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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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396864 No.396864 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, very poor lurker here, need some help. Any places to get dirt cheap or free lock picking sets? Maybe a DIY set even? also tips? I plan on learning as it intrigues me.

>> No.396868

"intrigues me" ...........suuuuuure

>> No.396869

Here's a link to DIY a set out of windshield wiper blades.


>> No.396871

Not like other people on this board, it intrigues me, the complexity of locks are almost like an art.

>> No.396873

>wants to pick locks
yeah I'm sure nothing bad will happen if we help you out

>> No.396875

By poor, I mean strapped for cash. I make enough monies, but enough to get by, so not enough money to afford extravagant hobbies or to travel

>> No.396876

lockpicking is a trade dum dum

>> No.396878

Try Amazon?


>> No.396889

A starter kit is like three pieces and costs less than $5, not including shipping.

>> No.396894

Where would you personally recommend?

>> No.396896


>> No.396902

So what would be starting pieces? A rake a tension wrench and...?
Also OP posting from mobile.

>> No.396904

And a C pick. Or "Double-ended snake-hook", apparently

>> No.396908

Ok. Awesome. Thanks. Any info graphics or pics that would assist me in self teaching or certain websites? From what I've seen, some sites don't teach for shit.

>> No.396911

Sorry, not really. I learned from a friend who learned through experimentation.

>> No.396915

Ok. That's cool.
Anyone else out there with some tips or halp?

>> No.396918

And what type of tension wrench am I looking for?

>> No.396925

If you live in a city with street sweepers, look in the gutter for bristles. In my city the bristles are the perfect size, shape and material for making picks.

>> No.396933

I got a 14 piece set from the brand you pictured for...$15 dollars? At some point you have to just suck it up and pay for a tool. Why don't you stick with paperclips until you can save up $15? You can even try tempering the paper clips.

>> No.396938

also any old car windshield washer blade has 2 very thin flat springs that run the length of the rubber squeegee part. these make excellent materiel for picks and torques

>> No.396947

actual locksmith here...
1.make sure its legal in your area. Some states, its aokay to order. Others, you'll get them seized and potentially face a fine. I *WOULD* have gotten a fine on my last order, but since the letter they sent accused me of being a crook and that i own them $500 for being a crook included a fax number, i was able to fax them my business card and trade certificate... which promptly made them STFU and send my package.
That said, regardless of where you live, if you are caught with them on you and you dont have the paper work, you'll be in MAJOR shit... so dont be a dumbass.

All that said, standard tumbler picks can all be opened with 2 tools. Tension wrench and a hook pick. 95% of them can be opened much quicker with a tension wrench and a rake(Being a newb, you should go with a snake rake. bump rakes are even easier, but they get you into bad habits. Also more prone to breaking)

Ignore all the by-pass tools. Most of them dont work for shit or only on very specific locks, and dont teach you anything. This goes for pickguns too... They do work, but are overly expensive for what they accomplish and finniky. Plus, if you use them wrong you can obliterate a lock to the point where the only recourse is to drill it out.

>> No.396995

check out lockpick101 op, also toool, but i think i got quite a few from brockage, their fairly affordable,oh also as mentioned dont get caught with them, legal or no theyll probably get confiscated by local five o then your out lock picks which is no fun

and a side note for my curiosity are bogotas any good? I've been thinking about getting some for fun

>> No.396997

also who did you order from that sent you a 500 dollar fine, sounds like a scam to me

(ie i wanna know so i dont order from them)

>> No.397007

>regardless of where you live, if you are caught with them on you and you dont have the paper work, you'll be in MAJOR shit


Only a small few states can use possession of picks as proof of criminal intent. They require you prove that you use the picks for some sort of legitimate work and only when you can't prove so will you catch hell. A couple have odd laws and a few have no statutes on the matter. The majority of states put the burden of proof upon the state (as it should be). If officers are questioning your possession of them and can't prove you've any ill intents you can basically tell them to "fuck off" (but I'd advise doing it more politely). Or you can always let them violate your rights and/or unjustly confiscate your hardware and then try to make a case out of it afterwards but good luck with that. All that'll likely happen is you'll waste the time of the officer(s), a judge and yourself, and when the judge tells them to give your tools back they'll have been conveniently "lost" because after they were confiscated somebody claimed them as their own and took them home to play with.

>> No.397008
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im not the locksmith, but ive been in a similar situation, as i was on the job at the time, there was no legal hot water, but it was a situation id rather not be in again, just saiyan

>> No.397048

sounds like a bully scam to me.

>> No.397063

Is it possible to pick locks with bobby pins, or is that just in movies?

>> No.397065
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Yes and no. You could straighten it, apply some heat and use some pliers to put your bend into the tip. Straightened and with a 90 degree bend they'd probably work well enough as a tension wrench as well.

I've zero doubt that they'd work on cheaper locks like the attached image. These original "club" steering wheel locks have wafer tumblers with only six wafers (three up, three down). I've raked them in under 8 seconds with a proper snake rake and an automotive tension wrench. I'm not sure how well you'd be able to feel the pins/wafers if you were doing actual picking and not raking but I imagine they'd work well enough.

>> No.397067
File: 69 KB, 500x500, Kathy Ferreiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this be viable for picking most household locks?


>> No.397080
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If you can make the materials into picks and said picks will allow you to apply pressure to the pins inside the lock without the picks breaking/bending then you can pick locks with them.


>> No.397082

I think if you looked like her you wouldn't have to worry about picking any lock a man was behind.

Yes, very viable.

>> No.397084
File: 105 KB, 667x800, lp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a decent template.

>go to hardware store
>get some cheap sheet metal for duct repairs
>cut some shapes out with a dremel
>file it down

you should start out with a torque wrench and the wavy looking one from >>397080

>> No.397095
File: 293 KB, 1190x1683, make picks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.397096

Which tension wrench, As there are multiple types?

>> No.397105

There are dirt cheap sets on dx.com


The cheapest set: currently $5.71 USD with free shipping.

That's the one I bought, and it's fine for learning. I would have rather had half the picks, and two or three wrenches instead, but hey. Under $6.

>> No.397117

The custom officers did it. If it was a store, i would just do cashback since they would have no recourse and i never got my package. When its the govt sending you mail though, you better fucking deal with it ASAP and not fuck around, as they WILL send cops over to deal with you.

Thats cute. Thing your forgetting is most cops are power-hungry dicks who will be more than willing to bend the rules in the states favor, if only to assert dominance over you. Best case scenario they cut you a break and DONT act like dicks. Realistically, they'll bitch you out and threaten to hold you while they get the okay to release. Remember, its legal for you to be legally held for 48 hours without any recourse if they suspect you are breaking a law. This aint Canada guys, so go out assuming the system is trying to fuck you.

I dont think you guys understand how serious it is, when you import these tools into the country. It only takes 1 ignorant customs officer to fuck your entire month up.

This ships from outside of america. I have a set similar to it and its junk. And since its from out of the country, custom officers will be able to review it, and you'll potentially be in the same mess i was in the the $500 fine.

>> No.397120

>This ships from outside of america. I have a set similar to it and its junk. And since its from out of the country, custom officers will be able to review it, and you'll potentially be in the same mess i was in the the $500 fine.

Common misconception. It's not illegal to buy or possesses lock picking tools in the US. For you to get in trouble with them, they have to be on your person, while you're committing a crime. Now yes, the cops don't have to always follow the law, which is why a bored customs officer may confiscate them, or a cop who searches your car can take them, and you can't do shit. But if they try and arrest you, or fine you for just having them, it will get thrown out of court.

>> No.397209

You'll still need to hire a lawyer, and as a certified locksmith i was still subject to prove that i needed the tools, or else have them seized, along with a $500 fine.

Its frustrating when you guys are talking about hypothetical, when i am outright saying if i did not have my certification and a business card, i would have lost me $80 order, as well as be expected to pay a $500 fine.
Its easy to avoid it if you dont flash the tools around, and order from within the country.(You'll end up paying more than $5 for the set, but the tools also wont be pieces of shit that come to you rusted and bent)

>> No.397276

the only thing I can think of when it comes to poorman's picks would be a bump key.
With a scrap key (or a walmart copies key for a buck or so) and a file you can have one in about an hour. Just google it for fun.

>> No.397453

customs are bunch of bitches, i understand now, and have made a note to never buy picks out of the good ol USA, sucks if you want some rare kind of euro pick tho

>> No.397473

You can make fairly useable picks and tension wrenches out of old hacksaw blades, using a bench grinder. Had to do it at work more then once for toolboxes etc.

>> No.397488

Make them yourself. It requires a very small amount of steel.

>> No.397703

le epic

>> No.397731

i was thinking of making some bogotas, are they fairly easy to make, ive done some spot welding and a shit ton of soldering, just dunno how well the first few would turn out, also anybody know a good hacksaw blade for the /diy/ method?

>> No.397736

the cheapest ones are the best iirc you want them to snap without bending

>> No.397737

the cheapest saw blades, got a specific brand/size that has good results? also do i need a butane torch or anything or just a dremel and sandpaper?

>> No.397748

nah no specific brand but the more expensive ones will bend before they snap. i use bench 2 bench grinders. a big one to get my rough shape than a little one with a 3mm cutting wheel on it. main thing is to keep it cool, have a container of water or watever and keep dipping it between grinds. than i sand them with wet and dry 100/240/800 respectively than stitch buff followed by open calico works a treat. got a dremel but i don't use it for this sort of thing i've made bogata rakes with this setup too.

>> No.397750


If I try and ship this to Australia, will the Government be after me?

>> No.397762

use your google fu theres a lockpicking forum around with info on shipping over here pretty sure theres a few people doing it without issue.

i'm >>397748 so i've made all mine

>> No.397768

very nice ill have to give it a shot, thx for the info

>> No.399085

Bumping this to the front page. Anyone else have input?

>> No.399100

Lock picks are pretty cheap and cheaper if you make them yourself.

What I will add tho is you only really need 2 picks and a torsion wrench and you're set.

I picked up one of these lock pick training locks that lets you swap out the tumblers and even comes with security plugs...I've pretty much ONLY used half diamond and j shaped picks but can open anything with just the J shaped one. yeah sometimes you can use the bump-key jagged one but if they're that easy I'm able to bump it with just the J one anyways.

>> No.399559

im a half ball man myself (odd personal preference), good for raking and single picking, and snake rake, cant forget snake rake

>> No.399568

>I plan on learning as I want to break into other people's shit and steal from them

>> No.399787

whoa now this is a locksport thread, nothing wrong with that

>> No.400695

bump to keep this good thread alive

>> No.400789

Didn't help his case how he mentions how he's very poor, and just conveniently wants to learn lock picking.

>> No.400790

Oh, fuck off.

>> No.400794

Dont be silly, a good kick or two will open most doors. If he just wanted to steal stuff there are s lot of alternatives to lock picking.

Not to mention it is really fucking suspicious if people see you messing with a lock, whereas with the brute force approach unless you destroy the door you can still close it and it wont stand out too much.

>> No.400796

Heck the reason I am reading this right now is cuz I locked myself out of my room last week.

>> No.400802

poor or not, i learned this hobby broke as fuck, now i get occasional locksmith gigs , i hate how lockpicking="shady", its like saying a programmer is obviously making malware, its complete bullshit

>> No.402665

Bump for interest

>> No.402688

hacksaw blades, tin snips, and a hammer. cut baldes to shape and use hammer to flatten cut edges.

>> No.402707

Srsly. Polite sage because grammar nazi.

>> No.402709

Forgot to sage... dammit.

>> No.402823
File: 391 KB, 622x802, bump keys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol , that's what you grammar nazi's get, fucking karma, also who here likes bump keys?

>> No.402834

man, I've got a weird thing, where I can't pick other peoples locks, like if i got and buy a new lock, that I now own, I can pick it in like 15-20 seconds never having touched it before, but if someones like "my roomate/co worker locked me out any help", i can never get it, something psychological about it, I think i fear of going to jail and getting ass raped

>> No.402835

They are for the melanin enriched. Lock picking is a skill.

>> No.402837

dats racist, but somewhat intelligent, i dont know what to say, you dont seem ignorant, but you seem racist

>> No.402839

People are have roles in a society for a reason. It isn't their fault they are black and I cannot dislike them simply for that. I just wouldn't leave my wallet laying on the coffee table if one was in my home.

>> No.402841

i dont leave my wallet around anybody