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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 31 KB, 310x310, I'm a man but I can change... if I have to... I guess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
396681 No.396681 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to /diy/
There's a variety of topics here that might interest you, whether you're a beginner or a pro.
Here's some tips to get you started.

- FIRST ASK GOOGLE, Then ask /diy/
- Put some effort into your post and try to make it interesting
- Be as specific as you can.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, ect.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Share your results. /diy/ likes to see problems solved and projects completed.

If you have a project you think might interest us, please share it.

Recommended links: http://fourchandiy.com/w/index.php/Recommended_Reading

/diy/ is for the types of things you would find in "Instructables" and "Make Magazine" NOT "Anarchist's Cookbook".

Happy /diy/ing

>> No.396729


>> No.396735


>> No.396781

remember when i told you that you were about to hit a wall?

>> No.396785

> . . . . .Think of /diy/ as '/b/lite'.

>Cosplay uni's ? sex toys ? drugs? weapons? get rich quick ? Shitpost to your hearts delight. You will not be banned, nor your thread deleted.

>> No.396796


>> No.396802
File: 34 KB, 600x450, MIG_WELDING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /diy/
There's a variety of topics here that might interest you, whether you're a beginner or a pro.
Here's some tips to get you started.

- FIRST ASK GOOGLE, Then ask /diy/
- Put some effort into your post and try to make it interesting
- Be as specific as you can.
- List avalable resources (tools, materials, budget, time, ect.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Share your results. /diy/ likes to see problems solved and projects completed.

If you have a project you think might interest us, please share it.

Recommended links: http://fourchandiy.com/w/index.php/Recommended_Reading

/diy/ is for the types of things you would find in "Instructables" and "Make Magazine" NOT "Anarchist's Cookbook".
No Cosplay, sex toys, drugs, weapons, get rich quick or Shitposting

Happy /diy/ing

>> No.396806


>> No.396807

>Welcome to /diy/
>There's a variety of topics here that might interest you, whether you're a beginner or a pro. (superfluous)
>Here's some tips to get you started.
>- FIRST ASK GOOGLE, Then ask /diy/ (check)
>- Put some effort into your post and try to make it interesting (check)
>- Be as specific as you can. (check)
>- List avalable resources (tools, materials, budget, time, ect.) (we don't care)
>- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible (check)
>- Share your results. /diy/ likes to see problems solved and projects completed. (check)
>If you have a project you think might interest us, please share it. (superfluous , they're already here reading this)
>Recommended links: http://fourchandiy.com/w/index.php/Recommended_Reading
>/diy/ is for the types of things you would find in "Instructables" and "Make Magazine" NOT "Anarchist's Cookbook".
>No Cosplay, sex toys, drugs, weapons, get rich quick or Shitposting (check)(check)(check)
>Happy /diy/ing (meh)

>> No.396809

Don't not make Red Green the face of /diy/ or I will personally bankroll a /diy/ site to combat this one

>> No.396815
File: 52 KB, 550x412, BoytToolShed07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /diy/
Here's some tips to get you started.

- FIRST ASK GOOGLE, Then ask /diy/
- Put some effort into your post and try to make it interesting
- Be as specific as you can.
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Share your results. /diy/ likes to see problems solved and projects completed.

Recommended links: http://fourchandiy.com/w/index.php/Recommended_Reading

/diy/ is for the types of things you would find in "Instructables" and "Make Magazine" NOT "Anarchist's Cookbook".
No Cosplay, sex toys, drugs, weapons, get rich quick or Shitposting

- /diy/

>> No.396816

Ok i see what you rmean bout the jpg

Best sticky so far

now, if only janitors / mods

>> No.396855

just want to point out that the vast majority of people do not want with this sticky and OP is a faggot with too much time on his hands.

>> No.396882

Fuck you asshole

A sticky is needed, with semi-strict rules, if only to keep /b/ assholes like yourself right the fuck outta here.

>> No.396909

i'm with this guy

>> No.396919
File: 14 KB, 275x183, youd fit right in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sticky isn't needed. This place is already modded you unaware dumb bitch.
4chan is an expiring image board, meaning if no one is interested in a thread, it dies. Posting a sticky is just gonna make uptight faggots (you) point to it every 5 seconds ( which inadvertently bumps the thread, prolonging its lifespan)

>> No.396931

>/b/ assholes like yourself right the fuck outta here.

>> No.396937
File: 11 KB, 225x225, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/b/ assholes like yourself right the fuck outta here.

>> No.396969

then you use leddit images

>> No.397042

red green show, YES, one of the best /diy/ shows ever, also there should be some kind of official sticky here, similar to this thread

>> No.397101

I think the

>- FIRST ASK GOOGLE, Then ask /diy/
>- Be as specific as you can.
>- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
>- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)

part is definitely needed. I would also add something like "This is a slower board, so be patient and be sure to check back later for replies; threads on this board stick around for days." Possibly even "You don't need to bump every five minutes."

It helps people have their questions answered better, makes it more likely their questions will be answered and will also make it easier for people answering questions. The first couple of posts in most question threads are people asking the OP to be more specific about what they're wanting to do and what tools/experience they have.

If we're lucky it will also prevent the common scenario where someone asks a question, bumps twice in 20 minutes, leaves and doesn't see the half dozen good answers that come a couple hours later.

I have no opinion on the picture used for the sticky except that it not be any recognizable person/tv personality.

>> No.397108
File: 20 KB, 300x300, under_construction1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /diy/
Here's some tips to get you started.

- FIRST ASK GOOGLE, Then ask /diy/
- Put some effort into your post and try to make it interesting
- Be as specific as you can.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board
- Share your results. /diy/ likes to see problems solved and projects completed.

Recommended links: http://fourchandiy.com/w/index.php/Recommended_Reading

/diy/ is for the types of things you would find in "Instructables" and "Make Magazine" NOT "Anarchist's Cookbook".
No Cosplay, sex toys, drugs, weapons, get rich quick or Shitposting


>> No.397206

This looks really good

What about formatting it or maybe combining a few lines? (right side of screen is pretty empty )

AND/OR bullet-ing the sentences [letters a) b) c) so on] for easy referral

>> No.397221

Welcome to /DIY/, always check the sticky before posting threads.

>There is no sticky

You have to make one yourself.

>> No.397240


i dont have a face, but i think i like it.

>> No.397248
File: 75 KB, 500x375, Danger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /diy/
Here's some tips to get you started.

a) FIRST ASK GOOGLE, Then ask /diy/
b) Put some effort into your post and try to make it interesting
c) Be as specific as you can.
d) List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
e) Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
f) Be patient, this is a slow board
g) Share your results. /diy/ likes to see problems solved and projects completed.

Recommended links: http://fourchandiy.com/w/index.php/Recommended_Reading

/diy/ is for the types of things you would find in "Instructables" and "Make Magazine" NOT "Anarchist's Cookbook".
No Cosplay, sex toys, drugs, weapons, get rich quick or Shitposting


>> No.397249

>right side of screen is pretty empty
pic undecided and would be bigger as OP

>> No.397251


>> No.397741

bump for interest

>> No.398489


>> No.398521
File: 68 KB, 303x343, comeatme lumpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you faggots are getting butt sore about.
THIS is the exact shit this board needs.
Enough of the fucking "hey guys I have 8 egg cartons. what do" or "DIY GIFTS 4 MY GF?" shit.
Faggots need to think about what they want and what they'll need and TRY to figure out something themselves first. If they get stuck or aren't sure then threads are no problem in my book.
We are fast becoming a '2 lazy to google. Better ask /diy/ ' board. Which makes no sense.

This is a slow moving board and as a rule of thumb people usually give a thread a few hours or even a day or two for responses. I don't know how many times how I've come back, looking for a thread I was intrested in, only to find 6-7 junk threads pushed it off.

tl;dr FUCK YOU

>> No.398591

^^This is best solution

If / Until it gets stickied

It would seem that /diy/'s janitor / mod is on vacay or working out of a call center in Mumbai

>> No.398605

If you take into account that 80% of threads might come from Auts/sperglords, then /diy/ becomes more tolerable.

From a 'rules breaking' standpoint, The really obvious rule breakers need to be culled more frequently/aggressively.

>> No.398607

The really intelligent, helpful anons lurking here would only like to see high quality subjects with high levels of very useful information exchanged in the most productive manner.
Until that is embraced by the /diy/ mod's (don't count on it) This board will be a let down for those anons.

Regard it as the Tetris or Solitaire of 4chan & the rage factor dimishes

>> No.398638

ur all a bunch of stupid faggots if you think a sticky will make a difference.

>> No.398647

you got a point, but also see the /fit/ average user.

Also the sticky in /fit/ is good to have the overall view on fitness, but they really need to enforce the ban on >tfw no qt3.14 gf. but ginger mod is a lazy mod,

what i dont really understand is the flaming on the bad threads, just hide and report, dont answer them, dont tell them how much of a big faggot they are. just move on

>> No.398669


>wasn't on /fit/ pre sticky

Believe it or not it was far, far worse than it is now.

>> No.398681

yea exactly.
ITT: complaining faggots who can't /diy/
You can learn something from every thread.
I haven't seen one pointless thread here (that mod didn't remove in 2 seconds).

You are all shitposters and you don't even know it.

>> No.398963

^^ all of my this

>> No.398968


>> No.398974


>> No.399079

...Why would anyone come to /diy/ to ask for something when there's waaay more resources in books or online? I'm not a fucking librarian or anybody's fetching boy. We should be using this place for showing off stuff we finished or items/news of interest.

>> No.399082

lol someone's trying to get stickied... Couldn't hurt though honestly.
And wtf is wrong with Red Green. I used to watch that show with my dad. Good memories man.

>> No.399088

That would be ideal. I have no problem helping people out that *have tried* to help themselves out though too. For some reason though it's mostly been... I want to do this, please tell me exactly how to do it... for a while. And most of the time it takes 2 seconds to find the relevant info.

>> No.399389

I like this. Including the picture.
I also like Red Green but I'm already sick of OPs pic. I think a generic pic like this, without a person would less annoying to see every day.

One concern though,
>No Weapons
What about blacksmith threads? These seem to be quality threads that usually involve making knives which is quite different from "how do I make weapon"
What about finishing a gun stock?
What about archery targets, Lasers, ect.?
What about wiring problems on something that is obviously going to be used to grow pot?

These are valid threads that shouldn't be shit up with repeated "READ THE STICKY - no weapons/drugs" and turn into a debate on the rules.
I'm at a loss on how to express this in a brief sentence to protect these threads.
>(Blacksmithing ,gunstocks, ect is acceptable. "How do I make weapon" is not.)<--I don't really like it
replace the don't line with:
>No Shitposting or threads PRIMARILY about cosplay, sex toys, drugs, weapons, or get rich quick<--Better
This would give the janitors some freedom to make judgement calls. (assuming moot approves)

Our janitors (so far) seem to have good judgement that reflects /diy/ opinion, and error on the side of freedom. I wouldn't want to see that change.
I've only seen one potentially good thread deleted. It was about growing edible mushrooms and never made it past the OP, but it did come right after another thread on psychedelic shrooms was deleted.(probably same OP)

You want to make a latex copy of your penis? Be CREATIVE. Start a general thread about how to make castings of a figurine or your hand. You'd get no complaints from me and I might even find it interesting. I do not however, want to read about your penis or what you plan to do with it.

tl;dr: I would rather have to hide some threads than see valid ones deleted. This is a creative board and ABSOLUTE rules could be detrimental. It's like telling someone "Be creative but stay in the box"

>> No.399434

Steve Smith might have some copyright / image use questions on a board such as this. Moot might not want to be bothered with it.

A more generic image would be easier

>> No.399443


Oh and if OP does not respond within a certain timeout period, the thread automatically 404's.

Could be set to days in the case of /diy/.

'Automagically' limits shitposting.


>> No.399456

lol this sticky is the gayest thing to hit /diy/

>> No.399459

this belongs in /q/
get it outta here shitposter

>> No.399463
File: 45 KB, 500x375, Danger2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /diy/
Here's some tips to get you started.

a) FIRST ASK GOOGLE, Then ask /diy/
b) Put some effort into your post and try to make it interesting
c) Be as specific as you can.
d) List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
e) Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
f) Be patient, this is a slow board
g) Share your results. /diy/ likes to see problems solved and projects completed.

Recommended links: http://fourchandiy.com/w/index.php/Recommended_Reading

/diy/ is for the types of things you would find in "Instructables" and "Make Magazine" NOT "Anarchist's Cookbook".
No Shitposting or threads primarily about cosplay, sex toys, drugs, weapons, or getting rich quick.


>> No.399464

This looks good, I can back this. Now email it to mootykins.

>> No.399468


>> No.399476

We should wait another day or two after making a change.
If no more constructive input, then contact moot. We can easily keep it bumped to the top.

e) T
f) T alt 255 -filtered on /diy/?
f ) T space
g) T
my OCD. aaarrrrrgggghhh

>> No.399483

worst sticky ever

>> No.399595


>> No.399614

Bump for idiocy

>> No.399816

/diy/ is not like the other boards. stickies are useful here. thanks for being too ignorant to notice.

>> No.399827

>/diy/ is not like the other boards
/diy/ is exactly like the other boards, its even on the same website

>> No.399880

/diy/ has potential for skewing the IQ of 4chan upward.

Not without stringent sticky/rules & not without janitors

>> No.399946

>implying 4chan is a person

>> No.399951

You're not doing it right.
“You see what you expect to see, Severus.”

>> No.399954

post fail

>> No.399996

Not at all

But I've anon friends at NIT & CIT (NY & Cali) who will not post here because of some fear of practical jokery. I'd much rather see them contribute than the retards who want to clean resin, build small houses, get easy money, how do I fleshlight or smith this paperclip into a broadsword & construct a fagsuit out of egg cartons.

>> No.400015

>implying one thing is mutually exclusive to another
dude r u trolling me?
You're saying your friends are afraid to post here because certain threads may not pertain to their interests.
You're also saying a vague sticky is gonna limit /diy/ threads to quality posts catered to "high IQ's"
Seriously bro, just skip the threads that you think you're "above", because that's what it all boils down to.
I read everything and help everyone, even if its not my cup of tea. You should to.

Also, sage.

>> No.400175
File: 65 KB, 600x459, funny_crazy_inventions_03-764175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily bump

>> No.400214

Somebody please sticky this.

>> No.400222

>afraid to post
not 'afraid' to post - lol
Unwilling to contribute due to massive retardation present

>> No.400249

>"hey guys I have 8 egg cartons. what do"

Oh wow

>> No.400287
File: 263 KB, 1024x681, red green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.400299
File: 402 KB, 913x514, the-creep-ft-nicki-minaj-john-waters-the-lonely-island-21269422-913-514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.400301

Im with this guy who is with that guy.

>> No.400305

>But I've anon friends at NIT & CIT (NY & Cali) who will not post here because of some fear of practical joker

>afraid to post
>not 'afraid' to post - lol Unwilling to contribute due to massive retardation present

Retardation. You're doing it right.

>> No.400307 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 360x270, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive had this pocket watch since i was like 4 and i had lost it for a long time. now that ive found it i realized that the button that opens it is gone. im using a paper clip to open t for now but does anyone know where to get a replacement one?

>> No.400310

Not even that guy but you are making a compelling argument!

Fuck off already shit poster.

>> No.400322

thanks bro!

>> No.400323


>> No.400747


>> No.400769

This thread is a fucking eyesore on the first page of /diy/ and everyone in it should feel bad, myself included.
This is literally the only anon with any sense at this point >>400287
So let us recall our memories of duct-tape anon. Fuck, it's been a while for me though. Is this show even on tv anymore?

>> No.400772

And I bumped without realizing... I will go repent on my actions...

>> No.400793
File: 7 KB, 171x251, mr.T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just some loser trying to get his pointless sticky posted. but yea ur right its an eyesore.
Sticky trolls are the worst..
I pity da foo

>> No.400895
File: 99 KB, 970x641, car heater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you read the thread?
This Is a group effort.

I guess it could be samefag. Only the mods know.

I don't particularly like the Idea of seeing the same thread every day, BUT,
I've noticed a difference in the quality of OP posts since this has been up. Anons that come here for help give more useful information. Having this as a sticky would be good for both helpful and inquiring anons alike.

>> No.400918

Another 2 cents.

not sure if we need rules, but the recommended links are a must, mostly links that are common questions, like how to forge, how do i make a i knife?

If we could get a good compilation of the next threads, it would be great.
-how to make money? (maybe just all the ideas we have put over all the threads)
-dumpster diving
-shipping containers
-multitool infograph

>> No.400980

>I guess it could be samefag. Only the mods know.
you can check for samefagging newfriend

>> No.400983

Not new at all. but HOW?
Never wanted to before now. Never triforced either.

>> No.401562
File: 56 KB, 496x296, Custom_AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily bump

>> No.401567


you can't. that guy learned his exquisite comedy stylings from /q/, and everyone knows nerd humor is best humor.

>> No.401568


ooopsy; meant to say /g/.

>> No.401570
File: 113 KB, 960x640, 1361274830244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this guy.

>> No.402334


>> No.402369

..................and sage

>> No.402638

You just know it's the same butthurt, home made fleshlight fuck coming back to sage over and over again.

>> No.402651


>> No.402678


>> No.402687

You know its just the same uptight butthurt 50 yr old faggot bumping his pointless sticky over and over again.

>> No.402880

>You know its just the same highly intelligent anon who could destroy me in any given advice category, bumping this great sticky.

Yes cockbreath, it's true

>> No.402912
File: 75 KB, 400x300, keyboardwarriorlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.403397

muh culture

>> No.403892

Four star General principle bump

>> No.403942


>> No.404015


>> No.404162

Thread started with >>399463

It worked out good with a larger thumbnail

>> No.404299
File: 59 KB, 1024x768, Epic_Facepalm_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keyboard warrior KO
>implies four star general

>> No.404515

Contribute something then Anon, before you're pinched off into the toilet bowl of life.

Any 3 anon's on this board will best you & make you look like the hydro-cephalic you are.

>> No.404525

>The requested URL /w/index.php/Recommended_Reading was not found on this server.

>> No.404534
File: 39 KB, 560x328, tryhardfail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lel ma sides....
......and sage

>> No.404945

This shall never leave the front page

>> No.404953

Its a video of the same guy who bumps his own sticky thread.

>> No.404957



i could only stand the first 20 seconds. does he have mild Down's syndrome, or is he just slow?

>> No.404972

>he have mild Down's syndrome, or is he just slow?

>"he" is >>404953

Who else would know that link, but he who thinks any anon is the OP bumping his own shit.

>> No.404987


>> No.405010

still first page

>> No.405015

bumping till everyone see's video of OP

>> No.405071


>> No.405072


>> No.405077


>> No.405101

is we being raid by /b/?

or is this /diy/ trying to reclaim lost privilege/

>> No.405129
File: 171 KB, 640x494, invention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New sticky thread is here

>> No.405136

you guys need a sticky :c

>> No.405152

I laugh so hard ever time I see this :D

>> No.405192

>This shall never leave the front page
greetings from page 2
enjoy your heart attack faggot.

>> No.405365

Silent bamp

>> No.406041

bibbity bampity boo