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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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38428 No.38428 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone has a tip on how to reduce the dust level in your room without expansive equipment? Also, if a chalkboard is in my room, is there a way for me to get rid of the chalk dust that is floating in the air and on the furniture without the expansive equipment?

>> No.38432

By vacuuming every week.

>> No.38434

Vacuuming works wonders

>> No.38435

Also get rid of the chalkboard if the dust is a problem.

>> No.38437


>without expansive equipment
by sweeping every week

>> No.38444
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Usually an Ionizer helps.

>> No.38450

Get an Ionizer - it pulls the dust out of the air and dumps it into water. It'll be gross for the first couple of weeks, but it does help.

Failing that, you could try, y'know, vacuuming.

>> No.38466



>> No.38497

Join the glorious glassboard race, whiteboard scum.

>> No.38501

how do you keep a house dust-free if you're too lazy to vacuum often?

>> No.38509


with what can you write on glassboard?

>> No.38521

Howzabout a ghetto aircleaner?

1) 20" box fan (USD $15.00, maybe you already have one)
1) 20x20x1 cheap ass air filter (USD $5.00 or less)
2) Bungee cords or similar, 18 inch length or whatever

Now the cheap box fans sometimes don't move a lot of air as they are designed to run while you sleep and stuff. Avoid those. Find one that moves hellallotta air - usually these are noisy bastards.

Attach filter to fan with bungees. Run at highspeed. Move stuff around as much as possible in room, thump on pillows, shake curtains, etc. to get dust moving. Leave fan running, pointing at wall so air is forced to circulate. Do this every day for a week and most of the existing dust will be absorbed by filter.

Then you can put fan away. Normal dusting and vacuuming will keep the dust down, eventually the soft items in the room need to be shaken out again so pull out fan and repeat.

I do this to catch the damn cat hair in my basement - it's pretty big, not possible to vacuum every spot around the woodworking machinery and crap piled up - so I get two of these fans going and use the blower part of a shop vac to stir up the air, then I close the door and split for a while. It works really well for me.

>> No.38949


>> No.39141

if you have vent heating, stick a dryer sheet in the vents to collect dust every week.

>> No.40290

You can reduce chalkdust build up, if you put a narrow halfpipe with water under it. The dust that will fall there when writing wont flow to the air again. Also better get one of those fancy pencil boards.

>> No.40303

Dry erase markers

>> No.40323

The same thing you write on a whiteboard with, genius.

>> No.40346

Im also struggling with dust around my computer desk and the computer itself.

I have an air purifier designed for a room slightly larger than mine, but it doesnt seem to do anything to the dust. It does have an ionizer in it but what it does it ionizes the dust and makes it actually stick on surfaces even worse, so it actually just eases the wiping/vacuuming of it but doesnt reduce it. That is why I dont use the ionizer on it but having it running 24/7 in my room has not reduced dust build up at all.

>> No.40363

As said in another thread, set up a fan with duct tape over it; EG: Sticky part to the inside. That way, any dust that goes through the fan, with get stickied to the tape.

When the tape gets gunky, you remove & replace lol.

Easiest way.

>> No.40654

is that tge glass with the lights on it so what you write glows. Where would i find these?

>> No.40658

Here! A DIY guide!

>> No.40811

OP, don't buy anything fucking expensive, like this shit>>38444
Just get a fan, and duct tape. Put the tape on the edges of the fan blades, then run the fan. When the tape gets covered in dust, remove and replace with fresh duct tape.

Viola, cheap as fuck air filter, that works just as good.

As for the chalk board, just clean it with a damp cloth on a regular basis.