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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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392702 No.392702 [Reply] [Original]

what type of stuff should i carry in my pockets on a daily basis to be prepared for any realistic event that may arise?

key word realistic.

>> No.392710
File: 32 KB, 381x462, Altoids kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paracord, knife, fire. Pencil/paper. Proper training.

Bare minimum.

Check "Altoids Tin Survival Kit" on Google or YT.

Here: https://www.google.com/search?q=altoids+tin+survival+kit&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

Saved you from even copy/search.

>> No.392721

A phone and a gun.

>> No.392725


A rolled up $100, some quarters, a little sewing kit w/spare buttons & safety pins, duct tape around a phone card, half a book of matches, one of those stain wipes, breath mint, p38 can opener, written list of important phone numbers.

>> No.392731

It depends entirely on where you live.
Canada : Spare change
Russia: Helmet Cam
Iraq: Bullet proof vest
Syria: Burial money
Jamaica: lighter
France: Deodorant
Germany: Metric Allen keys

>> No.392734

>list of important phone numbers.
Cell phone
Car keys

>> No.392937

Pocket Knife

>> No.392948

lost at syria.

you forgot
China: 75 cents
Australia: Rope
Mexico: An empty trunk
Africa: Cheetah Morph Suit
Netherlands: condom
Sweden: Anal-Nitrate

This is a better topic than OPs. Op you only need 4 things if you're a man.

Maybe paracord if you're traveling or paranoid.

>> No.392951


If you want to go less realistic throw in some condoms

>> No.392963 [DELETED] 


>> No.392977

this guy.

>> No.392981


which one is best? my dad has a leatherman and swares by it.

>> No.392984


whats that?

>> No.393006

Don't forget your multipass!

>> No.393010 [DELETED] 

that line has never been the same for me since /tv/ played the game where you replace random characters with judge dredd

>> No.393042

Multitool can deal with a lot of stuff.

>> No.393044

toilet paper

maybe you gotta crap while being far from home

>> No.393298

Why do people obsess over paracord? What the hell do they think they're going to do with 20 feet of it?

>> No.393301

Well, OP, depends on what you do on a daily basis. As for me, I'm a radio technician and on more than one occasion I've needed a variety of different tools that we didn't have in our shop. So, being the awesome Marine I am, I was proactive and got a Gerber. They also have knives and saws and shit, so that'll help if you ever get attacked/abducted. These days, I'd say thats a realistic possibility.

>> No.393324

Paracord bracelet, Belt buckle with hidden lock picks, good folding knife, small multi tool (doesn't count as a knife) lighter, 20 bucks, ID, 2.50 in quarters, thin gloves, laminated card with important phone numbers, or memorize that shit. first aid kit depending on what you're doing

>> No.393354

A swiss army knife, some stickytape, a compass, a map, a bullet proof vest, some batteries (Make sure you don't take a whole pack or a store might accuse you of stealing them like they did with me) and a glock 23..

>> No.394008

>I was proactive and got a Gerber.
Baby food?

>> No.394015


>> No.394016

Gerber steel. I have a solid multi-tool from them with a one handed open/close mechanism that is guaranteed for life. Pricey but worth it.

Every time I leave my house I have a few things. I always dress in layers appropriate for the current weather, polarized sunglasses, keys, wallet, multitool, mobile phone, bic lighter and enough change for 2 phone calls.

I constantly find uses for all of these in any given trip outside.

If I plan on being out for a while I always bring my backpack which has a bottle of water, a small cloth and a change of socks wrapped in a plastic bag.

This is a bare minimum carry for every day stuff.

Also I carry bic instead of zippos because they don't evaporate fuel. On longer trips or camping trips I always carry my zippo, a bic, and matches all in different places. Being able to make fire will save your life.

>> No.394018

>enough change for 2 phone calls
Where I live you can't find any public phones anymore since about ~5years ago.

>> No.394023

That's weird. I use it as a cheap and light back up in case of phone dying or signals being down. Ground line telephones where I live still work when most power is out.

>> No.394026

The thing about paracord is there are a million uses for rope in emergency and non emergency situation. The problem is it is usually quite bulky and can be heavy.

Awesome for a car or bug out bag but iffy for an EDC, para cord jewelery is a decent idea to get rid of the space issue but usually you wont have a useful length of rope from that unless you are using a paracord belt.

Paracord is not being used as a synonym for rope, paracord is one large cord made up of a cover that holds several smaller cords which are each made up of several cords entwined together. It is very strong and much more durable than say a sisal or nylon rope and the cost increase is very reasonable.

>> No.394042

Keys with a flash drive, flashlight, a couple safety pins, and important information/contact numbers on a dogtag. Not a bad idea to have them attached to you somehow (I use an old leather lanyard)
A small gun and CCW permit
A small leatherman
A lighter
A decent wristwatch
A phone
Wallet with: a card, ID , a little bit of cash, like $2.50 in quarters... That's about it.
A Hidden pocket belt with $100, important info and numbers on a piece of paper, some quarters.

>> No.394052
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>Gerber steel.
Gerber make steel now?

>> No.394056

Parachord is also only rated to 550lbs and has close to 0 elasticity, making it a miserable alternative to life-safety ropes.

For life safety applications, look into 7.5mm technora chord.

Lastly, op, replace your belt with a quick-release cobra rigger's belt.

>> No.394061

With monsanto arsenic binded antibiotics!!

>> No.394069

>Beef and beef gravy
like how the in photo the beby is like "wut?!".

>> No.394128

Your parents didn't feed you pureed beef with gravy when you were a baby, that's why you aren't big and strong, your beard is so patchy and your chest hair lacking.

>> No.394133

he is being converted for the LOVE OF JESUS CHRIIIIIIST

>> No.394194

Allen Keys
Non-magnetic Phillips and flathead screwdriver, small
Propylene/Cleaning Alchohol
Pen and paper
Swiss army knife

>> No.394212
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Leatherman or Gerber
Everything else is shit

In my backpack I carry:
a multi-tool (Leatherman that I got 15 years ago and still going strong)
a lighter
power converter/charger for my phone
an umbrella
a small bottle of aspirin (the little 10 pill tube)
a similar tube of Tylenol
2 packets of Pepto-bismol tablets

In my pockets are:
..on my phone is a folder called "how to rebuild civilization'; it contains pdf's of books on everything from paramedic textbooks to how to make ceramics by digging and processing your own clay and books on metalsmithing starting with refining steel in a small forge; also how to farm, small commercial fishing boats and techniques, how to build shelters and even making automatic weapons in a small garage factory. + much, much more

If anything should possibly ever happen, I have some form of reference for it. even if I can't get to the internet.

>> No.394225

Victorinox>Leatherman>Bear & Son>SOG>Gerber>all else

>> No.394309

So if something actually happens to cause civilization being destroyed (emp, nuclear bomb, solar flare, etc), your phone will be useless withing electricity and all that information will become inaccessible.

>> No.394312

>Radio Technician eating baby food for lunch and wears diapers.
>Yell boom boom when he shits himself and doesn't stop until he changes diapers.
>Other than that he is actually a pretty cool guy.

>> No.394313

Glad to see someone else mention flashlight. I use that and my multitool the most out of all my tools.

>> No.394327

My main issue with paracord is that it doesn't knot worth shit, and my secondary issue is that it was never really designed for normal rope-type stuff. While it -can- hold your weight, it should never be relied upon to do so. 550 is the breaking strength, not the safe load. The safe load is generally a fifthish of the breaking strength, and if you're in a true emergency, the last thing you need is to break your legs. Add the awful knotting ability and I would never trust the stuff to take a significant amount of weight in anything I care about.

Take away all that and you've just got a handy cover for mason's line....so why not carry mason's line instead?

>> No.394362

Some of the EDC people have is fucking crazy,on the same level as the serious z-day preppers.

I mean a fucking hand gun? Maybe if you live in Detroit, the middle east, Mexico or similar. Lock picks? I'm into locksport but fucking carrying around lock picks for edc, ok mate.

Assess the activities of your everyday life activities and likely hood of scenarios v.s. inconvenience required to carry the items.

Basically a torch, small knife and/or a multitool, card in wallet with important details, pen+pad and some change would cover 90% of people for everyday affairs.

Maybe late night workers in shit areas a larger knife + TRAINING. If in a really really shit area and you're a female than maybe a hand gun + TRAINING.

Ultimately nothing is move valuable in shit situations than training EDC tools come second.

>> No.394365

never carry a knife for personal defense. The police and courts will never buy your self defense plea, and when if you win the fight, and your court case you will be paying it off for ten years

>> No.394366
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>> No.394367

The victorinox swiss tool doesn't have needle nose pliers.

>> No.394383

It's been said already, but...
Assess your situation. I live in the Midwest, so I'm more likely to have to deal with a tornado than a tsunami.
But EDC is also about being ready for life's little problems, like a hangnail or a dropped screw. Odds are you can get through most anything with a multitool, flashlight, pen/paper and a bandanna.
Smartphones are nice.

>> No.394388
File: 65 KB, 738x640, QuikClot-Trauma-Pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have three of these. I keep one in my car, one in my house, and one in my desk at work. Has everything you need for quickly treating a serious injury.

>> No.394392

My EDC is Lighter, Ear Plugs, Whet Stone, Leatherman Wave +light and all screwdriver parts, Large and small marker, Sig 226 inna Crossbreed.

The Ear Plugs light and then Leatherman are used the most in that order from Greatest to Least.

>> No.394396
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>whet stone
Seriously? Do you often find yourself in situations where you need to hone your blade and can't wait until you get home?

>> No.394397

>Leatherman or Gerber

I had a Berger Suspension, it locked up after about 2 years of heavy use. Just got a Leathernman Wave, hate it aside form the pliers which are way better and the knife which is okayish.

Can't get shit open on the Leatherman without breaking nails and the thing is super stiff.

>> No.394400

It'll relax with time. My PST was the same way.

>> No.394401

Why yes, I keep my blade sharpen than a X-Acto Scalpel and around 11-13 degrees, I sharpen my knife about 1-2 times a day and wear blades out super fast.

I don't just sharpen it once a month at 35 and lol whatev.

>> No.394414

Gonna need you to post those PDFs.

>> No.394541

I have no idea what the basis for that idea is, but the real reason you don't carry a knife for self defense is that there's no good way to survive a knife fight other than running.

Are you like a butcher or something? Fisherman?

>> No.394545


>> No.394567

your phone will just run out of power dumbass

>> No.394569 [DELETED] 
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- wallet
- phone
- car keys

I live in a first world country. I don't need a gun.

>> No.394575

Oh Patrick. You're getting so old.

>> No.394581 [DELETED] 

No, Patrick lives in the US.

>> No.394591

I carry a 2.5" folding-blade pocketknife, a Leatheman tool, a short length of pararcord, and a mini-maglite. I've come across few situations that couldn't be resolved by those items.
Specialty situations will call for more things, like if you're innawoods

>> No.395518

Can't go wrong with a multitool. Leaterman or Gerber.

>> No.395539
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>> No.395594
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>key word realistic.
"realistic" is highly subjective.

>> No.395599
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>> No.395606

>eye drops
>nose spray
>allergy blocker
How did someone this diseased ridden become a cop? Its like he's going to fall over dead at any minute.

>> No.395612

Swiss army knife or leatherman, ligther, mobile(cable to connect it to an pc or u carry a USB stick), tissues, small pencil that fits in ur wallet, condom, wallet with 100-150$, ur keys and optional if u like some chewing gum and ear phones for ur mobile.

>> No.395645

When did 12 year old's start browsing /diy/?
Either way, you need a wallet with around 100$, important phone numbers, some spare change and a multi-tool.

>> No.395661

You'd be surprised how unimportant some of that stuff is. Like the allergy blocker, he might just have hay-fever and wants to prevent being a snivelling mess. I know someone on eye drops and they are fine. But I do see how it seems like a lot.

>> No.395668
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since we got internet in germany

>> No.395676

A slot or stitch that holds a handcuff key on the back of your pants.

>> No.395677


Though most days I get by just fine with only the first three. I keep my emergency stuff in my house and in my car and it is very rare that I am outside walking distance of either.

>> No.395678
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I always carry this ovalated mini tool in my pocket or in my bag, it's incredibly useful, I can do the 70% of the repairing tasks with it.

>> No.395681


Job Jobbed.

>> No.395690

I only carry my wallet and phone like everyone else in 1st world countries.

>> No.395765
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I guess a phone is all you would need to call your parents to come pick you up, but some of us like to handle things by ourselves.

>> No.395793
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/k/ommando reporting in.

>> No.395794

Actually I'm 30 and I'm a Carpenter, but nice try. The funny thing is, when I was atalented /diy/erI used to carry around all this shit because I wanted people to think I was Rambo.
Then I grew up.
Enjoy ;)

>> No.395802

Things I should carry but don't.
Multitool (knife,pliers,screwdriver) and Flashlight

>> No.395803
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Hello, /k/omrade!

>> No.395805

>I live in a first world country. I don't need a gun.

You'll be wishing for one when you get robbed at knifepoint

>> No.395806

Implying cops can't have allergies.

>> No.395818

seems pretty reasonable, actually.

>> No.395830

I carry in my wallet a paper tape measure, that you can fold and it takes almost no space, few toothpicks, a tiny cheat sheet for Heroes of Might and Magic III (it tells me how many units there are in a pack, group, etc), Morse code cheat sheet, 2 safety pins, a card that has my blood type (I keep it next to my ID) and 5 four-leaf clovers, even though I'm not superstitious (details draw girls attention).

>> No.395838


What kind / make fixed blade knife is that next to the zippo on the left? looks low profile

>> No.395843


I had no idea that my XD mag holder had a tac rail on the side.
>Spend all my time on /k/
>Go to /diy/ and actually learn something about my guns

I don't even know why I sit around /k/ and watch the kids argue

>> No.395861

I'm not >>395803
I'm >>395594
>sit around /k/ and watch the kids argue
is exactly why I left. It bums me out, but I don't go back there anymore.

>> No.395898

are you a serial killer or something

>> No.395959

Knife, at least two fire sources (one waterproof, one easy), multitool, maybe some a bit of rope and some tape. Having a basic first aid kit wouldn't hurt either.

>> No.395975


Cell Phone
Multi Tool
Fire source (lighter or matches)

(I also have a multitool in my wallet that has a pen, bottle opener, can opener, and toothpick [also a pretty much non-functional compass and magnifying fire starter]).

(Also a credit card usb that can a compact anonymous linux, but that's only useful if you find yourself logging onto a lot of public computers)

>> No.396929

Knife, Fire, Water Purification. If you can manage it, a concealed firearm couldnt hurt

>> No.396977

>jute twine
>pocket knife
>multi tool
>firearm if you can get a ccw
>paracord bracelet a good 15' of 500lb test rope can never hurt
>rubber bands

don't say this is too muc i can carry all of this(minua the firearm under 21 and no issue state) for around 2lbs comfortably

>> No.396982

tie down something on top of a car, handcuff someone, make a leash for a stray, spare shoe laces, spare belt, strangle bitchey people like you, open up make game snares/fishing line, make a device to get car keys from drain ditch, lower something over a wall, extra guitar sling, tie a door off, bind things, fix a pursrfor your gf so you don't have to carry it

there are literally infinite uses i have used some of these irl

>> No.397010

>written list of important phone numbers
>important information/contact numbers on a dogtag
>Pen and paper
>toilet paper

I know very few phone numbers, since they are all in my phone. A written list on an index card could be very valuable should your phone get broken or stolen.

on my person: leatherman, pocket knife, bic lighter, small flashlight, wallet, cell phone, wristwatch, bandanna, pen, small writing pad

in my vehicle: small tool bag (crescent wrench, screwdrivers, wire cutters, longnose pliers, zip ties, gloves, duct tape) dopp kit (toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, razor, safety pins,bobby pins, toothpicks, sanitizer, bandaids, nail clippers) plastic tub (2 clean bath towels, roll paper towels, toilet paper, spare flashlight, paracord, 2 trashbags) pen, pencil, larger writing pad, cellphone charger, sunglasses, magnifying glass, light weight nylon jacket, full water bottle.

>> No.397011

I am so tired of hearing paracord and seeing everyone make their faggy little accessories out of it. It's rope. Call it rope. It's not magical.

Fucking girls all of you, worrying about your telephones and paracord accessories.

A realistic event you can get by with everything you own or nothing at all.

>> No.397016

It is a specific type of rope. Would you rather they call it "550 cord"?

>> No.397017


I would rather people just say rope. It's like when someone says they are using their iphone, it's still a phone call it a fucking phone.

>> No.397019

"Rope" probably makes most people think of larger, more heavy duty rope. Perhaps we should say "lightweight nylon kernmantle rope originally used in the suspension lines of US parachutes during World War II".
I do get what you saying with "iphone" etc.. It isn't necessary to specify what brand your cellphone is, but it may be relevant to specify that it is a smart phone.

>> No.397024


I just say rope. Clothesline would work just as well for most people, or a heavy twine. It just seems people think paracord is some amazing miraculous thing now when all they really need is some sort of rope.

>> No.397028


Paracord is actually pretty damn amazing, any one who thinks other wise, is proably just a fucking retard who can't aknowledge how amazing it is. It got the name of 550 cord for a reason, that's it being able to hold 550 pounds of weight, which is fucking amazing for how small and thin the rope it, now try holding up the same amount of weight with some "Heavy twine" or with a "clothesline" You can easily have three thousand feet of paracord, have it take up to lil to no room, also being able to buy a good product for next to nothing is good as well. Maybe you should try leaving your house for once, try doing stuff that involves tie downs and crap like that, then your opinion probably change.

Btw, you can feel free to insult me etc, I am taking off for work and won't be back for a few weeks, so your insults won't be read by I....enjoy yourself.

>> No.397030

>heavy twine
When camping, we also carry jute twine. It knots more permanently, so it is better for some applications. But 550 cord is pretty versatile, that's why so many people carry it.

>> No.397031



>> No.397040


I was insulting paracord not you. If you actually are the personification of paracord I apologize for insulting you. I never insulted you. Tensile strength of a good nylon twine would be a few hundred pounds. Move up to some decent clothesline and you are talking thousands. A lot of people are also buying something that looks like paracord but really has sub 100lb strength.

I am assuming you were trying to insult me by telling me to leave my house. That was very clever. You can actually use rope indoors but just in case you are worried about my complexion I have seen the sun on occasion during the 30+ years I have been alive. I have even used rope outdoors where real men like you use rope.

>> No.397044

smartphone, some good apps, spare battery. bunch of info. phone charger. maybe one of those batteries the size of an external hard drive if you're going to be gone a while. maps cached for offline use.
don't ever use your phone till it's dead, you want to be able to call 911 in an emergency. a small compass and small paper map.

keys, wallet (money, cards, id). a spare $10 or $20 in another pocket in case someone steals your wallet and you need food

>> No.397047

Wallet, house key, phone. Handkerchief in my back pocket. All I ever have.

>> No.397062

eww. just put a couple napkins in your pocket.

reusing anything you use to blow your nose, or wipe your mouth, or whatever, is just gross. people stopped using handkerchiefs as soon as germ theory became public knowledge

>> No.397072

You only need one thing

>> No.397077

about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.

>> No.397079
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I never leave my house without this

>> No.397087

>tie something down
I'm gonna stop you right there, because it's pretty clear that you've never tied anything down before. 20 feet (bracelets are actually only 10 feet) is not enough to tie anything bigger than a large backpack down, and paracord doesn't hold friction hitches worth a damn anyway, so it's a moot point.

The rest of your suggestions are similarly suspect on the basis of awful knotting ability. Ten feet of clothesline would literally be much more useful.

>> No.397091

Paracord can't hold 550 pounds. Paracord breaks at 550 pounds when brand new, and considerably less when it's dirty and UV-decayed and fatigued. With a safety factor of 5, that's 110 pounds, and rope with a safe load of 110 pounds is not hard to find at all. I'm pretty sure I've got some clothesline that's rated for 120.

>> No.397093


If you need something stronger, look into kevlar cord or technora cord. Both kevlar and technora rope are still lightweight and thin.

>> No.397102




>> No.397103

>people who use the terms needle nose and long nose interchangeable.

Vic chose a thin, short nose plier design because they wanted a robust plier Plebs couldn't break.

>> No.397104

and its stupid stretchy rope at that.

>> No.397107

A quality pocket knife and a 6" wide jaw crescent wrench, or 5" pair of channellocks, can be just as useful and is far more durable than a multi.

>> No.397133

my grandfather always had a rope in his trunk, actually saved someone from drowning.

>> No.397149
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> carry in my pockets on a daily basis

My every-day-carry (minus the flashlight, that's in the glovebox).

>> No.397153
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Everybody has a cell phone nowadays but does everybody have a lawyer's number programmed on it?

>> No.397171

Dafuq why should i carry metric Allen keys?
I have Knife, paracord, Bloodtype tag, small steril bandages, small trauma scissor, latex gloves, in a belt pack. But these Allen keys are useless if you are walking in my Motorcycle there is a set of them but thats cause it is a old timer.

>> No.397452

>wallet with cards & no more than $50
>key chain with keys, discount cards, flash light, pocket knife
>cell phone

What's with all these faggots who carry more shit than a female?

>> No.397464

I agree, but at least get a paracord bracelet and a lighter/fire starter. Rope & fire increases odds of survival in most scenarios.

>> No.397468

10 foot of paracord isn't going to do shit to help you.

>> No.397487

paracord: for when you're smart enough to rig a useful shelter out of cordage and sticks, but stupid enough to get lost in the wilderness with nothing but paracord

>> No.398329
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flash drive
multitool---i prefer a leatherman sidekick
small flashlight---led
1/2 inch wide duct tape roll
windproof zippo lighter

>> No.398362

a cell phone and a wallet.

wallet should contain 20-60 dollars in cash, photo ID and some kind of plastic (prepaid debit, debit, or credit)

>> No.398365


>> No.398367

he said realistic. needing to start a fire and build a shelter are not realistic scenarios for the average person (or any western citizen)

>> No.399095

Emergency cash
multitool (Klein 11-in-1 for me)

>> No.399122

That depends on where you live. I lived innawoods in the UP of Michigan for a while, and I had to do those occasionally. But its supposed that the frozen asshole of the US isn't average.