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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 66 KB, 468x662, finger_regrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
408082 No.408082 [Reply] [Original]

How legit is this? Also, anyone have more in depth information on the process of extracting extracellular matrix powder?

>> No.408093

How legit do you think it is?

It's not.

>> No.408115


absolute nonsense, and you are a fool for even considering it. seriously.

>> No.408121

You're a troll pretending being ingenuous faggot.

>> No.408123


maybe a hoax, but maybe not...

>> No.408197

Actually you are the fool. It is real, very real. www.acell.com and www.wakehealth.edu/WFIRM/ maybe they can help you grow a brain? I hope so...

>> No.408218

What those sites are talking about is a bit different than sprinkling powdered pig bladder on your stump.

>> No.408229

Over simplified but still the same thing...

>> No.408234

Yes the basic idea is legit, but the crude process described in OP's pic almost surely won't cut it.

>> No.408235

No fuck tard that is exactly "What those sites are talking about": "UBM Core Technology

Urinary Bladder Matrix (UBM) is derived from porcine urinary bladder. The bladder is harvested and processed to remove the muscle and submucosa tissue layers. The UBM is disinfected, packaged, and sterilized. The resulting product is a non-crosslinked, completely resorbable, acellular extracellular matrix scaffold, rich with naturally-occurring collagens and proteins and maintains an intact epithelial basement membrane surface.

This ECM scaffold technology is recognized by its bimodal surface characteristics. The intact basement membrane surface is hypothesized to contribute to epithelial and progenitor cell attachment and proliferation. The lamina propria surface may be conducive for integration into the wound bed and host connective tissues.

UBM has been researched extensively and its characteristics have been shown to be beneficial for various wound and surgical applications.

Characteristics of UBM

UBM contains a collection of collagens and proteins arranged in a three-dimensional structure not currently available in synthetic materials and has been demonstrated to:

Maintain an intact epithelial basement membrane1
Contain numerous collagens1
Contain laminin1
Contain numerous growth factors2
Display antimicrobial activity3
Contain glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)4

>> No.408452

I totally bought that this was possible!!!
Not even for one second.

>> No.408482

The general Idea is indeed legitimate. It will help regrow minor things like severed fingers. I believe the image is just a purposeful oversimplification, not actually meant to be taken seriously. The image is basically correct though. Just wildly oversimplified.

>> No.408486

It is possible. We can't change the simple fact that you are stupid. You should just pre surender to China now.

>> No.408508

Right. Pig bladder cells will somehow not only help an animal of a different genus grow a body part that's not only not a bladder but not even something the pig has itself. Oh and somehow it will be able to dual purpose, growing your finger muscles, skin and even the nail back.

Boy I sure hope some of you retards try this.

>> No.408511

I recall this story (about the pig-bladder powder and the guy regrowing the fingertip) ran in mainstream US news media at the time it happened. That doesn't guarantee its legit, but it makes it more likely.

To regrow a finger or a whole limb is not impossible; after all you already grew it *once*. The entire concept of stem cells sounded impossible, but now it is commonly known.

>> No.408540

Right. They did at one time use pig heart valves in humans. So sad how stupid the USA has be one. No wonder it's looking more and more like Mexico.

>> No.408568

>It is possible.
OK, I'll take you seriously and won't attempt to belittle you in return. If you'd care to post some evidence I'll read it with an open mind.

Just so we're clear what the parameters are:
regrow an entire fingertip;
with nail bed;
using extract derived from scrapings of a pig's bladder;
done at home, not in a lab.

>> No.408595

Ah, see, you assume it is cells. No it is a chemical that is collected and used, not living or dead cells.

>> No.408603

Here you go: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7354458.stm

>> No.408605

It is true. They've been working on it for years now, but they haven't moved very far forward beyond digits. You couldn't really do it on your own without the aid of a scientist though.

>> No.408619

ECM, not cells, fucking idiot.
ECM is the same for most mammals. Biomaterialsfag here.

>> No.408706

Ok, practical question time:
It says to wash in acid. Any ideas what kind? How strong? Any particulars of the process we should know about?

>> No.408710

Also, can it reattach severed parts, or just regrow?

>> No.408722

Guess I should have worded my inquiry more like this. I know the pic is retarded, I'm trying to see how much truth may be behind it and if ECM is possible to extract outside of a lab, with the proper amount of know-how. After seeing these from a basic, front page search, I figured there should be something to it:


>> No.408730

>can it reattach severed parts

You need to suture blood vessels correctly to reattach entirely severed parts. Partially severed parts may have enough collateral circulation to survive and grow new vessels over time.

Any ECM material addded may reduce scarring, and reduced scarring can mean better nerve and other tissue regrowth, but don't count on it too much.

But no, you couldn't add it like a glue and expect the part to recover.

If you chop off a finger with a good margin, get a surgeon to reattach it. Fingers are relatively easy unless it's crushed or otherwise destroyed as you have a good time margin to reattach it, and the nerve-regrowth(that is slow as fuck) doesn't need to cover a very long distances.

>> No.409071

Doesn't fulfil the parameters but very interesting reading, TVM.

>> No.409088

The important question here is: can I use this to make my dick larger? Maybe rub my dick with sandpaper then apply this.. "pixie dust"?

>> No.409104

Sure it does. The parameters were not 100% explicit. You said at home and that's where he did it, at home. He put the powder on himself at home. Not in a lab and not even under the supervision of a MD.

>> No.409117


The odd thing about nerve damage is that, in the case of even partial severence the nerve fiber degenerates over time, sometime all the way to the spinal column. What happens during reconstruction is that the nerves have a chance to make connections with undamaged nerve bunches (is it branches? I'm not a medical guy) and so can continue to provide response. In the case of minor severing there is typically an 80-90% recovery of feeling and/or function, but a fully destroyed nerve branch sometimes may never heal.

My source (among other things like general curiosity): Tuesday at work I had a mishap while putting together a cart, cut my left index finger at the 2nd joint more or less in half laterally. Had a nice chat with the PA about the partial numbness from my wound. 9 stitches and a splint later...I wish I had a picture of the wound when it happened. I've never seen living cartilage and bone before.

>> No.409118


The kicker is I'm left handed. One of my worst fears is losing operability of my dominant hand.

>> No.409123
File: 7 KB, 251x251, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.409321

I had to watch that obese guy's documentary Sicko once, and this exact thing happened.

>> No.409348

if you cut a newborns finger off, it will grow back
like a lizard's foot

>> No.409353

This thread is still up? People are still considering this?

God, I hope I hear about people trying this and ending up with infections that cause them to loose everything below the neck.