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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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388185 No.388185 [Reply] [Original]

/diy/, here's a new one: Laboratory/workshop equipment thread!
My university will be giving me (and the other members of the newly-formed maker society) some lab space within a couple weeks. So, we've got to stock it with stuff. We'll be working on everything from electronics to light woodworking to programming to robotics, or even just taking things apart. Sort of a hackerspace.
So, besides the obvious: What should a good workshop/lab be stocked with? We haven't got much funding, but we're resourceful.

>> No.388200
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>> No.388232

tools? I guess. The point isn't financing projects, right? So let them bring their own parts/wood/whatever and supply the tools.

>> No.388399

Nobody has anything, though. That's why we're setting this up, so we can pool our resources together with limited access to the university's resources.
Good idea, I had forgotten to put those little drawers on the list.

>> No.388419

>maker society
You had me until this. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are the cancer that is ruining the entire universe.

>> No.388420

>university students who love to build things setting up a workshop in which to do so
>cancer ruining the universe
Say what?

Don't forget a Dremel, very versatile and useful tool.

>> No.388426

Until you have a specific project in mind, I don't think you should buy anything.

>> No.388429

>Implying you need some retarded label if you do such mystical things as creating items.
>Implying that's not the cancer ruining the universe.
Stay denial, universecanceranon.

>> No.388437

You are irrelevant.

>> No.388439

>Someone calls out faggot on faggotry.
>you are irrelevant.jpg
>This is why the world is such a shitty place nowadays - feel good liberal faggoty snowflake shit.
You know I'm right. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

>> No.388443

I bet you have a logo with spanners and gears, and little merit badges to give out to each other when you learn how to use hotglue or a screwdriver for the first time.

>> No.388452

No logo, no badges. Just 7 engineering students who like to build things and who decided to form a club so the university would give us some workshop space.
Christ, what the hell is wrong with all of you?
/diy/ has changed.

>> No.388460
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yea, it has. The trolls have came

>> No.388467

How much money do you have to spend? It's kind of important.

>> No.388471

You need to be more specific in what you want to do. You could fill up an entire shop with the different tools.
For wood working it would be nice to get a planer, drill press, band saw, maybe a lathe and loads of different hand tools. To me shops aren't really meant to be a catchall sort of deal, you have shit you use for a specific task.
For electrical all you would really need it the stuff to put it together.
Protip: take a course in this shit at a community college and look at all the stuff they have there.

>> No.388484
File: 940 KB, 3264x1840, 2012-07-27_18-24-01_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our robotics lab had a drill press and a scroll saw, we also had a sort of PCB etcher we used to cut wood.
We also had a few O-scopes, power supplies and function generators.

And a shit ton of outlets.

In terms of a minimum requirement, I'd get a dremel with a few attachments, an old O-scope and a bunch of power strips.

>> No.388485

Not much. We were told that if we needed anything, to ask for it, but that they didn't have much to give us. We weren't given an exact figure.

The university has a machine tool shop with big tools like a drill press, band saw, and lathe. We don't have access to it very often though, the shop supervisor is very picky about who gets to use it. So I am thinking that we'll keep a small stock of light tools. Somebody mentioned a dremel, that's the right idea. I was also thinking a drill and set of bits, handsaw, hand planer, that sort of stuff.
Electrical stuff, we have access to the storage "dungeon" of the engineering department, containing a great deal of electronic equipment dating back to WWII. Breadboards, power supplies, analog 'scopes, good stuff. There are also huge piles of stuff I don't have the time to go through, but if I ask specifically for something I need, they'll know where to find it.

>> No.388489
File: 101 KB, 640x426, Photo on 4-10-12 at 11.30 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineering dungeon....my jealousy to no end...sounds like that'd be everything I used in my personal "lab" when developing Audiobot :D

>> No.388502


agree with this

>> No.388573

OP: How many anons total will be involved (not necessarily how many will be in there at one time or another) ?

How much sq footage of space ?

If cramped, Try not to duplicate stuff (tools) that you can share.

Soon one of you will prove to be a slob, at least to the others who may be too meticulous

Roll with it & have fun

>> No.388585

We've got about seven people interested now. This number might grow to ten or so.
At the moment I'm not sure how cramped it will be. I haven't actually seen the lab yet, still waiting for them to grant me access to it.