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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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391372 No.391372 [Reply] [Original]

Hey DIY,

You know how the (silk-screened?) ink on cheap t-shirts cracks in the drier? How can I prevent this? I was thinking scotch-guard or a mild spray-on adhesive of some sort but I'm not sure if those would hurt the shirt.

I've fond instructions on how to do this during the silk screening process but nothing for afterward. Do I just have to carefully air-dry forever?

>> No.391390

i too want to kmow

>> No.391393

I don't have a way to prevent it but I have a not so good way of covering it up. I remember using a black sharpie on black screened clothes. It wasn't noticeable unless you really looked at it

>> No.391396

Turn them inside-out when you dry them. Kinda helps.

>> No.391403

just dry it at air, the drier tend to fuck up plastic things

>> No.391406

and this, avoid direct contact with the heat

>> No.391414

Turn your shirts inside out when washing them, then dry them either on low heat or on a drying rack.

>> No.391416

set your dryer to low heat, or air dry them on a clothesline

>> No.391426

>How can I prevent this?
Line-dry them only.