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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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392547 No.392547 [Reply] [Original]

Thread on /q/ about a /diy/ sticky and moderation.

>> No.392605


>> No.392621

Thank you.

>> No.392682
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This should stay on page 0 for 24 hours so everyone will see it.
Thanks op

>> No.392692

wow >>>/q/413408

>> No.392737
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>> No.392746




>> No.392755

Calm down, I fucked up the initial link, thanks for changing it.

>> No.392764

I changed nothing

To what do you refer, good sir ?

>> No.392762

'Calm down' ? Jimmies not rustled my friend

Stupidity of /Diy/ posters is the main concern

>> No.392766

I meant putting the correct link. The one that actually leads to the /q/ thread.

>> No.392765

If you care about the stupidity of /diy/ posters then you'll like the /q/ thread.

>> No.392798

Who else would like to see thread persistent IDs like /b/? It would make following a conversation easier. You could identify the idiots and know to ignore them. More importantly, it would make it easier to follow someone who has shown they know what they're talking about.

I don't mean disable namefagging, just a default random name for each thread if none is specified.

are any of the other boards like this?

>> No.392851

Not OP
But still concerned about the massive massive retardation of /DIY/

It's a circus act Moot

>> No.392853

/q/ is like that and a few others. Go and comment in the /q/ thread so some staff might read it.

If we persist with the thread on /q/ we might get something done.

>> No.392861

/q/ ID's are board wide. I meant for IDs to only stick with someone for a thread, not Every thread

Didn't want to bring it up on /q/ without knowing how everyone else felt about it. A shitstorm in /q/ would be unproductive.

>> No.392874

True, well I suppose the thing is you can adorn a temporary trip for a thread if you so please.

>> No.392903


as a heavy regular here, i totally agree with the symptom observations. the problem though, i think, is culture at large. anons dont know how to approach the physical world.

'found doorknob, how house?' -- it's weird. it's like they've never thoguht that maybe under the skin (of a house, car, electronics, whatever) is a complex discipline with a long history.

schools don't have shop class. kids are discouraged from having pocket knives, takign shit apart, fucking around with physical stuff. plus internets, where everythign is a click.

so they come here and think posting 'how flying house?' without even fucking wikipedia'ing flight, aircraft, whatever.

so many people seem to have absolutely no, zero, grasp of the world they live in, in /diy/ or on the street.

iotw it's just a feature of the place, and it's up to /diy/ anons to edumacate.

i find it harder to not rage here, than /b/. it's deeply frustrating to me, but it's what hypocritical parents are doing to day to fuck up their kids.

>> No.392905


samefag: heavy, but kind, mods would help. maybe a different sort of sticky is needed than other boards.

technology has an ideology, and many theories, that are required to work with. hence it's not the free-for-all of other boards.

i'm on /b/, /y/, /hm/, /o/, /sci/, etc. been anon 6+ years. old coder, old BBS author.

its different in /diy/. might need a basic re-think.

>> No.393051

I totally agree with you. Go and put that in the /q/ thread.

>> No.393076

My wife's a teacher, and this isn't just an Anon problem. The general problem that education has to deal with today is a complete lack of motivation to dig deeper than the surface and figure things out. I blame standardized testing and NCLB, at least in Murica. Both teachers and kids will be in for a rude awakening in the next couple of years when a new teaching paradigm rolls out, and it's very, very different.

>> No.393085
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I like /diy/ the way it is.
I've been on this site since '07 and /diy/ since it's creation when I left /sci/.
I'm usually follow 5-15 /diy/ threads at a time and post actively in 5 or so. I've worked in a steel fab shop, a machine shop, been to school for electronics, have owned my home for about 15 years, dabble in programming and micro-controllers, do some gardening and work on my car (If I have to). I always try to help anyone I can, regardless of how ignorant the question is. I'm the one who always takes the time to explain how to power an LED because no one else will bother to give a comprehensive answer. It gets old, but I keep doing it anyway. I thought about applying to be a janitor but I didn't because I don't want to change how I perceive /diy/. I like it the way it is.

The ignorant threads don't bother me much, just ignore them. /g/ is very good at this. What does aggravate me, is the replies like "this is simple, you must be stupid" that contribute nothing and sets a sour attitude that can carry over to potentially good threads. See >>392762 >>392765 >>392851

People gotta start somewhere. If they have an inspiration to do something with a roll of black paper, they shouldn't be shunned for it. I would hate to see /diy/ to become an elitist board like some are. "You don't have power tools or mechanical inclination so fuck off", "we're not tech support" ect. To me this sounds like newfags spouting memes on /b/. Fuck that.

I think heavy handed mods/janitors would be detrimental. Just look at other boards conflict with mods. It's a bunch of whining about "the mods deleted this", "that's not fair" , "but that thread is allowed". This would suck away the enjoyment I get out of /diy/. Tolerating some ignorant or off topic threads is a small price to pay.

Please take this to heart. I've never put this much work into a post before. Math is easy, Words are hard. heh


>> No.393086

Hey man, I read all these infographs. I *know stuff*.

>> No.393087
File: 65 KB, 400x224, 1359851539024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do need a sticky.
>>>/q/413172 seems to have some support so I've expanded it a little.

The /diy/ community is more responsive if you put some effort into your post.
-Try to answer any questions with Google first.
-Give sufficient information, with as many details as possible.
-Give some indication of your skill level, this will help avoid overly simplified or complex replies.
-Explain what you have to work with (tools, materials, budget, ect.)
-Provide pictures and explain the goal of a project if possible, to supply context.
-Share your results. /diy/ likes to see problems solved and completed projects.

Personally, I'd like to see Red Green or Mccgyver in the sticky. but w/e

>> No.393089

A lot of people are confused about the role of the public education system. They think it's a daycare that does everything for their children to prepare them to be successful in life.
It's not, and frankly it would be unconstitutional for the government to do that.

The undeniable fact that children are endowed by their creators, is the foundation on which America was built. Bottom line- Parents are responsible to their children, and most parents fail.

>> No.393090

I dig where you're coming from, and heavy-handed modding would maybe be a disservice, BUT...here's what I see when I see the WAT DO posts.
A young person shows up to a fix-it shop with a cardboard box of various parts and pieces, dumps them on the counter, and then stares at the proprietor to solve some unknown problem like a robot or a slave.
You don't do that to problem solvers, you pose a problem, you don't dump a bag of shit on their feet and expect them to erector-set it into what you wanted.
We're not being elitist, we're just role-playing a perfect world where people try JUST A LITTLE to be helpful to the tradesman who's going to fix their problem, instead of what it is in the real world where we're forced to sell ourselves and our intelligence short every minute of every day.

>> No.393122

Yea, It's frustrating knowing that if you try to help you'll have to ask 20 questions just to get what should have peen posted to start with.
If you explain this to new posters nicely, they get it. Shit posting in the thread does not help at all and just frustrates us and the op further.
It also discourages people that might have something interesting to share.

That's why we need the sticky. OP's like that only need one short reply. READ THE STICKY

>> No.393173


oldfag here also with you on this. the 'found doorknob how house' do bug me, but you are right, the fuckwit slaggers are worse and harmful. 'easy, you must be stupid' and 'easy, just do [grosslyoversimplifiedtask]'

i dont think /diy/ needs a radical revamp.

yeah, it gets old saying how to set up an LED, but i too try to just help out if the question is straight-up. the newbies are not 'tired' of it, it's new to them and they are often really trying. that part is very cool.

people do gotta start somewhere. and even a lot of the 'have doorknob what do' get slagged for being silly, come back with a new, better, pointful thread.

it's fucking 4chan, life is hell. if i wanted neat clean pretty i'd go join AOL.

>> No.393175


> WAT DO, dump on counter

good point -- and /diy/ sadly is the place where anons learn that. it is frustrating, but that's where a lot of people are at. they dont even know they dont know. then they foudn out, 'oh, it's complicated?' as dumb as it sounds i think that is it in a lot of cases. 'its just software, write some' lol

>> No.393176


yes, a better, pointful sticky! do it do it!

>> No.393178

come to /q/, bump that thread. I've been bumping it, but it keeps slipping down to page 3 due to a bunch of sandy vagina nerds whining about people on their respective boards acting like people who reside on their boards and not sane people. MOOT U JEW Y PEOPLE ON POL ARE MEAN? MOOT U BAKA GAIJIN Y U BAN JP CP? MOOT SP PEOPLE HATE THE TEAM I LIKE BAN THEM.
jesus, fucking 4ch. Why ffs am I still here.

>> No.393179

I've only been here for about a month.
/diy/ is great.
If you have a question, people help you.
if its a stupid question people tell you to fuck off while helping you.
I think its fine the way it is.
If someone ask "shipping container house", just have a productive discussion about it.Don;t have jimmie attack and say "IMPOSIBLAUSIBLE JEST 4GET IT".
Just help people if you can. If you know nothing about a topic, shut the fuck up and maybe you'll learn something.

> "I blame the schools/parents"

>> No.393201
File: 31 KB, 310x310, I'm a man but I can change... If I have to... I guess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /diy/
If you're new to DIY stuff, follow the threads for a while. There's a variety of interests here and you might find something that interests you whether you're a beginner or a pro.

Here's some tips to get you started.

The /diy/ community is more responsive if you put some effort into your post and make it interesting.
-Try to answer any questions with Google first.
-Give sufficient information, with as many details as possible.
-Give some indication of your skill level, this will help avoid overly simplified or complex replies.
-Explain what you have to work with (tools, materials, budget, ect.)
-Provide pictures and explain the goal of a project if possible, to supply context.
-Share your results. /diy/ likes to see problems solved and completed projects.

If you have a project you think might interest us, please share it.

Happy /diy/ing

>> No.393206


If everyone likes this, I'll start a thread later with it and we can keep it bumped with sticky requests.

>> No.393212

>implying he's not a chav cutting classes and porn-hunting, and fitting squarely into why /diy/ers hate shitposters

>> No.393213

I like it. Vote #1.

>> No.393215

the perfect example of a hypocrite and exactly whats wrong with /diy/

>> No.393217

>perfect example of shitposting a shitpost, thereby starting a shitstorm.

You're a much more horrible person than I am. It's people like you who let WW2 happen.

>> No.393219

the perfect example of a hypocrite and exactly whats wrong with /diy/

>> No.393225

>people do gotta start somewhere
That's true, and I agree about the actually trying bit, it should be common etiquette to actual show pictures of the finished project to indicate you followed through.

I like it too, I think there needs to be the same link as the last one though, that thing had so much info in it.

>> No.393285

the /q/ link?
I think I got everything from it except the mention of shit threads and mod problems. I don't think those comments should go in the sticky.

>> No.393319

No, there was a link in the old sticky, I can't find it now but this would be good.

>> No.393356

Umm what about the don't ? Weapons, drugs, sex toys?

Or is this going to be a free for all ?

The Do's are fine, but be prepared to be universally ignored

>> No.393361

for example, this shit >>>/diy/res/391941 should be on /adv/ not /diy/

>> No.393364

People kept posting them anyway, and nothing was done about it. Gray area posts like bdsm gear and gunstocks werent saged. Fuck it, no point.

>> No.393431

I agree
I missed that

Its listed in the rules
>Do not post instructions for how to make weapons or any device that might bring harm to a person. Think "Instructables" and "Make Magazine" not "Anarchist's Cookbook."

An absolute rule could be a bad thing.
I don't think blacksmithing should be banned.
>>388357 seems like a good /diy/ thread, knives and all
like >>393364 said, Its a grey area.
relevant: >>>/q/415509 If the context isn't DIY we can report it

yea I agree. >>391941 should not be here. moot said in the /q/ thread that we're getting a new janitor tonight. Also guilty. dunno why I posted it that thread.

>> No.393512 [DELETED] 

>An absolute rule could be a bad thing.
That's true, while the "no weapon" rule was enforced there were some very good bow and crossbow threads, should that be excluded? How I see it the rule was to stop /b/tards coming over saying "mai teacher was mean and how make her letterbomb."

>> No.393513

>An absolute rule could be a bad thing.
That's true, while the "no weapon" rule was enforced there were some very good bow and crossbow threads, should that be excluded? How I see it the rule was to stop /b/tards coming over saying "mai teacher was mean and how make her letterbomb." I suppose, there are instructables on crossbows, so maybe we could adopt some of their rules (even though I don't like that place anymore).

>> No.393531

If you have a project you think might interest us, please share it.

/diy/ recommended links: http://fourchandiy.com/w/index.php/Recommended_Reading

/diy/ is NOT a place to discuss drugs, sex toys, or weapons.
*Users will tolerate some exceptions to these rules if the subject is primarily about craftsmanship or a trade.

Happy /diy/ing
how's this look for the end?

>> No.393575

Good up to:
>/diy/ is NOT a place to discuss drugs, sex toys, or weapons.
*Users will tolerate some exceptions to these rules if the subject is primarily about craftsmanship or a trade.

I think the rules should be listed and numbered, so they are black and white.

>> No.393586 [DELETED] 

it's vague because the main purpose of the rule is to cover moots ass. pretty much anything goes as long as you're civilized about it and it's not something blatantly against the rules like hey guiz how i make pipebomb

>> No.393590

that was added because there was concern about some things like blacksmithing, restoring gun stocks ect. Not my thing but obviously valid DIY stuff.

An absolute rule would forbid this thread >>388357
I think the rules were left vague to allow for judgement calls

The keyword here is "Users", only moot can make rules and there's a page for that.

>> No.393591

Why do you care if people discuss drugs, sex toys or weapons. whyyyyyyyy do you care? I'm not understanding.
>Inb4 guns kill people drug kill people sex toys kill people.
These things are used 99.9999% of the time harm free and in a positive way.
Freedom of speech is paramount.

Also, The moderators here deal win unsuitable threads fairly quickly and do a great job.

BTW The type of ppl that actually take the time to read a sticky are not the ones who shitpost.

>> No.393605

I agree. not my idea to add it.
But, we don't want this to turn into a 420 board.

These were in the original rules and people requested them back, but it appears we won't reach a consensus on it. I think the sticky should contain things we all agree on.

It's up to moot anyway.

>> No.393611

16 or so other boards cover these topics explicitly
They just shit up /diy/

Moots speech is the only one that is paramount. No "freedom of" anything should be assumed.

>> No.393616

Well, I'm going to post it.

I'll leave this out. because it's not up to us, and opinions are divided
>/diy/ is NOT a place to discuss drugs, sex toys, or weapons.
>*Users will tolerate some exceptions to these rules if the subject is primarily about craftsmanship or a trade.

picture deleted for reuse

>> No.393619

please bump with sticky request


>> No.393631

no they don't
no they don't
no it isn't
and yes, it should.

>> No.393881

You're the kinda dickhead who tells his boss that he has a right to a cigarette break, then gets fired. The one who's always getting arrested for "no reason" when really you were telling the police how right you were.

Shut the FUCK up, and Fuck Off. We're adults in here, it's not a creche

>> No.394067

When the loophole was found in no basic sextoy threads there were at least three bdsm threads going all the time. How is this not shitting up the board?

>> No.394151

>please bump with weakly worded, limp wristed sticky request. By all means add a line begging for criminally deviant shitposting weaponeers, junkies & rapists.

That will make /diy/ better now, Won't it ?

>> No.394174
File: 18 KB, 309x400, ant2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the type who lacks common sense and gets upset hearing the truth.
Your incorrect assumptions and flawed judgement stem from your low intelligence, and render you incapable of free thought.
You live in a cesspool of confusion and misery and its my PRIVILEGE to put an ant in his place.
I'm your worst nightmare, and it makes me feel all tingly inside.
I pity you.

Tl:dr: You're thought process is flawed, faggot.

>> No.394191

I'm not that guy, I don't like 'em either but I think absolute rules go against the principle of a creative board. I kinda view those threads as side effects.
How can things like black smithing, making a gun stock or an archery target be allowed with an absolute ban on weapons?
I even think getting help with wiring for something that it's obviously going to be used to grow pot is a valid /diy/ topic.
Where exactly is the line?
I'm all for vague rules to give the janitors wiggle room to make these judgement calls. That way allowing a thread about black smithing can be viewed as leniency rather than having totalitarian rules that might stifle creativity.

It easy to criticize when you're hiding behind a wall that hides your own ideas. Drop the shield, let's see what you got. Enlighten us.
>benefit of the doubt

>> No.394217

I suppose your right, but it was originally intended to stop a bunch of morons asking how to make a fleshlight over and over.

Are you joking? This is "I graduated top in my class at the navy seals" kind of stuff. I am almost certain you are trolling and whether you are or not you certainly proved him and the purpose of the thread right.

>> No.394234

> implying your not samefag and this thread has a purpose

>> No.394278

>implying I am
>you wouldn't know as you have only been shitposting for the past month tops

>> No.394287

IMO is not that is a bad thing, is not that drugs are bad, that weapons kill babies and rape your dogs, is not against sex toys.

Is the kind of people who ask for that shit and how many of those are on 4chan. Im sure lots of /diy/ers smoke weed and stuff, but you will end with 5 of those threads at day being bump every 5 minutes, even when it was banned (i think is still banned) to talk about it they couldnt understand that it was forbidden, and you end with one of those threads at least once a day.

"hey guys how can i make a pipe?"
"what can i use to masturbate"
"I want to make a bomb what can i use?"
These people need to fuck off

"Is this wood ok for a pipe?"
"using beer cans is ok for making thermite?"
"Is every latex safe to use on skin?"
Kind of ok, but you have google.

"i keep having trouble with the weed im growing, do you guys think that leds are good for indoors hidroponic bla bla bla"
"i have bein using this mix of thermite without good results, im not sure if is the quality of the aluminum since i only have acces to beer cans, any suggestions?"
"Im having troubles with my goat cyborg, everytime that vibrates too much overheat and i cant keep fucking it, any recommendations, im using an Arduino bla bla"
those maybe Good threads.

>> No.394310

What kind of rules could be put in place to prevent the former but allow the later?

>> No.394318


>> No.394338

Be as specific as you can.
Try to use pictures
Tools you have
Money willing to spend on the project
Goal of the project
If you are trying to make something with junk, remember that is junk,

something like that. i think at least 50% of the threads can be solved using google, giving information as materials, money, skill, and tools. will reduce the thread considerably.

-how can i make fire?"
-use a lighter
-dont have one
-dont have one
-dont have one
... well bitch what do you have?

>> No.394368
File: 97 KB, 399x700, ripenstn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling valid points and truism's shitposting
I was joking when I wrote >>394174, but it does apply to you. Not everyone in life is gonna agree with you bro. Its a part of life.You have to learn to accept other people point of view. Its called having an open mind. If you haven't learned that in your 50+ years, I don't know what else to tell you. All is lost i guess..

Yours truly,
Concerned Citizen

>> No.395649

Moots said 'janitors a go-go' for /diy/

But I'm beginning to believe that 4chan generally & /diy/ specifically are just social experiments designed to:

test levels of comprehension / retardation in OP's /shitposters

test levels of pissed off-ed-ness in genuine contributors

BTW where'd the "homeless Boca Florida guy popped by uni cops" thread go ?

>> No.396365

This, so much .

Also, as
pointed out:

>If you have a question, people help you.
>if its a stupid question people tell you to fuck off while helping you.

>> No.396374

All right, let's do this then. A poll.
5 of our latest threads.

1) FL "anon" getting shot.
2) The white-painted guitar post.
3) gunstocks
4) "how do pipe"
5) "I have no clue what to do with these things"

What's Anon's opinions on these different posts? Here's mine:
1) This is the reason the report button was made, and the reason we need someone lurking who can ban. Tenuously connected to /diy/ at best, and nothing more than an anti-establishment tantrum.
2) Time to sage and hide. I'm a big fan of music and guitar posts, but OP made it abundantly clear that he didn't want informed opinions and only wanted one idea and some back-patting, and when he didn't get it, he went on the offensive.
3) If it's on the craft on gunstocks, sure. If it drifts to high-capacity magazines, not so much. If it (inevitably) shifts to /k/ or /pol/ jargon, report.
4) Crafting? yes. tobacco? great! Weed? hide and sage, personally. /420/ sounding board? report.
5) google first, then fuck off. Take a whack at making your question sound somewhat scholarly. Rewording your question to make it sound like you have a real interest in the subject, specific points that you would like to see answered, and have some backing information.

As /diy/, if we're serious about making this board tight, we need to come up with how we feel and respond to these sort of things. We need to know our POV, and when the POV is straying from the concept this board represents.

>> No.396377

My opinion is the board is OK.
My opinion is its fags like you, who are so out of touch with reality, don't belong here and need to go find another place to complain.

>> No.396445
File: 44 KB, 1632x1224, hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heavy contributor here. (mainly electronics and home repair handyman type things)

1)??? must have tuned it out. /b/ skilz
2)Saw the pic, not my thing, moved on
3)Craftsmanship. probably a great thread. Again not my thing
4)A little annoying, especially if it's plastic bottle crap. Still, as long as we aren't flooded with these threads, I'm ok with it. Some young stoner might actually develop a DIY interest. Pipes are probably one of the first things I ever made.
5)I'm divided on this. On one hand, who want's to help someone who doesn't have enough interest to do a little work or research.
On the other hand, sometimes the amount of information to be found on something can be overwhelming. Once I asked /diy/ for a code sample to blink an arduino LED in a related thread just out of curiosity. I didn't want to wade through all the stuff (I had months earlier) just to give me an idea of how complicated starting out might be. Amid the "did you even go to this page", "Google, dumbass" "people like you...". ect. someone posted the code. It looked simple enough and caught my interest. I've since shared my projects with /diy/ and saw at least one other person become interested because of them.

>google first, then fuck off. Take a whack at making your question sound somewhat scholarly.
This kind of reply pisses me off more than anything else here. Beginners who might develop a genuine interest are discouraged from the start. Just ignore them. If you must respond, at least be somewhat polite and don't treat them like they are the one who made all the threads like that.

This is a creative board, creativity can be anything.
<pic related, I felt bad for joining in on the smartass replies and have since made it a point to not be such an asshole here. There are other boards to express myself in that manner.

>> No.396466

>As /diy/, if we're serious about making this board tight
No, no we are not. 4chan is not the place where people go to experience a tight environment. Go to a DIY forum, register an account, and enjoy everything being moderated completely if that's your thing. It's definitely not what 4chan is for. Here the policy is "ignore things you don't like". Obvious rule offenses like spam, of course, do need to be reported, but a thread simply not meeting all of your made-up quality standards is no reason to have it deleted, more than often even the shittier threads spark some good, interesting discussion, and the very shitty ones just don't get responses.

>> No.396468

1 year lurker, occasional poster here
I haven't got an amount of knowledge over this board that is close to all of the old guys but what I can say is that over the time I've been coming here, there have been several times where threads tended to get a bit repetative. I don't really get why now everyone gets so excited over it.
Sure, the board could use a sticky and a few mods but thats more of a general thing.

>> No.396474

> 4) Crafting? yes. tobacco? great! Weed? hide and sage, personally. /420/ sounding board? report.
What I really don't get is why everyone's getting so butthurt over weed releated threads.
I find it much worse if /diy/ers give instructions on how to build weapons.