the very least it's a large fine.

Pretty much google "Is it legal to sell my own alcohol in xx" where xx is your state.

If it's considered liquor, the ATF gets involved.

Have fun anon.

>> No.418232


First of all, everybody already knows that, and if they didn't they live under a rock.

Secondly, I'm sure some guy pouring apple juice into jugs and storing them in his mother's cabinets doesn't really care about the legality of selling homemade booze.

>> No.418242
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I work a decent job.

>> No.418259

Uhh... this was ages ago but I'll still answer.

I do both types. I write both for collection sites and on my own. Blogging is a low return on investment timewise. People don't click ads much unless they're stupid. I don't know why. So if your blog caters to a stupid audience you'll get more clicks and it might be a good prospect.

I use Hubpages and think it's actually a better deal than writing on your own. You get paid per visitor not per ad click, which ends up being more than I would get on adsense by itself. They have deals with advertisers which is how they afford this.

I dunno how much an article earns me per month, it's really variable. I guess like... 50 cents? You can find me there at tealparadise.hubpages.com/_content6 if you're interested to see what I write on. It's no big secret.

I also sell content on a per-article basis to textbroker.com for about $6 an article (500 words)

>> No.418304

Never more than 15%. Baker's yeast has a low alcohol tolerance so it does a lot quicker than wine maker's.

And you misapprehend! I give my wine as gifts alone. Sometimes, my friends show their appreciation by giving me a few dollars to help buy the supplies for my next batch.

Come now, we're all gentlemen.

>> No.418679


I think his advice is actually supposed to be helpful. He didn't JUST say "get a job" he gave specifics regarding the Manufacturing industry.

I see too many dudes working for $10 at starbucks or mcdonalds, or waiting tables at a shit restaurant, they're always complaining about having no money, yet there are nearly limitless manufacturing/warehousing/factory jobs out there that typically start at 1.5x+ minimum wage. For example where I live in Canada minimum wage is $10.25, but most factory jobs start at around $15-17 with opportunities to make upwards of ~$20-23/hour if you stay there for a couple years, and sometimes additional free training if you're ambitious.

I know telling someone to "get a job" isn't helpful, but someone telling them the type of industry to look into where they can acquire a higher paying, low skill job with plenty of availability should be thanked and not berated.

>> No.418688


Yeah, if it was as easy and bulletproof to make money as

>short stock when Cramer / CNBC mentions a stock

>buy stock prior to Apple / etc product release and sell after

Hedge funds would have been doing it years ago

>> No.418689

Do you use VPNs to hide your IP? Doesn't Jagex have your ID because you have to pay them with credit card for the account(s)?

>> No.419004

I don't hide my IP because you are allowed to multilog (although not to the same world). You can also pay for membership with gold via buying prepaid cards on sythe.org from sellers; but really it all boils down to jagex being huge jews and not banning botters because they make up 50+% of their players.

>> No.419050


>> No.419053

>make blog and write and cover fake or exageratted things that you know will rile people up
>post a link to your post about how a muslim in britain raped a woman and got away because the quran said it was okay to various comment sections of popular websites
>enjoy easy money for being a lying bastard

>> No.419077

Family Guy delivers the best job ideas

>> No.419084

Well I own a couple blogs & full time job..
>>inb4 blogs dont maek cash

well, they do.. if you do it correctly.. If you've ever searched the internet on how to make money blogging everyone will say the same shit.. hur dur niche content.. YEP, thats exactly what you want. Here's what I do:

1.) Use Google Adwords & Market Samurai to find niche keywords in the "medium category" The point of this is to find keywords that people search often but there isn't a solid website for... You're NOT looking for.. "Music" "Dub Step" "Luxury cars" "Marijuana" Stay away from general words, these are usually very optimized by companies that pay millions of dollars to be on the first pages of search engines. What you're looking for is a specific niche, for example "Northeast Dubstep" "Jersey Shore music" "antique science equipment" "electronic music with vocals" These are just examples, it's important to research this really well.

2.) Man the FUCK up and buy a domain name. Why? Because using a free website/blog looks like shit, people won't take you're information seriously. .com's are like $5.00-$10.00 and who knows, maybe someday you'll sell the website! The keyword's/phrase you found in step 1 should be part of you're domain name...

3.) Choosing a Blogging platform, Personally I use wordpress since it's got pretty straight forward plugins which allow for great SEO and website mapping.. So easy even a basement dwelling ponyfag can do it!

4.) Theme & Design, well this depends on you're blog.. If you suck at graphics, Fiverrr is a great place to find cheap graphic artists for banners/logos/ backgrounds, five bucks, can't go wrong.. If not, then look for a Xara 3D bannermaker online.. It'll make some nicely made banners. You'll want a logo too, this is how people will know you're a fucking cool website and not some cock blowing free blogger, bwahaha.. Be creative, don't fill you're website with shit.

5.) Content! Gotta go to work brb. i'll finish later if anyone gives a fuck

>> No.419085

I'll prolly make an infographic so people can spread it around when I get back. Plus, there are a couple chat rooms with lots of members whos sole purpose is "click fraud" basically, people just click each others links.. It worked pretty well for me, a couple years ago 4chan was huge into the click fraud for blogger, i made a couple hundred dollars and cashed out between that chat room and real traffic..

>> No.419086 [DELETED] 


thanks for some good advice.

hope you won't be offended if i give you some: learn "your vs you're"

>> No.419103
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I like your style goyim

>> No.419337

yah as much as the fuckers at gawker try to play off they are poor liberals and shit..

gawker made like 30 mil profit last year

>> No.419345

This type of stuff used to consume my life. Online schemes and ways of finding the quick payout. Failed out of college because of these pursuits, in fact. Had great success in blogging... at one point was pulling in 2k/month. But of course nothing like that lasts..

Fast forward almost 10 years to today. I am senior management in a software development department for a big name tech company. Still no college degree. Make 180k/yr.

What changed? Two things: 1) I replaced my alcohol addition with 90mg of ritalin per day and 2) Even when I was getting paid shit, I gave my job everything I had. I also prioritized my social interactions with co-workers, bosses, and friends, which paid off in job offers and useful contacts down the road 3) realized that what I was good at wasn't really what I WANTED to be good at. I always wanted to think i was born to be a software engineer. When I realized I was actually a pretty shitty developer, I focused on the type of work I was better at: integration, management, etc.

>> No.419349

I sure hope it's 07gp
Eoc is getting pretty deflated cashwise

>> No.419359

I help my father or other family members in their businesses
But finding work out side my family is kinda hard for a community Collegetalented /diy/erwho lives in the heart of Silicon Valley

>> No.419418


>3) realized that what I was good at wasn't really what I WANTED to be good at. I always wanted to think i was born to be a software engineer. When I realized I was actually a pretty shitty developer, I focused on the type of work I was better at: integration, management, etc.

I find this a massive problem... how do I find out what I am good at?

>> No.419460
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This is probably the most revolutionary post in this thread when it comes to "online schemes of finding the quick payout". There's no such thing and you're either one of the guys at the top who sell their shit (stories, software) to the rats at the bottom and the rats can barely keep their heads out of the water.

>> No.419461
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part 2/3 because fucking antispam system:

There was a nice piece on redXdit a few months back by a guy who put in the hours and actually learned to code and he got a botXnet to get credit C numbers. If I remember correctly, it took him a year and a half of learning and it earned him a pretty average income.

Nothing can really replace focus and hustling, can it? Kudos to you anon.

>> No.419466

>how do I find out what I am good at?

Do something you think you'd be good at. If you're not good at it, Try something else and see if you're good at that. Repeat.

>> No.419464


Holy shit bro.. I think being a mature responsible adult is against the global rules on 4chan.

This guy is absolutely correct though. Especially about #2. I started in a general warehouse job doing grunt work and now I'm an Industrial Engineer at the same job.

Just do your best at everything you do and stick to what you're good at. Don't ever settle for things and keep your eyes and ears open for opportunity. Keep bettering yourself also and don't let anyone tell you that you CAN'T do something.

>> No.419467
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Jesus fuck, fuck the anti spam system, I had to mangle my post a bit.

Notice how the anon you quoted tried different shit before he hit the jackpot. You can't do this on paper, you can't blow smoke rings on sundays. You gotta get up and do and try and try again until you get it. It sounds like a fuckload of hard work - getting a blog to make 2k per month, fuck man, that takes dedication. And when it failed, it looks like he tried something else. I think that's the way to do it.

In my own experience I think it true. I bummed around and worked shitty retail jobs and did jackshit in community college until I got the right mix of tools (a scripting language), ideas (projects) and a bit of necessity. Six months later I'm an intern for a startup where everyone has 60-100$k degrees and Im still doing shit in community college.
And last thursday a coworker said he and others are impress with my performance. I may not be taking ritalin like the other anon, but fuck me if I ain't got my brain in 5th gear to carve out something from life.
Good luck

>> No.419472

I am self-employed.

>Go to auctions every week (normal auctions, storage auctions, government auctions, etc)
>Go to flea markets/yard sales every week
>Sell proceeds on eBay, Craigslist, Gunbroker

Though I'm not doing a lot of work right now because I made a killing on the gun panic buys. Bought me a vehicle and have enough money to pay my bills for a damn year right now. Still going out during the week but only because I'm bored, not because I have to.

I specialize in ammunition, vintage electronics, and video game shit. People love that shit.

I also go to the flea market to sell once a month and I offer "free electronics recycling" at my booth. I also offer computer repairs.

Then, of course, I recycle metals and shit and haul them to scrap yard.

>> No.419808

can you explain further the whole "gun panic buys". u just buy guns ppl are selling at a lower than market price type scenerio?

>> No.419809

Not that dude, but in America, whenever your politicians derp up and shit happens concerning your freedoms, you can sell firearms and ammunition for a pretty huge price.

I'd also suggest reloading your own ammunition if you shoot a lot.

>> No.419822

add preview. to tinyurl links
like this
www.tinyurl becomes preview.tinyurl
and of course .com
this shows you the site the link redirects to, and gives you the choice to go there or not

>> No.420062


>No constraining limitations such as a female, or offspring obligation
>Not enjoying lifes bounty.

What in the flying fuck?

>> No.420083


How do you find out about things like government and police auctions? I've wanted to go to some but haven't been able to ever find any listings.

>> No.420110

I usually sit around $12 a change.
Costco (Chevron) oil cost me $25 for 12 quarts and the oil filter I buy costs ~$6
That is roughly $16 a change every 3000-4500 miles, depending on how dirty the oil is.

>> No.420111

Fail, 12 and 16 are different numbers.
It is $16 a change, ignore the 12.

>> No.420943

I have a shit ton of Magic:The Gathering cards to sell from 1992 on. What's the best way to do it?

>> No.421167

OK, so im moving out of home in July and going away for college. As of right now I go to school and work an internship that deals with my major. the thing is, I dont have a job, and its gonna be ridiculous finding time for one considering my college schedule right now is everywhere and work hours are taking up the rest of my free time.

with that said, is there anything in here that can help me out? Im not looking to make thousands of dollars, I honestly just want to see if its possible to get at least a months worth of rent by the time i get out of here so that I can have some time to settle in and find a real part time job as i go to school.

Do any of these survey sites actually work? i have a lot of down time at work and i could do quite a few here and there just to make a couple dollars as everything would be incredibly helpful.

anyone have any ideas?

>> No.421216

Numismatics is a hobby, not an investment opportunity.

>> No.421218

There aren't as many manufacturing jobs in the US, and the pay isn't dramatically better.

1.5x minimum wage is like $10.75 in the US anyway.

>> No.421219

Cree just released a $10 LED bulb that's sold through Home Depot that blows everything else out of the water.

They're not expensive anymore.

>> No.421221

You're joking about military and paramilitary work, but I've heard nothing but good things about being a merchant marine.

It's something I'm looking into now, and although I obviously can't recommend it whole-heartedly since I haven't done it yet, I think that many people on this board should at least look into it.

>> No.421222

>5-star resort
You should be making 3k/wk. if the place was actually a 5-star resort.

>> No.421293

5-star isn't such a huge deal that even the maids earn 10k/month. 3k/m for bartending is not bad at all.

>> No.421328

central New Jersey here

there are a lot of ways to get Amazon gift cards online.

it isn't "real" money but it helps and they'll ship almost anywhere.

>> No.421340

I work 3 days a week and get enough money to get by while I study but lately I've been thinking of dating older women so they can buy me shit.

>> No.421505

European here, Portuguese to be precise.

I make ~650€/month, feelsbadman.jpg

Any good European advice?

>> No.421612


I only do 4 days a week, full time I could possibly come close to doubling what I make now but cbf.

>> No.421659

I would love nothing more than to do this, but there's a big problem. Not sure about where you are, but here, there are fuck-all jobs going in that area.
In fact, even if there are jobs going, you need a minimum of 2 years training and getting all the qualifications before you can even attempt to find a job.
Trust me, I've tried. Best I could get was 12 weeks work experience in a welding and fabrication firm, and even that was only through the owner's benevolence.

>> No.421675

I have $5,000AUD in savings, what should I do?

>> No.421976

give it to me

>> No.421979

You can give it to me to handle it, 7% in a year i can offer you.

>> No.422020

i didn't memorized them either, still i can do everything if not more than the others can do.

>> No.422027

im doing ptc in couple of site
here : http://pastebin.com/ftKqvWpZ
you can see them

going to 100$/month soon, and that's not really bad for almsot no work + no investment
i invest i've earn

>> No.422139

Looked into that neobux stuff a bunch. Seems like a really good way to go. Funelled a little MTurk money into it to start off and see where it goes from there. Seems like a really good--albeit longterm--way to make easy money.

>> No.422575

you'll need to do a lot of research if you have no idea which cards are staples/valuable.

Go by ebay prices to find out what things actually SELL FOR and not what some card site says they're worth. At the end of the day it all comes down to what people will actually pay for your shit.

Ebay is also the best market to sell to unless you can get personal contacts with collectors, but don't sell to card shops or bulk buyers because they'll lowball you with the intent to resell.

When you sell on ebay just make sure to get payment first to your paypal and consider tracking/insurance if you're selling an expensive batch of cards.

>> No.422613

Go on youtube and look up Elithecomputerguy channel. He's got a lot to say about how to run a web design business.

As a freelance web developer, the work is easy. What sucks is dealing with clients. Some forget to pay, some drag you into their shit, some have no intention of paying, and some are just shit people. It's also really competitive.

eCommerce is not difficult at all. For the most part, I would suggest avoiding this type of maintenance work unless you're a top-shelf programmer. I had the unfortunate opportunity to work for a client who had not updated his codebase since 2003! PHP4 to 5/MySQL upgrades upgrades, shit that didn't work, modules out of date or incompatible, ugh... Oh yeah, I was just starting out and only getting paid $15/hr. Fuck that shit.

>> No.422622

They are also looking for a fuckload of Aviation Maintenance Technicians, something I'm currently in school for. It's really fucking awesome, and I recommend it to anyone interested in aviation. It's only a two and a half year program, and it's about 8000 dollars total.

>> No.422626

>Be Finnish
> 6 yrs old: go to school
> 12 grades for free
> Go to uni for free
> receive 600 dollars cash from the government cause ure at uni
> priceless

>> No.422629

Every month btw.

>> No.422653

>Pay taxes out your ass for the rest of your life

>> No.422663

>three week old thread

>> No.422956

True, i pay 23%.

>> No.423467

We've had threads last far longer here.

This one's dying because it already reached the bump limit.

>> No.423950


dutifully bumped then, anon

>> No.424216


I mean, I sell spinach. Awesome spinach. Spinach you wouldn't believe was spinach...

Doubt me? Well, why don't you come over here and have some of my spinach?

>> No.424219

Right now a student, but most likely freelance architectural visualization and visual effect work.

My goal right now is to work a year or two at Rockwool, save up as much money as possible and hopefully get enough for a piece of land somewhere to build a tiny 40m2 house.

Depends where I end up, but hopefully my dad would be able to help out on the actual construction of the house since its what he's done for a living the last 30 something years.

So if everything goes to plan it should be very inexpensive and wouldn't really require me to work much to live comfortably.